KcmShareDlg /****************************************************************************** * * * This file is part of KSambaPlugin. * * * * KSambaPlugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * KSambaPlugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with KSambaPlugin; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * * ******************************************************************************/ KcmShareDlg 0 0 706 535 Add/Edit Share true unnamed 11 6 _tabs Top baseTab &Base Settings unnamed Layout52 unnamed 0 6 pixmapFrame Box Sunken unnamed 11 6 directoryPixLbl 0 0 0 0 Pixmap true directoryGrp D&irectory unnamed 11 6 Layout2 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 true &Path: pathUrlRq pathUrlRq true homeChk Share all home &directories identifierGrp Iden&tifier unnamed 11 6 Lbl_shareName Na&me: shareNameEdit TextLabel3 Comme&nt: commentEdit commentEdit shareNameEdit GroupBox4 Main P&roperties unnamed 11 6 readOnlyBaseChk Read onl&y true publicBaseChk Pub&lic browseableBaseChk Bro&wseable availableBaseChk A&vailable Spacer42 Vertical Expanding 20 90 securityTab &Security unnamed 11 6 groupBox19 Gu&ests unnamed 11 6 guestAccountCombo Spacer27 Horizontal Expanding 50 20 guestAccountLbl false &Guest account: guestAccountCombo This is a username which will be used for access to services which are specified as guest ok. Whatever privileges this user has will be available to any client connecting to the guest service. Typically this user will exist in the password file, but will not have a valid login. The user account \"ftp\" is often a good choice for this parameter. If a username is specified in a given service, the specified username overrides this one. guestOnlyChk false Only allow guest connect&ions If this is checked , then no password is required to connect to the service. Privileges will be those of the guest account. groupBox18 Hos&ts unnamed 11 6 hostsDenyEdit The opposite of hosts allow - hosts listed here are NOT permitted access to services unless the specific services have their own lists to override this one. Where the lists conflict, the allow list takes precedence. TextLabel5 Hosts allo&w: hostsAllowEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel6 Hosts &deny: hostsDenyEdit The opposite of hosts allow - hosts listed here are NOT permitted access to services unless the specific services have their own lists to override this one. Where the lists conflict, the allow list takes precedence. hostsAllowEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. groupBox17 Sy&mbolic Links unnamed 11 6 followSymlinksChk Allow following of symbolic lin&ks wideLinksChk false Allow following of symbolic links that &point to areas outside the directory tree TextLabel2_4_2 <qt>Validate password against the following usernames if the client cannot supply a username:</qt> userNameEdit userNameEdit onlyUserChk Only allow connections with use&rnames specified in this username list If this is checked , then no password is required to connect to the service. Privileges will be those of the guest account. Spacer31 Vertical Expanding 20 20 hiddenFilesTab Hidden &Files unnamed 11 6 Name true true Hidden true true Veto true true Veto Oplock true true Size true true Date true true Permissions true true Owner true true Group true true hiddenListView true selGrpBx Se&lected Files unnamed 11 6 hiddenChk Hi&de vetoChk &Veto vetoOplockChk Veto oploc&k GroupBox13_2 &Manual Configuration unnamed 11 6 layout18 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel2_2 Ve&to files: vetoEdit TextLabel2_2_2 Veto oplock f&iles: vetoOplockEdit hiddenEdit vetoOplockEdit vetoEdit TextLabel1_3 Hidde&n files: hiddenEdit layout52 unnamed 0 6 hideUnwriteableFilesChk Hide un&writable files hideSpecialFilesChk Hide s&pecial files hideDotFilesChk Hide files startin&g with a dot hideUnreadableChk Hide un&readable files advancedTab &Advanced unnamed 11 6 advancedFrame StyledPanel Raised Frame26 HLine Sunken Layout92 unnamed 0 6 PixmapLabel1 0 0 0 0 true TextLabel1_4 1 Here you can change advanced options of the SAMBA server. Only change something if you know what you are doing. advancedDumpTabPage Advanced Dump unnamed advancedDumpTab tab Security unnamed 0 GroupBox11_2 Force Modes unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2_3_2_2_2_2 Forc&e directory security mode: forceDirectorySecurityModeEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel5_2_3_2_3 Fo&rce security mode: forceSecurityModeEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel5_2_3_2_2_3 Force director&y mode: forceDirectoryModeEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel5_2_3_3 Force create mo&de: forceCreateModeEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. forceDirectoryModeBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... forceDirectorySecurityModeBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... forceCreateModeEdit 40 0 01234567 forceSecurityModeEdit 40 0 01234567 forceDirectoryModeEdit 40 0 01234567 forceDirectorySecurityModeEdit 40 0 01234567 forceSecurityModeBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... forceCreateModeBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... Spacer62 Vertical Expanding 20 16 GroupBox10_2 Masks unnamed 11 6 TextLabel5_2_4_2_2_2 Directory security mask: directorySecurityMaskEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel5_2_4_3 Security &mask: securityMaskEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. TextLabel5_2_4_2_3 Direc&tory mask: directoryMaskEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. securityMaskBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... directoryMaskBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... directorySecurityMaskBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... securityMaskEdit 40 0 01234567 directoryMaskEdit 40 0 01234567 directorySecurityMaskEdit 40 0 01234567 TextLabel5_2_2 Create mas&k: createMaskEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. createMaskEdit 40 0 01234567 createMaskBtn 1 1 0 0 20 0 ... groupBox56 ACL unnamed 11 6 profileAclsChk &Profile acls inheritAclsChk Inherit ac&ls ntAclSupportChk &NT ACL support true TextLabel5_2_2_2 Force unkno&wn acl user: forceUnknownAclUserEdit This parameter is a comma, space, or tab delimited set of hosts which are permitted to access a service. mapAclInheritChk Map acl &inherit forceUnknownAclUserEdit 40 0 01234567 groupBox58 General unnamed 11 6 inheritPermissionsChk Inherit permissions from parent directory deleteReadonlyChk Allow deletion of readonly files groupBox57 DOS Attribute Mapping unnamed 11 6 mapArchiveChk Map DOS archi&ve to UNIX owner execute mapHiddenChk Map DOS hidden to UNI&X world execute mapSystemChk Map DOS system to UNIX &group execute storeDosAttributesChk Store DOS attributes onto extended attribute groupBox76 OS/2 unnamed eaSupportChk OS/2 style extended attributes support tab Tuning unnamed 0 6 syncAlwaysChk false Sync al&ways strictSyncChk Strict s&ync strictAllocateChk St&rict allocate useSendfileChk Use sen&dfile Spacer53 Vertical Expanding 20 120 textLabel1 Bloc&k size: blockSizeSpin textLabel3 Client-side cachin&g policy: cscPolicyCombo TextLabel1_7_2 bytes TextLabel5_3_2_2 Write cache si&ze: writeCacheSizeSpin manual documents programs disable cscPolicyCombo Spacer55 Horizontal Expanding 143 16 TextLabel1_7 bytes maxConnectionsSpin UpDownArrows 2147483647 blockSizeSpin UpDownArrows 2147483647 TextLabel5_3_4 &Maximum number of simultaneous connections: maxConnectionsSpin writeCacheSizeSpin UpDownArrows 2147483647 tab Filenames Layout54 330 1 323 270 unnamed 0 6 GroupBox9 7 5 0 0 Other Options unnamed hideTrailingDotChk Hide traili&ng dot GroupBox15 DOS unnamed 11 6 dosFilemodeChk &DOS file mode dosFiletimesChk DOS f&ile times dosFiletimeResolutionChk DOS file time resolution Spacer61 Vertical Expanding 20 30 152 277 20 119 GroupBox5 1 1 323 270 5 5 0 0 Name Mangling TextLabel3_2_2 11 179 168 24 5 5 0 0 Mangling cha&r: manglingCharEdit Layout14 185 179 127 24 unnamed 0 6 manglingCharEdit 40 32767 Spacer40_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 TextLabel1_5 11 209 168 22 Mangled ma&p: mangledMapEdit mangledMapEdit 185 209 127 22 mangledNamesChk 11 21 168 20 Enable na&me mangling mangleCaseChk 11 47 168 20 Man&gle case textLabel2 11 237 168 22 Mangling method: manglingMethodCombo hash hash2 manglingMethodCombo 185 237 127 22 preserveCaseChk 10 70 168 20 Preser&ve case true shortPreserveCaseChk 10 90 168 20 Short pr&eserve case TextLabel2_3 10 150 168 22 Defau&lt case: defaultCaseCombo Lower Upper defaultCaseCombo 185 151 127 22 1 0 0 0 Automatic Yes No caseSensitiveCombo 185 121 127 22 1 0 0 0 TextLabel2_3_3 10 120 168 22 Case sensi&tive: caseSensitiveCombo tab Locking unnamed 0 Spacer51 Vertical Expanding 20 20 groupBox47 false Box Locki&ng unnamed 11 6 oplocksChk Issue oppo&rtunistic locks (oplocks) groupBox59 O&plocks unnamed oplockContentionLimitSpin UpDownArrows 2147483647 spacer23 Horizontal Expanding 299 20 TextLabel5_3_3_2_2 Oplock contention li&mit: oplockContentionLimitSpin level2OplocksChk Le&vel2 oplocks fakeOplocksChk Fak&e oplocks true shareModesChk Share mo&des posixLockingChk Posi&x locking layout9 unnamed TextLabel2_3_2 S&trict locking: strictLockingCombo Automatic Yes No strictLockingCombo 1 0 0 0 spacer15 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 blockingLocksChk Blockin&g locks lockingChk Enable lock&ing tab VFS unnamed 0 6 Spacer14 Vertical Expanding 20 260 vfsObjectsEdit TextLabel1_6 Vfs ob&jects: vfsObjectsEdit TextLabel1_6_2 Vfs o&ptions: vfsOptionsEdit vfsOptionsEdit tab Exec unnamed 0 6 preexecCloseChk preexec c&lose rootPreexecCloseChk root pree&xec close Spacer16 Vertical Expanding 16 284 TextLabel4 Pos&texec: rootPreexecEdit TextLabel5_2 Root pr&eexec: postexecEdit TextLabel2 P&reexec: preexecEdit preexecEdit TextLabel5_2_4 Root &postexec: rootPostexecEdit postexecEdit rootPreexecEdit rootPostexecEdit tab Misc unnamed 0 Spacer15 Vertical Expanding 20 50 TextLabel6_2_2 Fst&ype: fstypeEdit fstypeEdit magicScriptEdit TextLabel6_2_3 Ma&gic script: magicScriptEdit TextLabel6_2 &Volume: volumeEdit magicOutputEdit TextLabel6_2_2_2 Mag&ic output: magicOutputEdit fakeDirectoryCreateTimesChk Fa&ke directory create times msdfsRootChk Ms&dfs root setDirectoryChk Setdir command allo&wed TextLabel6_2_3_2 Do &not descend: dontDescendEdit dontDescendEdit TextLabel6_2_3_2_2 Msdfs pro&xy: msdfsProxyEdit msdfsProxyEdit volumeEdit Layout1 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonCancel clicked() KcmShareDlg reject() shareNameEdit textChanged(const TQString&) KcmShareDlg checkValues() buttonOk clicked() KcmShareDlg accept() homeChk toggled(bool) KcmShareDlg homeChkToggled(bool) strictSyncChk toggled(bool) syncAlwaysChk setEnabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) forceCreateModeEdit setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) forceCreateModeBtn setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) forceDirectoryModeEdit setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) forceDirectoryModeBtn setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) createMaskEdit setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) createMaskBtn setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) directoryMaskEdit setDisabled(bool) inheritPermissionsChk toggled(bool) directoryMaskBtn setDisabled(bool) followSymlinksChk toggled(bool) wideLinksChk setChecked(bool) followSymlinksChk toggled(bool) wideLinksChk setEnabled(bool) publicBaseChk toggled(bool) KcmShareDlg publicBaseChk_toggled(bool) pathUrlRq textChanged(const TQString&) KcmShareDlg pathUrlRq_textChanged(const TQString&) lockingChk toggled(bool) KcmShareDlg lockingChk_toggled(bool) vetoOplockChk stateChanged(int) KcmShareDlg changedSlot() lockingChk toggled(bool) groupBox47 setEnabled(bool) oplockContentionLimitSpin valueChanged(int) KcmShareDlg oplockContentionLimitSpin_valueChanged(int) fakeOplocksChk toggled(bool) KcmShareDlg fakeOplocksChk_toggled(bool) oplocksChk toggled(bool) groupBox59 setEnabled(bool) forceCreateModeBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() forceSecurityModeBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() forceDirectoryModeBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() forceDirectorySecurityModeBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() createMaskBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() securityMaskBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() directoryMaskBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() directorySecurityMaskBtn clicked() KcmShareDlg accessModifierBtnClicked() storeDosAttributesChk toggled(bool) KcmShareDlg storeDosAttributesChk_toggled(bool) buttonHelp clicked() KcmShareDlg buttonHelp_clicked() volumeEdit fstypeEdit magicScriptEdit magicOutputEdit dontDescendEdit setDirectoryChk fakeDirectoryCreateTimesChk msdfsRootChk preexecEdit rootPreexecEdit postexecEdit rootPostexecEdit preexecCloseChk rootPreexecCloseChk lockingChk blockingLocksChk posixLockingChk shareModesChk oplocksChk level2OplocksChk oplockContentionLimitSpin fakeOplocksChk mangledNamesChk mangleCaseChk preserveCaseChk shortPreserveCaseChk defaultCaseCombo manglingCharEdit mangledMapEdit manglingMethodCombo hideTrailingDotChk dosFilemodeChk dosFiletimesChk dosFiletimeResolutionChk strictSyncChk syncAlwaysChk strictAllocateChk useSendfileChk maxConnectionsSpin writeCacheSizeSpin blockSizeSpin cscPolicyCombo inheritPermissionsChk deleteReadonlyChk mapArchiveChk mapHiddenChk mapSystemChk forceCreateModeEdit forceSecurityModeEdit forceDirectoryModeEdit forceDirectorySecurityModeEdit ntAclSupportChk inheritAclsChk profileAclsChk mapAclInheritChk forceUnknownAclUserEdit createMaskEdit securityMaskEdit directoryMaskEdit directorySecurityMaskEdit advancedDumpTab hiddenListView hiddenChk vetoChk vetoOplockChk hiddenEdit vetoEdit vetoOplockEdit hideUnreadableChk hideUnwriteableFilesChk hideDotFilesChk hideSpecialFilesChk pathUrlRq homeChk shareNameEdit commentEdit readOnlyBaseChk publicBaseChk browseableBaseChk availableBaseChk guestAccountCombo guestOnlyChk hostsAllowEdit hostsDenyEdit followSymlinksChk wideLinksChk userNameEdit onlyUserChk _tabs vfsObjectsEdit vfsOptionsEdit buttonHelp buttonOk buttonCancel checkValues() init() trytoAccept() homeChkToggled( bool ) addAllowedUserBtnClicked() removeAllowedUserBtnClicked() guestOnlyChk_toggled( bool b ) userOnlyChk_toggled( bool b ) accessModifierBtnClicked() changedSlot() publicBaseChk_toggled( bool b ) pathUrlRq_textChanged( const TQString & ) oplocksChk_toggled( bool b ) lockingChk_toggled( bool b ) fakeOplocksChk_toggled( bool b ) oplockContentionLimitSpin_valueChanged( int i ) storeDosAttributesChk_toggled( bool b ) buttonHelp_clicked() klineedit.h knuminput.h krestrictedline.h kurlrequester.h tdelistview.h tdeprocess.h kpushbutton.h tdemessagebox.h tqptrlist.h kiconloader.h share.ui.h