  oscaraccount.h  -  Oscar Account Class

    Copyright (c) 2002 by Tom Linsky <twl6@po.cwru.edu>
    Copyright (c) 2002 by Chris TenHarmsel <tenharmsel@staticmethod.net>
    Kopete    (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

    *                                                                       *
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
    * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
    * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
    * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
    *                                                                       *


#include <tqdict.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>

#include "kopetepasswordedaccount.h"
#include "oscartypeclasses.h"
#include "oscarcontact.h"

namespace Kopete
class Contact;
class Group;

class Client;
class Connection;
class OscarContact;
class OscarAccountPrivate;
class TQTextCodec;

class KDE_EXPORT OscarAccount : public Kopete::PasswordedAccount

	OscarAccount(Kopete::Protocol *parent, const TQString &accountID, const char *name=0L, bool isICQ=false);
	virtual ~OscarAccount();

	/** Provide the derived accounts and contacts with access to the backend */
	Client* engine();

	/** Disconnects this account */
	virtual void disconnect();

	 * Handle the various ways we can be logged off the oscar service
	 * and handle the passthrough of the disconnection through the API.
	void logOff( Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason );

	 * Was the password wrong last time we tried to connect?
	bool passwordWasWrong();

	 * Sets the account away
	virtual void setAway( bool away, const TQString &awayMessage = TQString() ) = 0;

	 * Accessor method for the action menu
	virtual KActionMenu* actionMenu() = 0;

	/** Set the server address */
	void setServerAddress( const TQString& server );

	/** Set the server port */
	void setServerPort( int port );

	/** Returns codec for account's default encoding */
	TQTextCodec* defaultCodec() const;

	 * Returns codec for given contact's encoding or default one
	 * if contact has no encoding
	TQTextCodec* contactCodec( const OscarContact* contact ) const;

	 * Returns codec for given contact's encoding or default one
	 * if contact has no encoding
	TQTextCodec* contactCodec( const TQString& contactName ) const;

	 * Sets buddy icon
	void setBuddyIcon( KURL url );

	 * Add a contact to the server site list
	 * \param contactName the screen name of the new contact to add
	 * \param groupName the group of the new contact
	 * \param autoAddGroup if the group doesn't exist add that group
	 * \return true if the contact will be added
	bool addContactToSSI( const TQString& contactName, const TQString& groupName, bool autoAddGroup );

	 * Change a contact's group on the server
	 * \param contact the contact to change
	 * \param newGroup the new group to move the contact to
	 * \param autoAddGroup if the new group doesn't exist add that group
	 * \return true if the contact will be added
	bool changeContactGroupInSSI( const TQString& contact, const TQString& newGroupName, bool autoAddGroup );

public slots:
	void slotGoOffline();

	void slotGoOnline();

	 * Setup a connection for a derived account based on the host and port
	Connection* setupConnection( const TQString& server, uint port );

	 * Adds a contact to a meta contact
	virtual bool createContact(const TQString &contactId,
		 Kopete::MetaContact *parentContact );

	 * Protocols using Oscar must implement this to perform the instantiation
	 * of their contact for Kopete.  Called by @ref createContact().
	 * @param contactId theprotocol unique id of the contact
	 * @param parentContact the parent metacontact
	 * @return whether the creation succeeded or not
	virtual OscarContact *createNewContact( const TQString &contactId, Kopete::MetaContact *parentContact, const SSI& ssiItem ) = 0;

	virtual TQString sanitizedMessage( const TQString& message ) = 0;

	void updateVersionUpdaterStamp();

protected slots:

	//! do stuff on login
	virtual void loginActions();

    void processSSIList();

	void kopeteGroupRemoved( Kopete::Group* g );
	void kopeteGroupAdded( Kopete::Group* g );
	void kopeteGroupRenamed( Kopete::Group* g, const TQString& oldName );

	virtual void messageReceived( const Oscar::Message& message );

	void ssiGroupAdded( const Oscar::SSI& );
	void ssiGroupUpdated( const Oscar::SSI& ) {}
	void ssiGroupRemoved( const Oscar::SSI& ) {}
	void ssiContactAdded( const Oscar::SSI& );
	void ssiContactUpdated( const Oscar::SSI& );
	void ssiContactRemoved( const Oscar::SSI& ) {}

	/* slots for receiving typing notifications, and notify the appropriate OscarContact */
	void userStartedTyping( const TQString & contact );
	void userStoppedTyping( const TQString & contact );

    void nonServerAddContactDialogClosed();


	void accountDisconnected( Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason reason );

	void buddyIconChanged();

	TQString getFLAPErrorMessage( int code );

private slots:
	/** Handler from socket errors from a connection */
	void slotSocketError( int, const TQString& );

	/** Handle task errors from the client */
	void slotTaskError( const Oscar::SNAC& s, int errCode, bool fatal ) ;

	/** Sends buddy icon to server */
	void slotSendBuddyIcon();

	OscarAccountPrivate *d;



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