/* Kopete Yahoo Protocol yahoochattask.cpp - Handle Yahoo Chat Copyright (c) 2006 André Duffeck Kopete (c) 2002-2006 by the Kopete developers ************************************************************************* * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************* */ #include "yahoochattask.h" #include "transfer.h" #include "ymsgtransfer.h" #include "yahootypes.h" #include "client.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include YahooChatTask::YahooChatTask(Task* parent) : Task(parent) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; m_loggedIn = false; } YahooChatTask::~YahooChatTask() { } bool YahooChatTask::take( Transfer* transfer ) { if ( !forMe( transfer ) ) return false; YMSGTransfer *t = 0L; t = dynamic_cast(transfer); if (!t) return false; if( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatOnline ) parseLoginResponse( t ); else if( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceComment ) parseChatMessage( t ); else if( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatJoin ) parseJoin( t ); else if( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatExit ) parseChatExit( t ); else if( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatLogout ) parseLogout( t ); return true; } bool YahooChatTask::forMe( const Transfer* transfer ) const { const YMSGTransfer *t = 0L; t = dynamic_cast(transfer); if (!t) return false; if ( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatOnline || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatGoto || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatJoin || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatleave || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatExit || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatLogout || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatPing || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatLogon || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceChatLogoff || t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceComment ) return true; else return false; } void YahooChatTask::onGo() { } void YahooChatTask::getYahooChatCategories() { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TDEIO::TransferJob *transfer; transfer = TDEIO::get( KURL("http://insider.msg.yahoo.com/ycontent/?chatcat=0"), false, false ); transfer->addMetaData( "UserAgent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5)"); transfer->addMetaData( "no-cache", "true" ); transfer->addMetaData( "cookies", "manual" ); transfer->addMetaData("setcookies", TQString("Cookie: %1; %2; %3").arg(client()->tCookie(), client()->yCookie()) ); connect( transfer, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotCategoriesComplete( TDEIO::Job* ) ) ); connect( transfer, TQ_SIGNAL( data( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotData( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ) ); } void YahooChatTask::getYahooChatRooms( const Yahoo::ChatCategory &category ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "Category Id: " << category.id << endl; TDEIO::TransferJob *transfer; transfer = TDEIO::get( KURL(TQString("http://insider.msg.yahoo.com/ycontent/?chatroom_%1=0").arg( category.id )), false, false ); transfer->addMetaData( "UserAgent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5)"); transfer->addMetaData( "no-cache", "true" ); transfer->addMetaData( "cookies", "manual" ); transfer->addMetaData("setcookies", TQString("Cookie: %1; %2; %3").arg(client()->tCookie(), client()->yCookie()) ); connect( transfer, TQ_SIGNAL( result( TDEIO::Job* ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotChatRoomsComplete( TDEIO::Job* ) ) ); connect( transfer, TQ_SIGNAL( data( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotData( TDEIO::Job*, const TQByteArray& ) ) ); m_jobs[ transfer ].category = category; } void YahooChatTask::slotData( TDEIO::Job *job, const TQByteArray& data) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; // FIXME (same) //m_jobs[job].data.append( data ); } void YahooChatTask::slotCategoriesComplete( TDEIO::Job *job ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TDEIO::TransferJob *transfer = static_cast< TDEIO::TransferJob * >(job); if ( job->error () || transfer->isErrorPage () ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "An error occurred while downloading the chat categories list." << endl; } else { TQDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( m_jobs[ transfer ].data ); emit gotYahooChatCategories( doc ); } m_jobs.remove( transfer ); } void YahooChatTask::slotChatRoomsComplete( TDEIO::Job *job ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TDEIO::TransferJob *transfer = static_cast< TDEIO::TransferJob * >(job); if ( job->error () || transfer->isErrorPage () ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "An error occurred while downloading the chat categories list." << endl; } else { TQDomDocument doc; doc.setContent( m_jobs[ transfer ].data ); // kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << doc.toString(); emit gotYahooChatRooms( m_jobs[ transfer ].category, doc ); } m_jobs.remove( transfer ); } void YahooChatTask::joinRoom( const Yahoo::ChatRoom &room ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "Joining room " << room.name << " (" << room.id << ")..." << endl; if( !m_loggedIn ) { m_pendingJoins.append( room ); login(); return; } YMSGTransfer *t = new YMSGTransfer(Yahoo::ServiceChatJoin); t->setId( client()->sessionID() ); t->setParam( 1, client()->userId().local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 104, room.name.local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 129, room.id ); t->setParam( 62, 2 ); send( t ); } void YahooChatTask::sendYahooChatMessage( const TQString &msg, const TQString &handle ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; if( !m_loggedIn ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "Error: trying to send, but not logged in." << endl; return; } YMSGTransfer *t = new YMSGTransfer(Yahoo::ServiceComment); t->setId( client()->sessionID() ); t->setParam( 1, client()->userId().local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 104, handle.local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 117, msg.local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 124, 1 ); send( t ); } void YahooChatTask::login() { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; YMSGTransfer *t = new YMSGTransfer(Yahoo::ServiceChatOnline); t->setId( client()->sessionID() ); t->setParam( 1, client()->userId().local8Bit() ); t->setParam( 135, TQString("ym%1").arg(YMSG_PROGRAM_VERSION_STRING).local8Bit() ); send( t ); } void YahooChatTask::logout() { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; YMSGTransfer *t = new YMSGTransfer(Yahoo::ServiceChatLogout); t->setId( client()->sessionID() ); t->setParam( 1, client()->userId().local8Bit() ); send( t ); } void YahooChatTask::parseLoginResponse( YMSGTransfer *t ) { if( !TQString(t->firstParam( 1 )).startsWith( client()->userId().local8Bit() ) ) return; m_loggedIn = true; TQValueList< Yahoo::ChatRoom >::iterator it; for ( it = m_pendingJoins.begin(); it != m_pendingJoins.end(); ++it ) //for( int i = 0; i < m_pendingJoins.size(); ++i ) { // FIXME (same) // Yahoo::ChatRoom entry = m_pendingJoins.at( i ); Yahoo::ChatRoom entry = *it; joinRoom( entry ); // FIXME (same) //m_pendingJoins.removeAt( i ); m_pendingJoins.erase(it); } } void YahooChatTask::parseJoin( YMSGTransfer *t ) { int room; int category; TQString handle; TQString comment; bool suppressJoinNotification = false; TQString error; room = t->firstParam( 129 ).toInt(); category = t->firstParam( 128 ).toInt(); handle = t->firstParam( 104 ); comment = t->firstParam( 105 ); error = t->firstParam( 114 ); if( error.startsWith( "-35" ) ) { client()->notifyError( i18n("Could not join chat"), i18n("The room is full. Please choose another one."), Client::Error ); return; } else if( error.startsWith( "-15" ) ) { client()->notifyError( i18n("Could not join chat"), i18n("Invalid user."), Client::Error ); return; } else if( !error.isEmpty() ) { client()->notifyError( i18n("Could not join chat"), i18n("An unknown error occurred while joining the chat room."), Client::Error ); return; } // Yahoo sends a captcha requests before we can join the room if( room == 0 && category == 0 && !comment.isEmpty() ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) << "Showing captcha request" << endl; emit chatRoomJoined( room, category, "", handle ); emit chatMessageReceived( "Yahoo", comment, handle ); } if( room > 0 && category > 0 ) { // We have just joined this room. Suppress join notifications for the people // that are already in here. suppressJoinNotification = true; emit chatRoomJoined( room, category, comment, handle ); } TQString nick; for( int i = 0; i < t->paramCount( 109 ); ++i ) { nick = t->nthParam( 109 , i ); emit chatBuddyHasJoined( nick, handle, suppressJoinNotification ); } } void YahooChatTask::parseChatMessage( YMSGTransfer *t ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TQString handle; TQString msg; TQString nick; handle = t->firstParam( 104 ); for( int i = 0; i < t->paramCount( 109 ); ++i ) { nick = t->nthParam( 109, i ); msg = t->nthParamSeparated( 117, i, 109 ); emit chatMessageReceived( nick, msg, handle ); } } void YahooChatTask::parseChatExit( YMSGTransfer *t ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TQString handle; TQString nick; handle = t->firstParam( 104 ); for( int i = 0; i < t->paramCount( 109 ); ++i ) { nick = t->nthParam( 109, i ); emit chatBuddyHasLeft( nick, handle ); } } void YahooChatTask::parseLogout( YMSGTransfer *t ) { kdDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG) ; TQString nick = t->firstParam( 1 ); if( nick == client()->userId() ) m_loggedIn = false; } #include "yahoochattask.moc"