    kopeteonlinestatus.h - Kopete Online Status

    Copyright (c) 2003 by Martijn Klingens <klingens@kde.org>
    Copyright (c) 2003 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <duncan@kde.org>
    Copyright (c) 2003 by Will Stephenson <lists@stevello.free-online.co.uk>
    Copyright (c) 2004 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @ tiscalinet.be>

    Kopete    (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *

#ifndef kopeteonlinestatus_h
#define kopeteonlinestatus_h

#include "kopete_export.h"

#include <kdemacros.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>

#include <tqobject.h>

class TQString;
class TQPixmap;
class TQColor;

namespace Kopete

	class OnlineStatusManager;
	class Protocol;
	class Account;
	class Contact;

 * @author Martijn Klingens <klingens@kde.org>
 * @author Will Stephenson (icon generating code)
 * OnlineStatus is a class that encapsulates all information about the
 * various online states that a protocol can be in in a single class. The
 * online status consists of both a 'global' status as it's known to libkopete
 * and used for going online or away, which non-protocol plugins can use,
 * and the 'private' status, which is simply an unsigned int and is only
 * useful for the actual protocol plugin that uses the status.
 * This class is passed around by value, but is refcounted to cut down on the
 * amount of overhead. All in all it should be more than fast enough for
 * general use.
 * Note that ONLY the constructor can set the data, the object is considered
 * to be const after creation as there really shouldn't be a need to change
 * a status' characteristics during runtime!
class KOPETE_EXPORT OnlineStatus
	 * The available global states. It is possible that multiple internal
	 * states map to the same global states. For example ICQ's 'Do not disturb'
	 * is handled just like 'Away' by libkopete. Only ICQ itself makes (and
	 * should make) a distinction.
	 * The order is important and is used in the < or > operator
	enum StatusType
		 * Refers to protocols where state cannot be determined. This
		 * applies to SMS contacts (text messages via mobile phones),
		 * since there's no presence information over SMS. Lastly, libkopete
		 * itself uses the Unknown state in @ref MetaContact for
		 * meta contacts that have no child contacts at all.
		 * State where you really cannot be contacted. Although
		 * Kopete doesn't oppose any technical limitations it really
		 * doesn't make sense to have more than one status per protocol
		 * that maps to 'Offline', since you're supposed to be
		 * disconnected from the network in this state.
		 * State where the user is not available on the network yet
		 * but trying to get onto. Most useful to yourself contact, because
		 * this state means not visible but with network access
		 * State where you are online but none of your contacts can
		 * see that you're online. Useful for all the protocols that support
		 * being invisible.
		 * Refers to a state where you can be technically reached, but
		 * for one reason or another it is often not useful to do so.
		 * This can be because you really aren't behind the computer
		 * ('Away' or 'Idle') or because you have other things to do
		 * and don't want to get involved in messaging ('Busy' or 'Do
		 * not Disturb' for example).
		 * Refers to a true online state, i.e. you can be contacted by
		 * others both technically and practically. This also applies
		 * to e.g. ICQ's 'Free for Chat' status.
	// note than Unknown is first, because the metacontact algorithm to detect
	// the metacontact status from the contact status starts from Unknown, and
	// takes a contact only if its status is greater

	 * Reserved internal status values
	 * Any internal status value > 0x80000000 is reserved for internal
	 * libkopete use. This enumeration lists the currently known values.
	enum ReservedInternalStatus
		 * The account this contact belongs to is offline. Used with
		 * the Unknown StatusType.
		AccountOffline = 0x80000001

	 * Constructor.
	 * Creates an empty OnlineStatus object. Since you cannot change
	 * OnlineStatus objects that are already created other than by their
	 * assignment operator, this constructor is only a convenience method
	 * for use in e.g. class members and local variables.

	 * Constructor.
	 * Creates a new OnlineStatus object. All fields are mandatory; there
	 * are no default values. Also, you cannot change the object after creation.
	 * @param status is the global online status as used by libkopete
	 * @param weight is the 'weight' of this status. The contact list is
	 * sorted by status, and by weight within a status. It's not possible to
	 * 'promote' an Away item to a level above Online, since the status field
	 * always takes precedence. Weight is used when the same status is used
	 * more than once. Weight is also used for picking the most important
	 * 'Away' status for a protocol when going Away.
	 * @param protocol is a pointer to the protocol used. This is used when
	 * comparing two online status objects.
	 * @param internalStatus is the status as used internally by the protocol.
	 * This status is usually a lot more fine-grained than the status as used
	 * by libkopete and should be unique per protocol.
	 * @param overlayIcons is a list of TQStrings which are the name of status
	 * icons to be used by the KDE icon loader. (Statuses which don't have icons
	 * to overlay like Online and Offline should use TQString() as icon
	 * name ).  NOTE if the string is a movie ( *.mng ) it must be the first string in the list.
	 * TODO: KDE4 sort out movies and overlay icons.
	 * @param description is a description in e.g. tooltips.
	OnlineStatus( StatusType status, unsigned weight, Protocol *protocol,
		unsigned internalStatus, const TQStringList &overlayIcons, const TQString &description );

	 * Constructor.
	 * @p Creates a new OnlineStatus object and registers it with the @ref Kopete::OnlineStatusManager.
	 * Registration allows you to generate a TDEActionMenu filled with TDEActions for changing to this OnlineStatus,
	 * using Kopete::Account::accountMenu().
	 * @p Note that weight has an additional significance for registered protocols when used for menu generation.
	 * All fields are mandatory; there
	 * are no default values. Also, you cannot change the object after creation.
	 * @param status is the global online status as used by libkopete
	 * @param weight is the 'weight' of this status. The contact list is
	 * sorted by status, and by weight within a status. It's not possible to
	 * 'promote' an Away item to a level above Online, since the status field
	 * always takes precedence. Weight is used when the same status is used
	 * more than once. Weight is also used for picking the most important
	 * 'Away' status for a protocol when going Away. Additionally, Weight determinesis also
	 * @param protocol is a pointer to the protocol used. This is used when
	 * comparing two online status objects.
	 * @param internalStatus is the status as used internally by the protocol.
	 * This status is usually a lot more fine-grained than the status as used
	 * by libkopete and should be unique per protocol.
	 * @param overlayIcon is a string returning the name of the status icon to be
	 * used by the KDE icon loader. (Status whiwh doesn't have icon to overlay like
	 * Online and Offline should use TQString() as icon string)
	 * @param description is a description in e.g. tooltips.
	 * @param caption is the text of the action in the menu
	 * @param categories the categories this online status is in
	 * @param options the options of this online status
	 * @see Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::registerOnlineStatus for more info about the categories and options parameters
	OnlineStatus( StatusType status, unsigned weight, Protocol *protocol, unsigned internalStatus, const TQStringList &overlayIcon,
		const TQString &description, const TQString& caption,  unsigned int categories=0x0 , unsigned int options=0x0 );

	 * Constructor.
	 * Creates a libkopete builtin status object. Weight, protocol and internal
	 * status are set to zero, the strings and icons are set to the meta contact
	 * strings.
	OnlineStatus( StatusType status );

	 * Copy constructor.
	 * Just adds a reference to the refcount. Used to copy around the status
	 * objects with very little overhead.
	OnlineStatus( const OnlineStatus &other );

	 * Destructor.

	 * \brief Return the status
	StatusType status() const;

	 * \brief Return the internal status
	unsigned internalStatus() const;

	 * \brief Return the weight
	unsigned weight() const;

	 * \brief Return the list of overlay icons
	TQStringList overlayIcons() const;

	 * \brief Return the description
	TQString description() const;

	 * \brief Return the protocol this applies to
	Protocol* protocol() const;

	 * @return @c true if this a contact with this status is definitely online,
	 *         @c false if the contact is Offline, Connecting or Unknown.
	bool isDefinitelyOnline() const;

	 * \brief Return a status icon generated for the given Contact
	 * This will draw an overlay representing the online status
	 * of the contact the OnlineStatus applies to
	 * over the base icon.
	 * A cache is employed to reduce CPU and memory usage.
	 * @param contact is the contact the icon should apply to.
	 * @param size is the size we the icon should be scaled to - 16 is default and so costs nothing
	TQPixmap iconFor( const Contact *contact, int size = 16 ) const;

	 * \brief Return the mime source for a status icon generated for the given Contact
	 * This behaves essentially like the method above, except for that
	 * it returns a mime source string that can be used to render the
	 * image in richtext components and the like. The returned key
	 * is only valid until the cache is cleared for the next time,
	 * so no assumptions should be made about long-time availability
	 * of the referenced data.
	 * @param contact is the contact the icon should apply to.
	 * @param size is the size we the icon should be scaled to - 16 is default and so costs nothing
	TQString mimeSourceFor( const Contact *contact, int size = 16 ) const;

	 * \brief Return a status icon generated for the given Account
	 * This will draw an overlay representing the online status
	 * of the account the OnlineStatus applies to
	 * over the base icon.
	 * A cache is employed to reduce CPU and memory usage.
	 * @param account is the account the icon should apply to.
	 * The account's color causes tinting, if it's plain TQColor(), no tinting takes place.
	 * @param size is the size we the icon should be scaled to - 16 is default and so costs nothing
	TQPixmap iconFor( const Account *account, int size = 16 ) const;

	 * \brief Return the mime source for a status icon generated for the given Account
	 * This behaves essentially like the method above, except for that
	 * it returns a mime source string that can be used to render the
	 * image in richtext components and the like. The returned key
	 * is only valid until the cache is cleared for the next time,
	 * so no assumptions should be made about long-time availability
	 * of the referenced data.
	 * @param account is the account the icon should apply to.
	 * The account's color causes tinting, if it's plain TQColor(), no tinting takes place.
	 * @param size is the size we the icon should be scaled to - 16 is default and so costs nothing
	TQString mimeSourceFor( const Account *account, int size = 16 ) const;

	 * \brief Return a previously rendered status icon for a mime source key
	 * You can access icons with this method that have previously been rendered
	 * using mimeSourceFor(). Note that only a cache lookup will be done, so
	 * if the cache has been invalidated due to a change of icon sets between
	 * requesting the key (thus rendering the icon) and trying to access the
	 * icon by key, an invalid pixmap will be returned.
	TQPixmap iconFor( const TQString &mimeSource ) const;

	 * \brief Returns the status icon for the protocol.
	 * A cache is employed to reduce CPU and memory usage.
	TQPixmap protocolIcon() const;

	 * Assignment operator
	OnlineStatus & operator=( const OnlineStatus &other );

	 * Comparison operator
	 * Returns true if both the protocol and the internal status are
	 * identical.
	bool operator==( const OnlineStatus &other ) const;

	 * Comparison operator
	 * This operator works exactly opposite of @ref operator==()
	bool operator!=( const OnlineStatus &other ) const;

	 * Comparison operator
	 * Returns true if the status() of this contact is of higher value than the other
	 * contact or if both statuses are equal and weight() is higher for this contact.
	bool operator>( const OnlineStatus &other ) const;

	 * Comparison operator
	 * This operator works exactly opposite of @ref operator>()
	bool operator<( const OnlineStatus &other ) const;

	 * \brief returns a TQString from a StatusType
	 * Static method to convert a Kopete::OnlineStatus::StatusType to a string to avoid
	 * many issues when saving StatusType to disk
	 static TQString statusTypeToString(OnlineStatus::StatusType status);

	 * \brief returns a StatusType from a TQString
	 * Static method to convert a TQString representing a StatusType to a StatusType to avoid
	 * many issues when saving StatusType to disk
	 static OnlineStatus::StatusType statusStringToType(TQString& string);


	class Private;
	TDESharedPtr<Private> d;

	TQString mimeSource( const TQString& icon, int size, TQColor color, bool idle) const;


}  //END namespace Kopete
