 aimcontact.h  -  Oscar Protocol Plugin

 Copyright (c) 2003 by Will Stephenson
 Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org> 
 Kopete    (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

 *                                                                       *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                       *


#include <tqdatetime.h>

#include "oscarcontact.h"

namespace Kopete
class ChatSession;

class AIMAccount;
class AIMProtocol;
class AIMUserInfoDialog;

class AIMContact : public OscarContact

	AIMContact( Kopete::Account*, const TQString&, Kopete::MetaContact*, 
	            const TQString& icon = TQString(), const Oscar::SSI& ssiItem = Oscar::SSI() );
	virtual ~AIMContact();

	bool isReachable();
	TQPtrList<KAction> *customContextMenuActions();

	const TQString &userProfile() { return mUserProfile; }

	virtual const TQString awayMessage();
	virtual void setAwayMessage( const TQString &message );
	int warningLevel() const;
	 * Gets the last time an autoresponse was sent to this contact
	 * @returns TQDateTime Object that represents the date/time
	 TQDateTime lastAutoResponseTime() {return m_lastAutoresponseTime;}	
	/** Sends an auto response to this contact */
	virtual void sendAutoResponse(Kopete::Message& msg);

public slots:
	void updateSSIItem();
	void slotUserInfo();
	void userInfoUpdated( const TQString& contact, const UserDetails& details );
	void userOnline( const TQString& userId );
	void userOffline( const TQString& userId );
	void updateAwayMessage( const TQString& userId, const TQString& message );
	void updateProfile( const TQString& contact, const TQString& profile );
	void gotWarning( const TQString& contact, TQ_UINT16, TQ_UINT16 );

	void updatedProfile();

protected slots:
	virtual void slotSendMsg(Kopete::Message& message, Kopete::ChatSession *);
	virtual void updateFeatures();
private slots:
	void requestBuddyIcon();
	void haveIcon( const TQString&, TQByteArray );
	void closeUserInfoDialog();
	void warnUser();

	void slotVisibleTo();
	void slotInvisibleTo();

	AIMProtocol* mProtocol;
	AIMUserInfoDialog* m_infoDialog;
	TQString mUserProfile;
	bool m_haveAwayMessage;
	bool m_mobile; // Is this user mobile (i.e. do they have message forwarding on, or mobile AIM)
	TQDateTime m_lastAutoresponseTime;
	KAction* m_warnUserAction;
	KToggleAction *m_actionVisibleTo;
	KToggleAction *m_actionInvisibleTo;
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