/* msnchatsession.h - MSN Message Manager Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @ kde.org> Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #ifndef MSNMESSAGEMANAGER_H #define MSNMESSAGEMANAGER_H #include "kopetechatsession.h" class MSNSwitchBoardSocket; class KActionCollection; class MSNInvitation; class MSNContact; class KActionMenu; class TQLabel; /** * @author Olivier Goffart */ class KOPETE_EXPORT MSNChatSession : public Kopete::ChatSession { Q_OBJECT public: MSNChatSession( Kopete::Protocol *protocol, const Kopete::Contact *user, Kopete::ContactPtrList others, const char *name = 0 ); ~MSNChatSession(); void createChat( const TQString &handle, const TQString &address, const TQString &auth, const TQString &ID = TQString() ); MSNSwitchBoardSocket *service() { return m_chatService; }; void sendFile( const TQString &fileLocation, const TQString &fileName, long unsigned int fileSize ); /** * append an invitation in the invitation map, and send the first invitation message */ void initInvitation(MSNInvitation* invitation); virtual void inviteContact(const TQString& ); public slots: void slotCloseSession(); void slotInviteOtherContact(); void invitationDone( MSNInvitation* ); void slotRequestPicture(); /** * this is a reimplementation of ChatSesstion slot. * the original slot is not virtual, but that's not a problem because it's a slot. */ virtual void receivedTypingMsg( const TQString &, bool ); void slotConnectionTimeout(); private slots: void slotMessageSent( Kopete::Message &message, Kopete::ChatSession *kmm ); void slotMessageReceived( Kopete::Message &message ); void slotUserJoined( const TQString &handle, const TQString &publicName, bool IRO ); void slotUserLeft( const TQString &handle, const TQString &reason ); void slotSwitchBoardClosed(); void slotInviteContact( Kopete::Contact *contact ); void slotAcknowledgement( unsigned int id, bool ack ); void slotInvitation( const TQString &handle, const TQString &msg ); void slotActionInviteAboutToShow(); void slotDisplayPictureChanged(); /** * (debug) */ void slotDebugRawCommand(); void slotSendNudge(); void slotWebcamReceive(); void slotWebcamSend(); void slotSendFile(); void slotNudgeReceived(const TQString& handle); private: MSNSwitchBoardSocket *m_chatService; TQString otherString; KActionMenu *m_actionInvite; TQPtrList<KAction> m_inviteactions; KAction *m_actionNudge; KAction *m_actionWebcamReceive; KAction *m_actionWebcamSend; //Messages sent before the ending of the connection are queued TQValueList<Kopete::Message> m_messagesQueue; void sendMessageQueue(); void cleanMessageQueue( const TQString &reason); void startChatSession(); TQMap<unsigned int, Kopete::Message> m_messagesSent; TQMap<long unsigned int, MSNInvitation*> m_invitations; /** * weither or not the "has opened a new chat" message need to be sent if the user is typing */ bool m_newSession; TQLabel *m_image; TQTimer *m_timeoutTimer; uint m_connectionTry; signals: /* * This signal is relayed to the protocol and after, to plugins */ void invitation(MSNInvitation*& invitation, const TQString &bodyMSG , long unsigned int cookie , MSNChatSession* msnMM , MSNContact* c ); }; #endif // vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 tw=4: