    kopetemessagehandler.h - Kopete Message Filtering

    Copyright (c) 2004      by Richard Smith         <kde@metafoo.co.uk>
    Kopete    (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *


#include <tqobject.h>
//#include <kdemacros.h>
#include "kopete_export.h"

//FIXME: Message::MessageDirection could be moved into namespace Kopete
// to avoid this being included everywhere
#include "kopetemessage.h"

#include <tqvaluelist.h>

namespace Kopete

class MessageEvent;
class ChatSession;

 * @author Richard Smith       <kde@metafoo.co.uk>
 * An object which sits between the protocol and the chat window which
 * intercepts and processes messages on their way through.
 * This class implements Handler role in the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
 * The Client role will be filled by the Kopete::MessageHandlerChain class.
class KOPETE_EXPORT MessageHandler : public TQObject
	virtual ~MessageHandler() = 0;

	 * @return the next handler in the chain
	MessageHandler *next();
	// FIXME: remove?
	void setNext( MessageHandler *next );

	 * @brief Gets the rich-text capabilities of this message handling object
	 * The default implementation returns next()->capabilities().
	virtual int capabilities();

	 * @brief Performs any processing necessary on the message
	 * @param event The message event to process. Should not be null.
	 * Overriders of this handler @em must cause (possibly asynchronously)
	 * one of the following to happen:
	 *  - @p event->discard() to be called
	 *  - @p event->continue() to be called
	 *  - this base class implementation to be called (equivalent to event->continue() but faster)
	 * The base class implementation passes the event on to the next
	 * handler in the chain.
	 * @note If you store @p event, be aware that it could be deleted at any time, and either
	 *       connect to the its discarded(Kopete::MessageEvent*) signal or store it in a TQGuardedPtr.
	virtual void handleMessage( MessageEvent *event );

	/** @internal */
	void handleMessageInternal( MessageEvent *event );
private slots:
	 * @internal The message has been accepted. Pass it on to the next handler.
	void messageAccepted( Kopete::MessageEvent *event );

	class Private;
	Private *d;

 * @author Richard Smith       <kde@metafoo.co.uk>
 * A factory for creating MessageHandlers. Instantiate a class derived from MessageHandlerFactory
 * in order to make your MessageHandler be automatically added to the list of handlers used
 * when constructing handler chains.
 * @note If you construct a handler for an Inbound chain, it may still be asked to process Outbound
 * messages. This is because when a message is being sent it first passes through the Outbound
 * chain to the protocol, then (when it has been delivered) it passes back through the Inbound
 * chain to the chat window to be displayed.
class KOPETE_EXPORT MessageHandlerFactory
	 * Constructs a MessageHandlerFactory, and adds it to the list of factories considered when
	 * creating a MessageHandlerChain for a ChatSession.
	 * @note Since the factory is added to the list of possible factories before the object is
	 * finished being constructed, it is not safe to call any function from a derived class's
	 * constructor which may cause a MessageHandlerChain to be created.
	 * Destroys the MessageHandlerFactory and removes it from the list of factories.
	virtual ~MessageHandlerFactory();
	typedef TQValueList<MessageHandlerFactory*> FactoryList;
	 * @return the list of registered message handler factories
	static FactoryList messageHandlerFactories();
	 * @brief Creates a message handler for a given manager in a given direction.
	 * @param manager The manager whose message handler chain the message handler is for
	 * @param direction The direction of the chain that is being created.
	 * @return the @ref MessageHandler object to put in the chain, or 0 if none is needed.
	virtual MessageHandler *create( ChatSession *manager, Message::MessageDirection direction ) = 0;
	 * Special stages usable with any message direction
	enum SpecialStage
		StageDoNotCreate = -10000, ///< do not create a filter for this stage
		StageStart = 0,            ///< start of processing
		StageEnd = 10000           ///< end of processing
	 * Processing stages for handlers in inbound message handler chains
	enum InboundStage
		InStageStart = 0,        ///< message was just received
		InStageToSent = 2000,    ///< convert from received format to sent format
		InStageToDesired = 5000, ///< convert to how the user wants the message
		InStageFormat = 7000,    ///< decorate the message without changing the content
		InStageEnd = 10000       ///< message ready for display
	 * Processing stages for handlers in outbound message handler chains
	enum OutboundStage
		OutStageStart = 0,        ///< user just hit Send
		OutStageParse = 2000,     ///< process commands
		OutStageToDesired = 4000, ///< convert to how the user wanted to send
		OutStageFormat = 6000,    ///< decorate the message without changing the content
		OutStageToSent = 8000,    ///< convert to the format to send in
		OutStageEnd = 10000       ///< message ready for sending
	 * Processing stages for handlers in internal message handler chains
	enum InternalStage
		IntStageStart = 0,  ///< some component just created the message
		IntStageEnd = 10000 ///< message ready for display
	 * Offsets within a processing stage. Using these values allows finer
	 * control over where in a chain a message handler will be added. Add
	 * one of these values to values from the various Stage enumerations
	 * to form a filter position.
	enum Offset
		OffsetBefore = -90,
		OffsetVeryEarly = -60,
		OffsetEarly = -30,
		OffsetNormal = 0,
		OffsetLate = 30,
		OffsetVeryLate = 60,
		OffsetAfter = 90
	 * @brief Returns the position in the message handler chain to put this factory's handlers
	 * @param manager The manager whose message handler chain the message handler is for
	 * @param direction The direction of the chain that is being created.
	 * @return a member of the InboundStage, OutboundStage or InternalStage enumeration, as
	 *         appropriate, optionally combined with a member of the Offset enumeration.
	 * @retval StageDoNotCreate No filter should be created for this chain.
	virtual int filterPosition( ChatSession *manager, Message::MessageDirection direction ) = 0;
	// noncopyable
	MessageHandlerFactory(const MessageHandlerFactory &);
	void operator=(const MessageHandlerFactory &);
	class Private;
	Private *d;



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