	Kopete Oscar Protocol
	ssimanager.h - SSI management

	Copyright ( c ) 2004 Gustavo Pichorim Boiko <gustavo.boiko@kdemail.net>
	Copyright ( c ) 2004 Matt Rogers <mattr@kde.org>

	Kopete ( c ) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org>

	based on ssidata.h and ssidata.cpp ( c ) 2002 Tom Linsky <twl6@po.cwru.edu>

	*                                                                       *
	* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or         *
	* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
	* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
	* version 2 of the License, or ( at your option ) any later version.      *
	*                                                                       *


#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>

#include "oscartypes.h"
#include "oscartypeclasses.h"

using namespace Oscar;

class SSIManagerPrivate;

SSI management

@author Gustavo Pichorim Boiko
@author Matt Rogers
class KOPETE_EXPORT SSIManager : public TQObject
	SSIManager( TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );

	/** Clear the internal SSI list */
	void clear();
	/** Get the next buddy id for an SSI item */
	WORD nextContactId();
	/** Get the next group id for an SSI item */
	WORD nextGroupId();

	/** Get the number of items in the SSI list. */
	WORD numberOfItems() const;

	/** Get the timestamp the list was last modified */
	DWORD lastModificationTime() const;

	/** Set the timestamp of the last modification time */
	void setLastModificationTime( DWORD lastTime );

	/** Set the parameters we should use for SSI */
	void setParameters( WORD maxContacts, WORD maxGroups, WORD maxVisible,
	                    WORD maxInvisible, WORD maxIgnore );

	 * Load an existing list from SSI objects.
	 * The current SSI list will be overwritten and it's contents
	 * replaced with the data from the new list
	void loadFromExisting( const TQValueList<Oscar::SSI*>& newList );
	bool hasItem( const Oscar::SSI& item ) const;

	Oscar::SSI findGroup( const TQString& group ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findGroup( int groupId ) const;

	Oscar::SSI findContact( const TQString& contact, const TQString& group ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findContact( const TQString& contact ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findContact( int contactId ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findItemForIcon( TQByteArray iconHash ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findItemForIconByRef( int ) const;
	Oscar::SSI findItem( const TQString &contact, int type ) const;

	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> groupList() const;
	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> contactList() const;
	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> visibleList() const;
	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> invisibleList() const;
	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> contactsFromGroup( const TQString& group ) const;
	TQValueList<Oscar::SSI> contactsFromGroup( int groupId ) const;
	Oscar::SSI visibilityItem() const;

	void setListComplete( bool complete );
	bool listComplete() const;

public slots:
	bool newGroup( const Oscar::SSI& group );
	bool updateGroup( const Oscar::SSI& group );
	bool removeGroup( const Oscar::SSI& group );
	bool removeGroup( const TQString& group );

	bool newContact( const Oscar::SSI& contact );
	bool updateContact( const Oscar::SSI& contact );
	bool removeContact( const Oscar::SSI& contact );
	bool removeContact( const TQString& contact );
	bool newItem( const Oscar::SSI& item );
	bool updateItem( const Oscar::SSI& item );
	bool removeItem( const Oscar::SSI& item );

	void addID( const Oscar::SSI& item );
	void removeID( const Oscar::SSI& item );

	//! Emitted when we've added a new contact to the list
	void contactAdded( const Oscar::SSI& );
	//! Emitted when we've updated a contact in the list
	void contactUpdated( const Oscar::SSI& );
	//! Emitted when we've removed a contact from the list
	void contactRemoved( const TQString& contactName );
	//! Emitted when we've added a new group to the list
	void groupAdded( const Oscar::SSI& );
	//! Emitted when we've updated a group in the list
	void groupUpdated( const Oscar::SSI& );
	//! Emitted when we've removed a group from the ssi list
	void groupRemoved( const TQString& groupName );
	void modifyError( const TQString& error );
	WORD findFreeId( const TQValueList<WORD>& idList, WORD fromId ) const;
	SSIManagerPrivate* d;
	Oscar::SSI m_dummyItem;


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