/* ------------------------------------------------------------- kdictapplet.h (part of The KDE Dictionary Client) Copyright (C) 2001 Christian Gebauer <gebauer@kde.org> The applet is loosely based on the "Run" applet included in KDE. Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter <elter@kde.org> (Artistic License) This file is distributed under the Artistic License. See LICENSE for details. ------------------------------------------------------------- PopupBox helper class DictApplet a small kicker-applet ------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _DICTAPPLET_H_ #define _DICTAPPLET_H_ #include <tqhbox.h> #include <kpanelapplet.h> class TQLabel; class TQPushButton; class KHistoryCombo; //********* PopupBox ******************************************** class PopupBox : public TQHBox { Q_OBJECT public: PopupBox(); ~PopupBox(); bool showBox(); signals: void hidden(); public slots: void enablePopup(); protected: void hideEvent(TQHideEvent *); private: bool popupEnabled; }; //********* DictApplet ******************************************** class DictApplet : public KPanelApplet { Q_OBJECT public: DictApplet(const TQString& configFile, Type t = Stretch, int actions = 0, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); virtual ~DictApplet(); int widthForHeight(int height) const; int heightForWidth(int width) const; protected: void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent*); bool eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent * ); void sendCommand(const TQCString &fun, const TQString &data); protected slots: void sendDelayedCommand(); void startQuery(const TQString&); void comboTextChanged(const TQString&); void queryClipboard(); void startDefine(); void startMatch(); void showExternalCombo(); void externalComboHidden(); void updateCompletionMode(TDEGlobalSettings::Completion mode); private: KHistoryCombo *internalCombo, *externalCombo; TDECompletion *completionObject; TQLabel *textLabel, *iconLabel; TQPushButton *verticalBtn, *clipboardBtn, *defineBtn, *matchBtn; TQWidget *baseWidget; PopupBox *popupBox; int waiting; TQCString delayedFunc; TQString delayedData; }; #endif