
   Kopete Web Presence plugin

   Copyright (c) 2005      by Tommi Rantala   <tommi.rantala@cs.helsinki.fi>
   Copyright (c) 2002,2003 by Will Stephenson <will@stevello.free-online.co.uk>

   Kopete    (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

 *                                                                    	 *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                       *

#include "config.h"

#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqfile.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>

#ifdef HAVE_XSLT
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>

#include <libxslt/xsltconfig.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h>
#include <libxslt/transform.h>
#include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>

#include "kopetepluginmanager.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "kopeteaccount.h"

#include "webpresenceplugin.h"

typedef KGenericFactory<WebPresencePlugin> WebPresencePluginFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kopete_webpresence, WebPresencePluginFactory( "kopete_webpresence" )  )

WebPresencePlugin::WebPresencePlugin( TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& /*args*/ )
	: Kopete::Plugin( WebPresencePluginFactory::instance(), parent, name ),
	shuttingDown( false ), resultFormatting( WEB_HTML )
	m_writeScheduler = new TQTimer( this );
	connect ( m_writeScheduler, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotWriteFile() ) );
	connect( Kopete::AccountManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(accountRegistered(Kopete::Account*)),
				this, TQT_SLOT( listenToAllAccounts() ) );
	connect( Kopete::AccountManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(accountUnregistered(Kopete::Account*)),
				this, TQT_SLOT( listenToAllAccounts() ) );

	connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT( loadSettings() ) );


void WebPresencePlugin::loadSettings()
	TDEConfig *tdeconfig = TDEGlobal::config();
	tdeconfig->setGroup( "Web Presence Plugin" );

	frequency = tdeconfig->readNumEntry("UploadFrequency", 15);
	resultURL = tdeconfig->readPathEntry("uploadURL");

	resultFormatting = WEB_UNDEFINED;

	if ( tdeconfig->readBoolEntry( "formatHTML", false ) ) {
		resultFormatting = WEB_HTML;
	} else if ( tdeconfig->readBoolEntry( "formatXHTML", false ) ) {
		resultFormatting = WEB_XHTML;
	} else if ( tdeconfig->readBoolEntry( "formatXML", false ) ) {
		resultFormatting = WEB_XML;
	} else if ( tdeconfig->readBoolEntry( "formatStylesheet", false ) ) {
		resultFormatting = WEB_CUSTOM;
		userStyleSheet = tdeconfig->readEntry("formatStylesheetURL");

	// Default to HTML if we dont get anything useful from config file.
	if ( resultFormatting == WEB_UNDEFINED )
		resultFormatting = WEB_HTML;

	useImagesInHTML = tdeconfig->readBoolEntry( "useImagesHTML", false );
	useImName = tdeconfig->readBoolEntry("showName", true);
	userName = tdeconfig->readEntry("showThisName");
	showAddresses = tdeconfig->readBoolEntry("includeIMAddress", false);

	// Update file when settings are changed.

void WebPresencePlugin::listenToAllAccounts()
	// connect to signals notifying of all accounts' status changes
	ProtocolList protocols = allProtocols();

	for ( ProtocolList::Iterator it = protocols.begin();
			it != protocols.end(); ++it )
		TQDict<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts( *it );
		TQDictIterator<Kopete::Account> acIt( accounts );

		for( ; Kopete::Account *account = acIt.current(); ++acIt )
			listenToAccount( account );

void WebPresencePlugin::listenToAccount( Kopete::Account* account )
	if(account && account->myself())
		// Connect to the account's status changed signal
		// because we can't know if the account has already connected
		TQObject::disconnect( account->myself(),
						TQT_SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact *,
								const Kopete::OnlineStatus &,
								const Kopete::OnlineStatus & ) ),
						TQT_SLOT( slotWaitMoreStatusChanges() ) ) ;
		TQObject::connect( account->myself(),
						TQT_SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact *,
								const Kopete::OnlineStatus &,
								const Kopete::OnlineStatus & ) ),
						TQT_SLOT( slotWaitMoreStatusChanges() ) );

void WebPresencePlugin::slotWaitMoreStatusChanges()
	if ( !m_writeScheduler->isActive() )
		m_writeScheduler->start( frequency * 1000 );

void WebPresencePlugin::slotWriteFile()

	// generate the (temporary) XML file representing the current contactlist
	KURL dest( resultURL );
	if ( resultURL.isEmpty() || !dest.isValid() )
		kdDebug(14309) << "url is empty or not valid. NOT UPDATING!" << endl;

	KTempFile* xml = generateFile();
	xml->setAutoDelete( true );
	kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << " " << xml->name() << endl;

	switch( resultFormatting ) {
	case WEB_XML:
		m_output = xml;
		xml = 0L;
	case WEB_HTML:
	case WEB_XHTML:
		m_output = new KTempFile();
		m_output->setAutoDelete( true );

		if ( !transform( xml, m_output ) )
			//TODO: give some error to user, even better if shown only once
			delete m_output;
			m_output = 0L;

			delete xml;

		delete xml; // might make debugging harder!

	// upload it to the specified URL
	KURL src( m_output->name() );
	TDEIO::FileCopyJob *job = TDEIO::file_move( src, dest, -1, true, false, false );
	connect( job, TQT_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job * ) ),
			TQT_SLOT(  slotUploadJobResult( TDEIO::Job * ) ) );

void WebPresencePlugin::slotUploadJobResult( TDEIO::Job *job )
	if ( job->error() ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << "Error uploading presence info." << endl;
		KMessageBox::queuedDetailedError( 0, i18n("An error occurred when uploading your presence page.\nCheck the path and write permissions of the destination."), 0, displayName() );
		delete m_output;
		m_output = 0L;

KTempFile* WebPresencePlugin::generateFile()
	// generate the (temporary) XML file representing the current contactlist
	kdDebug( 14309 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
	TQString notKnown = i18n( "Not yet known" );

	TQDomDocument doc;

	doc.appendChild( doc.createProcessingInstruction( "xml",
				"version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"" ) );

	TQDomElement root = doc.createElement( "webpresence" );
	doc.appendChild( root );

	// insert the current date/time
	TQDomElement date = doc.createElement( "listdate" );
	TQDomText t = doc.createTextNode( 
			TDEGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() ) );
	date.appendChild( t );
	root.appendChild( date );

	// insert the user's name
	TQDomElement name = doc.createElement( "name" );
	TQDomText nameText;
	if ( !useImName && !userName.isEmpty() )
		nameText = doc.createTextNode( userName );
		nameText = doc.createTextNode( notKnown );
	name.appendChild( nameText );
	root.appendChild( name );

	// insert the list of the user's accounts
	TQDomElement accounts = doc.createElement( "accounts" );
	root.appendChild( accounts );

	TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> list = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
	// If no accounts, stop here
	if ( !list.isEmpty() )
		for( TQPtrListIterator<Kopete::Account> it( list );
			 Kopete::Account *account=it.current();
			 ++it )
			TQDomElement acc = doc.createElement( "account" );
			//output += h.openTag( "account" );

			TQDomElement protoName = doc.createElement( "protocol" );
			TQDomText protoNameText = doc.createTextNode(
					account->protocol()->pluginId() );
			protoName.appendChild( protoNameText );
			acc.appendChild( protoName );

			Kopete::Contact* me = account->myself();
			TQString displayName = me->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
			TQDomElement accName = doc.createElement( "accountname" );
			TQDomText accNameText = doc.createTextNode( ( me )
					? displayName
					: notKnown );
			accName.appendChild( accNameText );
			acc.appendChild( accName );

			TQDomElement accStatus = doc.createElement( "accountstatus" );
			TQDomText statusText = doc.createTextNode( ( me )
					? statusAsString( me->onlineStatus() )
					: notKnown ) ;
			accStatus.appendChild( statusText );

			// Dont add these if we're shutting down, because the result
			// would be quite weird.
			if ( !shuttingDown ) {

				// Add away message as an attribute, if one exists.
				if ( me->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away &&
						!me->property("awayMessage").value().toString().isEmpty() ) {
					accStatus.setAttribute( "awayreason",
							me->property("awayMessage").value().toString() );

				// Add the online status description as an attribute, if one exits.
				if ( !me->onlineStatus().description().isEmpty() ) {
					accStatus.setAttribute( "statusdescription",
							me->onlineStatus().description() );
			acc.appendChild( accStatus );

			if ( showAddresses )
				TQDomElement accAddress = doc.createElement( "accountaddress" );
				TQDomText addressText = doc.createTextNode( ( me )
						? me->contactId()
						: notKnown );
				accAddress.appendChild( addressText );
				acc.appendChild( accAddress );

			accounts.appendChild( acc );

	// write the XML to a temporary file
	KTempFile* file = new KTempFile();
	TQTextStream *stream = file->textStream();
	stream->setEncoding( TQTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
	doc.save( *stream, 4 );
	return file;

bool WebPresencePlugin::transform( KTempFile * src, KTempFile * dest )
#ifdef HAVE_XSLT
	bool retval = true;
	xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault( 1 );
	xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue = 1;

	TQFile sheet;

	switch ( resultFormatting ) {
	case WEB_XML:
		// Oops! We tried to call transform() but XML was requested.
		return false;
	case WEB_HTML:
		if ( useImagesInHTML ) {
			sheet.setName( locate( "appdata", "webpresence/webpresence_html_images.xsl" ) );
		} else {
			sheet.setName( locate( "appdata", "webpresence/webpresence_html.xsl" ) );
	case WEB_XHTML:
		if ( useImagesInHTML ) {
			sheet.setName( locate( "appdata", "webpresence/webpresence_xhtml_images.xsl" ) );
		} else {
			sheet.setName( locate( "appdata", "webpresence/webpresence_xhtml.xsl" ) );
		sheet.setName( userStyleSheet );
		// Shouldn't ever reach here.
		return false;

	// TODO: auto / smart pointers would be useful here
	xsltStylesheetPtr cur = 0;
	xmlDocPtr doc = 0;
	xmlDocPtr res = 0;

	if ( !sheet.exists() ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << "ERROR: Style sheet not found" << endl;
		retval = false;
		goto end;

	// is the cast safe?
	cur = xsltParseStylesheetFile( (const xmlChar *) sheet.name().latin1() );
	if ( !cur ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << "ERROR: Style sheet parsing failed" << endl;
		retval = false;
		goto end;

	doc = xmlParseFile( TQFile::encodeName( src->name() ) );
	if ( !doc ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << "ERROR: XML parsing failed" << endl;
		retval = false;
		goto end;

	res = xsltApplyStylesheet( cur, doc, 0 );
	if ( !res ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << "ERROR: Style sheet apply failed" << endl;
		retval = false;
		goto end;

	if ( xsltSaveResultToFile(dest->fstream(), res, cur) == -1 ) {
		kdDebug(14309) << k_funcinfo << "ERROR: Style sheet apply failed" << endl;
		retval = false;
		goto end;

	// then it all worked!

	if (doc) xmlFreeDoc(doc);
	if (res) xmlFreeDoc(res);
	if (cur) xsltFreeStylesheet(cur);

	return retval;

	Q_UNUSED( src );
	Q_UNUSED( dest );

	return false;

ProtocolList WebPresencePlugin::allProtocols()
	kdDebug( 14309 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;

	Kopete::PluginList plugins = Kopete::PluginManager::self()->loadedPlugins( "Protocols" );
	Kopete::PluginList::ConstIterator it;

	ProtocolList result;

	for ( it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it ) {
		result.append( static_cast<Kopete::Protocol *>( *it ) );

	return result;

TQString WebPresencePlugin::statusAsString( const Kopete::OnlineStatus &newStatus )
	if (shuttingDown)
		return "OFFLINE";

	TQString status;
	switch ( newStatus.status() )
	case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online:
		status = "ONLINE";
	case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away:
		status = "AWAY";
	case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline:
	case Kopete::OnlineStatus::Invisible:
		status = "OFFLINE";
		status = "UNKNOWN";

	return status;

void WebPresencePlugin::aboutToUnload()
	// Stop timer. Dont need it anymore.

	// Force statusAsString() report all accounts as OFFLINE.
	shuttingDown = true;

	// Do final update of webpresence file.

	emit readyForUnload();
#include "webpresenceplugin.moc"