  *   jabberprotocol.cpp  -  Base class for the Kopete Jabber protocol
  * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Till Gerken <till@tantalo.net>
  * Copyright (c) 2002 by Daniel Stone <dstone@kde.org>
  * Copyright (c) 2006      by Olivier Goffart  <ogoffart at kde.org>
  *  Kopete   (c) by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>
  * *************************************************************************
  * *                                                                       *
  * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  * * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
  * *                                                                       *
  * *************************************************************************

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <klineeditdlg.h>

#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>

#include "im.h"
#include "xmpp.h"

#include <sys/utsname.h>

#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "kopetechatsession.h"
#include "kopeteonlinestatusmanager.h"
#include "kopeteaway.h"
#include "kopeteglobal.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopeteplugin.h"
#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "addcontactpage.h"
#include "kopetecommandhandler.h"

#include "jabbercontact.h"
#include "jabberaddcontactpage.h"
#include "jabberprotocol.h"
#include "jabberaccount.h"
#include "jabbereditaccountwidget.h"
#include "jabbercapabilitiesmanager.h"
#include "jabbertransport.h"
#include "dlgjabbersendraw.h"
#include "dlgjabberservices.h"
#include "dlgjabberchatjoin.h"
#include "dlgjabberregister.h"

JabberProtocol *JabberProtocol::protocolInstance = 0;

typedef KGenericFactory<JabberProtocol> JabberProtocolFactory;

K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kopete_jabber, JabberProtocolFactory( "kopete_jabber" )  )

JabberProtocol::JabberProtocol (TQObject * parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
: Kopete::Protocol( JabberProtocolFactory::instance(), parent, name ),
	JabberKOSChatty(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online,        100, this, JabberFreeForChat, "jabber_chatty", i18n ("Free for Chat"), i18n ("Free for Chat"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::FreeForChat, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage ),
	JabberKOSOnline(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online,         90, this, JabberOnline, TQString(), i18n ("Online"), i18n ("Online"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Online, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage ),
	JabberKOSAway(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away,             80, this, JabberAway, "contact_away_overlay", i18n ("Away"), i18n ("Away"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Away, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage),
	JabberKOSXA(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away,               70, this, JabberXA, "contact_xa_overlay", i18n ("Extended Away"), i18n ("Extended Away"), 0, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage),
	JabberKOSDND(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away,              60, this, JabberDND, "contact_busy_overlay", i18n ("Do not Disturb"), i18n ("Do not Disturb"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Busy, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage),
	JabberKOSOffline(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline,       50, this, JabberOffline, TQString(), i18n ("Offline") ,i18n ("Offline"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Offline, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage ),
	JabberKOSInvisible(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Invisible,   40, this, JabberInvisible, "contact_invisible_overlay",   i18n ("Invisible") ,i18n ("Invisible"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Invisible),
	JabberKOSConnecting(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Connecting, 30, this, JabberConnecting, "jabber_connecting",  i18n("Connecting")),
	propSubscriptionStatus("jabberSubscriptionStatus", i18n ("Subscription"), TQString(), true, false),
	propAuthorizationStatus("jabberAuthorizationStatus", i18n ("Authorization Status"), TQString(), true, false),
	propAvailableResources("jabberAvailableResources", i18n ("Available Resources"), "jabber_chatty", false, true),
	propVCardCacheTimeStamp("jabberVCardCacheTimeStamp", i18n ("vCard Cache Timestamp"), TQString(), true, false, true),
	propJid("jabberVCardJid", i18n("Jabber ID"), TQString(), true, false),
	propBirthday("jabberVCardBirthday", i18n("Birthday"), TQString(), true, false),
	propTimezone("jabberVCardTimezone", i18n("Timezone"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomepage("jabberVCardHomepage", i18n("Homepage"), TQString(), true, false),
	propCompanyName("jabberVCardCompanyName", i18n("Company name"), TQString(), true, false),
	propCompanyDepartement("jabberVCardCompanyDepartement", i18n("Company Departement"), TQString(), true, false),
	propCompanyPosition("jabberVCardCompanyPosition", i18n("Company Position"), TQString(), true, false),
	propCompanyRole("jabberVCardCompanyRole", i18n("Company Role"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkStreet("jabberVCardWorkStreet", i18n("Work Street"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkExtAddr("jabberVCardWorkExtAddr", i18n("Work Extra Address"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkPOBox("jabberVCardWorkPOBox", i18n("Work PO Box"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkCity("jabberVCardWorkCity", i18n("Work City"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkPostalCode("jabberVCardWorkPostalCode", i18n("Work Postal Code"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkCountry("jabberVCardWorkCountry", i18n("Work Country"), TQString(), true, false),
	propWorkEmailAddress("jabberVCardWorkEmailAddress", i18n("Work Email Address"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomeStreet("jabberVCardHomeStreet", i18n("Home Street"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomeExtAddr("jabberVCardHomeExt", i18n("Home Extra Address"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomePOBox("jabberVCardHomePOBox", i18n("Home PO Box"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomeCity("jabberVCardHomeCity", i18n("Home City"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomePostalCode("jabberVCardHomePostalCode", i18n("Home Postal Code"), TQString(), true, false),
	propHomeCountry("jabberVCardHomeCountry", i18n("Home Country"), TQString(), true, false),
	propPhoneFax("jabberVCardPhoneFax", i18n("Fax"), TQString(), true, false),
	propAbout("jabberVCardAbout", i18n("About"), TQString(), true, false)


	kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "[JabberProtocol] Loading ..." << endl;

	/* This is meant to be a singleton, so we will check if we have
	 * been loaded before. */
	if (protocolInstance)
		kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "[JabberProtocol] Warning: Protocol already " << "loaded, not initializing again." << endl;

	protocolInstance = this;

	addAddressBookField ("messaging/xmpp", Kopete::Plugin::MakeIndexField);

	// Init the Entity Capabilities manager.
	capsManager = new JabberCapabilitiesManager;

JabberProtocol::~JabberProtocol ()

	delete capsManager;
	capsManager = 0L;

	/* make sure that the next attempt to load Jabber
	 * re-initializes the protocol class. */
	protocolInstance = 0L;

AddContactPage *JabberProtocol::createAddContactWidget (TQWidget * parent, Kopete::Account * i)
	kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "[Jabber Protocol] Create Add Contact  Widget\n" << endl;
	return new JabberAddContactPage (i, parent);

KopeteEditAccountWidget *JabberProtocol::createEditAccountWidget (Kopete::Account * account, TQWidget * parent)
	kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "[Jabber Protocol] Edit Account Widget\n" << endl;
	JabberAccount *ja=dynamic_cast < JabberAccount * >(account);
	if(ja || !account)
		return new JabberEditAccountWidget (this,ja , parent);
		JabberTransport *transport = dynamic_cast < JabberTransport * >(account);
			return 0L;
		dlgJabberRegister *registerDialog = new dlgJabberRegister (transport->account(), transport->myself()->contactId());
		registerDialog->show (); 
		registerDialog->raise ();
		return 0l; //we make ourself our own dialog, not an editAccountWidget.

Kopete::Account *JabberProtocol::createNewAccount (const TQString & accountId)
	kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << "[Jabber Protocol] Create New Account. ID: " << accountId << "\n" << endl;
	if( Kopete::AccountManager::self()->findAccount( pluginId() , accountId ) )
		return 0L;  //the account may already exist if greated just above

	int slash=accountId.find('/');
		TQString realAccountId=accountId.left(slash);
		JabberAccount *realAccount=dynamic_cast<JabberAccount*>(Kopete::AccountManager::self()->findAccount( pluginId() , realAccountId ));
		if(!realAccount) //if it doesn't exist yet, create it
			realAccount = new JabberAccount( this, realAccountId );
			if(!Kopete::AccountManager::self()->registerAccount(  realAccount ) )
				return 0L;
			return 0L;
		return new JabberTransport( realAccount , accountId );
		return new JabberAccount (this, accountId);

Kopete::OnlineStatus JabberProtocol::resourceToKOS ( const XMPP::Resource &resource )

	// update to offline by default
	Kopete::OnlineStatus status = JabberKOSOffline;

	if ( !resource.status().isAvailable () )
		// resource is offline
		status = JabberKOSOffline;
		if (resource.status ().show ().isEmpty ())
			if (resource.status ().isInvisible ())
				status = JabberKOSInvisible;
				status = JabberKOSOnline;
		if (resource.status ().show () == "chat")
			status = JabberKOSChatty;
		else if (resource.status ().show () == "away")
			status = JabberKOSAway;
		else if (resource.status ().show () == "xa")
			status = JabberKOSXA;
		else if (resource.status ().show () == "dnd")
			status = JabberKOSDND;
		else if (resource.status ().show () == "online")
		{ // the ApaSMSAgent sms gateway report status as "online" even if it's not in the RFC 3921 � 
			// See Bug 129059
			status = JabberKOSOnline;
		else if (resource.status ().show () == "connecting")
		{ // this is for kopete internals
			status = JabberKOSConnecting;
			kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "Unknown status <show>" << resource.status ().show () << "</show> for contact. One of your contact is probably using a broken client, ask him to report a bug" << endl;

	return status;


JabberCapabilitiesManager *JabberProtocol::capabilitiesManager()
	return capsManager;

JabberProtocol *JabberProtocol::protocol ()
	// return current instance
	return protocolInstance;

Kopete::Contact *JabberProtocol::deserializeContact (Kopete::MetaContact * metaContact,
										 const TQMap < TQString, TQString > &serializedData, const TQMap < TQString, TQString > & /* addressBookData */ )
//  kdDebug (JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "Deserializing data for metacontact " << metaContact->displayName () << "\n" << endl;

	TQString contactId = serializedData["contactId"];
	TQString displayName = serializedData["displayName"];
	TQString accountId = serializedData["accountId"];
	TQString jid = serializedData["JID"];

	TQDict < Kopete::Account > accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self ()->accounts (this);
	Kopete::Account *account = accounts[accountId];
	if (!account)
		kdDebug(JABBER_DEBUG_GLOBAL) << k_funcinfo << "WARNING: Account for contact does not exist, skipping." << endl;
		return 0;
	JabberTransport *transport = dynamic_cast<JabberTransport*>(account);
	if( transport )
		transport->account()->addContact ( jid.isEmpty() ? contactId : jid ,  metaContact);
		account->addContact (contactId,  metaContact);
	return account->contacts()[contactId];

XMPP::Status JabberProtocol::kosToStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus & status , const TQString & message )
	XMPP::Status xmppStatus ( "", message );

	if( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
		xmppStatus.setIsAvailable( false );

	switch ( status.internalStatus () )
		case JabberProtocol::JabberFreeForChat:
			xmppStatus.setShow ( "chat" );

		case JabberProtocol::JabberOnline:
			xmppStatus.setShow ( "" );

		case JabberProtocol::JabberAway:
			xmppStatus.setShow ( "away" );

		case JabberProtocol::JabberXA:
			xmppStatus.setShow ( "xa" );

		case JabberProtocol::JabberDND:
			xmppStatus.setShow ( "dnd" );

		case JabberProtocol::JabberInvisible:
			xmppStatus.setIsInvisible ( true );
	return xmppStatus;

#include "jabberprotocol.moc"