  aimaccount.cpp  -  Oscar Protocol Plugin, AIM part

  Kopete    (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

  *                                                                       *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
  *                                                                       *

#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfile.h>

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>

#include "kopeteawayaction.h"
#include "kopetepassword.h"
#include "kopetestdaction.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopetechatsessionmanager.h"
#include "kopeteview.h"
#include <kopeteuiglobal.h>

#include "aimprotocol.h"
#include "aimaccount.h"
#include "aimchatsession.h"
#include "aimcontact.h"
#include "aimuserinfo.h"
#include "aimjoinchat.h"
#include "oscarmyselfcontact.h"
#include "oscarvisibilitydialog.h"

#include "oscarutils.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "ssimanager.h"

const DWORD AIM_ONLINE = 0x0;
const DWORD AIM_AWAY = 0x1;

namespace Kopete { class MetaContact; }

AIMMyselfContact::AIMMyselfContact( AIMAccount *acct )
: OscarMyselfContact( acct )
	m_acct = acct;

void AIMMyselfContact::userInfoUpdated()
	if ( ( details().userClass() & 32 ) == 0 )
		setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOnline ); //we're online
		setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusAway ); //we're away

void AIMMyselfContact::setOwnProfile( const TQString& newProfile )
	m_profileString = newProfile;
	if ( m_acct->isConnected() )
		m_acct->engine()->updateProfile( newProfile );

TQString AIMMyselfContact::userProfile()
	return m_profileString;

Kopete::ChatSession* AIMMyselfContact::manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags canCreate,
                                                Oscar::WORD exchange, const TQString& room )
    kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    Kopete::ContactPtrList chatMembers;
    chatMembers.append( this );
    Kopete::ChatSession* genericManager = 0L;
    genericManager = Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->findChatSession( account()->myself(), chatMembers, protocol() );
    AIMChatSession* session = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( genericManager );

    if ( !session && canCreate == Contact::CanCreate )
        session = new AIMChatSession( this, chatMembers, account()->protocol(), exchange, room );
        session->setEngine( m_acct->engine() );

        connect( session, TQT_SIGNAL( messageSent( Kopete::Message&, Kopete::ChatSession* ) ),
                 this, TQT_SLOT( sendMessage( Kopete::Message&, Kopete::ChatSession* ) ) );
        m_chatRoomSessions.append( session );
    return session;

void AIMMyselfContact::chatSessionDestroyed( Kopete::ChatSession* session )
    m_chatRoomSessions.remove( session );

void AIMMyselfContact::sendMessage( Kopete::Message& message, Kopete::ChatSession* session )
    kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "sending a message" << endl;
    //TODO: remove duplication - factor into a message utils class or something
    Oscar::Message msg;
    TQString s;

    if (message.plainBody().isEmpty()) // no text, do nothing
    //okay, now we need to change the message.escapedBody from real HTML to aimhtml.
    //looking right now for docs on that "format".
    //looks like everything except for alignment codes comes in the format of spans

    //font-style:italic -> <i>
    //font-weight:600 -> <b> (anything > 400 should be <b>, 400 is not bold)
    //text-decoration:underline -> <u>
    //font-family: -> <font face="">
    //font-size:xxpt -> <font ptsize=xx>

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<span style=\"([^\"]*)\">([^<]*)</span>")),

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-style:italic;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-weight:600;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)text-decoration:underline;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-family:([^;]*);([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font face=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-size:([^p]*)pt;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)color:([^;]*);([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font color=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));

    s.replace ( TQRegExp( TQString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),

    //okay now change the <font ptsize="xx"> to <font size="xx">

    //0-9 are size 1
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"\\d\">")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"1\">"));
    //10-11 are size 2
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[01]\">")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"2\">"));
    //12-13 are size 3
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[23]\">")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"3\">"));
    //14-16 are size 4
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[456]\">")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"4\">"));
    //17-22 are size 5
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"(?:1[789]|2[012])\">")),
                TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"5\">"));
    //23-29 are size 6
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"2[3456789]\">")),TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"6\">"));
    //30- (and any I missed) are size 7
    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"[^\"]*\">")),TQString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"7\">"));

    s.replace ( TQRegExp ( TQString::fromLatin1("<br[ /]*>")), TQString::fromLatin1("<br>") );

    kdDebug(14190) << k_funcinfo << "sending "
        << s << endl;

    msg.setSender( contactId() );
    msg.setText( Oscar::Message::UserDefined, s, m_acct->defaultCodec() );
    msg.addProperty( Oscar::Message::ChatRoom );

    AIMChatSession* aimSession = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( session );
    if ( !aimSession )
        kdWarning(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << "couldn't convert to AIM chat room session!" << endl;
    msg.setExchange( aimSession->exchange() );
    msg.setChatRoom( aimSession->roomName() );

    m_acct->engine()->sendMessage( msg );
    //session->appendMessage( message );

AIMAccount::AIMAccount(Kopete::Protocol *parent, TQString accountID, const char *name)
	: OscarAccount(parent, accountID, name, false)
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountID << ": Called."<< endl;
	AIMMyselfContact* mc = new AIMMyselfContact( this );
	setMyself( mc );
	myself()->setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( parent )->statusOffline );
	TQString profile = configGroup()->readEntry( "Profile",
		i18n( "Visit the Kopete website at <a href=\"http://kopete.kde.org\">http://kopete.kde.org</a>") );
	mc->setOwnProfile( profile );

    m_joinChatDialog = 0;
	m_visibilityDialog = 0;
	TQObject::connect( Kopete::ContactList::self(),
	                  TQT_SIGNAL( globalIdentityChanged( const TQString&, const TQVariant& ) ),
	                  TQT_SLOT( slotGlobalIdentityChanged( const TQString&, const TQVariant& ) ) );

    TQObject::connect( engine(), TQT_SIGNAL( chatRoomConnected( WORD, const TQString& ) ),
                      this, TQT_SLOT( connectedToChatRoom( WORD, const TQString& ) ) );

    TQObject::connect( engine(), TQT_SIGNAL( userJoinedChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
                      this, TQT_SLOT( userJoinedChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );

    TQObject::connect( engine(), TQT_SIGNAL( userLeftChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
                      this, TQT_SLOT( userLeftChat( Oscar::WORD, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );

	TQObject::connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( buddyIconChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotBuddyIconChanged() ) );



OscarContact *AIMAccount::createNewContact( const TQString &contactId, Kopete::MetaContact *parentContact, const SSI& ssiItem )
	AIMContact* contact = new AIMContact( this, contactId, parentContact, TQString(), ssiItem );
	if ( !ssiItem.alias().isEmpty() )
		contact->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), ssiItem.alias() );

	return contact;

TQString AIMAccount::sanitizedMessage( const TQString& message )
	TQDomDocument doc;
	TQString domError;
	int errLine = 0, errCol = 0;
	doc.setContent( message, false, &domError, &errLine, &errCol );
	if ( !domError.isEmpty() ) //error parsing, do nothing
		kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "error from dom document conversion: "
			<< domError << endl;
		return message;
		kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "conversion to dom document successful."
			<< "looking for font tags" << endl;
		TQDomNodeList fontTagList = doc.elementsByTagName( "font" );
		if ( fontTagList.count() == 0 )
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "No font tags found. Returning normal message" << endl;
			return message;
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Found font tags. Attempting replacement" << endl;
			uint numFontTags = fontTagList.count();
			for ( uint i = 0; i < numFontTags; i++ )
				TQDomNode fontNode = fontTagList.item(i);
				TQDomElement fontEl;
				if ( !fontNode.isNull() && fontNode.isElement() )
					fontEl = fontTagList.item(i).toElement();
				if ( fontEl.hasAttribute( "back" ) )
					kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Found attribute to replace. Doing replacement" << endl;
					TQString backgroundColor = fontEl.attribute( "back" );
					backgroundColor.insert( 0, "background-color: " );
					backgroundColor.append( ';' );
					fontEl.setAttribute( "style", backgroundColor );
					fontEl.removeAttribute( "back" );
	kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "sanitized message is " << doc.toString();
	return doc.toString();

TDEActionMenu* AIMAccount::actionMenu()
//	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountId() << ": Called." << endl;
	// mActionMenu is managed by Kopete::Account.  It is deleted when
	// it is no longer shown, so we can (safely) just make a new one here.
	TDEActionMenu *mActionMenu = new TDEActionMenu(accountId(),
		myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( this ), this, "AIMAccount::mActionMenu");

	AIMProtocol *p = AIMProtocol::protocol();

	TQString accountNick = myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
	mActionMenu->popupMenu()->insertTitle( myself()->onlineStatus().iconFor( myself() ),
			i18n( "%2 <%1>" ).arg( accountId(), accountNick ));

	mActionMenu->insert( new TDEAction( i18n("Online"), p->statusOnline.iconFor( this ), 0, this,
	             TQT_SLOT( slotGoOnline() ), mActionMenu, "AIMAccount::mActionOnline") );

	TDEAction* mActionAway = new Kopete::AwayAction(i18n("Away"), p->statusAway.iconFor( this ), 0, this,
	             TQT_SLOT(slotGoAway( const TQString & )), this, "AIMAccount::mActionNA" );
	mActionAway->setEnabled( isConnected() );
	mActionMenu->insert( mActionAway );

	TDEAction* mActionOffline = new TDEAction( i18n("Offline"), p->statusOffline.iconFor(this), 0, this,
	             TQT_SLOT( slotGoOffline() ), mActionMenu, "AIMAccount::mActionOffline");

	mActionMenu->insert( mActionOffline );

    TDEAction* m_joinChatAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "Join Chat..." ), TQString(),  0,  this,
                                             TQT_SLOT( slotJoinChat() ), mActionMenu, "join_a_chat" );

	mActionMenu->insert( new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Set Visibility..." ), 0, 0,
	                                       this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetVisiblility() ), this,
	                                       "AIMAccount::mActionSetVisibility") );

    mActionMenu->insert( m_joinChatAction );
    TDEAction* m_editInfoAction = new TDEAction( i18n( "Edit User Info..." ), "identity", 0,
                                             this, TQT_SLOT( slotEditInfo() ), mActionMenu, "actionEditInfo");
    mActionMenu->insert( m_editInfoAction );

	return mActionMenu;

void AIMAccount::setAway(bool away, const TQString &awayReason)
// 	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountId() << "reason is " << awayReason << endl;
	if ( away )
		engine()->setStatus( Client::Away, awayReason );
		AIMMyselfContact* me = static_cast<AIMMyselfContact *> ( myself() );
		me->setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage(), awayReason );
		engine()->setStatus( Client::Online );
		AIMMyselfContact* me = static_cast<AIMMyselfContact *> ( myself() );
		me->removeProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() );

void AIMAccount::setOnlineStatus( const Kopete::OnlineStatus& status, const TQString& reason )
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "called with reason = " << reason <<" status = "<< status.status() << endl;;
	if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online )
		setAway( false );
	if ( status.status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away )
		setAway( true, reason );

void AIMAccount::setUserProfile(const TQString &profile)
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "called." << endl;
	AIMMyselfContact* aimmc = dynamic_cast<AIMMyselfContact*>( myself() );
	if ( aimmc )
		aimmc->setOwnProfile( profile );
	configGroup()->writeEntry( TQString::fromLatin1( "Profile" ), profile );

void AIMAccount::slotEditInfo()
    if ( !isConnected() )
        KMessageBox::sorry( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
                            i18n( "Editing your user info is not possible because "
                                  "you are not connected." ),
                            i18n( "Unable to edit user info" ) );
	AIMUserInfoDialog *myInfo = new AIMUserInfoDialog(static_cast<AIMContact *>( myself() ), this, true, 0L, "myInfo");
	myInfo->exec(); // This is a modal dialog

void AIMAccount::slotGlobalIdentityChanged( const TQString& key, const TQVariant& value )
	//do something with the photo
	kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Global identity changed" << endl;
	kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "key: " << key << endl;
	kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "value: " << value << endl;
	if( !configGroup()->readBoolEntry("ExcludeGlobalIdentity", false) )
		if ( key == Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName().key() )
			//edit ssi item to change alias (if possible)
		if ( key == Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->photo().key() )
			setBuddyIcon( value.toString() );

void AIMAccount::slotBuddyIconChanged()
	// need to disconnect because we could end up with many connections
	TQObject::disconnect( engine(), TQT_SIGNAL( iconServerConnected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotBuddyIconChanged() ) );
	if ( !engine()->isActive() )
		TQObject::connect( engine(), TQT_SIGNAL( iconServerConnected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotBuddyIconChanged() ) );
	TQString photoPath = myself()->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->photo() ).value().toString();
	SSIManager* ssi = engine()->ssiManager();
	Oscar::SSI item = ssi->findItemForIconByRef( 1 );
	if ( photoPath.isEmpty() )
		if ( item )
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing icon hash item from ssi" << endl;
			Oscar::SSI s(item);
			//remove hash and alias
			TQValueList<TLV> tList( item.tlvList() );
			TLV t = Oscar::findTLV( tList, 0x00D5 );
			if ( t )
				tList.remove( t );
			item.setTLVList( tList );
			//s is old, item is new. modification will occur
			engine()->modifySSIItem( s, item );
		TQFile iconFile( photoPath );
		iconFile.open( IO_ReadOnly );
		KMD5 iconHash;
		iconHash.update( *TQT_TQIODEVICE(&iconFile) );
		kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo  << "hash is :" << iconHash.hexDigest() << endl;
		//find old item, create updated item
		if ( !item )
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "no existing icon hash item in ssi. creating new" << endl;
			TLV t;
			t.type = 0x00D5;
			t.data.resize( 18 );
			t.data[0] = 0x00;
			t.data[1] = 0x10;
			memcpy(t.data.data() + 2, iconHash.rawDigest(), 16);
			t.length = t.data.size();
			TQValueList<Oscar::TLV> list;
			list.append( t );
			Oscar::SSI s( "1", 0, ssi->nextContactId(), ROSTER_BUDDYICONS, list );
			//item is a non-valid ssi item, so the function will add an item
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "setting new icon item" << endl;
			engine()->modifySSIItem( item, s );
		{ //found an item
			Oscar::SSI s(item);
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "modifying old item in ssi." << endl;
			TQValueList<TLV> tList( item.tlvList() );
			TLV t = Oscar::findTLV( tList, 0x00D5 );
			if ( t )
				tList.remove( t );
				t.type = 0x00D5;
			t.data.resize( 18 );
			t.data[0] = 0x00;
			t.data[1] = 0x10;
			memcpy(t.data.data() + 2, iconHash.rawDigest(), 16);
			t.length = t.data.size();
			tList.append( t );
			item.setTLVList( tList );
			//s is old, item is new. modification will occur
			engine()->modifySSIItem( s, item );

void AIMAccount::slotJoinChat()
	if ( !isConnected() )
		KMessageBox::sorry( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
		                    i18n( "Joining an AIM chat room is not possible because "
		                          "you are not connected." ),
		                    i18n( "Unable to Join AIM Chat Room" ) );

    //get the exchange info
    //create the dialog
    //join the chat room
    if ( !m_joinChatDialog )
        m_joinChatDialog = new AIMJoinChatUI( this, false, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget() );
	    TQObject::connect( m_joinChatDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( closing( int ) ),
	                      this, TQT_SLOT( joinChatDialogClosed( int ) ) );
        TQValueList<int> list = engine()->chatExchangeList();
        m_joinChatDialog->setExchangeList( list );

void AIMAccount::slotGoOnline()
	if ( myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away )
		kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountId() << " was away. welcome back." << endl;
		engine()->setStatus( Client::Online );
		myself()->removeProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() );
	else if ( myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline )
		kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountId() << " was offline. time to connect" << endl;
		kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << accountId() << " is already online, doing nothing" << endl;

void AIMAccount::slotGoAway(const TQString &message)
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << message << endl;
	setAway(true, message);

void AIMAccount::joinChatDialogClosed( int code )
    if ( code == TQDialog::Accepted )
        //join the chat
	    kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "chat accepted." << endl;
	    engine()->joinChatRoom( m_joinChatDialog->roomName(),
	                            m_joinChatDialog->exchange().toInt() );

    m_joinChatDialog = 0L;

void AIMAccount::loginActions()

	using namespace AIM::PrivacySettings;
	int privacySetting = this->configGroup()->readNumEntry( "PrivacySetting", AllowAll );
	this->setPrivacySettings( privacySetting );

void AIMAccount::disconnected( DisconnectReason reason )
	kdDebug( OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Attempting to set status offline" << endl;
	myself()->setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOffline );

	TQDictIterator<Kopete::Contact> it( contacts() );
	for( ; it.current(); ++it )
		OscarContact* oc = dynamic_cast<OscarContact*>( it.current() );
		if ( oc )
			oc->setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOffline );

	OscarAccount::disconnected( reason );

void AIMAccount::messageReceived( const Oscar::Message& message )
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << " Got a message, calling OscarAccount::messageReceived" << endl;
	// Want to call the parent to do everything else
    if ( message.type() != 0x0003 )

        // Check to see if our status is away, and send an away message
        // Might be duplicate code from the parent class to get some needed information
        // Perhaps a refactoring is needed.
        kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Checking to see if I'm online.." << endl;
        if( myself()->onlineStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away )
            TQString sender = Oscar::normalize( message.sender() );
            AIMContact* aimSender = static_cast<AIMContact *> ( contacts()[sender] ); //should exist now
            if ( !aimSender )
                kdWarning(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "For some reason, could not get the contact "
                                           << "That this message is from: " << message.sender() << ", Discarding message" << endl;
            // Create, or get, a chat session with the contact
            Kopete::ChatSession* chatSession = aimSender->manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreate );

            // get the away message we have set
            AIMMyselfContact* myContact = static_cast<AIMMyselfContact *> ( myself() );
            TQString msg = myContact->lastAwayMessage();
            kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Got away message: " << msg << endl;
            // Create the message
            Kopete::Message chatMessage( myself(), aimSender, msg, Kopete::Message::Outbound,
                                         Kopete::Message::RichText );
            kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Sending autoresponse" << endl;
            // Send the message
            aimSender->sendAutoResponse( chatMessage );

    if ( message.type() == 0x0003 )
        kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "have chat message" << endl;
        //handle chat room messages seperately
        TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*> chats = Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->sessions();
        TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*>::iterator it,  itEnd = chats.end();
        for ( it = chats.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
            Kopete::ChatSession* kcs = ( *it );
            AIMChatSession* session = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( kcs );
            if ( !session )

            if ( session->exchange() == message.exchange() &&
                 Oscar::normalize( session->roomName() ) ==
                 Oscar::normalize( message.chatRoom() ) )
                kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "found chat session for chat room" << endl;
                Kopete::Contact* ocSender = contacts()[Oscar::normalize( message.sender() )];
                TQString sanitizedMsg = sanitizedMessage( message.text( defaultCodec() ) );

                Kopete::ContactPtrList me;
                me.append( myself() );
                Kopete::Message chatMessage( message.timestamp(), ocSender, me, sanitizedMsg,
                                             Kopete::Message::Inbound, Kopete::Message::RichText );

                session->appendMessage( chatMessage );

void AIMAccount::connectedToChatRoom( WORD exchange, const TQString& room )
    kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Creating chat room session" << endl;
    Kopete::ContactPtrList emptyList;
    AIMMyselfContact* me = static_cast<AIMMyselfContact*>( myself() );
    AIMChatSession* session = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( me->manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreate,
                                                                          exchange, room ) );
    session->setDisplayName( room );
    if ( session->view( true ) )

void AIMAccount::userJoinedChat( WORD exchange, const TQString& room, const TQString& contact )
    if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) == Oscar::normalize( myself()->contactId() ) )

    kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "user " << contact << " has joined the chat" << endl;
    TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*> chats = Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->sessions();
    TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*>::iterator it, itEnd = chats.end();
    for ( it = chats.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
        Kopete::ChatSession* kcs = ( *it );
        AIMChatSession* session = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( kcs );
        if ( !session )

        kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << session->exchange() << " " << exchange << endl;
        kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << session->roomName() << " " << room << endl;
        if ( session->exchange() == exchange && session->roomName() == room )
            kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "found correct chat session" << endl;
            Kopete::Contact* c;
            if ( contacts()[Oscar::normalize( contact )] )
                c = contacts()[Oscar::normalize( contact )];
                Kopete::MetaContact* mc = addContact( Oscar::normalize( contact ),
                                                      contact, 0, Kopete::Account::Temporary );
                if ( !mc )
                    kdWarning(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << "Unable to add contact for chat room" << endl;

                c = mc->contacts().first();
                c->setNickName( contact );

            kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "adding contact" << endl;
            session->addContact( c, static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOnline, true /* suppress */ );

void AIMAccount::userLeftChat( WORD exchange, const TQString& room, const TQString& contact )
    if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) == Oscar::normalize( myself()->contactId() ) )

    TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*> chats = Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self()->sessions();
    TQValueList<Kopete::ChatSession*>::iterator it, itEnd = chats.end();
    for ( it = chats.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it )
        Kopete::ChatSession* kcs = ( *it );
        AIMChatSession* session = dynamic_cast<AIMChatSession*>( kcs );
        if ( !session )

        if ( session->exchange() == exchange && session->roomName() == room )
            //delete temp contact
            Kopete::Contact* c = contacts()[Oscar::normalize( contact )];
            if ( !c )
                kdWarning(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "couldn't find the contact that's left the chat!" << endl;
            session->removeContact( c );
            Kopete::MetaContact* mc = c->metaContact();
            if ( mc->isTemporary() )
                mc->removeContact( c );
                delete c;
                delete mc;

void AIMAccount::connectWithPassword( const TQString & )
	kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "accountId='" << accountId() << "'" << endl;

	// Get the screen name for this account
	TQString screenName = accountId();
	TQString server = configGroup()->readEntry( "Server", TQString::fromLatin1( "login.oscar.aol.com" ) );
	uint port = configGroup()->readNumEntry( "Port", 5190 );

	Connection* c = setupConnection( server, port );

	TQString _password = password().cachedValue();
	if ( _password.isEmpty() )
		kdDebug(14150) << "Kopete is unable to attempt to sign-on to the "
			<< "AIM network because no password was specified in the "
			<< "preferences." << endl;
	else if ( myself()->onlineStatus() == static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOffline )
		kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Logging in as " << accountId() << endl ;
		engine()->start( server, port, accountId(), _password );
		engine()->connectToServer( c, server, true /* doAuth */ );
		myself()->setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusConnecting );

void AIMAccount::slotSetVisiblility()
	if( !isConnected() )
		KMessageBox::sorry( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
		                    i18n("You must be online to set users visibility."),
		                    i18n("ICQ Plugin") );
	if ( !m_visibilityDialog )
		m_visibilityDialog = new OscarVisibilityDialog( engine(), Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget() );
		TQObject::connect( m_visibilityDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( closing() ),
		                  this, TQT_SLOT( slotVisibilityDialogClosed() ) );
		//add all contacts;
		OscarVisibilityDialog::ContactMap contactMap;
		TQMap<TQString, TQString> revContactMap;
		TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> contactList = engine()->ssiManager()->contactList();
		TQValueList<Oscar::SSI>::const_iterator it, cEnd = contactList.constEnd();
		for ( it = contactList.constBegin(); it != cEnd; ++it )
			TQString contactId = ( *it ).name();
			OscarContact* oc = dynamic_cast<OscarContact*>( contacts()[( *it ).name()] );
			if ( oc )
				contactMap.insert( oc->nickName(), contactId );
				revContactMap.insert( contactId, oc->nickName() );
				contactMap.insert( contactId, contactId );
				revContactMap.insert( contactId, contactId );
		m_visibilityDialog->addContacts( contactMap );
		//add contacts from visible list
		TQStringList tmpList;
		contactList = engine()->ssiManager()->visibleList();
		cEnd = contactList.constEnd();
		for ( it = contactList.constBegin(); it != cEnd; ++it )
			tmpList.append( revContactMap[( *it ).name()] );
		m_visibilityDialog->addVisibleContacts( tmpList );
		//add contacts from invisible list
		contactList = engine()->ssiManager()->invisibleList();
		cEnd = contactList.constEnd();
		for ( it = contactList.constBegin(); it != cEnd; ++it )
			tmpList.append( revContactMap[( *it ).name()] );
		m_visibilityDialog->addInvisibleContacts( tmpList );
		m_visibilityDialog->resize( 550, 350 );

void AIMAccount::slotVisibilityDialogClosed()
	m_visibilityDialog = 0L;

void AIMAccount::setPrivacySettings( int privacy )
	using namespace AIM::PrivacySettings;

	BYTE privacyByte = 0x01;
	DWORD userClasses = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	switch ( privacy )
	case AllowAll:
		privacyByte = 0x01;
	case BlockAll:
		privacyByte = 0x02;
	case AllowPremitList:
		privacyByte = 0x03;
	case BlockDenyList:
		privacyByte = 0x04;
	case AllowMyContacts:
		privacyByte = 0x05;
	case BlockAIM:
		privacyByte = 0x01;
		userClasses = 0x00000004;

	this->setPrivacyTLVs( privacyByte, userClasses );

void AIMAccount::setPrivacyTLVs( BYTE privacy, DWORD userClasses )
	SSIManager* ssi = engine()->ssiManager();
	Oscar::SSI item = ssi->findItem( TQString(), ROSTER_VISIBILITY );

	TQValueList<Oscar::TLV> tList;

	tList.append( TLV( 0x00CA, 1, (char *)&privacy ) );
	tList.append( TLV( 0x00CB, sizeof(userClasses), (char *)&userClasses ) );

	if ( !item )
		kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Adding new privacy TLV item" << endl;
		Oscar::SSI s( TQString(), 0, ssi->nextContactId(), ROSTER_VISIBILITY, tList );
		engine()->modifySSIItem( item, s );
	{ //found an item
		Oscar::SSI s(item);

		if ( Oscar::uptateTLVs( s, tList ) == true )
			kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Updating privacy TLV item" << endl;
			engine()->modifySSIItem( item, s );

#include "aimaccount.moc"
//kate: tab-width 4; indent-mode csands;