    gwcontact.cpp - Kopete GroupWise Protocol

    Copyright (c) 2004      SUSE Linux AG	 	 http://www.suse.com
    Based on Testbed   
    Copyright (c) 2003      by Will Stephenson		 <will@stevello.free-online.co.uk>
	Blocking status taken from MSN
    Copyright (c) 2003      by Will Stephenson		  <will@stevello.free-online.co.uk>
    Copyright (c) 2002      by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <duncan@kde.org>
    Copyright (c) 2002      by Ryan Cumming           <bodnar42@phalynx.dhs.org>
    Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens       <klingens@kde.org>
    Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Olivier Goffart        <ogoffart @ kde.org>
    Kopete    (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public                   *
    * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
    * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      *
    *                                                                       *

#include <tqmap.h>

#include <kaction.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>

#include <kopetemetacontact.h>
#include <kopeteuiglobal.h>

#include "client.h"
#include "gwaccount.h"
#include "gwprotocol.h"
#include "privacymanager.h"
#include "userdetailsmanager.h"
#include "tasks/updatecontacttask.h"
#include "ui/gwcontactproperties.h"

#include "gwcontact.h"

using namespace GroupWise;

GroupWiseContact::GroupWiseContact( Kopete::Account* account, const TQString &dn, 
			Kopete::MetaContact *tqparent, 
			const int objectId, const int parentId, const int sequence )
: Kopete::Contact( account, GroupWiseProtocol::dnToDotted( dn ), tqparent ), m_objectId( objectId ), m_parentId( parentId ),
  m_sequence( sequence ), m_actionBlock( 0 ), m_archiving( false ), m_deleting( false ), m_messageReceivedOffline( false )
	if ( dn.tqfind( '=' ) != -1 )
		m_dn = dn;
	connect( static_cast< GroupWiseAccount *>( account ), TQT_SIGNAL( privacyChanged( const TQString &, bool ) ),
			TQT_SLOT( receivePrivacyChanged( const TQString &, bool ) ) );
	setOnlineStatus( ( tqparent && tqparent->isTemporary() ) ? protocol()->groupwiseUnknown : protocol()->groupwiseOffline );

	// This is necessary because otherwise the userDetailsManager 
	// would not fetch details for this contact if they contact you
	// again from off-contact-list.
	if ( metaContact()->isTemporary() )
		account()->client()->userDetailsManager()->removeContact( contactId() );

TQString GroupWiseContact::dn() const
	return m_dn;

void GroupWiseContact::updateDetails( const ContactDetails & details )
	kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
	if ( !details.cn.isNull() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propCN, details.cn );
	if ( !details.dn.isNull() )
		m_dn = details.dn;
	if ( !details.givenName.isNull() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propGivenName, details.givenName );
	if ( !details.surname.isNull() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propLastName, details.surname );
	if ( !details.fullName.isNull() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propFullName, details.fullName );
	m_archiving = details.archive;
	if ( !details.awayMessage.isNull() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propAwayMessage, details.awayMessage );
	m_serverProperties = details.properties;
	TQMap<TQString, TQString>::Iterator it;
	// work phone number
	if ( ( it = m_serverProperties.tqfind( "telephoneNumber" ) )
		!= m_serverProperties.end() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propPhoneWork, it.data() );
	// mobile phone number
	if ( ( it = m_serverProperties.tqfind( "mobile" ) )
		!= m_serverProperties.end() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propPhoneMobile, it.data() );
	// email
	if ( ( it = m_serverProperties.tqfind( "Internet EMail Address" ) )
		!= m_serverProperties.end() )
		setProperty( protocol()->propEmail, it.data() );
	if ( details.status != GroupWise::Invalid )
		Kopete::OnlineStatus status = protocol()->gwStatusToKOS( details.status );
		setOnlineStatus( status );

GroupWiseProtocol *GroupWiseContact::protocol()
	return static_cast<GroupWiseProtocol *>( Kopete::Contact::protocol() );

GroupWiseAccount *GroupWiseContact::account()
	return static_cast<GroupWiseAccount *>( Kopete::Contact::account() );

bool GroupWiseContact::isReachable()
	// When we are invisible we can't start a chat with others, but we don't make isReachable return false, because then we
	// don't get any notification when we click on someone in the contact list.  Instead we warn the user when they try to send a message,
	// in GWChatSession
	// (This is a GroupWise rule, not a problem in Kopete)

	if ( account()->isConnected() && ( isOnline() || messageReceivedOffline() ) /* && account()->myself()->onlinetqStatus() != protocol()->groupwiseAppearOffline */)
		return true;
	if ( !account()->isConnected()/* || account()->myself()->onlinetqStatus() == protocol()->groupwiseAppearOffline*/ )
		return false;

	// fallback, something went wrong
	return false;

void GroupWiseContact::serialize( TQMap< TQString, TQString > &serializedData, TQMap< TQString, TQString > & /* addressBookData */ )
	serializedData[ "DN" ] = m_dn;

Kopete::ChatSession * GroupWiseContact::manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags canCreate )
	//kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "called, canCreate: " << canCreate << endl;

	Kopete::ContactPtrList chatMembers;
	chatMembers.append( this );

	return account()->chatSession( chatMembers, TQString(), canCreate );

TQPtrList<KAction> *GroupWiseContact::customContextMenuActions() 
	TQPtrList<KAction> *m_actionCollection = new TQPtrList<KAction>;

	// Block/unblock Contact
	TQString label = account()->isContactBlocked( m_dn ) ? i18n( "Unblock User" ) : i18n( "Block User" );
	if( !m_actionBlock )
		m_actionBlock = new KAction( label, "msn_blocked",0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotBlock() ),
			this, "actionBlock" );
		m_actionBlock->setText( label );
	m_actionBlock->setEnabled( account()->isConnected() );
	m_actionCollection->append( m_actionBlock );

	return m_actionCollection;

void GroupWiseContact::slotUserInfo()
	new GroupWiseContactProperties( this, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), "gwcontactproperties" );

TQMap< TQString, TQString > GroupWiseContact::serverProperties()
	return m_serverProperties;

void GroupWiseContact::sendMessage( Kopete::Message &message )
	kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
	manager()->appendMessage( message );
	// tell the manager it was sent successfully

void GroupWiseContact::deleteContact()
	account()->deleteContact( this );

void GroupWiseContact::sync( unsigned int)
	account()->syncContact( this );

void GroupWiseContact::slotBlock()
	kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
	if ( account()->isConnected() )
		if ( account()->isContactBlocked( m_dn ) )
			account()->client()->privacyManager()->setAllow( m_dn );
			account()->client()->privacyManager()->setDeny( m_dn );

void GroupWiseContact::receivePrivacyChanged( const TQString & dn, bool allow )
	Q_UNUSED( allow );
	if ( dn == m_dn )	// set the online status back to itself. this will set the blocking state
		setOnlineStatus( this->onlinetqStatus() );

void GroupWiseContact::setOnlineStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status )
	setMessageReceivedOffline( false );
	if ( status == protocol()->groupwiseAwayIdle && status != onlinetqStatus() )
		setIdleTime( 1 );
	else if ( onlinetqStatus() == protocol()->groupwiseAwayIdle && status != onlinetqStatus() )
		setIdleTime( 0 );
	if ( account()->isContactBlocked( m_dn ) && status.internalStatus() < 15 )
		Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus(Kopete::OnlineStatus(status.status() , (status.weight()==0) ? 0 : (status.weight() -1)  ,
			protocol() , status.internalStatus()+15 , TQString::tqfromLatin1("msn_blocked"),
			i18n("%1|Blocked").tqarg( status.description() ) ) );
		if(status.internalStatus() >= 15)
		{	//the user is not blocked, but the status is blocked
				case 0:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseUnknown );
				case 1:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseOffline );
				case 2:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseAvailable );
				case 3:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseBusy );
				case 4:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseAway );
				case 5:
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseAwayIdle );
					Kopete::Contact::setOnlineStatus( GroupWiseProtocol::protocol()->groupwiseUnknown );

bool GroupWiseContact::archiving() const
	return m_archiving;

bool GroupWiseContact::deleting() const
	return m_deleting;

void GroupWiseContact::setDeleting( bool deleting )
	m_deleting = deleting;

void GroupWiseContact::renamedOnServer()
	UpdateContactTask * uct = ( UpdateContactTask * )sender();
	if ( uct->success() )
		if( uct->displayName() != 
				property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString() )
			setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), uct->displayName() );
		kdDebug( GROUPWISE_DEBUG_GLOBAL ) << k_funcinfo << "rename failed, return code: " << uct->statusCode() << endl;

void GroupWiseContact::setMessageReceivedOffline( bool on )
	m_messageReceivedOffline = on;

bool GroupWiseContact::messageReceivedOffline() const
	return m_messageReceivedOffline;

#include "gwcontact.moc"

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