  oscarcontact.h  -  Oscar Protocol Plugin

  Copyright (c) 2002 by Tom Linsky <twl6@po.cwru.edu>
  Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt Rogers <matt.rogers@kdemail.net>
  Kopete    (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers  <kopete-devel@kde.org>

  *                                                                       *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
  * (at your option) any later version.                                   *
  *                                                                       *


#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kopetemessage.h"
#include "userdetails.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "oscartypeclasses.h"

namespace Kopete
class ChatSession;
class OnlineStatus;

class OscarAccount;
class TQTimer;
class TQTextCodec;
class KToggleAction;

 * Contact for oscar protocol
 * @author Matt Rogers
 * @TODO Reimplement functions to do the following
 * \li get the idle time
 * \li get the real IP for the contact ( DC )
 * \li get the local IP for the contact
 * \li get the port for the DC
 * \li get the sign on time for the contact
 * \li get the status of authorization for the contact
 * \li get the status of authoziation for the contact
 * \li get the user info for the contact
 * \li check if the contact has a certain capability
 * \li request authorization from the contact
 * \li get and set the custom encoding for the contact
 * \li get and set the SSI group id for the contact
 * \li get and set whether the contact is server side or not
 * \li get/set the ignore setting for the contact
 * \li get/set the visibility setting for the contact ( i.e. are we visible to the contact )
class KDE_EXPORT OscarContact : public Kopete::Contact

	OscarContact( Kopete::Account* account, const TQString& name,
	              Kopete::MetaContact* parent, const TQString& icon = TQString(), const Oscar::SSI& ssiItem = Oscar::SSI() );
	virtual ~OscarContact();
	virtual void serialize(TQMap<TQString, TQString>&, TQMap<TQString, TQString>&);
	virtual Kopete::ChatSession *manager( Kopete::Contact::CanCreateFlags canCreate = Kopete::Contact::CanCreate );
	const TQString &contactName() const { return mName; };
	OscarAccount *account() const { return mAccount; };
	bool isOnServer() const;
	void setSSIItem( const Oscar::SSI& item );
	Oscar::SSI ssiItem() const;
	/** we received a typing notification from this contact, tell any message manager */
	void startedTyping();
	void stoppedTyping();

	 * Returns codec for contact's encoding or default one
	 * if contact has no encoding
	TQTextCodec *contactCodec() const;

public slots:
	/** slot so that properties can be updated based on a new SSI item */
	virtual void updateSSIItem() = 0;
	/** Remove this contact from the server. Reimplemented from Kopete::Contact */
	virtual void deleteContact();

	/** the metacontact owning this contact changed */
	virtual void sync(unsigned int flags);
	/** our user info has been updated */
	virtual void userInfoUpdated( const TQString& contact, const UserDetails& details );
	/** a user is online */
	virtual void userOnline( const TQString& ) = 0;
	/** a user is offline */
	virtual void userOffline( const TQString& ) = 0;

protected slots:
	void slotTyping( bool typing );
	virtual void updateFeatures() = 0;

	void updatedSSI();
	void featuresUpdated();
	OscarAccount *mAccount;
	TQString mName;
	Kopete::ChatSession *mMsgManager;
	UserDetails m_details;
	SSI m_ssiItem;
	int m_warningLevel;
	TQString m_clientFeatures;
	void initActions();

protected slots:
	virtual void slotSendMsg( Kopete::Message& msg, Kopete::ChatSession* session) = 0;
private slots:
	void chatSessionDestroyed();

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