                          libwinpopup.cpp  -  WP Library
    begin                : Fri Apr 26 2002
    copyright            : (C) 2002 by Gav Wood
    email                : gav@kde.org

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

// QT Includes
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

// KDE Includes
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kdirlister.h>

// Kopete Includes
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"

// Local Includes
#include "libwinpopup.h"

WinPopupLib::WinPopupLib(const TQString &smbClient,int groupFreq)
	: smbClientBin(smbClient), groupCheckFreq(groupFreq)
	connect(&updateGroupDataTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateGroupData()));

	updateGroupDataTimer.start(1, true);
	TQTimer::singleShot(1, this, TQT_SLOT(slotStartDirLister()));


void WinPopupLib::slotStartDirLister()
	if (checkMessageDir()) {
		dirLister = new KDirLister();
		connect(dirLister, TQT_SIGNAL(newItems(const KFileItemList &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotNewMessages(const KFileItemList &)));
		connect(dirLister, TQT_SIGNAL(completed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotListCompleted()));

 * return the group list
const TQStringList WinPopupLib::getGroups()
	TQStringList ret;
	TQMap<TQString, WorkGroup>::ConstIterator end = theGroups.end();
	for(TQMap<TQString, WorkGroup>::ConstIterator i = theGroups.begin(); i != end; i++)
		ret += i.key();

	return ret;

 * return the host list
const TQStringList WinPopupLib::getHosts(const TQString &Group)
	return theGroups[Group].Hosts();

 * return if a host is in the host list
bool WinPopupLib::checkHost(const TQString &Name)
//	kdDebug() << "WP checkHost: " << Name << endl;
	bool ret = false;

	TQMap<TQString, WorkGroup>::Iterator end = theGroups.end();
	for(TQMap<TQString, WorkGroup>::Iterator i = theGroups.begin(); i != end && !ret; i++) {
		if ((*i).Hosts().contains(Name.upper())) {
			ret = true;

	return ret;

bool WinPopupLib::checkMessageDir()
	if (! dir.exists()) {
		int tmpYesNo =  KMessageBox::warningYesNo(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
												  i18n("Working directory %1 does not exist.\n"
													   "If you have not configured anything yet (samba) please see\n"
													   "Install Into Samba (Configure... -> Account -> Edit) information\n"
													   "on how to do this.\n"
													   "Should the directory be created? (May need root password)").arg(WP_POPUP_DIR),
												  TQString::fromLatin1("Winpopup"), i18n("Create Directory"), i18n("Do Not Create"));
		if (tmpYesNo == KMessageBox::Yes) {
			TQStringList tdesuArgs = TQStringList(TQString("-c mkdir -p -m 0777 " + WP_POPUP_DIR));
			if (TDEApplication::tdeinitExecWait("tdesu", tdesuArgs) == 0) return true;
	} else {
		KFileItem tmpFileItem = KFileItem(KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, KURL::fromPathOrURL(WP_POPUP_DIR));
		mode_t tmpPerms = tmpFileItem.permissions();

		if (tmpPerms != 0777) {

			kdDebug(14170) << "Perms not ok!" << endl;

			int tmpYesNo =  KMessageBox::warningYesNo(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
													  i18n("Permissions of the working directory "
														   "%1 are wrong!\n"
														   "You will not receive messages if you say no.\n"
														   "You can also correct it manually (chmod 0777 %1) and restart kopete.\n"
														   "Fix? (May need root password)").arg(WP_POPUP_DIR),
													  TQString::fromLatin1("Winpopup"), i18n("Fix"), i18n("Do Not Fix"));
			if (tmpYesNo == KMessageBox::Yes) {
				TQStringList tdesuArgs = TQStringList(TQString("-c chmod 0777 " + WP_POPUP_DIR));
				if (TDEApplication::tdeinitExecWait("tdesu", tdesuArgs) == 0) return true;
		} else {
			return true;

	return false;

 * read the groups and their hosts
void WinPopupLib::slotUpdateGroupData()
	passedInitialHost = false;
	currentHost = TQString::fromLatin1("LOCALHOST");

void WinPopupLib::startReadProcess(const TQString &Host)
	currentGroup = TQString();

	// for Samba 3
	KProcIO *reader = new KProcIO;
	*reader << smbClientBin << "-N" << "-E" << "-g" << "-L" << Host << "-";

	connect(reader, TQT_SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotReadProcessReady(KProcIO *)));
	connect(reader, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotReadProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));

	if (!reader->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, true)) {
		// still to come
		kdDebug(14170) << "ReadProcess not started!" << endl;

void WinPopupLib::slotReadProcessReady(KProcIO *r)
	TQString tmpLine = TQString();
	TQRegExp group("^Workgroup\\|(.*)\\|(.*)$"), host("^Server\\|(.*)\\|(.*)$"),
			info("^Domain=\\[([^\\]]+)\\] OS=\\[([^\\]]+)\\] Server=\\[([^\\]]+)\\]"),

	while (r->readln(tmpLine) > -1) {
		if (info.search(tmpLine) != -1) currentGroup = info.cap(1);
		if (host.search(tmpLine) != -1) currentHosts += host.cap(1);
		if (group.search(tmpLine) != -1) currentGroups[group.cap(1)] = group.cap(2);
		if (error.search(tmpLine) != -1) {
			kdDebug(14170) << "Connection to " << currentHost << " failed!" << endl;
			if (currentHost == TQString::fromLatin1("LOCALHOST")) currentHost = TQString::fromLatin1("failed"); // to be sure

void WinPopupLib::slotReadProcessExited(TDEProcess *r)
	delete r;

	// Drop the first cycle - it's only the initial search host,
	// the next round are the real masters. GF

	if (passedInitialHost) {

		// move currentHost from todo to done
		done += currentHost;

		if (!currentGroups.isEmpty()) {
			TQMap<TQString, WorkGroup> newGroups;
			//loop through the read groups and check for new ones
			TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator end = currentGroups.end();
			for (TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator i = currentGroups.begin(); i != end; i++) {
				TQString groupMaster = i.data();
				if (!done.contains(groupMaster)) todo += groupMaster;

		if (!currentGroup.isEmpty() && !currentHosts.isEmpty()) {
			// create a workgroup object and put the hosts in
			WorkGroup nWG;

			currentGroupsMap.insert(currentGroup, nWG, true);

	} else {
		passedInitialHost = true;
		if (!currentGroups.isEmpty()) {
			TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator end = currentGroups.end();
			for (TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator i = currentGroups.begin(); i != end; i++) {
				TQString groupMaster = i.data();
				todo += groupMaster;
		} else {
			if (currentHost == TQString::fromLatin1("failed"))
								   i18n("Connection to localhost failed!\n"
									    "Is your samba server running?"),

	// maybe restart cycle
	if (todo.count()) {
		currentHost = todo[0];
	} else {
		theGroups = currentGroupsMap;
		updateGroupDataTimer.start(groupCheckFreq * 1000, true);

void WinPopupLib::slotListCompleted()
	/// only to check received messages during start up, then we use newItems. GF
	disconnect(dirLister, TQT_SIGNAL(completed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotListCompleted()));

void WinPopupLib::slotNewMessages(const KFileItemList &items)

 * read new arrived messages
void WinPopupLib::readMessages(const KFileItemList &items)
	TQPtrListIterator<KFileItem> it(items);
	KFileItem *tmpItem;
	while ((tmpItem = it.current()) != 0) {
		if (tmpItem->isFile()) {
			TQFile messageFile(tmpItem->url().path());

			if (messageFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) {
				TQTextStream stream(&messageFile);
				TQString sender;
				TQDateTime time;
				TQString text;

				// first line is sender, can this really be empty? GF
				sender = stream.readLine();
				sender = sender.upper();

				// second line is time
				TQString tmpTime = stream.readLine();
				time = TQDateTime::fromString(tmpTime, Qt::ISODate);

				while (!stream.atEnd()) {

				// remove trailing CR
				text = text.stripWhiteSpace();


				// delete file
				if (!messageFile.remove()) {
					// TQFile::remove() seems to be very persistent, it removes even files with 0444 owned by root
					// if the directory permissions are 0777 - so this is just for safety. GF
					kdDebug(14170) << "Message file not removed - how that?" << endl;
					int tmpYesNo =  KMessageBox::warningYesNo(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
															  i18n("A message file could not be removed; "
																   "maybe the permissions are wrong.\n"
																   "Fix? (May need root password)"),
															  TQString::fromLatin1("Winpopup"), i18n("Fix"), i18n("Do Not Fix"));
					if (tmpYesNo == KMessageBox::Yes) {
						TQStringList tdesuArgs = TQStringList(TQString("-c chmod 0666 " + tmpItem->url().path()));
						if (TDEApplication::tdeinitExecWait("tdesu", tdesuArgs) == 0) {
							if (!messageFile.remove())
								KMessageBox::error(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), i18n("Still cannot remove it; please fix manually."));
				if (!sender.isEmpty() && time.isValid())
					emit signalNewMessage(text, time, sender);
					kdDebug(14170) << "Received invalid message!" << endl;
		} // isFile
	} // while

 * send a message
void WinPopupLib::sendMessage(const TQString &Body, const TQString &Destination)
	TDEProcess *sender = new TDEProcess(this);
	*sender << smbClientBin << "-M" << Destination;
	*sender << "-N" << "-";

	connect(sender, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSendProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));

	if (sender->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, TDEProcess::Stdin)) {
		sender->writeStdin(Body.local8Bit(), Body.local8Bit().length());
		if (!sender->closeStdin()) {
			delete sender;
	} else {
		delete sender;

void WinPopupLib::slotSendProcessExited(TDEProcess *p)
//	emit sendJobDone(p->pid());
	delete p;

void WinPopupLib::settingsChanged(const TQString &smbClient, int groupFreq)
	smbClientBin = smbClient;
	groupCheckFreq = groupFreq;

	if (updateGroupDataTimer.isActive()) updateGroupDataTimer.changeInterval(groupCheckFreq * 1000);

#include "libwinpopup.moc"

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