  * jabbercontact.cpp  -  Regular Kopete Jabber protocol contact
  * Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Till Gerken <till@tantalo.net>
  * Kopete    (c) by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>
  * *************************************************************************
  * *                                                                       *
  * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  * * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
  * *                                                                       *
  * *************************************************************************


#include <config.h>

#include "jabberbasecontact.h"
#include "xmpp_vcard.h"

#include "kopetechatsession.h" // needed for silly Kopete::ContactPtrList

class JabberChatSession;
class TQTimer;

class JabberContact : public JabberBaseContact



	JabberContact (const XMPP::RosterItem &rosterItem,
				   Kopete::Account *account, Kopete::MetaContact * mc, const TQString &legacyId = TQString());

	 * Create custom context menu items for the contact
	 * FIXME: implement manager version here?
	TQPtrList<KAction> *customContextMenuActions ();

	 * Start a rename request.
	void rename ( const TQString &newName );

	 * Deal with an incoming message for this contact.
	void handleIncomingMessage ( const XMPP::Message &message );

	 * Create a message manager for this contact.
	 * This variant is a pure single-contact version and
	 * not suitable for groupchat, as it only looks for
	 * managers with ourselves in the contact list.
	Kopete::ChatSession *manager ( Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags );

	bool isContactRequestingEvent( XMPP::MsgEvent event );

	TQString lastReceivedMessageId () const;

public slots:

	 * Remove this contact from the roster
	void deleteContact ();

	 * Sync Groups with server
	 * operations are alctually performed in sloDelayedSync()
	void sync(unsigned int);

	 * This is the JabberContact level slot for sending files.
	 * @param sourceURL The actual KURL of the file you are sending
	 * @param fileName (Optional) An alternate name for the file - what the
	 *                 receiver will see
	 * @param fileSize (Optional) Size of the file being sent. Used when sending
	 *                 a nondeterminate file size (such as over a socket)
	virtual void sendFile( const KURL &sourceURL = KURL(),
		const TQString &fileName = TQString(), uint fileSize = 0L );

	 * Update the vCard on the server.
	 * @todo is that still used ?
	void slotSendVCard();

	 * Set contact photo.
	 * @param path Path to the photo.
	void setPhoto(const TQString &photoPath);
	 * this will start a voice call to the contact
	void voiceCall();

private slots:

	 * Send type="subscribed" to contact
	void slotSendAuth ();

	 * Send type="subscribe" to contact
	void slotRequestAuth ();

	 * Send type="unsubscribed" to contact
	void slotRemoveAuth ();

	 * Change this contact's status
	void slotStatusOnline ();
	void slotStatusChatty ();
	void slotStatusAway ();
	void slotStatusXA ();
	void slotStatusDND ();
	void slotStatusInvisible ();

	* Select a new resource for the contact
	void slotSelectResource ();

	void slotChatSessionDeleted ( TQObject *sender );
	 * Check if cached vCard is recent.
	 * Triggered as soon as Kopete changes its online state.
	void slotCheckVCard ();

	 * Triggered from a timer, requests the vCard.
	 * Timer is initiated by @ref slotCheckVCard.
	void slotGetTimedVCard ();
	 * Passes vCard on to parsing function.
	void slotGotVCard ();

	 * Get information about last activity of the contact.
	 * Triggered as soon as Kopete goes online or the contact goes offline.
	void slotCheckLastActivity ( Kopete::Contact *, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &, const Kopete::OnlineStatus & );

	 * Triggered from a timer, requests last activity information.
	 * Timer is initiated by @ref slotCheckLastActivity.
	void slotGetTimedLastActivity ();

	 * Updates activity information.
	void slotGotLastActivity ();

	 * Display a error message if the vCard sent was unsuccesful.
	void slotSentVCard();
	 * The service discovery on that contact is finished
	void slotDiscoFinished();
	 * actually perform operations of sync() with a delay.
	 * slot received by the syncTimer.
	void slotDelayedSync();

	 * Create a message manager for this contact.
	 * This variant is a pure single-contact version and
	 * not suitable for groupchat, as it only looks for
	 * managers with ourselves in the contact list.
	 * Additionally to the version above, this one adds
	 * a resource constraint that has to be matched by
	 * the manager. If a new manager is created, the given
	 * resource is preselected.
	JabberChatSession *manager ( const TQString &resource, Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags );

	 * Create a message manager for this contact.
	 * This version is suitable for group chat as it
	 * looks for a message manager with a given
	 * list of contacts as members.
	JabberChatSession *manager ( Kopete::ContactPtrList chatMembers, Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags );

	 * Sends subscription messages.
	void sendSubscription (const TQString& subType);

	 * Sends a presence packet to this contact
	void sendPresence ( const XMPP::Status status );

	 * This variable keeps a list of message managers.
	 * It is required to locate message managers by
	 * resource name, if one account is interacting
	 * with several resources of the same contact
	 * at the same time. Note that this does *not*
	 * apply to group chats, so this variable
	 * only contains classes of type JabberChatSession.
	 * The casts in manager() and slotChatSessionDeleted()
	 * are thus legal.
	TQPtrList<JabberChatSession> mManagers;

	 * Indicates whether the vCard is currently
	 * being updated or not.
	bool mVCardUpdateInProgress :1;

	bool mRequestComposingEvent :1;
	bool mRequestOfflineEvent :1;
	bool mRequestDisplayedEvent :1;
	bool mRequestDeliveredEvent :1;
	bool mRequestGoneEvent :1;
	 * tell if the disco#info has been done for this contact.
	bool mDiscoDone :1;

	TQString mLastReceivedMessageId;
	TQTimer *m_syncTimer;

