%%BoundingBox: 0 0 551 189
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%%Creator: KDE 3.1.92 (alpha2, CVS >= 20030921)
%%CreationDate: Sat Sep 27 14:33:09 2003
%%Orientation: Portrait
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% Prolog copyright 1994-2003 Trolltech. You may copy this prolog in any way
% that is directly related to this document. For other use of this prolog,
% see your licensing agreement for Qt.
/d/def load def/D{bind d}bind d/d2{dup dup}D/B{0 d2}D/W{255 d2}D/ED{exch d}D
/D0{0 ED}D/LT{lineto}D/MT{moveto}D/S{stroke}D/F{setfont}D/SW{setlinewidth}D
/TR{translate}D/SD{setdash}D/SC{aload pop setrgbcolor}D/CR{currentfile read
pop}D/i{index}D/bs{bitshift}D/scs{setcolorspace}D/DB{dict dup begin}D/DE{end
d}D/ie{ifelse}D/sp{astore pop}D/BSt 0 d/LWi 1 d/PSt 1 d/Cx 0 d/Cy 0 d/WFi
false d/OMo false d/BCol[1 1 1]d/PCol[0 0 0]d/BkCol[1 1 1]d/BDArr[0.94 0.88
0.63 0.50 0.37 0.12 0.06]d/defM matrix d/nS 0 d/GPS{PSt 1 ge PSt 5 le and{{
LArr PSt 1 sub 2 mul get}{LArr PSt 2 mul 1 sub get}ie}{[]}ie}D/QS{PSt 0 ne{
gsave LWi SW true GPS 0 SD S OMo PSt 1 ne and{BkCol SC false GPS dup 0 get
SD S}if grestore}if}D/r28{{CR dup 32 gt{exit}if pop}loop 3{CR}repeat 0 4{7
bs exch dup 128 gt{84 sub}if 42 sub 127 and add}repeat}D/rA 0 d/rL 0 d/rB{rL
0 eq{/rA r28 d/rL 28 d}if dup rL gt{rA exch rL sub rL exch/rA 0 d/rL 0 d rB
exch bs add}{dup rA 16#fffffff 3 -1 roll bs not and exch dup rL exch sub/rL
ED neg rA exch bs/rA ED}ie}D/uc{/rL 0 d 0{dup 2 i length ge{exit}if 1 rB 1
eq{3 rB dup 3 ge{1 add dup rB 1 i 5 ge{1 i 6 ge{1 i 7 ge{1 i 8 ge{128 add}if
64 add}if 32 add}if 16 add}if 3 add exch pop}if 3 add exch 10 rB 1 add{dup 3
i lt{dup}{2 i}ie 4 i 3 i 3 i sub 2 i getinterval 5 i 4 i 3 -1 roll
putinterval dup 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll 4 -1 roll exch sub dup 0 eq{exit}if 3
1 roll}loop pop pop}{3 rB 1 add{2 copy 8 rB put 1 add}repeat}ie}loop pop}D
/sl D0/QCIgray D0/QCIcolor D0/QCIindex D0/QCI{/colorimage where{pop false 3
colorimage}{exec/QCIcolor ED/QCIgray QCIcolor length 3 idiv string d 0 1
QCIcolor length 3 idiv 1 sub{/QCIindex ED/x QCIindex 3 mul d QCIgray
QCIindex QCIcolor x get 0.30 mul QCIcolor x 1 add get 0.59 mul QCIcolor x 2
add get 0.11 mul add add cvi put}for QCIgray image}ie}D/di{gsave TR 1 i 1 eq
{false eq{pop true 3 1 roll 4 i 4 i false 4 i 4 i imagemask BkCol SC
imagemask}{pop false 3 1 roll imagemask}ie}{dup false ne{/languagelevel
where{pop languagelevel 3 ge}{false}ie}{false}ie{/ma ED 8 eq{/dc[0 1]d
/DeviceGray}{/dc[0 1 0 1 0 1]d/DeviceRGB}ie scs/im ED/mt ED/h ED/w ED/id 7
DB/ImageType 1 d/Width w d/Height h d/ImageMatrix mt d/DataSource im d
/BitsPerComponent 8 d/Decode dc d DE/md 7 DB/ImageType 1 d/Width w d/Height
h d/ImageMatrix mt d/DataSource ma d/BitsPerComponent 1 d/Decode[0 1]d DE 4
DB/ImageType 3 d/DataDict id d/MaskDict md d/InterleaveType 3 d end image}{
pop 8 4 1 roll 8 eq{image}{QCI}ie}ie}ie grestore}d/BF{gsave BSt 1 eq{BCol SC
WFi{fill}{eofill}ie}if BSt 2 ge BSt 8 le and{BDArr BSt 2 sub get/sc ED BCol{
1. exch sub sc mul 1. exch sub}forall 3 array astore SC WFi{fill}{eofill}ie}
if BSt 9 ge BSt 14 le and{WFi{clip}{eoclip}ie defM SM pathbbox 3 i 3 i TR 4
2 roll 3 2 roll exch sub/h ED sub/w ED OMo{NP 0 0 MT 0 h RL w 0 RL 0 h neg
RL CP BkCol SC fill}if BCol SC 0.3 SW NP BSt 9 eq BSt 11 eq or{0 4 h{dup 0
exch MT w exch LT}for}if BSt 10 eq BSt 11 eq or{0 4 w{dup 0 MT h LT}for}if
BSt 12 eq BSt 14 eq or{w h gt{0 6 w h add{dup 0 MT h sub h LT}for}{0 6 w h
add{dup 0 exch MT w sub w exch LT}for}ie}if BSt 13 eq BSt 14 eq or{w h gt{0
6 w h add{dup h MT h sub 0 LT}for}{0 6 w h add{dup w exch MT w sub 0 exch LT
}for}ie}if S}if BSt 24 eq{}if grestore}D/mat matrix d/ang1 D0/ang2 D0/w D0/h
D0/x D0/y D0/ARC{/ang2 ED/ang1 ED/h ED/w ED/y ED/x ED mat CM pop x w 2 div
add y h 2 div add TR 1 h w div neg scale ang2 0 ge{0 0 w 2 div ang1 ang1
ang2 add arc}{0 0 w 2 div ang1 ang1 ang2 add arcn}ie mat SM}D/C D0/P{NP MT
0.5 0.5 rmoveto 0 -1 RL -1 0 RL 0 1 RL CP fill}D/M{/Cy ED/Cx ED}D/L{NP Cx Cy
MT/Cy ED/Cx ED Cx Cy LT QS}D/DL{NP MT LT QS}D/HL{1 i DL}D/VL{2 i exch DL}D/R
{/h ED/w ED/y ED/x ED NP x y MT 0 h RL w 0 RL 0 h neg RL CP BF QS}D/ACR{/h
ED/w ED/y ED/x ED x y MT 0 h RL w 0 RL 0 h neg RL CP}D/xr D0/yr D0/rx D0/ry
D0/rx2 D0/ry2 D0/RR{/yr ED/xr ED/h ED/w ED/y ED/x ED xr 0 le yr 0 le or{x y
w h R}{xr 100 ge yr 100 ge or{x y w h E}{/rx xr w mul 200 div d/ry yr h mul
200 div d/rx2 rx 2 mul d/ry2 ry 2 mul d NP x rx add y MT x y rx2 ry2 180 -90
x y h add ry2 sub rx2 ry2 270 -90 x w add rx2 sub y h add ry2 sub rx2 ry2 0
-90 x w add rx2 sub y rx2 ry2 90 -90 ARC ARC ARC ARC CP BF QS}ie}ie}D/E{/h
ED/w ED/y ED/x ED mat CM pop x w 2 div add y h 2 div add TR 1 h w div scale
NP 0 0 w 2 div 0 360 arc mat SM BF QS}D/A{16 div exch 16 div exch NP ARC QS}
D/PIE{/ang2 ED/ang1 ED/h ED/w ED/y ED/x ED NP x w 2 div add y h 2 div add MT
x y w h ang1 16 div ang2 16 div ARC CP BF QS}D/CH{16 div exch 16 div exch NP
ARC CP BF QS}D/BZ{curveto QS}D/CRGB{255 div 3 1 roll 255 div 3 1 roll 255
div 3 1 roll}D/BC{CRGB BkCol sp}D/BR{CRGB BCol sp/BSt ED}D/WB{1 W BR}D/NB{0
B BR}D/PE{setlinejoin setlinecap CRGB PCol sp/LWi ED/PSt ED LWi 0 eq{0.25
/LWi ED}if PCol SC}D/P1{1 0 5 2 roll 0 0 PE}D/ST{defM SM concat}D/MF{true
exch true exch{exch pop exch pop dup 0 get dup findfont dup/FontName get 3
-1 roll eq{exit}if}forall exch dup 1 get/fxscale ED 2 get/fslant ED exch
/fencoding ED[fxscale 0 fslant 1 0 0]makefont fencoding false eq{}{dup
maxlength dict begin{1 i/FID ne{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall/Encoding
fencoding d currentdict end}ie definefont pop}D/MFEmb{findfont dup length
dict begin{1 i/FID ne{d}{pop pop}ifelse}forall/Encoding ED currentdict end
definefont pop}D/DF{findfont/fs 3 -1 roll d[fs 0 0 fs -1 mul 0 0]makefont d}
D/ty 0 d/Y{/ty ED}D/Tl{gsave SW NP 1 i exch MT 1 i 0 RL S grestore}D/XYT{ty
MT/xyshow where{pop pop xyshow}{exch pop 1 i dup length 2 div exch
stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll exch sub exch div exch 0 exch ashow}ie}D/AT{ty MT
1 i dup length 2 div exch stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll exch sub exch div exch 0
exch ashow}D/QI{/C save d pageinit/Cx 0 d/Cy 0 d/OMo false d}D/QP{C restore
showpage}D/SPD{/setpagedevice where{1 DB 3 1 roll d end setpagedevice}{pop
pop}ie}D/SV{BSt LWi PSt Cx Cy WFi OMo BCol PCol BkCol/nS nS 1 add d gsave}D
/RS{nS 0 gt{grestore/BkCol ED/PCol ED/BCol ED/OMo ED/WFi ED/Cy ED/Cx ED/PSt
ED/LWi ED/BSt ED/nS nS 1 sub d}if}D/CLSTART{/clipTmp matrix CM d defM SM NP}
D/CLEND{clip NP clipTmp SM}D/CLO{grestore gsave defM SM}D

/LArr[ [] [] [ 10.416 3.125 ] [ 3.125 10.416 ] [ 3.125 3.125 ] [ 3.125 3.125 ] [ 5.208 3.125 3.125 3.125 ] [ 3.125 5.208 3.125 3.125 ] [ 5.208 3.125 3.125 3.125 3.125 ] [ 3.125 5.208 3.125 3.125 3.125 3.125 ] ] d
/pageinit {
35.52 24 translate
% 185*280mm (portrait)
0 793.92 translate 0.96 -0.96 scale/defM matrix CM d } d
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[1 0 0 1 -36 631]ST
B P1
/mask 6555 string uc
/sl 52345 string uc
551 95[1 0 0 1 0 0]sl 8 mask 0 0 di
/mask 6486 string uc
/sl 51794 string uc
551 94[1 0 0 1 0 0]sl 8 mask 0 95 di

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