/* oscarversionupdater.cpp - Version Updater Copyright (c) 2006 by Roman Jarosz <kedgedev@centrum.cz> Kopete (c) 2006 by the Kopete developers <kopete-devel@kde.org> ************************************************************************* * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "oscarversionupdater.h" #include <tqdom.h> #include <tqmutex.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdeio/job.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> TQMutex updateMutex; OscarVersionUpdater *OscarVersionUpdater::versionUpdaterStatic = 0L; OscarVersionUpdater::OscarVersionUpdater() : mStamp( 1 ), mUpdating( false ) { initICQVersionInfo(); initAIMVersionInfo(); } OscarVersionUpdater::~OscarVersionUpdater() { } OscarVersionUpdater *OscarVersionUpdater::self() { if ( !versionUpdaterStatic ) versionUpdaterStatic = new OscarVersionUpdater(); return versionUpdaterStatic; } bool OscarVersionUpdater::update( unsigned int stamp ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_GEN_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl; bool doUpdate = false; bool isUpdating = false; updateMutex.lock(); if ( !mUpdating && stamp == mStamp ) { doUpdate = true; mUpdating = true; } isUpdating = mUpdating; updateMutex.unlock(); if ( doUpdate ) { mVersionData.resize( 0 ); TDEConfigGroup config( TDEGlobal::config(), "Oscar" ); TQString url = config.readEntry( "NewVersionURL", "http://kopete.kde.org/oscarversions.xml" ); mTransferJob = TDEIO::get ( url ); kdDebug(OSCAR_GEN_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Download version info from server."<< endl; connect ( mTransferJob, TQT_SIGNAL ( result ( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotTransferResult ( TDEIO::Job* ) ) ); connect ( mTransferJob, TQT_SIGNAL ( data ( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ), this, TQT_SLOT ( slotTransferData ( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ) ); } return isUpdating; } unsigned int OscarVersionUpdater::stamp() const { return mStamp; } void OscarVersionUpdater::initICQVersionInfo() { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl; TDEConfigGroup config( TDEGlobal::config(), "ICQVersion" ); mICQVersion.clientString = config.readEntry( "ClientString", "ICQ Client" ); mICQVersion.clientId = config.readEntry( "ClientId", "0x010A" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.major = config.readEntry( "Major", "0x0006" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.minor = config.readEntry( "Minor", "0x0000" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.point = config.readEntry( "Point", "0x0000" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.build = config.readEntry( "Build", "0x17AB" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.other = config.readEntry( "Other", "0x00007535" ).toUInt( 0, 0 ); mICQVersion.country = config.readEntry( "Country", "us" ); mICQVersion.lang = config.readEntry( "Lang", "en" ); } void OscarVersionUpdater::initAIMVersionInfo() { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl; TDEConfigGroup config( TDEGlobal::config(), "AIMVersion" ); mAIMVersion.clientString = config.readEntry( "ClientString", "AOL Instant Messenger (SM), version 5.1.3036/WIN32" ); mAIMVersion.clientId = config.readEntry( "ClientId", "0x0109" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.major = config.readEntry( "Major", "0x0005" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.minor = config.readEntry( "Minor", "0x0001" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.point = config.readEntry( "Point", "0x0000" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.build = config.readEntry( "Build", "0x0bdc" ).toUShort( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.other = config.readEntry( "Other", "0x000000d2" ).toUInt( 0, 0 ); mAIMVersion.country = config.readEntry( "Country", "us" ); mAIMVersion.lang = config.readEntry( "Lang", "en" ); } void OscarVersionUpdater::printDebug() { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "*************** AIM VERSION INFO ***************" << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "client string: " << mAIMVersion.clientString << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "client id: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.clientId, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "major: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.major, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "minor: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.minor, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "point: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.point, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "build: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.build, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "other: " << TQString::number( mAIMVersion.other, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "country: " << mAIMVersion.country << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "lang: " << mAIMVersion.lang << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "************************************************" << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "*************** ICQ VERSION INFO ***************" << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "client string: " << mICQVersion.clientString << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "client id: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.clientId, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "major: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.major, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "minor: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.minor, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "point: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.point, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "build: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.build, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "other: " << TQString::number( mICQVersion.other, 16 ) << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "country: " << mICQVersion.country << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "lang: " << mICQVersion.lang << endl; kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << "************************************************" << endl; } void OscarVersionUpdater::slotTransferData ( TDEIO::Job */*job*/, const TQByteArray &data ) { unsigned oldSize = mVersionData.size(); mVersionData.resize ( oldSize + data.size() ); memcpy ( &mVersionData.data()[oldSize], data.data(), data.size() ); kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Data size " << mVersionData.size() << endl; } void OscarVersionUpdater::slotTransferResult ( TDEIO::Job *job ) { bool bUpdate = false; if ( job->error() || mTransferJob->isErrorPage() ) { //TODO show error kdDebug(OSCAR_GEN_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Download of version info has faild!" << endl; } else { kdDebug(OSCAR_GEN_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Updating version info" << endl; TQDomDocument doc; if ( doc.setContent ( mVersionData ) ) { Oscar::ClientVersion tmpICQ = mICQVersion; Oscar::ClientVersion tmpAIM = mAIMVersion; parseDocument( doc ); if ( !equal( tmpICQ, mICQVersion ) ) { storeVersionInfo( "ICQVersion", mICQVersion ); bUpdate = true; } if ( !equal( tmpAIM, mAIMVersion ) ) { storeVersionInfo( "AIMVersion", mAIMVersion ); bUpdate = true; } } } // clear mVersionData.resize( 0 ); mTransferJob = 0; updateMutex.lock(); if ( bUpdate ) mStamp++; mUpdating = false; updateMutex.unlock(); } void OscarVersionUpdater::parseDocument( TQDomDocument& doc ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl; TQDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if ( root.tagName() != "oscar" ) return; TQDomElement versionElement = root.firstChild().toElement(); while( !versionElement.isNull() ) { if ( versionElement.tagName() == "icq" ) parseVersion( mICQVersion, versionElement ); else if ( versionElement.tagName() == "aim" ) parseVersion( mAIMVersion, versionElement ); versionElement = versionElement.nextSibling().toElement(); } } bool OscarVersionUpdater::parseVersion( Oscar::ClientVersion& version, TQDomElement& element ) { kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << endl; // clear structure version.clientString = TQString(); version.clientId = 0x0000; version.major = 0x0000; version.minor = 0x0000; version.point = 0x0000; version.build = 0x0000; version.other = 0x00000000; version.country = TQString(); version.lang = TQString(); TQDomElement versionChild = element.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !versionChild.isNull() ) { if ( versionChild.tagName() == "client" ) version.clientString = versionChild.text(); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "clientId" ) version.clientId = versionChild.text().toUShort( 0, 0); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "major" ) version.major = versionChild.text().toUShort( 0, 0 ); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "minor" ) version.minor = versionChild.text().toUShort( 0, 0 ); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "point" ) version.point = versionChild.text().toUShort( 0, 0 ); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "build" ) version.build = versionChild.text().toUShort( 0, 0 ); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "other" ) version.other = versionChild.text().toUInt( 0, 0 ); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "country" ) version.country = versionChild.text(); else if ( versionChild.tagName() == "lang" ) version.lang = versionChild.text(); versionChild = versionChild.nextSibling().toElement(); } return true; } void OscarVersionUpdater::storeVersionInfo( const TQString& group, const Oscar::ClientVersion& version ) const { kdDebug(OSCAR_GEN_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Storing version info to group: " << group << endl; TDEConfigGroup config( TDEGlobal::config(), group ); config.writeEntry( "ClientString", version.clientString ); config.writeEntry( "ClientId", version.clientId ); config.writeEntry( "Major", version.major ); config.writeEntry( "Minor", version.minor ); config.writeEntry( "Point", version.point ); config.writeEntry( "Build", version.build ); config.writeEntry( "Other", version.other ); config.writeEntry( "Country", version.country ); config.writeEntry( "Lang", version.lang ); config.sync(); } bool OscarVersionUpdater::equal( const Oscar::ClientVersion& a, const Oscar::ClientVersion& b ) const { if ( a.clientString != b.clientString || a.clientId != b.clientId || a.major != b.major|| a.minor != b.minor || a.point != b.point || a.build != b.build || a.other != b.other || a.country != b.country || a.lang != b.lang ) { return false; } return true; } #include "oscarversionupdater.moc"