    Kopete Utils.

    Copyright (c) 2005 Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <duncan@kde.org>

    Kopete    (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *


#include "tqobject.h"
#include "tqstring.h"
#include "tqpixmap.h"
#include "kopete_export.h"

class KNotification;

namespace Kopete

class Account;

namespace Utils

 * Checks if host is accesible. Useful for plugins to check for disconnected events.
 * @param host The host to be cheked
bool isHostReachable( const TQString &host );

 * Notifies the user connection has been lost without coupling plugins with GUI code.
 * @param account The account that lost the connection and wants to notify the user.
 * @param caption A brief subject line, used where possible if the presentation allows it.
 * @param message A short description of the error.
 * @param explanation A long description on how the error occured and what the user can do about it.
 * @param debugInfo Debug info that can be sent to the developers or to the network service owners.
 * You can not provide debugInfo without an user explanation. If you don't provide a caption, message, or
 * explanation, Kopete will use a default explanation.
void KOPETE_EXPORT notifyConnectionLost( const Account *account,
                                         const TQString &caption = TQString(),
                                         const TQString &message = TQString(),
                                         const TQString &explanation = TQString(),
                                         const TQString &debugInfo = TQString() );

 * Notifies the user the server is not reachable without coupling plugins with GUI code.
 * @param account The account that cannot establish a connection and want to notify the user about that.
 * @param explanation A long description on how the error occured and what the user can do about it.
 * @param debugInfo Debug info that can be sent to the developers or to the network service owners.
 * You can not provide debugInfo without an user explanation. If you don't provide a caption, message, or
 * explanation, Kopete will use a default explanation.
void KOPETE_EXPORT notifyCannotConnect( const Account *account,
                                        const TQString &explanation = TQString(),
                                        const TQString &debugInfo = TQString());

 * Notifies the user that an error on a connection occcured without coupling plugins with GUI code.
 * @param account The account where the connection error occured and wants to notify the user.
 * @param caption A brief subject line, used where possible if the presentation allows it.
 * @param message A short description of the error.
 * @param explanation A long description on how the error occured and what the user can do about it.
 * @param debugInfo Debug info that can be sent to the developers or to the network service owners.
 * You can not provide debugInfo without an user explanation. If you don't provide a caption, message, or
 * explanation, Kopete will use a default explanation.
void KOPETE_EXPORT notifyConnectionError( const Account *account,
                                          const TQString &caption = TQString(),
                                          const TQString &message = TQString(),
                                          const TQString &explanation = TQString(),
                                          const TQString &debugInfo = TQString() );

 * Notifies the user that an error on the server occcured without coupling plugins with GUI code.
 * @param account The account where the server error occured and wants to notify the user.
 * @param caption A brief subject line, used where possible if the presentation allows it.
 * @param message A short description of the error.
 * @param explanation A long description on how the error occured and what the user can do about it.
 * @param debugInfo Debug info that can be sent to the developers or to the network service owners.
 * You can not provide debugInfo without an user explanation. If you don't provide a caption, message, or
 * explanation, Kopete will use a default explanation.
void KOPETE_EXPORT notifyServerError( const Account *account,
                                      const TQString &caption = TQString(),
                                      const TQString &message = TQString(),
                                      const TQString &explanation = TQString(),
                                      const TQString &debugInfo = TQString() );
} // end ns Utils
} // end ns Kopete
