/* * kPPP: A pppd Front End for the KDE project * * $Id$ * * Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben * wuebben@math.cornell.edu * * This file was added by Harri Porten <porten@tu-harburg.de> * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <assert.h> #include "modem.h" #include "pppdata.h" #include "requester.h" #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kcmdlineargs.h> #include <config.h> static sigjmp_buf jmp_buffer; Modem *Modem::modem = 0; Modem::Modem() : modemfd(-1), sn(0L), data_mode(false), modem_is_locked(false) { assert(modem==0); modem = this; args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); } Modem::~Modem() { modem = 0; } speed_t Modem::modemspeed() { // convert the string modem speed int the gpppdata object to a t_speed type // to set the modem. The constants here should all be ifdef'd because // other systems may not have them int i = gpppdata.speed().toInt()/100; switch(i) { case 24: return B2400; break; case 96: return B9600; break; case 192: return B19200; break; case 384: return B38400; break; #ifdef B57600 case 576: return B57600; break; #endif #ifdef B115200 case 1152: return B115200; break; #endif #ifdef B230400 case 2304: return B230400; break; #endif #ifdef B460800 case 4608: return B460800; break; #endif #ifdef B921600 case 9216: return B921600; break; #endif default: return B38400; break; } } bool Modem::opentty() { // int flags; TQString device = ""; if (args->isSet("dev")) device = args->getOption("dev"); else device = gpppdata.modemDevice(); kdDebug() << "Opening Device: " << device << endl; if((modemfd = Requester::rq->openModem(device))<0) { errmsg = i18n("Unable to open modem."); return false; } #if 0 if(gpppdata.UseCDLine()) { if(ioctl(modemfd, TIOCMGET, &flags) == -1) { errmsg = i18n("Unable to detect state of CD line."); ::close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; return false; } if ((flags&TIOCM_CD) == 0) { errmsg = i18n("The modem is not ready."); ::close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; return false; } } #endif tcdrain (modemfd); tcflush (modemfd, TCIOFLUSH); if(tcgetattr(modemfd, &tty) < 0){ // this helps in some cases tcsendbreak(modemfd, 0); sleep(1); if(tcgetattr(modemfd, &tty) < 0){ errmsg = i18n("The modem is busy."); ::close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; return false; } } memset(&initial_tty,'\0',sizeof(initial_tty)); initial_tty = tty; tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // nonblocking tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; tty.c_oflag = 0; tty.c_lflag = 0; tty.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | CSTOPB | PARENB); tty.c_cflag |= CS8 | CREAD; tty.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; // ignore modem status lines tty.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR /* | ISTRIP */ ; tty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; // non-canonical mode tty.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHOE|ECHOK|ECHOKE); // the english/i18n mix below is ugly but we want to keep working // after someone changed the code to use i18n'ed config values TQString flowCtrl = gpppdata.flowcontrol(); if(flowCtrl != "None" && flowCtrl != i18n("None")) { if(flowCtrl == "CRTSCTS" || flowCtrl == i18n("Hardware [CRTSCTS]")) { tty.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS; } else { tty.c_iflag |= IXON | IXOFF; tty.c_cc[VSTOP] = 0x13; /* DC3 = XOFF = ^S */ tty.c_cc[VSTART] = 0x11; /* DC1 = XON = ^Q */ } } else { tty.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; tty.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF); } cfsetospeed(&tty, modemspeed()); cfsetispeed(&tty, modemspeed()); tcdrain(modemfd); if(tcsetattr(modemfd, TCSANOW, &tty) < 0){ errmsg = i18n("The modem is busy."); ::close(modemfd); modemfd=-1; return false; } errmsg = i18n("Modem Ready."); return true; } bool Modem::closetty() { if(modemfd >=0 ) { stop(); /* discard data not read or transmitted */ tcflush(modemfd, TCIOFLUSH); if(tcsetattr(modemfd, TCSANOW, &initial_tty) < 0){ errmsg = i18n("Can't restore tty settings: tcsetattr()\n"); ::close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; return false; } ::close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; } return true; } void Modem::readtty(int) { char buffer[200]; unsigned char c; int len; // read data in chunks of up to 200 bytes if((len = ::read(modemfd, buffer, 200)) > 0) { // split buffer into single characters for further processing for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = buffer[i] & 0x7F; emit charWaiting(c); } } } void Modem::notify(const TQObject *receiver, const char *member) { connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(charWaiting(unsigned char)), receiver, member); startNotifier(); } void Modem::stop() { disconnect(TQT_SIGNAL(charWaiting(unsigned char))); stopNotifier(); } void Modem::startNotifier() { if(modemfd >= 0) { if(sn == 0) { sn = new TQSocketNotifier(modemfd, TQSocketNotifier::Read, this); connect(sn, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(readtty(int))); kdDebug(5002) << "TQSocketNotifier started!" << endl; } else { // Debug("TQSocketNotifier re-enabled!"); sn->setEnabled(true); } } } void Modem::stopNotifier() { if(sn != 0) { sn->setEnabled(false); disconnect(sn); delete sn; sn = 0; kdDebug(5002) << "TQSocketNotifier stopped!" << endl; } } void Modem::flush() { char c; while(read(modemfd, &c, 1) == 1); } bool Modem::writeChar(unsigned char c) { int s; do { s = write(modemfd, &c, 1); if (s < 0) { kdError(5002) << "write() in Modem::writeChar failed" << endl; return false; } } while(s == 0); return true; } bool Modem::writeLine(const char *buf) { int len = strlen(buf); char *b = new char[len+2]; memcpy(b, buf, len); // different modems seem to need different line terminations TQString term = gpppdata.enter(); if(term == "LF") b[len++]='\n'; else if(term == "CR") b[len++]='\r'; else if(term == "CR/LF") { b[len++]='\r'; b[len++]='\n'; } int l = len; while(l) { int wr = write(modemfd, &b[len-l], l); if(wr < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) continue; // TODO do something meaningful with the error code (or ignore it kdError(5002) << "write() in Modem::writeLine failed" << endl; delete[] b; return false; } l -= wr; } delete[] b; return true; } bool Modem::hangup() { // this should really get the modem to hang up and go into command mode // If anyone sees a fault in the following please let me know, since // this is probably the most imporant snippet of code in the whole of // kppp. If people complain about kppp being stuck, this piece of code // is most likely the reason. struct termios temptty; if(modemfd >= 0) { // is this Escape & HangupStr stuff really necessary ? (Harri) if (data_mode) escape_to_command_mode(); // Then hangup command writeLine(gpppdata.modemHangupStr().local8Bit()); usleep(gpppdata.modemInitDelay() * 10000); // 0.01 - 3.0 sec #ifndef DEBUG_WO_DIALING if (sigsetjmp(jmp_buffer, 1) == 0) { // set alarm in case tcsendbreak() hangs signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler); alarm(2); tcsendbreak(modemfd, 0); alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); } else { kdWarning(5002) << "Modem did not respond properly." << endl; #if 0 // observed false alarms with some modems // we reach this point if the alarm handler got called closetty(); close(modemfd); modemfd = -1; errmsg = i18n("The modem does not respond."); return false; #endif } #ifndef __svr4__ // drops DTR but doesn't set it afterwards again. not good for init. tcgetattr(modemfd, &temptty); cfsetospeed(&temptty, B0); cfsetispeed(&temptty, B0); tcsetattr(modemfd, TCSAFLUSH, &temptty); #else int modemstat; ioctl(modemfd, TIOCMGET, &modemstat); modemstat &= ~TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(modemfd, TIOCMSET, &modemstat); ioctl(modemfd, TIOCMGET, &modemstat); modemstat |= TIOCM_DTR; ioctl(modemfd, TIOCMSET, &modemstat); #endif usleep(gpppdata.modemInitDelay() * 10000); // 0.01 - 3.0 secs cfsetospeed(&temptty, modemspeed()); cfsetispeed(&temptty, modemspeed()); tcsetattr(modemfd, TCSAFLUSH, &temptty); #endif return true; } else return false; } void Modem::escape_to_command_mode() { // Send Properly bracketed escape code to put the modem back into command state. // A modem will accept AT commands only when it is in command state. // When a modem sends the host the CONNECT string, that signals // that the modem is now in the connect state (no long accepts AT commands.) // Need to send properly timed escape sequence to put modem in command state. // Escape codes and guard times are controlled by S2 and S12 values. // tcflush(modemfd, TCIOFLUSH); // +3 because quiet time must be greater than guard time. usleep((gpppdata.modemEscapeGuardTime()+3)*20000); TQCString tmp = gpppdata.modemEscapeStr().local8Bit(); write(modemfd, tmp.data(), tmp.length()); tcflush(modemfd, TCIOFLUSH); usleep((gpppdata.modemEscapeGuardTime()+3)*20000); data_mode = false; } const TQString Modem::modemMessage() { return errmsg; } TQString Modem::parseModemSpeed(const TQString &s) { // this is a small (and bad) parser for modem speeds int rx = -1; int tx = -1; int i; TQString result; kdDebug(5002) << "Modem reported result string: " << s << endl; const int RXMAX = 7; const int TXMAX = 2; TQRegExp rrx[RXMAX] = { TQRegExp("[0-9]+[:/ ]RX", false), TQRegExp("[0-9]+RX", false), TQRegExp("[/: -][0-9]+[/: ]", false), TQRegExp("[/: -][0-9]+$", false), TQRegExp("CARRIER [^0-9]*[0-9]+", false), TQRegExp("CONNECT [^0-9]*[0-9]+", false), TQRegExp("[0-9]+") // panic mode }; TQRegExp trx[TXMAX] = { TQRegExp("[0-9]+[:/ ]TX", false), TQRegExp("[0-9]+TX", false) }; for(i = 0; i < RXMAX; i++) { int len, idx, result; if((idx = rrx[i].search(s)) > -1) { len = rrx[i].matchedLength(); // // rrx[i] has been matched, idx contains the start of the match // and len contains how long the match is. Extract the match. // TQString sub = s.mid(idx, len); // // Now extract the digits only from the match, which will // then be converted to an int. // if ((idx = rrx[RXMAX-1].search( sub )) > -1) { len = rrx[RXMAX-1].matchedLength(); sub = sub.mid(idx, len); result = sub.toInt(); if(result > 0) { rx = result; break; } } } } for(i = 0; i < TXMAX; i++) { int len, idx, result; if((idx = trx[i].search(s)) > -1) { len = trx[i].matchedLength(); // // trx[i] has been matched, idx contains the start of the match // and len contains how long the match is. Extract the match. // TQString sub = s.mid(idx, len); // // Now extract the digits only from the match, which will then // be converted to an int. // if((idx = rrx[RXMAX-1].search(sub)) > -1) { len = rrx[RXMAX-1].matchedLength(); sub = sub.mid(idx, len); result = sub.toInt(); if(result > 0) { tx = result; break; } } } } if(rx == -1 && tx == -1) result = i18n("Unknown speed"); else if(tx == -1) result.setNum(rx); else if(rx == -1) // should not happen result.setNum(tx); else result.sprintf("%d/%d", rx, tx); kdDebug(5002) << "The parsed result is: " << result << endl; return result; } // Lock modem device. Returns 0 on success 1 if the modem is locked and -1 if // a lock file can't be created ( permission problem ) int Modem::lockdevice() { int fd; char newlock[80]=""; // safe if(!gpppdata.modemLockFile()) { kdDebug(5002) << "The user doesn't want a lockfile." << endl; return 0; } if (modem_is_locked) return 1; TQString device = ""; if (args->isSet("dev")) device = args->getOption("dev"); else device = gpppdata.modemDevice(); TQString lockfile = LOCK_DIR"/LCK.."; lockfile += device.mid(5); // append everything after /dev/ if(access(TQFile::encodeName(lockfile), F_OK) == 0) { if ((fd = Requester::rq->openLockfile(TQFile::encodeName(lockfile), O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { // Mario: it's not necessary to read more than lets say 32 bytes. If // file has more than 32 bytes, skip the rest char oldlock[33]; // safe int sz = read(fd, &oldlock, 32); close (fd); if (sz <= 0) return 1; oldlock[sz] = '\0'; kdDebug(5002) << "Device is locked by: " << &oldlock << endl; int oldpid; int match = sscanf(oldlock, "%d", &oldpid); // found a pid in lockfile ? if (match < 1 || oldpid <= 0) return 1; // check if process exists if (kill((pid_t)oldpid, 0) == 0 || errno != ESRCH) return 1; kdDebug(5002) << "lockfile is stale" << endl; } } fd = Requester::rq->openLockfile(device, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT); if(fd >= 0) { sprintf(newlock,"%010d\n", getpid()); kdDebug(5002) << "Locking Device: " << newlock << endl; write(fd, newlock, strlen(newlock)); close(fd); modem_is_locked=true; return 0; } return -1; } // UnLock modem device void Modem::unlockdevice() { if (modem_is_locked) { kdDebug(5002) << "UnLocking Modem Device" << endl; Requester::rq->removeLockfile(); modem_is_locked=false; } } void alarm_handler(int) { // fprintf(stderr, "alarm_handler(): Received SIGALRM\n"); // jump siglongjmp(jmp_buffer, 1); } #include "modem.moc"