    Copyright (c) 2005 by Olivier Goffart        <ogoffart@ kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
    * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
    *                                                                       *

#ifndef P2PWEBCAM_H
#define P2PWEBCAM_H

#include "p2p.h"


namespace KNetwork{ class TDEServerSocket; class TDEBufferedSocket;  }

class MimicWrapper;
class TQLabel;
class MSNWebcamDialog;
class TQTimerEvent;

namespace P2P {

class Webcam  : public TransferContext
		enum Who { wProducer , wViewer };
		Webcam( Who who , const TQString& to, Dispatcher *parent, TQ_UINT32 sessionID);
		~Webcam( );

		virtual void processMessage(const Message& message);
	public slots:
		void askIncommingInvitation();
		virtual void acknowledged();
		void sendBYEMessage();
		void makeSIPMessage(const TQString &message, TQ_UINT8 XX=0, TQ_UINT8 YY=9 , TQ_UINT8 ZZ=0);
		void sendBigP2PMessage( const TQByteArray& dataMessage );
		void closeAllOtherSockets();
		TQString m_content;
		TQString xml(uint session , uint rid);
		int getAvailablePort();

		KNetwork::TDEServerSocket   *m_listener;
		KNetwork::TDEBufferedSocket *m_webcamSocket;
		enum WebcamStatus { wsNegotiating , wsConnecting, wsConnected, wsTransfer  } ;
		Who m_who;
		TQString m_myAuth;
		TQString m_peerAuth;
		MimicWrapper *m_mimic;
		MSNWebcamDialog *m_widget;
		TQValueList<KNetwork::TDEBufferedSocket* > m_allSockets;
		TQMap<KNetwork::TDEBufferedSocket*, WebcamStatus> m_webcamStates;
		int m_timerId;
		int m_timerFps;

	private slots:
		void slotListenError(int errorCode);
		void slotAccept();
		void slotSocketRead();
		void slotSocketClosed();
		void slotSocketError(int errorCode);
		void slotSocketConnected();
//		void slotReadyWrite();
		virtual void timerEvent( TQTimerEvent * );


