                          jabberaddcontactpage.cpp  -  Add contact widget
    begin                : Thu Aug 08 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Till Gerken <till@tantalo.net>
                           (C) 2003 by Daniel Stone <dstone@kde.org>
                           (C) 2006 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at kde.org>
    email                : kopete-devel@kde.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#include "jabberaddcontactpage.h"

#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kopeteaccount.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <kopetegroup.h>
#include <kopetemetacontact.h>

#include "dlgaddcontact.h"
#include "jabberaccount.h"
#include "jabbertransport.h"
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "jabberclient.h"
#include "xmpp_tasks.h"

JabberAddContactPage::JabberAddContactPage (Kopete::Account * owner, TQWidget * parent, const char *name):AddContactPage (parent, name)
	(new TQVBoxLayout (this))->setAutoAdd (true);
	JabberTransport *transport=dynamic_cast<JabberTransport*>(owner);
	JabberAccount *jaccount= transport ? transport->account() : dynamic_cast<JabberAccount*>(owner);
	if (jaccount->isConnected ())
		jabData = new dlgAddContact (this);
		jabData->show ();
			jabData->textLabel1->setText( i18n("Loading instruction from gateway...") );
			XMPP::JT_Gateway * gatewayTask = new XMPP::JT_Gateway ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );
			TQObject::connect (gatewayTask, TQT_SIGNAL (finished ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotPromtReceived()));
			gatewayTask->get ( transport->myself()->contactId() );
			gatewayTask->go ( true );
		canadd = true;
		noaddMsg1 = new TQLabel (i18n ("You need to be connected to be able to add contacts."), this);
		noaddMsg2 = new TQLabel (i18n ("Connect to the Jabber network and try again."), this);
		canadd = false;


JabberAddContactPage::~JabberAddContactPage ()

bool JabberAddContactPage::validateData ()
	return true;

bool JabberAddContactPage::apply ( Kopete::Account *account, Kopete::MetaContact *parentContact )

	if( canadd && validateData () )
		JabberTransport *transport=dynamic_cast<JabberTransport*>(account);
		JabberAccount *jaccount=transport?transport->account():dynamic_cast<JabberAccount*>(account);
		TQString contactId = jabData->addID->text ();
			XMPP::JT_Gateway * gatewayTask = new XMPP::JT_Gateway ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );
			JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND *workaround = 
					new JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND( transport , parentContact , gatewayTask );
			TQObject::connect (gatewayTask, TQT_SIGNAL (finished ()), workaround, TQT_SLOT (slotJidReceived()));
			gatewayTask->set ( transport->myself()->contactId() , contactId );
			gatewayTask->go ( true );
			return true;
		TQString displayName = parentContact->displayName ();
		if ( displayName.isEmpty () )
			displayName = contactId;
		// collect all group names
		TQStringList groupNames;
		Kopete::GroupList groupList = parentContact->groups();
		for(Kopete::Group *group = groupList.first(); group; group = groupList.next())
			groupNames += group->displayName();

		if ( jaccount->addContact ( contactId, parentContact, Kopete::Account::ChangeKABC ) )
			XMPP::RosterItem item;
			XMPP::Jid jid ( contactId );

			item.setJid ( jid );
			item.setName ( displayName );
			item.setGroups ( groupNames );

			// add the new contact to our roster.
			XMPP::JT_Roster * rosterTask = new XMPP::JT_Roster ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );

			rosterTask->set ( item.jid(), item.name(), item.groups() );
			rosterTask->go ( true );

			// send a subscription request.
			XMPP::JT_Presence *presenceTask = new XMPP::JT_Presence ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );

			presenceTask->sub ( jid, "subscribe" );
			presenceTask->go ( true );

			return true;

	return false;

void JabberAddContactPage::slotPromtReceived( )
	XMPP::JT_Gateway * task = (XMPP::JT_Gateway *) sender ();

	if (task->success ())
		jabData->lblID->setText( task->prompt() );
		jabData->textLabel1->setText( task->desc() );
		jabData->textLabel1->setText( i18n("An error occured while loading instructions from gateway.") );

JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND::JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND( JabberTransport *t, Kopete::MetaContact * mc, TQObject* task )
	: TQObject(task) , metacontact(mc) ,  transport(t)

void JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND::slotJidReceived( )
	XMPP::JT_Gateway * task = (XMPP::JT_Gateway *) sender ();
	if (!task->success ())
		// maybe we should show an error message, but i don't like showing error message  - Olivier

	TQString contactId=task->prompt();
	Kopete::MetaContact* parentContact=metacontact;
	JabberAccount *jaccount=transport->account();;
	 *   this is a copy of the end of JabberAddContactPage::apply
	TQString displayName = parentContact->displayName ();
	if ( displayName.isEmpty () )
	displayName = contactId;
		// collect all group names
	TQStringList groupNames;
	Kopete::GroupList groupList = parentContact->groups();
	for(Kopete::Group *group = groupList.first(); group; group = groupList.next())
		groupNames += group->displayName();

	if ( jaccount->addContact ( contactId, parentContact, Kopete::Account::ChangeKABC ) )
		XMPP::RosterItem item;
		XMPP::Jid jid ( contactId );

		item.setJid ( jid );
		item.setName ( displayName );
		item.setGroups ( groupNames );

			// add the new contact to our roster.
		XMPP::JT_Roster * rosterTask = new XMPP::JT_Roster ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );

		rosterTask->set ( item.jid(), item.name(), item.groups() );
		rosterTask->go ( true );

			// send a subscription request.
		XMPP::JT_Presence *presenceTask = new XMPP::JT_Presence ( jaccount->client()->rootTask () );

		presenceTask->sub ( jid, "subscribe" );
		presenceTask->go ( true );


#include "jabberaddcontactpage.moc"