Porting from Kopete 0.9 to Kopete 0.10 *) KopetePluginManager has been renamed Kopete::PluginManager .) QMap<KPluginInfo *, KopetePlugin *> loadedPlugins( const QString &category = QString::null ) const; the QMap has been replaced by a QPtrList<KopetePlugin> the KPluginInfo is not interesting here. .) addressBookFields( KopetePlugin *p ) has been removed .) pluginName, pluginId, pluginIcon has been removed (they are acessible from pluginInfo) .) KPluginInfo *pluginInfo( KopetePlugin* ) has been added *) KopetePlugin has been renamed Kopete::Plugin .) addressBookFields, addressBookIndexField and addAddressBookField have been removed (they were useless) .) customChatWindowPopupActions( const KopeteMessage &, DOM::Node &node ) has been removed. It was used to show the channel's menu when you right click on a IRC channel. Better to show the contact menu in the chatwindow for every contact. .) KPluginInfo *pluginInfo() *) KopeteProtocol has been renamed Kopete::Protocol .) protocolAction() has been removed .) the broken canSendOffline() has been removed, and we can uses capabilities insteads .) (set)RichTextCapabilities has been renamed to (set)Capabilities *) KopeteAccountManager has been renamed to Kopete::AccountManager .) manager() has been renamed to self() .) registerAccount is now public, and MUST be called manualy on account creation .) autoConnect has been merged with connectAll which only connect accounts with the flag autoConnect .) accountReady has been renamed again to accountRegistered .) accountUnregistered signal takes now a const Account. *) KopeteAccount has been renamed to Kopete::Account .) Account no longer inerits from PluginDataObject. you can access directly to the config with configGroup() The config now uses the TDEConfig cache dirrectly and not internal cache. .) loaded() has been removed since properties are available dirrectly in the constructor. .) setAccountId and accountIdChanged has been removed .) password() setPassword() rememberPassword() has been removed. if the account has a pssword, uses PasswordedAccount .) addContactToMetaContact has been renamed createContact. it has loose his displayName param, uses the metacontact one if you want. .) addContact has been splitted into addMetaContact and addContact .) connect now takes the initial status as parameter .) autoLogin has been renamed autoConnect for consistency *) KopeteContactList has been renamed to Kopete::ContactList .) contactList() has been renamed to self() .) getGroup has been renamed to group() or findGroup() .) findContact now return a Contact .) findContactByDisplayName has been renamed findMetaContactByDisplayName .) metaContactDeleted signal has been renamed metaContactRemoved for consistency *) KopeteMetaContact has been renamed to Kopete::MetaContact .) persistentDataChanged take no more argument .) isTopLevel has been removed .) groupSyncMode has been removed because it is broken *) KopeteContact has been renamed to Kopete::Contact .) displayName has finaly been totaly removed .) slotDeleteContact has been renamed to deleteContact .) slotUserInfo has been renamed userInfo and is now pure virtual *) KopeteGroup has been renamed to Kopete::Group .) renamed() signal has been renamed into displayNameChanged() for consistancy .) internalName has been removed *) KopetePluginDataObject has been replaced Kopete::ContactListElement *) KopeteOnlineStatus has been renamed Kopete::OnlineStatus .) caption has been removed (moved to OnlineStatusManager *) OnlineStatusIconCache has been replaced by OnlineStatusManager *) KopeteMessage => Kopete::Message *) KopeteMessageManager => Kopete::ChatSession .) there are not anymore mmId() .) user() has been renamed myself() .) closed() has been renamed chatSessionDestroyed(); .) typingMsg has been renamed userTyping *) KopeteMessageManagerFactory => Kopete::ChatSessionManager .) every function with messageManager has been renamed with ChatSession .) addKopeteMessageManager => registerChatSession