
    Copyright (c) 2004-2005 by Olivier Goffart  <ogoffart @ kde.org>

    Kopete    (c) 2004-2005 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *

#ifndef kopeteonlinestatusmanager_h__
#define kopeteonlinestatusmanager_h__

#include <tqobject.h>

#include "kopeteonlinestatus.h"
#include "kaction.h"

class TQString;
class TQPixmap;
class TQColor;
class KActionMenu;

namespace Kopete
	class OnlineStatus;
	class Account;

 * OnlineStatusManager is a singleton which manage OnlineStatus
 * @author Olivier Goffart 
class KOPETE_EXPORT OnlineStatusManager : public QObject
	static OnlineStatusManager* self();

	 * Kopete will uses categories to have a more general system than siply globaly away.
	 * Idealy, in each protocol, there should be one status per categories (status may be in several or in none categories
	 * Idle is the status used for auto-away
	 * Status number are organised so that make a tree.
	//please be carrefull when modifying values of status.  read comment in onlineStatus()
	enum Categories
		Idle=1<<8,  ExtendedAway=1<<9 , Invisible=1<<10,
		//  \     /             __________/
		  /*1<<4*/    Busy=1<<5,           FreeForChat=1<<6,         /* 1<<7*/
		//   \       /                         /
		     Away=1<<2,                   /* 1<<3 */
		//       \                           /

	 * @see registerOnlineStatus
	enum Options
		/// The user may set away messages for this online status   
		HasAwayMessage = 0x01,  
		/// The action of the status will be disabled if the account is offline.
		/// use it if your protocol doesn't support connecting with the status as initial status.
		/// You praticaly shouldn't abuse of that, and automaticaly set status after connecting if possible
		DisabledIfOffline = 0x02,
		///  The status will not appears in the action menu. Used if you want to register the status for e.g. autoaway,
		///  without letting the user set itself that status  
		HideFromMenu = 0x04
	 * You need to register each status an account can be.
	 * Registered statuses will appear in the account menu.
	 * The Protocol constructor is a good place to call this function.
	 * But if you want, you may use a special OnlineStatus constructor that call this function automaticaly
	 * You can set the status to be in the predefined categories.
	 * Ideally, each category should own one status.
	 * A status may be in several categories, or in none.
	 * There shouldn't be more than one status per protocol per categories.
	 * @param status The status to register
	 * @param caption The caption that will appear in menus (e.g. "Set &Away")
	 * @param categories A bitflag of @ref Categories
	 * @param options is a bitflag of @ref Options
	void registerOnlineStatus(const OnlineStatus& status, const TQString &caption, unsigned int categories=0x00 , unsigned int options=0x0);

	 * insert "setStatus" actions from the given account to the specified actionMenu.
	 *  (actions have that menu as parent TQObject)
	 * they are connected to the Account::setOnlineStatus signal
	 * Items are stored by status height.
	 * @param account the account
	 * @param parent  the ActionMenu where action are inserted
	void createAccountStatusActions( Account *account , KActionMenu *parent);

	 * return the status of the @p protocol which is in the category @p category
	 * If no status has been registered in this category, return the one in the category which is the most similair
	OnlineStatus onlineStatus(Protocol *protocol, Categories category) const;

	friend class OnlineStatus;
	TQPixmap cacheLookupByObject( const OnlineStatus &statusFor, const TQString& icon, int size, TQColor color, bool idle = false);
	TQPixmap cacheLookupByMimeSource( const TQString &mimeSource );
	TQString fingerprint( const OnlineStatus &statusFor, const TQString& icon, int size, TQColor color, bool idle = false);
	TQPixmap* renderIcon( const OnlineStatus &statusFor, const TQString& baseicon, int size, TQColor color, bool idle = false) const;

	void iconsChanged();

private slots:
	void slotIconsChanged();

	static OnlineStatusManager *s_self;
	class Private;
	Private *d;

 * @internal
class OnlineStatusAction : public KAction
	OnlineStatusAction ( const OnlineStatus& status, const TQString &text, const TQIconSet &pix, TQObject *parent=0, const char *name=0);
	void activated( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status );
  private slots:
	void slotActivated();
	OnlineStatus m_status;

}  //END namespace Kopete 


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