/* * kPPPlogview: a accounting log system for kPPP * * Copyright (C) 1998 Mario Weilguni <mweilguni@kde.org> * * This file has been contributed by Tilo Ulbrich <TiloUlbrich@web.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "export.h" #include <tqpushbutton.h> #include <tqtextcodec.h> class Export; /***** ExportFormats *****/ static struct { int id; TQString name; TQString desc; TQString ext; } ExportFormats [] = { { 1, I18N_NOOP("CSV"), I18N_NOOP("Export to a text file, using semicolons as separators.<p></p>Can be used for spreadsheet programs like <i>KSpread</i>."), "csv" }, { 2, I18N_NOOP("HTML"), I18N_NOOP("Export to a HTML Page.<p></p>Can be used for easy exchange over the <i>Internet</i>."), "html" }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } /* !! don't forget !! */ }; /***** ExportWizard *****/ ExportWizard::ExportWizard(TQWidget *parent, const TQString &_date) : KWizard(parent, "", true) { date = _date; filterID = 0; setCaption(i18n("Export Wizard for kPPP Logs")); /* format-page */ formatPage = new TQWidget(); TQHBoxLayout *formatLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(formatPage); typeList = new TQListBox(formatPage); connect(typeList, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)), TQT_SLOT (typeHighlighted(int))); typeList->setMinimumSize(50, 200); TQToolTip::add(typeList, i18n("List with possible output formats")); int i=0; while (ExportFormats[i].id) { // add each format to the list typeList->insertItem(i18n(ExportFormats[i].name.utf8())); i++; } formatLayout->addWidget(typeList); formatLayout->addSpacing(10); typeInfo = new TQLabel(formatPage); typeInfo->tqsetAlignment(TQt::AlignTop | TQt::WordBreak); typeInfo->setText(i18n("<qt><b>Please choose the output format on the left side.</b></qt>")); typeInfo->setMinimumSize(350, 200); formatLayout->addWidget(typeInfo); addPage(formatPage, i18n("Selection of Filetype")); /* filename-page */ filenamePage = new TQWidget(); TQVBoxLayout *filenameLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( filenamePage ); TQLabel *fnLbl = new TQLabel(filenamePage); fnLbl->setText(i18n("Filename:")); filenameLayout->addWidget(fnLbl); fnLine = new TQLineEdit(filenamePage); fnLine->setText(i18n("[No file selected]")); fnLine->setReadOnly(true); filenameLayout->addWidget(fnLine); filenameLayout->addStretch(1); fnGet = new TQPushButton(filenamePage); fnGet->setText(i18n("&Select File...")); fnGet->setMaximumWidth(200); TQToolTip::add(fnGet, i18n("Select the filename of the exported output file")); filenameLayout->addWidget(fnGet); connect(fnGet, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(getFilename())); filenameLayout->addStretch(2); addPage(filenamePage, i18n("Selection of Filename")); setNextEnabled( filenamePage, false ); setHelpEnabled( filenamePage, false ); setNextEnabled( formatPage, false ); setHelpEnabled( formatPage, false ); } Export * ExportWizard::createExportFilter() { switch (filterID) { // IDs: see data-struct ExportFormats case 1 : return new CSVExport(filename, ";"); case 2 : return new HTMLExport(filename, date); default : return NULL; // oops.. }; } void ExportWizard::typeHighlighted(int index) { typeInfo->setText("<qt><b>"+i18n(ExportFormats[index].name.utf8())+" " + i18n("File Format") + "</b><p></p>" + i18n(ExportFormats[index].desc.utf8()) +"</qt>"); setNextEnabled(formatPage, true ); } void ExportWizard::getFilename() { int i = typeList->currentItem(); if ( i == -1 ) return; // prepare filter: e.g.: HTML (*.html *.HTML) TQString filter = "*." + ExportFormats[i].ext + " *." + ExportFormats[i].ext.upper() + "|" + i18n(ExportFormats[i].name.utf8()) + " (*." + ExportFormats[i].ext + " *." + ExportFormats[i].ext.upper() + ")"; filename = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName(date + "." + ExportFormats[i].ext, filter, 0, i18n("Please Choose File")); if (filename.isEmpty()) // no file selected return; fnLine->setText(filename); setFinishEnabled(filenamePage, true); } void ExportWizard::reject() { hide(); filename = TQString(); } void ExportWizard::accept() { filterID = typeList->currentItem() + 1; // translate to ID-count in ExportFormats hide(); } /***** Export *****/ Export::Export(const TQString &_filename) : filename(_filename), buffer("") { } Export::~Export() { } bool Export::openFile() { file.setName(filename); return file.open(IO_WriteOnly); } bool Export::closeFile() { bool ok = true; if (file.writeBlock(buffer.local8Bit(), buffer.length())<0) ok = false; file.close(); return ok; } /***** CSVExport *****/ CSVExport::CSVExport(const TQString &filename, const TQString &_separator) : Export(filename), separator(_separator) { } void CSVExport::addHeadline(const TQString &a, const TQString &b, const TQString &c, const TQString &d, const TQString &e, const TQString &f, const TQString &g, const TQString &h) { // no especially style addDataline(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); } void CSVExport::addDataline(const TQString &a, const TQString &b, const TQString &c, const TQString &d, const TQString &e, const TQString &f, const TQString &g, const TQString &h) { buffer+=a + separator + b + separator + c + separator + d + separator + e + separator + f + separator + g + separator + h + separator + "\n"; } void CSVExport::addEmptyLine() { // not needed } void CSVExport::setFinishCode() { // not needed } /***** HTMLExport *****/ HTMLExport::HTMLExport(const TQString &filename, const TQString &date) : Export(filename) { TQString title = i18n("Connection log for %1").tqarg(date); buffer = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"; buffer.append("<html>\n<head>\n <title>"+title+"</title>\n"); buffer.append(TQString::tqfromLatin1(" <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=") + TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mimeName() + TQString::tqfromLatin1("\">")); buffer.append("\n</head>\n<body>\n<h1>"+title+"</h1>\n\n"); buffer.append("<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\">\n"); trStartCode = "<tr>"; trEndCode = "</tr>\n"; tdStartCode = "<td>"; tdEndCode = "</td>"; } void HTMLExport::addHeadline(const TQString &a, const TQString &b, const TQString &c, const TQString &d, const TQString &e, const TQString &f, const TQString &g, const TQString &h) { // simply bold font TQString bak1 = tdStartCode; tdStartCode.append("<b>"); TQString bak2 = tdEndCode; tdEndCode.prepend("</b>"); addDataline(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); // reset font tdStartCode = bak1; tdEndCode = bak2; } void HTMLExport::addDataline(const TQString &a, const TQString &b, const TQString &c, const TQString &d, const TQString &e, const TQString &f, const TQString &g, const TQString &h) { buffer+= trStartCode + tdStartCode + a + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + b + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + c + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + d + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + e + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + f + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + g + tdEndCode + tdStartCode + h + tdEndCode + trEndCode; } void HTMLExport::addEmptyLine() { addDataline(" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "); } void HTMLExport::setFinishCode() { buffer+= "</table>\n</body>\n</html>\n"; } #include "export.moc"