/* Kopete Groupwise Protocol pollsearchresultstask.cpp - Poll the server to see if it has processed our search yet. Copyright (c) 2004 SUSE Linux AG http://www.suse.com Based on Iris, Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "gwfield.h" #include "response.h" #include "logintask.h" #include "pollsearchresultstask.h" using namespace GroupWise; PollSearchResultsTask::PollSearchResultsTask(Task* parent): RequestTask(parent) { } PollSearchResultsTask::~PollSearchResultsTask() { } void PollSearchResultsTask::poll( const TQString & queryHandle ) { Field::FieldList lst; lst.append( new Field::SingleField( NM_A_SZ_OBJECT_ID, 0, NMFIELD_TYPE_UTF8, queryHandle ) ); createTransfer( "getresults", lst ); } bool PollSearchResultsTask::take( Transfer * transfer ) { if ( !forMe( transfer ) ) return false; Response * response = dynamic_cast<Response *>( transfer ); if ( !response ) return false; if ( response->resultCode() ) { setError( response->resultCode() ); return true; } // look for the status code Field::FieldList responseFields = response->fields(); Field::SingleField * sf = responseFields.findSingleField( NM_A_SZ_STATUS ); m_queryStatus = sf->value().toInt(); Field::MultiField * resultsArray = responseFields.findMultiField( NM_A_FA_RESULTS ); if ( !resultsArray ) { setError( Protocol ); return true; } Field::FieldList matches = resultsArray->fields(); const Field::FieldListIterator end = matches.end(); for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = matches.find( NM_A_FA_CONTACT ); it != end; it = matches.find( ++it, NM_A_FA_CONTACT ) ) { Field::MultiField * mf = static_cast<Field::MultiField *>( *it ); Field::FieldList contact = mf->fields(); GroupWise::ContactDetails cd = extractUserDetails( contact ); m_results.append( cd ); } // first field: NM_A_SZ_STATUS contains #define SEARCH_PENDING 0 #define SEARCH_INPROGRESS 1 #define SEARCH_COMPLETED 2 #define SEARCH_TIMEOUT 3 #define SEARCH_CANCELLED 4 #define SEARCH_ERROR 5 // set a status code if needed // followed by NM_A_FA_RESULTS, looks like a getdetails // add an accessor to get at the results list of ContactItems, probably if ( m_queryStatus != 2 ) setError( m_queryStatus ); else setSuccess( m_queryStatus ); return true; } TQValueList< GroupWise::ContactDetails > PollSearchResultsTask::results() { return m_results; } int PollSearchResultsTask::queryStatus() { return m_queryStatus; } GroupWise::ContactDetails PollSearchResultsTask::extractUserDetails( Field::FieldList & fields ) { ContactDetails cd; cd.status = GroupWise::Invalid; cd.archive = false; // read the supplied fields, set metadata and status. Field::SingleField * sf; if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE ) ) ) cd.authAttribute = sf->value().toString(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_DN ) ) ) cd.dn =sf->value().toString().lower(); // HACK: lowercased DN if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "CN" ) ) ) cd.cn = sf->value().toString(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Given Name" ) ) ) cd.givenName = sf->value().toString(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Surname" ) ) ) cd.surname = sf->value().toString(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "Full Name" ) ) ) cd.fullName = sf->value().toString(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( "nnmArchive" ) ) ) cd.archive = ( sf->value().toInt() == 1 ); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_STATUS ) ) ) cd.status = sf->value().toInt(); if ( ( sf = fields.findSingleField ( NM_A_SZ_MESSAGE_BODY ) ) ) cd.awayMessage = sf->value().toString(); Field::MultiField * mf; TQMap< TQString, TQString > propMap; if ( ( mf = fields.findMultiField ( NM_A_FA_INFO_DISPLAY_ARRAY ) ) ) { Field::FieldList fl = mf->fields(); const Field::FieldListIterator end = fl.end(); for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = fl.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { // assumes each property only present once // check in logintask.cpp and if it's a multi field, // get the value of this instance, check if it's already in the property map and append if found. Field::SingleField * propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ); if ( propField ) { TQString propName = propField->tag(); TQString propValue = propField->value().toString(); propMap.insert( propName, propValue ); } else { Field::MultiField * propList = dynamic_cast<Field::MultiField*>( *it ); if ( propList ) { TQString parentName = propList->tag(); Field::FieldList propFields = propList->fields(); const Field::FieldListIterator end = propFields.end(); for ( Field::FieldListIterator it = propFields.begin(); it != end; ++it ) { propField = dynamic_cast<Field::SingleField *>( *it ); if ( propField ) { TQString propValue = propField->value().toString(); TQString contents = propMap[ propField->tag() ]; if ( !contents.isEmpty() ) contents.append( ", " ); contents.append( propField->value().toString()); propMap.insert( propField->tag(), contents ); } } } } } } if ( !propMap.empty() ) { cd.properties = propMap; } return cd; } #include "pollsearchresultstask.moc"