                          jabberaddcontactpage.h  -  Add contact widget
    begin                : Thu Aug 08 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Till Gerken <till@tantalo.net>
                           (C) 2003 by Daniel Stone <dstone@kde.org>
    email                : kopete-devel@kde.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


#include <addcontactpage.h>

  *@author Daniel Stone
class dlgAddContact;
class JabberAccount;
class TQLabel;

class JabberAddContactPage:public AddContactPage

	  JabberAddContactPage (Kopete::Account * owner, TQWidget * parent = 0, const char *name = 0);
	 ~JabberAddContactPage ();
	virtual bool validateData ();
	virtual bool apply (Kopete::Account *, Kopete::MetaContact *);
	dlgAddContact *jabData;
	TQLabel *noaddMsg1;
	TQLabel *noaddMsg2;
	bool canadd;
public slots:
	void slotPromtReceived();

class JabberTransport;

 * @author Olivier Goffart
 * this class is just there to workaround the fact that it's not possible to add contact assync with Kopete::AddContactPage::apply
class  JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND : public TQObject
		JabberAddContactPage_there_is_no_possibility_to_add_assync_WORKAROUND( JabberTransport * , Kopete::MetaContact *mc, TQObject *parent);
		Kopete::MetaContact *metacontact;
		JabberTransport *transport;
	public slots:
		void slotJidReceived();


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