/*************************************************************************** * dlgIndividual.cpp * ------------------- * * Revision : $Id$ * begin : Tue Jan 29 2002 * copyright : (C) 2002 by Patrick Charbonnier * : Based On Caitoo v.0.7.3 (c) 1998 - 2000, Matej Koss * email : pch@freeshell.org * ****************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <tqlayout.h> #include "dockindividual.h" #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqtabwidget.h> #include <kprogress.h> #include <tqtextedit.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h> #include <kdatetimewidget.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kaction.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <ktoolbar.h> #include <krun.h> #include <kio/global.h> #include "common.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "settings.h" #include "dlgIndividual.h" DlgIndividual::DlgIndividual(Transfer * _item) : TQWidget(0, "dialog", WDestructiveClose) { item = _item; //create dock m_pDockIndividual =new DockIndividual(this); // Actions m_paDock = new KToggleAction(i18n("&Dock"),"tool_dock.png", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotToggleDock()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), "dockIndividual"); TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, KDialog::marginHint(),KDialog::spacingHint() ); topLayout->addStrut( 360 ); // makes dlg at least that wide TQGridLayout *grid = new TQGridLayout( 2, 3 ); topLayout->addLayout(grid); grid->addColSpacing(1, KDialog::spacingHint()); grid->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Source:"), this), 0, 0); sourceLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(this); grid->addWidget(sourceLabel, 0, 2); sourceLabel->setText(i18n("Source Label")); grid->addWidget(new TQLabel(i18n("Destination:"), this), 1, 0); destLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(this); grid->addWidget(destLabel, 1, 2); destLabel->setText(i18n("Source Label")); m_pProgressBar = new KProgress(this); topLayout->addWidget( m_pProgressBar ); // processed info TQHBoxLayout *hBox = new TQHBoxLayout(); topLayout->addLayout(hBox); sizeLabel = new TQLabel(this); hBox->addWidget(sizeLabel); resumeLabel = new TQLabel(this); hBox->addWidget(resumeLabel); speedLabel = new TQLabel(this); speedLabel->setText(i18n("0 B/s")); topLayout->addWidget(speedLabel); // setup toolbar KToolBar *toolBar = new KToolBar(this); toolBar->setIconText(KToolBar::IconOnly); toolBar->setBarPos(KToolBar::Bottom); toolBar->setMovingEnabled(false); toolBar->setFlat(true); topLayout->addWidget( toolBar ); // insert toolbar actions item->m_paResume->plug(toolBar); item->m_paPause->plug(toolBar); item->m_paDelete->plug(toolBar); toolBar->insertLineSeparator(); item->m_paQueue->plug(toolBar); item->m_paTimer->plug(toolBar); item->m_paDelay->plug(toolBar); toolBar->insertLineSeparator(); m_paDock->plug(toolBar); TQCheckBox * keepOpen = new TQCheckBox( i18n("&Keep this window open after the operation is complete."), this); connect( keepOpen, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), TQT_SLOT( slotKeepOpenToggled(bool) ) ); topLayout->addWidget(keepOpen); TQFrame *line3 = new TQFrame( this ); line3->setFrameShape( TQFrame::HLine ); line3->setFrameShadow( TQFrame::Sunken ); topLayout->addWidget( line3 ); hBox = new TQHBoxLayout(); topLayout->addLayout(hBox); openFile = new KPushButton( i18n("Open &File"), this ); connect( openFile, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenFile() ) ); hBox->addWidget( openFile ); openFile->setEnabled(false); openLocation = new KPushButton( i18n("Open &Destination"), this ); connect( openLocation, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenLocation() ) ); hBox->addWidget( openLocation ); hBox->addStretch(1); pbAdvanced = new KPushButton( i18n("Advanced"), this ); connect(pbAdvanced, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAdvanced())); hBox->addWidget( pbAdvanced ); // setup tab dialog panelAdvanced = new TQTabWidget(this); // if the time was already set somewhere in the future, keep it // otherwise set it to the current time TQDateTime dt; if (item->getStartTime() < TQDateTime::currentDateTime() && item->getMode() != Transfer::MD_SCHEDULED) { dt = TQDateTime::currentDateTime(); } else { dt = item->getStartTime(); } spins = new KDateTimeWidget(dt, this, "spins"); panelAdvanced->addTab(spins, i18n("Timer")); panelAdvanced->hide(); connect(spins, TQT_SIGNAL(valueChanged(const TQDateTime &)), item, TQT_SLOT(slotStartTime(const TQDateTime &))); // adding item log ml_log = new TQTextEdit(panelAdvanced); ml_log->setTextFormat(LogText); ml_log->setReadOnly(true); // ml_log->setFixedSize(sizeHint()); ml_log->setVScrollBarMode(TQScrollView::Auto); ml_log->setWordWrap(TQTextEdit::NoWrap); // ml_log->setSizePolicy(policy); panelAdvanced->addTab(ml_log, i18n("Log")); // panelAdvanced->setFixedSize(sizeHint()); topLayout->addWidget(panelAdvanced); advanced = ksettings.b_advancedIndividual; slotToggleAdvanced(); resize( minimumSizeHint() ); setMaximumHeight( height() ); //bool keepOpenChecked = false; //bool noCaptionYet = true; setCaption(i18n("Progress Dialog")); bKeepDlgOpen=false; } void DlgIndividual::setTotalSize(KIO::filesize_t bytes) { m_iTotalSize = bytes; } void DlgIndividual::setPercent(unsigned long percent) { m_pProgressBar->setValue(percent); m_pDockIndividual->setValue(percent); setCaption(i18n("%1% of %2 - %3").arg(percent).arg(KIO::convertSize(m_iTotalSize)).arg(m_location.fileName())); } void DlgIndividual::setProcessedSize(KIO::filesize_t bytes) { sizeLabel->setText(i18n("%1 of %2").arg(KIO::convertSize(bytes)).arg(KIO::convertSize(m_iTotalSize))); } void DlgIndividual::setSpeed(TQString speed) { speedLabel->setText(speed); m_pDockIndividual->setTip(speed); } void DlgIndividual::setCopying(const KURL & from, const KURL & to) { m_location=to; setCaption(m_location.fileName()); sourceLabel->setText(from.prettyURL()); destLabel->setText(to.prettyURL()); } void DlgIndividual::setCanResume(bool resume) { if (resume) resumeLabel->setText(i18n("Resumed")); else resumeLabel->setText(i18n("Not resumed")); } //void DlgIndividual::slotToggleAdvanced(bool advanced) void DlgIndividual::slotToggleAdvanced() { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn<<endl; #endif if (advanced) panelAdvanced->show(); else { panelAdvanced->hide(); adjustSize(); } advanced = !advanced; #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } void DlgIndividual::slotToggleDock() { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn<<endl; #endif if (m_paDock->isChecked()) { m_pDockIndividual->show(); hide(); } else m_pDockIndividual->hide(); #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } /** Sets the whole log */ void DlgIndividual::setLog(const TQString & _msg) { ml_log->setText(_msg); } void DlgIndividual::appendLog(const TQString & _msg) { ml_log->append(_msg); } void DlgIndividual::slotKeepOpenToggled(bool bToggled) { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn <<"bToggled= "<<bToggled<<endl; #endif bKeepDlgOpen=bToggled; if (!bKeepDlgOpen && item->getStatus()==Transfer::ST_FINISHED) { hide(); m_pDockIndividual->hide(); } #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } void DlgIndividual::slotOpenLocation() { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn<<endl; #endif KURL location=m_location; location.setFileName(""); kapp->invokeBrowser( location.url() ); #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } void DlgIndividual::slotOpenFile() { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn "Starting kfmclient with url "<<m_location.prettyURL()<<endl; #endif (void) new KRun( m_location ); #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } void DlgIndividual::enableOpenFile() { #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugIn<<endl; #endif openFile->setEnabled(true); if (!bKeepDlgOpen) { hide(); m_pDockIndividual->hide(); } #ifdef _DEBUG sDebugOut<<endl; #endif } #include "dlgIndividual.moc"