/* rtf2html.h - A simple RTF Parser Copyright (c) 2002 by Vladimir Shutoff <vovan@shutoff.ru> (original code) Copyright (c) 2004 by Thiago S. Barcelos <barcelos@ime.usp.br> (Kopete port) Kopete (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #ifndef RTF2HTML_H #define RTF2HTML_H #include <tqstring.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tqtextcodec.h> #include <tqcolor.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <vector> #include <stack> #include <string> #include <stdarg.h> using namespace std; struct FontDef { int charset; string taggedName; string nonTaggedName; }; class RTF2HTML; enum TagEnum { TAG_ALL = 0, TAG_FONT_SIZE, TAG_FONT_COLOR, TAG_FONT_FAMILY, TAG_BG_COLOR, TAG_BOLD, TAG_ITALIC, TAG_UNDERLINE }; class ParStyle { public: ParStyle() { dir = DirLTR; } void clearFormatting(); public: enum {DirLTR, DirRTL} dir; }; class Level { public: Level(RTF2HTML *_p); Level(const Level&); void setText(const char* str); void setFontTbl() { m_bFontTbl = true; } void setColors() { m_bColors = true; resetColors(); } void setRed(unsigned char val) { setColor(val, &m_nRed); } void setGreen(unsigned char val) { setColor(val, &m_nGreen); } void setBlue(unsigned char val) { setColor(val, &m_nBlue); } void setFont(unsigned nFont); void setEncoding(unsigned nFont); void setFontName(); void setFontColor(unsigned short color); void setFontBgColor(unsigned short color); void setFontSizeHalfPoints(unsigned short sizeInHalfPoints); void setFontSize(unsigned short sizeInPoints); void setBold(bool); void setItalic(bool); void setUnderline(bool); void startParagraph(); bool isParagraphOpen() const; void clearParagraphFormatting(); void setParagraphDirLTR(); void setParagraphDirRTL(); void addLineBreak(); void flush(); void reset(); void resetTag(TagEnum tag); protected: string text; void Init(); RTF2HTML *p; void resetColors() { m_nRed = m_nGreen = m_nBlue = 0; m_bColorInit = false; } void setColor(unsigned char val, unsigned char *p) { *p = val; m_bColorInit=true; } // Marks the position in m_tags where this level begun. unsigned m_nTagsStartPos; // True when parsing the fonts table bool m_bFontTbl; // True when parsing the colors table. bool m_bColors; // True when inside a 'fname' block. bool m_bFontName; // False until we get the tagged font name. bool m_bTaggedFontNameOk; unsigned char m_nRed; unsigned char m_nGreen; unsigned char m_nBlue; bool m_bColorInit; unsigned m_nFont; // 1-based unsigned m_nEncoding; unsigned m_nFontColor; // 1-based unsigned m_nFontSize; unsigned m_nFontBgColor; // 1-based bool m_bBold; bool m_bItalic; bool m_bUnderline; }; class OutTag { public: OutTag(TagEnum _tag, unsigned _param) : tag(_tag), param(_param) {} TagEnum tag; unsigned param; }; enum quoteMode { quoteHTML, quoteXML, quoteNOBR }; class RTF2HTML { friend class Level; public: RTF2HTML(); TQString Parse(const char *rtf, const char *encoding); // Paragraph-specific functions: TQString quoteString(const TQString &_str, quoteMode mode = quoteHTML); // Appends a string with formatting into the paragraph buffer. void PrintUnquoted(const char *str, ...); // Quotes and appends a string to the paragraph buffer. void PrintQuoted(const TQString &str); // Writes down the tags from oTags into the paragraph buffer. void FlushOutTags(); // Retrieves the top not-yet-written tag. OutTag* getTopOutTag(TagEnum tagType); // Writes down the paragraph buffer and resets the paragraph state. void FlushParagraph(); // Document-wide functions: void PutTag(TagEnum n) { tags.push(n); } protected: // Paragraph members // True if the paragraph was opened explicitly. bool bExplicitParagraph; // The paragraph's HTML buffer. TQString sParagraph; // Defines the paragraph's formatting. ParStyle parStyle; // Tags which weren't yet printed out. vector<OutTag> oTags; // Document members // The document HTML buffer. TQString s; // Fonts table. vector<FontDef> fonts; // Colors table. vector<TQColor> colors; // Stack of tags (across all levels, not just current level) stack<TagEnum> tags; // RTF parser internals const char *rtf_ptr; const char *encoding; Level cur_level; stack<Level> levels; }; #endif