    kopetemimesourcefactory.cpp - Kopete mime source factory

    Copyright (c) 2004      by Richard Smith         <kde@metafoo.co.uk>

    Kopete    (c) 2004      by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *

#include "kopetemimesourcefactory.h"

#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopeteaccount.h"
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>

#include <tqdragobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>

namespace Kopete

class MimeSourceFactory::Private
	Private() : lastMimeSource( 0 ) {}
	~Private() { delete lastMimeSource; }
	mutable TQMimeSource *lastMimeSource;

 : d( new Private )

	delete d;

const TQMimeSource *MimeSourceFactory::data( const TQString &abs_name ) const
	// flag used to signal something went wrong when creating a mimesource
	bool completed = false;
	// extract and decode arguments
	TQStringList parts = TQStringList::split( TQChar(':'), abs_name );
	for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = parts.begin(); it != parts.end(); ++it )
		*it = KURL::decode_string( *it );

	TQPixmap img;
	if ( parts[0] == TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-contact-icon") )
		if ( parts.size() >= 4 )
			Account *account = AccountManager::self()->findAccount( parts[1], parts[2] );
			if ( account ) 
				Contact *contact = account->contacts()[ parts[3] ];
				if ( contact )
					img = contact->onlineStatus().iconFor( contact );
					completed = true;
					kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-contact-icon: contact not found" << endl;
				kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-contact-icon: account not found" << endl;
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-contact-icon: insufficient information in abs_name: " << parts << endl;

	if ( parts[0] == TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-account-icon") )
		if ( parts.size() >= 3 )
			Account *account = AccountManager::self()->findAccount( parts[1], parts[2] );
			if ( account )
				img = account->myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( account->myself() );
				completed = true;
				kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-account-icon: account not found" << endl;
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-account-icon: insufficient information in abs_name: " << parts << endl;

	if ( parts[0] == TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-metacontact-icon") )
		if ( parts.size() >= 2 )
			MetaContact *mc = ContactList::self()->metaContact( parts[1] );
			if ( mc )
				img = SmallIcon( mc->statusIcon() );
				completed = true;
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-metacontact-icon: insufficient information in abs_name: " << parts << endl;

	if ( parts[0] == TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-metacontact-photo") )
		if ( parts.size() >= 2 )
			MetaContact *mc = ContactList::self()->metaContact( parts[1] );
			if ( mc )
				TQImage photo = mc->photo();
				delete d->lastMimeSource;
				d->lastMimeSource = new TQImageDrag( photo );
				return d->lastMimeSource;	
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-metacontact-photo: insufficient information in abs_name: " << parts << endl;
	if ( parts[0] == TQString::fromLatin1("kopete-onlinestatus-icon") )
		if ( parts.size() >= 2 )
			 * We are using a dirty trick here: this mime source is supposed to return the
			 * icon for an arbitrary KOS instance. To do this, the caller needs to ask
			 * the KOS for the mime source key first, which also ensures the icon is
			 * currently in the cache. The cache is global, so we just need to find any
			 * existing KOS instance to return us the rendered icon from the cache.
			 * To find a valid KOS, we ask Kopete's account manager to locate an existing
			 * account. We'll use the myself() instance of that account to reference its
			 * current KOS object, which in turn has access to the global KOS icon cache.
			 * Note that if the cache has been invalidated in the meantime, we'll just
			 * get an empty pixmap back.
			Account *account = AccountManager::self()->accounts().getFirst();
			if ( account )
				img = account->myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( parts[1] );
				completed = true;
				kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-onlinestatus-icon: no active account found" << endl;
			kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "kopete-onlinestatus-icon: insufficient information in abs_name: " << parts << endl;

	delete d->lastMimeSource;
	if ( completed )
		d->lastMimeSource = new TQImageDrag( img.convertToImage() );
		d->lastMimeSource = 0;
	return d->lastMimeSource;

} // END namespace Kopete

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