/* Kopete Oscar Protocol ssimodifytask.cpp - Handles all the ssi modification stuff Copyright (c) 2004 by Kopete Developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> Based on code Copyright (c) 2004 SuSE Linux AG <http://www.suse.com> Based on Iris, Copyright (C) 2003 Justin Karneges Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "ssimodifytask.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include "connection.h" #include "oscarutils.h" #include "transfer.h" SSIModifyTask::SSIModifyTask( Task* parent, bool staticTask ) : Task( parent ) { m_ssiManager = parent->client()->ssiManager(); m_static = staticTask; m_opType = NoType; m_opSubject = NoSubject; m_id = 0; } SSIModifyTask::~SSIModifyTask() { } void SSIModifyTask::onGo() { sendSSIUpdate(); } bool SSIModifyTask::take( Transfer* transfer ) { if ( forMe( transfer ) ) { SnacTransfer* st = dynamic_cast<SnacTransfer*>( transfer ); if ( st ) { setTransfer( transfer ); if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x0008 ) handleSSIAdd(); else if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x0009 ) handleSSIUpdate(); else if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x000A ) handleSSIRemove(); else if ( st->snacSubtype() == 0x000E ) handleSSIAck(); setTransfer( 0 ); } return true; } else return false; } bool SSIModifyTask::addContact( const TQString& contact, const TQString& group, bool requiresAuth ) { m_opType = Add; m_opSubject = Contact; TQString newContact = Oscar::normalize( contact ); Oscar::SSI oldItem = m_ssiManager->findContact( newContact ); Oscar::SSI groupItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( group ); if ( !groupItem ) { kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "group " << group << " does not exist on SSI. Aborting" << endl; return false; } //create new SSI item and populate the TLV list TQValueList<TLV> tlvList; if ( requiresAuth ) { kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "This contact requires auth. adding appropriate tlv" << endl; TLV t( 0x0066, 0, 0 ); tlvList.append( t ); } kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "creating new SSI item for " << contact << " in group " << group << endl; Oscar::SSI newItem( newContact, groupItem.gid(), m_ssiManager->nextContactId(), ROSTER_CONTACT, tlvList ); m_newItem = newItem; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::removeContact( const TQString& contact ) { m_opType = Remove; m_opSubject = Contact; m_oldItem = m_ssiManager->findContact( Oscar::normalize( contact ) ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Scheduling" << m_oldItem.name() << " for removal" << endl; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::changeGroup( const TQString& contact, const TQString& newGroup ) { m_opType = Change; m_opSubject = Group; m_oldItem = m_ssiManager->findContact( Oscar::normalize( contact ) ); Oscar::SSI oldGroupItem; if ( m_oldItem.isValid() ) oldGroupItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( newGroup ); else return false; if ( m_oldItem.gid() == oldGroupItem.gid() ) { //buddy already exists in this group kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "contact " << contact << " already exists in group " << oldGroupItem.name() << ". Aborting." << endl; return false; } m_groupItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( newGroup ); if ( !m_groupItem ) { //couldn't find group kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "new group " << newGroup << " not found in SSI. Aborting" << endl; return false; } //create a new SSI item for the buddy in the new group Oscar::SSI newItem( m_oldItem.name(), m_groupItem.gid(), m_oldItem.bid(), ROSTER_CONTACT, m_oldItem.tlvList() ); m_newItem = newItem; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Moving '" << m_oldItem.name() << "' to group " << m_groupItem.name() << endl; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::addGroup( const TQString& groupName ) { m_opType = Add; m_opSubject = Group; m_newItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( groupName ); TQValueList<TLV> dummy; Oscar::SSI newItem( groupName, m_ssiManager->nextGroupId(), 0, ROSTER_GROUP, dummy ); m_newItem = newItem; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Adding group '" << m_newItem.name() << "' to SSI" << endl; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::removeGroup( const TQString& groupName ) { m_opType = Remove; m_opSubject = Group; m_oldItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( groupName ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Scheduling group '" << m_oldItem.name() << "' for removal. " << endl; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::renameGroup( const TQString& oldName, const TQString & newName ) { m_opType = Rename; m_opSubject = Group; if ( oldName == newName ) return false; m_oldItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( oldName ); Oscar::SSI newItem( newName, m_oldItem.gid(), m_oldItem.bid(), ROSTER_GROUP, m_oldItem.tlvList() ); m_newItem = newItem; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::addItem( const Oscar::SSI& item ) { m_opType = Add; m_opSubject = NoSubject; m_newItem = item; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::removeItem( const Oscar::SSI& item ) { m_opType = Remove; m_opSubject = NoSubject; m_oldItem = item; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::modifyItem( const Oscar::SSI& oldItem, const Oscar::SSI& newItem ) { if ( !m_ssiManager->hasItem( oldItem ) ) return false; //make sure there are some common things between the two items if ( oldItem.type() != newItem.type() ) return false; m_oldItem = oldItem; m_newItem = newItem; m_opType = Change; m_opSubject = NoSubject; return true; } bool SSIModifyTask::forMe( const Transfer * transfer ) const { const SnacTransfer* st = dynamic_cast<const SnacTransfer*>( transfer ); if ( !st ) return false; if ( st->snacService() == 0x0013 ) { WORD subtype = st->snacSubtype(); if ( m_static ) { if ( subtype == 0x0008 || subtype == 0x0009 || subtype == 0x000A ) return true; } else { if ( subtype == 0x000E && m_id == st->snac().id ) return true; } } return false; } void SSIModifyTask::handleSSIAck() { Buffer* b = transfer()->buffer(); int numItems = b->length() / 2; for( int i = 0; i < numItems; ++i ) { WORD ackCode = b->getWord(); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "Acknowledgement code is " << ackCode << endl; if ( ackCode != 0x0000 ) freeIdOnError(); switch( ackCode ) { case 0x0000: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "SSI Update successful" << endl; updateSSIManager(); break; case 0x0002: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Item to modify not found in list" << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; case 0x0003: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Item already exists in SSI" << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; case 0x000A: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Error adding item ( invalid id, already in list, invalid data )" << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; case 0x000C: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Can't add item. Limit exceeded." << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; case 0x000D: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Can't add ICQ item to AIM list ( and vice versa )" << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; case 0x000E: { kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Can't add item because contact requires authorization" << endl; Oscar::SSI groupItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( m_newItem.gid() ); TQString groupName = groupItem.name(); addContact( m_newItem.name(), groupName, true ); go(); break; } default: kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Unknown acknowledgement code" << endl; setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); break; } }; } void SSIModifyTask::sendSSIUpdate() { //what type of update are we sending? if ( m_opSubject == Group && m_opType == Change ) changeGroupOnServer(); //add an item to the ssi list if ( m_opType == Add ) { kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Adding an item to the SSI list" << endl; sendEditStart(); //add the item FLAP f1 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; m_id = client()->snacSequence(); SNAC s1 = { 0x0013, 0x0008, 0x0000, m_id }; Buffer* ssiBuffer = new Buffer; ssiBuffer->addString( m_newItem ); Transfer* t2 = createTransfer( f1, s1, ssiBuffer ); send( t2 ); sendEditEnd(); } //remove an item if ( m_opType == Remove ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing " << m_oldItem.name() << " from SSI" << endl; sendEditStart(); //remove the item FLAP f1 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; m_id = client()->snacSequence(); SNAC s1 = { 0x0013, 0x000A, 0x0000, m_id }; Buffer* ssiBuffer = new Buffer; ssiBuffer->addString( m_oldItem ); Transfer* t2 = createTransfer( f1, s1, ssiBuffer ); send( t2 ); sendEditEnd(); } //modify an item //we use rename for group and change for other items if ( m_opType == Rename || ( m_opType == Change && m_opSubject != Group ) ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Modifying the item: " << m_oldItem.toString() << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "changing it to: " << m_newItem.toString() << endl; sendEditStart(); //change the group name FLAP f1 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; m_id = client()->snacSequence(); SNAC s1 = { 0x0013, 0x0009, 0x0000, m_id }; Buffer* ssiBuffer = new Buffer; ssiBuffer->addString( m_newItem ); Transfer* t2 = createTransfer( f1, s1, ssiBuffer ); send( t2 ); sendEditEnd(); } } void SSIModifyTask::changeGroupOnServer() { kdDebug( OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG ) << k_funcinfo << "Moving a contact from one group to another" << endl; sendEditStart(); //remove the old buddy from the list FLAP f1 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; SNAC s1 = { 0x0013, 0x000A, 0x0000, client()->snacSequence() }; Buffer* b1 = new Buffer; b1->addBSTR( m_oldItem.name().latin1() ); b1->addWord( m_oldItem.gid() ); b1->addWord( m_oldItem.bid() ); b1->addWord( m_oldItem.type() ); b1->addWord( 0 ); Transfer* t2 = createTransfer( f1, s1, b1 ); send( t2 ); //add the buddy to the list with a different group FLAP f2 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; m_id = client()->snacSequence(); //we don't care about the first ack SNAC s2 = { 0x0013, 0x0008, 0x0000, m_id }; Buffer* b2 = new Buffer; addItemToBuffer( m_newItem, b2 ); Transfer* t3 = createTransfer( f2, s2, b2 ); send( t3 ); //find the old group so we can change it's list of buddy ids //what a kludge Oscar::SSI oldGroupItem = m_ssiManager->findGroup( m_oldItem.gid() ); /* not checking the existance of oldGroupItem because if we got here it has to exist */ //Change the 0x00C8 TLV in the old group item to remove the bid we're //moving to a different group TQValueList<TLV> list = oldGroupItem.tlvList(); TLV oldIds = Oscar::findTLV( list, 0x00C8 ); if ( oldIds.type == 0x00C8 ) { Buffer newTLVData; Buffer tlvBuffer( oldIds.data, oldIds.length ); while ( tlvBuffer.length() != 0 ) { WORD id = tlvBuffer.getWord(); if ( id != m_oldItem.bid() ) newTLVData.addWord( id ); } TLV newGroupTLV( 0x00C8, newTLVData.length(), newTLVData.buffer() ); list.remove( oldIds ); list.append( newGroupTLV ); oldGroupItem.setTLVList( list ); } //Change the 0x00C8 TLV in the new group item to add the bid we're //adding to this group TQValueList<TLV> list2 = m_groupItem.tlvList(); TLV oldIds2 = Oscar::findTLV( list2, 0x00C8 ); TLV newGroupTLV; if ( oldIds2.type == 0x00C8 ) { Buffer tlvBuffer( oldIds2.data, oldIds2.length ); tlvBuffer.addWord( m_newItem.bid() ); TLV newGroupTLV( 0x00C8, tlvBuffer.length(), tlvBuffer.buffer() ); list2.remove( oldIds ); list2.append( newGroupTLV ); m_groupItem.setTLVList( list2 ); } //change the group properties FLAP f3 = { 0x02, 0, 0 }; SNAC s3 = { 0x0013, 0x0009, 0x0000, client()->snacSequence() }; Buffer* b3 = new Buffer; addItemToBuffer( oldGroupItem, b3 ); addItemToBuffer( m_groupItem, b3 ); Transfer* t4 = createTransfer( f3, s3, b3 ); //we get no ack from this packet send( t4 ); sendEditEnd(); } void SSIModifyTask::updateSSIManager() { if ( m_oldItem.isValid() && m_newItem.isValid() ) { if ( m_opSubject == Contact ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing " << m_oldItem.name() << endl; m_ssiManager->removeContact( m_oldItem.name() ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "and adding " << m_newItem.name() << " to SSI manager" << endl; m_ssiManager->newContact( m_newItem ); } else if ( m_opSubject == Group ) { if ( m_opType == Rename ) m_ssiManager->updateGroup( m_newItem ); else if ( m_opType == Change ) m_ssiManager->updateContact( m_newItem ); } else if ( m_opSubject == NoSubject ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing " << m_oldItem.name() << endl; m_ssiManager->removeItem( m_oldItem ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "and adding " << m_newItem.name() << " to SSI manager" << endl; m_ssiManager->newItem( m_newItem ); } setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); return; } if ( m_oldItem.isValid() && !m_newItem ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing " << m_oldItem.name() << " from SSI manager" << endl; if ( m_opSubject == Group ) m_ssiManager->removeGroup( m_oldItem.name() ); else if ( m_opSubject == Contact ) m_ssiManager->removeContact( m_oldItem.name() ); else if ( m_opSubject == NoSubject ) m_ssiManager->removeItem( m_oldItem ); setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); return; } if ( m_newItem.isValid() && !m_oldItem ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Adding " << m_newItem.name() << " to SSI manager" << endl; if ( m_opSubject == Group ) m_ssiManager->newGroup( m_newItem ); else if ( m_opSubject == Contact ) m_ssiManager->newContact( m_newItem ); else if ( m_opSubject == NoSubject ) m_ssiManager->newItem( m_newItem ); setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); return; } setSuccess( 0, TQString() ); } void SSIModifyTask::freeIdOnError() { if ( m_oldItem.isValid() && m_newItem.isValid() ) { if ( m_opSubject == Contact || m_opSubject == NoSubject ) { if ( m_oldItem.bid() != m_newItem.bid() ) m_ssiManager->removeID( m_newItem ); } else if ( m_opSubject == Group ) { if ( m_oldItem.gid() != m_newItem.gid() ) m_ssiManager->removeID( m_newItem ); } } else if ( m_newItem.isValid() && !m_oldItem ) { if ( m_opSubject == Group || m_opSubject == Contact || m_opSubject == NoSubject ) { m_ssiManager->removeID( m_newItem ); } } } void SSIModifyTask::sendEditStart() { SNAC editStartSnac = { 0x0013, 0x0011, 0x0000, client()->snacSequence() }; FLAP editStart = { 0x02, 0, 10 }; Buffer* emptyBuffer = new Buffer; Transfer* t1 = createTransfer( editStart, editStartSnac, emptyBuffer ); send( t1 ); } void SSIModifyTask::sendEditEnd() { SNAC editEndSnac = { 0x0013, 0x0012, 0x0000, client()->snacSequence() }; FLAP editEnd = { 0x02, 0, 10 } ; Buffer* emptyBuffer = new Buffer; Transfer *t5 = createTransfer( editEnd, editEndSnac, emptyBuffer ); send( t5 ); } void SSIModifyTask::addItemToBuffer( Oscar::SSI item, Buffer* buffer ) { buffer->addBSTR( item.name().latin1() ); buffer->addWord( item.gid() ); buffer->addWord( item.bid() ); buffer->addWord( item.type() ); buffer->addWord( item.tlvListLength() ); TQValueList<TLV>::const_iterator it = item.tlvList().begin(); TQValueList<TLV>::const_iterator listEnd = item.tlvList().end(); for( ; it != listEnd; ++it ) buffer->addTLV( ( *it ) ); } Oscar::SSI SSIModifyTask::getItemFromBuffer( Buffer* buffer ) const { TQValueList<TLV> tlvList; WORD strlength = buffer->getWord(); TQString itemName = TQString::fromUtf8( buffer->getBlock( strlength ), strlength ); WORD groupId = buffer->getWord(); WORD itemId = buffer->getWord(); WORD itemType = buffer->getWord(); WORD tlvLength = buffer->getWord(); for ( int i = 0; i < tlvLength; ) { TLV t = buffer->getTLV(); i += 4; i += t.length; tlvList.append( t ); } if ( itemType == ROSTER_CONTACT ) itemName = Oscar::normalize( itemName ); return Oscar::SSI( itemName, groupId, itemId, itemType, tlvList ); } void SSIModifyTask::handleSSIAdd() { Buffer* b = transfer()->buffer(); while ( b->length() > 0 ) { Oscar::SSI item = getItemFromBuffer( b ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Adding " << item.name() << " to SSI manager" << endl; if ( item.type() == ROSTER_GROUP ) m_ssiManager->newGroup( item ); else if ( item.type() == ROSTER_CONTACT ) m_ssiManager->newContact( item ); else m_ssiManager->newItem( item ); } } void SSIModifyTask::handleSSIUpdate() { Buffer* b = transfer()->buffer(); while ( b->length() > 0 ) { Oscar::SSI item = getItemFromBuffer( b ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Updating " << item.name() << " in SSI manager" << endl; if ( item.type() == ROSTER_GROUP ) m_ssiManager->updateGroup( item ); else if ( item.type() == ROSTER_CONTACT ) m_ssiManager->updateContact( item ); else m_ssiManager->updateItem( item ); } } void SSIModifyTask::handleSSIRemove() { Buffer* b = transfer()->buffer(); while ( b->length() > 0 ) { Oscar::SSI item = getItemFromBuffer( b ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Removing " << item.name() << " from SSI manager" << endl; if ( item.type() == ROSTER_GROUP ) m_ssiManager->removeGroup( item ); else if ( item.type() == ROSTER_CONTACT ) m_ssiManager->removeContact( item ); else m_ssiManager->removeItem( item ); } } //kate: tab-width 4; indent-mode csands;