 * libyahoo2: libyahoo2.c
 * Some code copyright (C) 2002, Philip S Tellis <philip . tellis AT gmx . net>
 * Much of this code was taken and adapted from the yahoo module for
 * gaim released under the GNU GPL.  This code is also released under the
 * This code is derivitive of Gaim <http://gaim.sourceforge.net>
 * copyright (C) 1998-1999, Mark Spencer <markster@marko.net>
 *	       1998-1999, Adam Fritzler <afritz@marko.net>
 *	       1998-2002, Rob Flynn <rob@marko.net>
 *	       2000-2002, Eric Warmenhoven <eric@warmenhoven.org>
 *	       2001-2002, Brian Macke <macke@strangelove.net>
 *		    2001, Anand Biligiri S <abiligiri@users.sf.net>
 *		    2001, Valdis Kletnieks
 *		    2002, Sean Egan <bj91704@binghamton.edu>
 *		    2002, Toby Gray <toby.gray@ntlworld.com>
 * This library also uses code from other libraries, namely:
 *     Portions from libfaim copyright 1998, 1999 Adam Fritzler
 *     <afritz@auk.cx>
 *     Portions of Sylpheed copyright 2000-2002 Hiroyuki Yamamoto
 *     <hiro-y@kcn.ne.jp>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# include <config.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "libyahoo.h"
#include "yahoo_fn.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "sha1.h"

extern char *yahoo_crypt(char *, char *);

void yahooBase64(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, int inlen)
/* raw bytes in quasi-big-endian order to base 64 string (NUL-terminated) */
	char base64digits[] = 	"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

	for (; inlen >= 3; inlen -= 3)
			*out++ = base64digits[in[0] >> 2];
			*out++ = base64digits[((in[0]<<4) & 0x30) | (in[1]>>4)];
			*out++ = base64digits[((in[1]<<2) & 0x3c) | (in[2]>>6)];
			*out++ = base64digits[in[2] & 0x3f];
			in += 3;
	if (inlen > 0)
			unsigned char fragment;

			*out++ = base64digits[in[0] >> 2];
			fragment = (in[0] << 4) & 0x30;
			if (inlen > 1)
				fragment |= in[1] >> 4;
			*out++ = base64digits[fragment];
			*out++ = (inlen < 2) ? '-'
					: base64digits[(in[1] << 2) & 0x3c];
			*out++ = '-';
	*out = '\0';

void authresp_0x0b(const char *seed, const char *sn, const char *password, char *resp_6, char *resp_96 )
	md5_byte_t         result[16];
	md5_state_t        ctx;

	SHA1Context            ctx1;
	SHA1Context            ctx2;

	const char *alphabet1 = "FBZDWAGHrJTLMNOPpRSKUVEXYChImkwQ";
	const char *alphabet2 = "F0E1D2C3B4A59687abcdefghijklmnop";

	const char *challenge_lookup = "qzec2tb3um1olpar8whx4dfgijknsvy5";
	const char *operand_lookup = "+|&%/*^-";
	const char *delimit_lookup = ",;";

	unsigned char *password_hash = malloc(25);
	unsigned char *crypt_hash = malloc(25);
	char *crypt_result = NULL;
	unsigned char pass_hash_xor1[64];
	unsigned char pass_hash_xor2[64];
	unsigned char crypt_hash_xor1[64];
	unsigned char crypt_hash_xor2[64];
	char chal[7];

	unsigned char digest1[20];
	unsigned char digest2[20];
	unsigned char magic_key_char[4];
	const unsigned char *magic_ptr;

	unsigned int  magic[64];
	unsigned int  magic_work = 0;
	/*unsigned int  value = 0;*/

	char comparison_src[20];
	int x, i, j;
	int depth = 0, table = 0;
	int cnt = 0;
	int magic_cnt = 0;
	int magic_len;
	/*int times = 0;*/

	memset(pass_hash_xor1, 0, 64);
	memset(pass_hash_xor2, 0, 64);
	memset(crypt_hash_xor1, 0, 64);
	memset(crypt_hash_xor2, 0, 64);
	memset(digest1, 0, 20);
	memset(digest2, 0, 20);
	memset(magic, 0, 64);
	memset(resp_6, 0, 100);
	memset(resp_96, 0, 100);
	memset(magic_key_char, 0, 4);

	 * Magic: Phase 1.  Generate what seems to be a 30
	 * byte value (could change if base64
	 * ends up differently?  I don't remember and I'm
	 * tired, so use a 64 byte buffer.

	magic_ptr = (unsigned char *)seed;

	while (*magic_ptr != (int)NULL) {
		const char *loc;

		/* Ignore parentheses.  */

		if (*magic_ptr == '(' || *magic_ptr == ')') {

		/* Characters and digits verify against
		   the challenge lookup.

		if (isalpha(*magic_ptr) || isdigit(*magic_ptr)) {
			loc = strchr(challenge_lookup, *magic_ptr);
			if (!loc) {
			        /* This isn't good */

			/* Get offset into lookup table and lsh 3. */

			magic_work = loc - challenge_lookup;
			magic_work <<= 3;

		} else {
			unsigned int local_store;

			loc = strchr(operand_lookup, *magic_ptr);
			if (!loc) {
			        /* Also not good. */

			local_store = loc - operand_lookup;

			/* Oops; how did this happen? */
			if (magic_cnt >= 64)

			magic[magic_cnt++] = magic_work | local_store;

	magic_len = magic_cnt;
	magic_cnt = 0;

	/* Magic: Phase 2.  Take generated magic value and
	 * sprinkle fairy dust on the values. */

	for (magic_cnt = magic_len-2; magic_cnt >= 0; magic_cnt--) {
		unsigned char byte1;
		unsigned char byte2;

		/* Bad.  Abort.
		if (magic_cnt >= magic_len)

		byte1 = magic[magic_cnt];
		byte2 = magic[magic_cnt+1];

		byte1 *= 0xcd;
		byte1 ^= byte2;

		magic[magic_cnt+1] = byte1;

	/* Magic: Phase 3.  This computes 20 bytes.  The first 4 bytes are used as our magic 
	 * key (and may be changed later); the next 16 bytes are an MD5 sum of the magic key 
	 * plus 3 bytes.  The 3 bytes are found by looping, and they represent the offsets 
	 * into particular functions we'll later call to potentially alter the magic key. 
	 * %-) 
	magic_cnt = 1; 
	x = 0; 
	do { 
		unsigned int     bl = 0;  
		unsigned int     cl = magic[magic_cnt++]; 
		if (magic_cnt >= magic_len) 
		if (cl > 0x7F) { 
			if (cl < 0xe0)  
				bl = cl = (cl & 0x1f) << 6;  
			else { 
				bl = magic[magic_cnt++];  
                              cl = (cl & 0x0f) << 6;  
                              bl = ((bl & 0x3f) + cl) << 6;  
			cl = magic[magic_cnt++];  
			bl = (cl & 0x3f) + bl;  
		} else 
			bl = cl;  
		comparison_src[x++] = (bl & 0xff00) >> 8;  
		comparison_src[x++] = bl & 0xff;  
	} while (x < 20); 

	/* Dump magic key into a char for SHA1 action. */
	for(x = 0; x < 4; x++) 
		magic_key_char[x] = comparison_src[x];

	/* Compute values for recursive function table! */
	memcpy( chal, magic_key_char, 4 );
	 x = 1;
	for( i = 0; i < 0xFFFF && x; i++ )
		for( j = 0; j < 5 && x; j++ )
			chal[4] = i;
			chal[5] = i >> 8;
			chal[6] = j;
			md5_init( &ctx );
			md5_append( &ctx, chal, 7 );
			md5_finish( &ctx, result );
			if( memcmp( comparison_src + 4, result, 16 ) == 0 )
				depth = i;
				table = j;
				x = 0;

	/* Transform magic_key_char using transform table */
	x = magic_key_char[3] << 24  | magic_key_char[2] << 16
		| magic_key_char[1] << 8 | magic_key_char[0];
	x = yahoo_xfrm( table, depth, x );
	x = yahoo_xfrm( table, depth, x );
	magic_key_char[0] = x & 0xFF;
	magic_key_char[1] = x >> 8 & 0xFF;
	magic_key_char[2] = x >> 16 & 0xFF;
	magic_key_char[3] = x >> 24 & 0xFF;

	/* Get password and crypt hashes as per usual. */
	md5_append(&ctx, (md5_byte_t *)password,  strlen(password));
	md5_finish(&ctx, result);
	yahooBase64(password_hash, result, 16);

	crypt_result = yahoo_crypt(password, "$1$_2S43d5f$");
	md5_append(&ctx, (md5_byte_t *)crypt_result, strlen(crypt_result));
	md5_finish(&ctx, result);
	yahooBase64(crypt_hash, result, 16);

	/* Our first authentication response is based off
	 * of the password hash. */

	for (x = 0; x < (int)strlen((char *)password_hash); x++)
		pass_hash_xor1[cnt++] = password_hash[x] ^ 0x36;

	if (cnt < 64)
		memset(&(pass_hash_xor1[cnt]), 0x36, 64-cnt);

	cnt = 0;

	for (x = 0; x < (int)strlen((char *)password_hash); x++)
		pass_hash_xor2[cnt++] = password_hash[x] ^ 0x5c;

	if (cnt < 64)
		memset(&(pass_hash_xor2[cnt]), 0x5c, 64-cnt);


	/* The first context gets the password hash XORed
	 * with 0x36 plus a magic value
	 * which we previously extrapolated from our
	 * challenge. */

	SHA1Update(&ctx1, pass_hash_xor1, 64);
	if (j >= 3 )
		ctx1.totalLength = 0x1ff;
	SHA1Update(&ctx1, magic_key_char, 4);
	SHA1Final(&ctx1, digest1);

	 /* The second context gets the password hash XORed
	  * with 0x5c plus the SHA-1 digest
	  * of the first context. */

	SHA1Update(&ctx2, pass_hash_xor2, 64);
	SHA1Update(&ctx2, digest1, 20);
	SHA1Final(&ctx2, digest2);

	/* Now that we have digest2, use it to fetch
	 * characters from an alphabet to construct
	 * our first authentication response. */

	for (x = 0; x < 20; x += 2) {
		unsigned int    val = 0;
		unsigned int    lookup = 0;
		char            byte[6];

		memset(&byte, 0, 6);

		/* First two bytes of digest stuffed
		 *  together.

		val = digest2[x];
		val <<= 8;
		val += digest2[x+1];

		lookup = (val >> 0x0b);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet1))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet1[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_6, byte);
		strcat(resp_6, "=");

		lookup = (val >> 0x06);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet2))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet2[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_6, byte);

		lookup = (val >> 0x01);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet2))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet2[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_6, byte);

		lookup = (val & 0x01);
		if (lookup >= strlen(delimit_lookup))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", delimit_lookup[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_6, byte);

	/* Our second authentication response is based off
	 * of the crypto hash. */

	cnt = 0;
	memset(&digest1, 0, 20);
	memset(&digest2, 0, 20);

	for (x = 0; x < (int)strlen((char *)crypt_hash); x++)
		crypt_hash_xor1[cnt++] = crypt_hash[x] ^ 0x36;

	if (cnt < 64)
		memset(&(crypt_hash_xor1[cnt]), 0x36, 64-cnt);

	cnt = 0;

	for (x = 0; x < (int)strlen((char *)crypt_hash); x++)
		crypt_hash_xor2[cnt++] = crypt_hash[x] ^ 0x5c;

	if (cnt < 64)
		memset(&(crypt_hash_xor2[cnt]), 0x5c, 64-cnt);


	/* The first context gets the password hash XORed
	 * with 0x36 plus a magic value
	 * which we previously extrapolated from our
	 * challenge. */

	SHA1Update(&ctx1, crypt_hash_xor1, 64);
	if (j >= 3 )
		ctx1.totalLength = 0x1ff;
	SHA1Update(&ctx1, magic_key_char, 4);
	SHA1Final(&ctx1, digest1);

	/* The second context gets the password hash XORed
	 * with 0x5c plus the SHA-1 digest
	 * of the first context. */

	SHA1Update(&ctx2, crypt_hash_xor2, 64);
	SHA1Update(&ctx2, digest1, 20);
	SHA1Final(&ctx2, digest2);

	/* Now that we have digest2, use it to fetch
	 * characters from an alphabet to construct
	 * our first authentication response.  */

	for (x = 0; x < 20; x += 2) {
		unsigned int val = 0;
		unsigned int lookup = 0;

		char byte[6];

		memset(&byte, 0, 6);

		/* First two bytes of digest stuffed
		 *  together. */

		val = digest2[x];
		val <<= 8;
		val += digest2[x+1];

		lookup = (val >> 0x0b);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet1))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet1[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_96, byte);
		strcat(resp_96, "=");

		lookup = (val >> 0x06);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet2))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet2[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_96, byte);

		lookup = (val >> 0x01);
		lookup &= 0x1f;
		if (lookup >= strlen(alphabet2))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", alphabet2[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_96, byte);

		lookup = (val & 0x01);
		if (lookup >= strlen(delimit_lookup))
		sprintf(byte, "%c", delimit_lookup[lookup]);
		strcat(resp_96, byte);


char * getcookie(const char *rawcookie)
	char * cookie=NULL;
	char * tmpcookie; 
	char * cookieend;

	if (strlen(rawcookie) < 2) 
		return NULL;

	tmpcookie = strdup(rawcookie+2);
	cookieend = strchr(tmpcookie, ';');

		*cookieend = '\0';

	cookie = strdup(tmpcookie);
	/* cookieend=NULL;  not sure why this was there since the value is not preserved in the stack -dd */

	return cookie;

char * getlcookie(const char *cookie)
	char *tmp;
	char *tmpend;
	char *login_cookie = NULL;

	tmpend = strstr(cookie, "n=");
	if(tmpend) {
		tmp = strdup(tmpend+2);
		tmpend = strchr(tmp, '&');
		login_cookie = strdup(tmp);

	return login_cookie;