/* ircchannelcontact.h - IRC Channel Contact Copyright (c) 2002 by Nick Betcher <nbetcher@kde.org> Copyright (c) 2003 by Jason Keirstead <jason@keirstead.org> Kopete (c) 2002 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #ifndef IRCCHANNELCONTACT_H #define IRCCHANNELCONTACT_H #include "irccontact.h" class TDEActionCollection; class TDEAction; class TDEActionMenu; class KCodecAction; class TDEToggleAction; namespace Kopete { class MetaContact; } namespace Kopete { class ChatSession; } namespace Kopete { class Message; } class KopeteView; class IRCAccount; class IRCContactManager; /** * @author Jason Keirstead <jason@keirstead.org> * * This class is the @ref Kopete::Contact object representing IRC Channels, not users. * It is derived from IRCContact where much of its functionality is shared with @ref IRCUserContact. */ class IRCChannelContact : public IRCContact { friend class IRCSignalMapper; Q_OBJECT public: IRCChannelContact(IRCContactManager *, const TQString &channel, Kopete::MetaContact *metac); ~IRCChannelContact(); /** * Returns the current topic for this channel. */ const TQString &topic() const { return mTopic; }; /* Set password for a channel */ void setPassword(const TQString &password) { mPassword = password; } /* Get password for a channel */ const TQString &password() const { return mPassword; } /** * Returns if a mode is enabled for this channel. * @param mode The mode you want to check ( 't', 'n', etc. ) * @param value This is a pointer to a TQString which is set to * the value of the mode if it has one. Example, the mode 'l' or * the mode 'k'. If the mode has no such value then the pointer * is always returned null. */ bool modeEnabled( TQChar mode, TQString *value = 0 ); // Kopete::Contact stuff virtual TQPtrList<TDEAction> *customContextMenuActions(); virtual const TQString caption() const; //Methods handled by the signal mapper void userJoinedChannel(const TQString &user); void userPartedChannel(const TQString &user, const TQString &reason); void userKicked(const TQString &nick, const TQString &nickKicked, const TQString &reason); void channelTopic(const TQString &topic); void channelHomePage(const TQString &url); void topicChanged(const TQString &nick, const TQString &newtopic); void topicUser(const TQString &nick, const TQDateTime &time); void namesList(const TQStringList &nicknames); void endOfNames(); void incomingModeChange(const TQString &nick, const TQString &mode); void incomingChannelMode(const TQString &mode, const TQString ¶ms ); void failedChankey(); void failedChanBanned(); void failedChanInvite(); void failedChanFull(); void newAction(const TQString &from, const TQString &action); public slots: void updateStatus(); /** * Sets the topic of this channel * @param topic The topic you want set */ void setTopic( const TQString &topic = TQString() ); /** * Sets or unsets a mode on this channel * @param mode The full text of the mode change you want performed */ void setMode( const TQString &mode = TQString() ); void part(); void partAction(); void join(); protected slots: void chatSessionDestroyed(); virtual void privateMessage(IRCContact *from, IRCContact *to, const TQString &message); virtual void initConversation(); private slots: void slotIncomingUserIsAway( const TQString &nick, const TQString &reason ); void slotModeChanged(); void slotAddNicknames(); void slotConnectedToServer(); void slotUpdateInfo(); void slotHomepage(); void slotChannelListed(const TQString &channel, uint members, const TQString &topic); void slotOnlineStatusChanged(Kopete::Contact *c, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &status, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &oldStatus); private: TDEAction *actionJoin; TDEAction *actionPart; TDEAction *actionTopic; TDEAction *actionHomePage; TDEActionMenu *actionModeMenu; KCodecAction *codecAction; TDEToggleAction *actionModeT; // Only Operators Can Change Topic TDEToggleAction *actionModeN; // No Outside Messages TDEToggleAction *actionModeS; // Secret TDEToggleAction *actionModeI; // Invite Only TDEToggleAction *actionModeM; // Moderated TQString mTopic; TQString mPassword; TQStringList mJoinedNicks; TQMap<TQString, bool> modeMap; TQTimer *mInfoTimer; void toggleMode( TQChar mode, bool enabled, bool update ); void toggleOperatorActions( bool enabled ); }; #endif