/* KPF - Public fileserver for KDE Copyright 2001 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) <rik@kde.org> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // System includes #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <unistd.h> // TQt includes #include <tqsocket.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqtimer.h> // KDE includes #include "config.h" #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <dnssd/publicservice.h> // Local includes #include "Defines.h" #include "Defaults.h" #include "WebServerSocket.h" #include "WebServer.h" #include "Server.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace KPF { static const uint SamplesPerSecond = 10; static const uint MaxBacklog = 1024; class WebServer::Private { public: Private() : socket (0L), listenPort (Config::DefaultListenPort), connectionLimit (Config::DefaultConnectionLimit), bandwidthLimit (Config::DefaultBandwidthLimit), lastTotalOutput (0L), totalOutput (0L), portContention (true), paused (false), followSymlinks (Config::DefaultFollowSymlinks), customErrorMessages (false) { } ~Private() { delete socket; delete service; service = 0; socket = 0; } WebServerSocket * socket; uint listenPort; uint connectionLimit; TQPtrList<Server> serverList; TQString root; TQString serverName; TQTimer writeTimer; TQTimer resetOutputTimer; TQTimer bindTimer; TQTimer backlogTimer; ulong bandwidthLimit; ulong lastTotalOutput; ulong totalOutput; bool portContention; bool paused; bool followSymlinks; bool customErrorMessages; TQValueList<int> backlog; DNSSD::PublicService* service; }; WebServer::WebServer(const TQString & root) : DCOPObject(TQCString("WebServer_") + root.utf8()), TQObject() { d = new Private; d->root = root; loadConfig(); publish(); connect(&d->bindTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotBind())); connect(&d->writeTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotWrite())); connect(&d->resetOutputTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotCheckOutput())); connect(&d->backlogTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotClearBacklog())); d->bindTimer .start( 0, true); d->resetOutputTimer .start(1000 / SamplesPerSecond, false); } WebServer::WebServer ( const TQString & root, uint listenPort, uint bandwidthLimit, uint connectionLimit, bool followSymlinks, const TQString & serverName ) : DCOPObject(TQCString("WebServer_") + root.utf8()), TQObject() { d = new Private; d->root = root; d->listenPort = listenPort; d->bandwidthLimit = bandwidthLimit; d->connectionLimit = connectionLimit; d->followSymlinks = followSymlinks; d->serverName = serverName; saveConfig(); publish(); connect(&d->bindTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotBind())); connect(&d->writeTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotWrite())); connect(&d->resetOutputTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotCheckOutput())); connect(&d->backlogTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), TQT_SLOT(slotClearBacklog())); d->bindTimer .start( 0, true); d->resetOutputTimer .start(1000 / SamplesPerSecond, false); } WebServer::~WebServer() { killAllConnections(); delete d; d = 0; } void WebServer::publish() { d->service = new DNSSD::PublicService(d->serverName,"_http._tcp",d->listenPort); connect(d->service,TQT_SIGNAL(published(bool)),this,TQT_SLOT(wasPublished(bool))); d->service->publishAsync(); } void WebServer::wasPublished(bool ok) { if(ok) { KMessageBox::information( NULL, i18n("Successfully published this new service to the network (ZeroConf)."), i18n( "Successfully Published the Service" ), "successfullypublished" ); kpfDebug << "Published to dnssd successfully" << endl; } else { KMessageBox::information( NULL, i18n("Failed to publish this new service to the network (ZeroConf). The server will work fine without this, however."), i18n( "Failed to Publish the Service" ), "failedtopublish" ); } } void WebServer::slotBind() { if (0 != d->socket) { tqWarning("Uhhh, socket isn't 0, but I'm told to bind ?"); return; } d->socket = new WebServerSocket(d->listenPort, d->connectionLimit); d->portContention = !d->socket->ok(); emit(contentionChange(d->portContention)); if (!d->portContention) connect(d->socket, TQT_SIGNAL(connection(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotConnection(int))); else { delete d->socket; d->socket = 0; d->bindTimer.start(1000, true); } } void WebServer::slotConnection(int fd) { if (!d->backlog.isEmpty()) { if (d->backlog.count() < MaxBacklog) { kpfDebug << "Adding this connection to the backlog." << endl; d->backlog.append(fd); } else { kpfDebug << "Backlog full. Ignoring this connection." << endl; } return; } if (!handleConnection(fd)) { if (d->backlog.count() < MaxBacklog) { kpfDebug << "Adding this connection to the backlog." << endl; d->backlog.append(fd); d->backlogTimer.start(10, true); } else { kpfDebug << "Backlog full. Ignoring this connection." << endl; } } } bool WebServer::handleConnection(int fd) { if (d->paused) { kpfDebug << "Paused." << endl; return false; } if (d->serverList.count() >= d->connectionLimit) { // kpfDebug << "Hit connection limit." << endl; return false; } int on = 1; ::setsockopt ( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, ( char* )&on, sizeof( on ) ); on = 0; ::setsockopt ( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, ( char* ) &on, sizeof( on ) ); Server * s = new Server(d->root, d->followSymlinks, fd, this); connect ( s, TQT_SIGNAL(output(Server *, ulong)), TQT_SLOT(slotOutput(Server *, ulong)) ); connect(s, TQT_SIGNAL(finished(Server *)), TQT_SLOT(slotFinished(Server *))); connect(s, TQT_SIGNAL(request(Server *)), TQT_SIGNAL(request(Server *))); connect(s, TQT_SIGNAL(response(Server *)), TQT_SIGNAL(response(Server *))); d->serverList.append(s); connect (s, TQT_SIGNAL(readyToWrite(Server *)), TQT_SLOT(slotReadyToWrite(Server *))); emit(connection(s)); return true; } void WebServer::restart() { d->bindTimer.stop(); killAllConnections(); delete d->socket; d->socket = 0; d->service->setServiceName(d->serverName); d->service->setPort(d->listenPort); d->bindTimer.start(0, true); } void WebServer::killAllConnections() { TQPtrListIterator<Server> it(d->serverList); for (; it.current(); ++it) it.current()->cancel(); } void WebServer::slotOutput(Server * s, ulong l) { emit(output(s, l)); } void WebServer::slotFinished(Server * s) { emit(finished(s)); d->serverList.removeRef(s); delete s; s = 0; } void WebServer::setBandwidthLimit(ulong l) { d->bandwidthLimit = l; saveConfig(); } ulong WebServer::bandwidthLimit() { return d->bandwidthLimit; } void WebServer::setFollowSymlinks(bool b) { d->followSymlinks = b; saveConfig(); } bool WebServer::followSymlinks() { return d->followSymlinks; } TQString WebServer::root() { return d->root; } uint WebServer::connectionLimit() { return d->connectionLimit; } void WebServer::setConnectionLimit(uint i) { d->connectionLimit = i; saveConfig(); } uint WebServer::listenPort() { return d->listenPort; } void WebServer::setListenPort(uint i) { d->listenPort = i; saveConfig(); } bool WebServer::customErrorMessages() { return d->customErrorMessages; } void WebServer::setCustomErrorMessages(bool b) { d->customErrorMessages = b; saveConfig(); } ulong WebServer::bytesLeft() const { #if 0 // Multiply the bandwidth limit by 10 so we can do 10 checks per second. ulong l = (d->bandwidthLimit * 10240) - (d->totalOutput - d->lastTotalOutput); #endif ulong l = ulong(d->bandwidthLimit * (1024 / double(SamplesPerSecond))) - (d->totalOutput - d->lastTotalOutput); return l; } ulong WebServer::bandwidthPerClient() const { ulong l = 0L; if (!d->serverList.isEmpty()) { l = bytesLeft() / d->serverList.count(); } kpfDebug << l << endl; return l; } void WebServer::slotReadyToWrite(Server *) { d->writeTimer.stop(); d->writeTimer.start(0, true); } void WebServer::slotWrite() { if (d->serverList.isEmpty()) return; TQPtrListIterator<Server> it(d->serverList); for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (0 == bytesLeft()) break; Server * s = it.current(); if (0 == s->bytesLeft()) continue; ulong bytesAvailable = 0; if (0 == bandwidthPerClient()) bytesAvailable = bytesLeft(); else bytesAvailable = min(s->bytesLeft(), bandwidthPerClient()); if (0 != bytesAvailable) d->totalOutput += s->write(bytesAvailable); } d->writeTimer.start(1000 / SamplesPerSecond, true); } void WebServer::slotCheckOutput() { emit(connectionCount(d->serverList.count())); ulong lastOutput = d->totalOutput - d->lastTotalOutput; emit(wholeServerOutput(ulong(lastOutput * SamplesPerSecond))); d->lastTotalOutput = d->totalOutput; } void WebServer::slotClearBacklog() { // kpfDebug << "WebServer::slotClearBacklog" << endl; if (!d->backlog.isEmpty()) { uint currentBacklogCount = d->backlog.count(); for (uint i = 0; i < currentBacklogCount; i++) { int fd = d->backlog.first(); if (handleConnection(fd)) { kpfDebug << "Ah, we can now handle this connection. Removing from backlog." << endl; d->backlog.remove(d->backlog.begin()); } else { // kpfDebug // << "Still can't handle this connection. Leaving in backlog" // << endl; break; } } } if (!d->backlog.isEmpty()) { d->backlogTimer.start(10, true); } } uint WebServer::connectionCount() { return d->serverList.count(); } void WebServer::pause(bool b) { if(b == d->paused) return; d->paused = b; if (b) d->service->stop(); else d->service->publishAsync(); //published() should be already connected emit pauseChange(d->paused); saveConfig(); } bool WebServer::paused() { return d->paused; } TQString WebServer::serverName() { return d->serverName; } void WebServer::setServerName(const TQString& serverName) { d->serverName=serverName; } bool WebServer::portContention() { return d->portContention; } void WebServer::set ( uint listenPort, ulong bandwidthLimit, uint connectionLimit, bool followSymlinks, const TQString& serverName ) { d->listenPort = listenPort; d->bandwidthLimit = bandwidthLimit; d->connectionLimit = connectionLimit; d->followSymlinks = followSymlinks; d->serverName = serverName; saveConfig(); } void WebServer::loadConfig() { kpfDebug << "WebServer(" << d->root << "): Loading configuration" << endl; TDEConfig c(Config::name()); c.setGroup(Config::key(Config::GroupPrefix) + d->root); d->listenPort = c.readUnsignedNumEntry (Config::key(Config::ListenPort), d->listenPort); d->bandwidthLimit = c.readUnsignedNumEntry (Config::key(Config::BandwidthLimit), d->bandwidthLimit); d->connectionLimit = c.readUnsignedNumEntry (Config::key(Config::ConnectionLimit), d->connectionLimit); d->followSymlinks = c.readBoolEntry (Config::key(Config::FollowSymlinks), d->followSymlinks); d->customErrorMessages = c.readBoolEntry (Config::key(Config::CustomErrors), d->customErrorMessages); d->paused = c.readBoolEntry (Config::key(Config::Paused), d->paused); d->serverName = c.readEntry (Config::key(Config::ServerName), d->serverName); } void WebServer::saveConfig() { kpfDebug << "WebServer(" << d->root << "): Saving configuration" << endl; TDEConfig c(Config::name()); c.setGroup(Config::key(Config::GroupPrefix) + d->root); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::ListenPort), d->listenPort); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::BandwidthLimit), d->bandwidthLimit); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::ConnectionLimit), d->connectionLimit); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::FollowSymlinks), d->followSymlinks); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::CustomErrors), d->customErrorMessages); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::Paused), d->paused); c.writeEntry(Config::key(Config::ServerName), d->serverName); c.sync(); } } // End namespace KPF #include "WebServer.moc" // vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:et