                          msnfiletransfersocket.h  -  description
    begin                : mer jui 31 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2002 by Olivier Goffart
    email                : ogoffart @ kde.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


#include <tqwidget.h>

#include "msnsocket.h"
#include "msninvitation.h"

class TQFile;

namespace KNetwork {
  class TDEServerSocket;

namespace Kopete { class Transfer; }
namespace Kopete { class FileTransferInfo; }
namespace Kopete { class Protocol; }
namespace Kopete { class Contact; }

 * @author Olivier Goffart
class MSNFileTransferSocket : public MSNSocket , public MSNInvitation

	MSNFileTransferSocket(const TQString &myID,Kopete::Contact* c, bool incoming, TQObject* parent = 0L );

	static TQString applicationID() { return "5D3E02AB-6190-11d3-BBBB-00C04F795683"; }
	TQString invitationHead();

	void setKopeteTransfer( Kopete::Transfer *kt );
	Kopete::Transfer* kopeteTransfer() { return m_kopeteTransfer; }
	void setFile( const TQString &fn, long unsigned int fileSize = 0L );
	void setAuthCookie( const TQString &c ) { m_authcook = c; }
	TQString fileName() { return m_fileName;}
	long unsigned int size() { return m_size;}
	void listen( int port );

	virtual void parseInvitation(const TQString& invitation);

	virtual TQObject* object() { return this; }

public slots:
	void abort();

	void done( MSNInvitation * );

	 * This reimplementation sets up the negotiating with the server and
	 * suppresses the change of the status to online until the handshake
	 * is complete.
	virtual void doneConnect();

	 * Handle an MSN command response line.
	virtual void parseCommand(const TQString & cmd, uint id, const TQString & data);
	virtual void bytesReceived(const TQByteArray & data);

protected slots:
	virtual void slotReadyWrite();

private slots:
	void slotSocketClosed();
	void slotReadBlock(const TQByteArray &);
	void slotAcceptConnection();
	void slotTimer();
	void slotSendFile();

	void slotFileTransferRefused( const Kopete::FileTransferInfo &info );
	void slotFileTransferAccepted( Kopete::Transfer *trans, const TQString& fileName );
	/* the Kopete::Transfer has been deleted */
	void slotKopeteTransferDestroyed();

	TQString m_handle;
	Kopete::Contact *m_contact;

	long unsigned int m_size;
	long unsigned int m_downsize;
	TQString m_authcook;
	TQString m_fileName;
	Kopete::Transfer* m_kopeteTransfer;
	TQFile *m_file ;
	KNetwork::TDEServerSocket *m_server;

	bool ready;



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