/*************************************************************************** rfbcontroller.cpp ------------------- begin : Sun Dec 9 2001 copyright : (C) 2001-2003 by Tim Jansen email : tim@tjansen.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif /* * Contains keyboard & pointer handling from libvncserver's x11vnc.c */ #include "rfbcontroller.h" #include "kuser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_SOLARIS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef ASSERT #define ASSERT(x) Q_ASSERT(x) #endif #define IDLE_PAUSE (1000/50) #define MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH (4096) static XTestDisabler disabler; static const char* cur= " " " x " " xx " " xxx " " xxxx " " xxxxx " " xxxxxx " " xxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxx " " xxxxxxxxxx " " xxxxx " " xx xxx " " x xxx " " xxx " " xxx " " xxx " " xxx " " "; static const char* mask= "xx " "xxx " "xxxx " "xxxxx " "xxxxxx " "xxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxx " "xxxxxxxx " "xx xxxxx " " xxxxx " " xxxxx " " xxxxx " " xxx "; static rfbCursorPtr myCursor; // only one controller exists, so we can do this workaround for functions: static RFBController *self; class AppLocker { public: AppLocker() { KApplication::kApplication()->lock(); } ~AppLocker() { KApplication::kApplication()->unlock(); } }; static enum rfbNewClientAction newClientHook(struct _rfbClientRec *cl) { AppLocker a; return self->handleNewClient(cl); } static Bool passwordCheck(rfbClientPtr cl, const char* encryptedPassword, int len) { AppLocker a; return self->handleCheckPassword(cl, encryptedPassword, len); } static void keyboardHook(Bool down, KeySym keySym, rfbClientPtr) { self->handleKeyEvent(down ? true : false, keySym); } static void pointerHook(int bm, int x, int y, rfbClientPtr) { self->handlePointerEvent(bm, x, y); } static void clientGoneHook(rfbClientPtr) { self->handleClientGone(); } static void negotiationFinishedHook(rfbClientPtr cl) { self->handleNegotiationFinished(cl); } static void inetdDisconnectHook() { self->handleClientGone(); } static void clipboardHook(char* str,int len, rfbClientPtr) { self->clipboardToServer(QString::fromUtf8(str, len)); } VNCEvent::~VNCEvent() { } Display *KeyboardEvent::dpy; signed char KeyboardEvent::modifiers[0x100]; KeyCode KeyboardEvent::keycodes[0x100]; KeyCode KeyboardEvent::leftShiftCode; KeyCode KeyboardEvent::rightShiftCode; KeyCode KeyboardEvent::altGrCode; const int KeyboardEvent::LEFTSHIFT = 1; const int KeyboardEvent::RIGHTSHIFT = 2; const int KeyboardEvent::ALTGR = 4; char KeyboardEvent::ModifierState; KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent(bool d, KeySym k) : down(d), keySym(k) { } void KeyboardEvent::initKeycodes() { KeySym key,*keymap; int i,j,minkey,maxkey,syms_per_keycode; dpy = qt_xdisplay(); memset(modifiers,-1,sizeof(modifiers)); XDisplayKeycodes(dpy,&minkey,&maxkey); ASSERT(minkey >= 8); ASSERT(maxkey < 256); keymap = (KeySym*) XGetKeyboardMapping(dpy, minkey, (maxkey - minkey + 1), &syms_per_keycode); ASSERT(keymap); for (i = minkey; i <= maxkey; i++) for (j=0; j=' ' && key<0x100 && i==XKeysymToKeycode(dpy,key)) { keycodes[key]=i; modifiers[key]=j; } } leftShiftCode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Shift_L); rightShiftCode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Shift_R); altGrCode = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Mode_switch); XFree ((char *)keymap); } /* this function adjusts the modifiers according to mod (as from modifiers) and ModifierState */ void KeyboardEvent::tweakModifiers(signed char mod, bool down) { bool isShift = ModifierState & (LEFTSHIFT|RIGHTSHIFT); if(mod < 0) return; if(isShift && mod != 1) { if(ModifierState & LEFTSHIFT) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, leftShiftCode, !down, CurrentTime); if(ModifierState & RIGHTSHIFT) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, rightShiftCode, !down, CurrentTime); } if(!isShift && mod==1) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, leftShiftCode, down, CurrentTime); if((ModifierState&ALTGR) && mod != 2) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, altGrCode, !down, CurrentTime); if(!(ModifierState&ALTGR) && mod==2) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, altGrCode, down, CurrentTime); } void KeyboardEvent::exec() { #define ADJUSTMOD(sym,state) \ if(keySym==sym) { if(down) ModifierState|=state; else ModifierState&=~state; } ADJUSTMOD(XK_Shift_L,LEFTSHIFT); ADJUSTMOD(XK_Shift_R,RIGHTSHIFT); ADJUSTMOD(XK_Mode_switch,ALTGR); if(keySym>=' ' && keySym<0x100) { KeyCode k; if (down) tweakModifiers(modifiers[keySym],True); k = keycodes[keySym]; if (k != NoSymbol) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, k, down, CurrentTime); if (down) tweakModifiers(modifiers[keySym],False); } else { KeyCode k = XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, keySym ); if (k != NoSymbol) XTestFakeKeyEvent(dpy, k, down, CurrentTime); } } bool PointerEvent::initialized = false; Display *PointerEvent::dpy; int PointerEvent::buttonMask = 0; PointerEvent::PointerEvent(int b, int _x, int _y) : button_mask(b), x(_x), y(_y) { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; dpy = qt_xdisplay(); buttonMask = 0; } } void PointerEvent::exec() { QDesktopWidget *desktopWidget = QApplication::desktop(); int screen = desktopWidget->screenNumber(); if (screen < 0) screen = 0; XTestFakeMotionEvent(dpy, screen, x, y, CurrentTime); for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if ((buttonMask&(1<(ctext)) { } void ClipboardEvent::exec() { if ((controller->lastClipboardDirection == RFBController::LAST_SYNC_TO_CLIENT) && (controller->lastClipboardText == text)) { return; } controller->lastClipboardDirection = RFBController::LAST_SYNC_TO_SERVER; controller->lastClipboardText = text; controller->clipboard->setText(text, QClipboard::Clipboard); controller->clipboard->setText(text, QClipboard::Selection); } KNotifyEvent::KNotifyEvent(const QString &n, const QString &d) : name(n), desc(d) { } KNotifyEvent::~KNotifyEvent() { } void KNotifyEvent::exec() { KNotifyClient::event(name, desc); } SessionEstablishedEvent::SessionEstablishedEvent(RFBController *c) : controller(c) { } void SessionEstablishedEvent::exec() { controller->sendSessionEstablished(); } RFBController::RFBController(Configuration *c) : allowDesktopControl(false), lastClipboardDirection(LAST_SYNC_TO_SERVER), configuration(c), dialog( 0, "ConnectionDialog" ), disableBackgroundPending(false), disableBackgroundState(false), closePending(false), forcedClose(false) { self = this; connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(okClicked()), SLOT(dialogAccepted())); connect(&dialog, SIGNAL(cancelClicked()), SLOT(dialogRefused())); connect(&initIdleTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(checkAsyncEvents())); connect(&idleTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(idleSlot())); clipboard = QApplication::clipboard(); connect(clipboard, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect(clipboard, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(clipboardChanged())); asyncQueue.setAutoDelete(true); KeyboardEvent::initKeycodes(); char hostname[256]; if (gethostname(hostname, 255)) hostname[0] = 0; hostname[255] = 0; desktopName = i18n("%1@%2 (shared desktop)").arg(KUser().loginName()).arg(hostname); } RFBController::~RFBController() { stopServer(); } void RFBController::startServer(int inetdFd, bool xtestGrab) { framebufferImage = XGetImage(qt_xdisplay(), QApplication::desktop()->winId(), 0, 0, QApplication::desktop()->width(), QApplication::desktop()->height(), AllPlanes, ZPixmap); int w = framebufferImage->width; int h = framebufferImage->height; char *fb = framebufferImage->data; rfbLogEnable(0); server = rfbGetScreen(0, 0, w, h, framebufferImage->bits_per_pixel, 8, framebufferImage->bits_per_pixel/8); server->paddedWidthInBytes = framebufferImage->bytes_per_line; server->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel = framebufferImage->bits_per_pixel; server->rfbServerFormat.depth = framebufferImage->depth; server->rfbServerFormat.trueColour = (CARD8) TRUE; server->rfbServerFormat.bigEndian = (CARD8) ((framebufferImage->bitmap_bit_order == MSBFirst) ? TRUE : FALSE); if ( server->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel == 8 ) { server->rfbServerFormat.redShift = 0; server->rfbServerFormat.greenShift = 3; server->rfbServerFormat.blueShift = 6; server->rfbServerFormat.redMax = 7; server->rfbServerFormat.greenMax = 7; server->rfbServerFormat.blueMax = 3; } else { server->rfbServerFormat.redShift = 0; if ( framebufferImage->red_mask ) while ( ! ( framebufferImage->red_mask & (1 << server->rfbServerFormat.redShift) ) ) server->rfbServerFormat.redShift++; server->rfbServerFormat.greenShift = 0; if ( framebufferImage->green_mask ) while ( ! ( framebufferImage->green_mask & (1 << server->rfbServerFormat.greenShift) ) ) server->rfbServerFormat.greenShift++; server->rfbServerFormat.blueShift = 0; if ( framebufferImage->blue_mask ) while ( ! ( framebufferImage->blue_mask & (1 << server->rfbServerFormat.blueShift) ) ) server->rfbServerFormat.blueShift++; server->rfbServerFormat.redMax = framebufferImage->red_mask >> server->rfbServerFormat.redShift; server->rfbServerFormat.greenMax = framebufferImage->green_mask >> server->rfbServerFormat.greenShift; server->rfbServerFormat.blueMax = framebufferImage->blue_mask >> server->rfbServerFormat.blueShift; } server->frameBuffer = fb; server->autoPort = TRUE; server->inetdSock = inetdFd; server->kbdAddEvent = keyboardHook; server->ptrAddEvent = pointerHook; server->newClientHook = newClientHook; server->inetdDisconnectHook = inetdDisconnectHook; server->passwordCheck = passwordCheck; server->setXCutText = clipboardHook; server->desktopName = desktopName.latin1(); if (!myCursor) myCursor = rfbMakeXCursor(19, 19, (char*) cur, (char*) mask); server->cursor = myCursor; passwordChanged(); scanner = new XUpdateScanner(qt_xdisplay(), QApplication::desktop()->winId(), (unsigned char*)fb, w, h, server->rfbServerFormat.bitsPerPixel, server->paddedWidthInBytes, !configuration->disableXShm()); rfbInitServer(server); state = RFB_WAITING; if (xtestGrab) { disabler.disable = false; XTestGrabControl(qt_xdisplay(), true); } rfbRunEventLoop(server, -1, TRUE); initIdleTimer.start(IDLE_PAUSE); } void RFBController::stopServer(bool xtestUngrab) { rfbScreenCleanup(server); state = RFB_STOPPED; delete scanner; XDestroyImage(framebufferImage); if (xtestUngrab) { disabler.disable = true; QTimer::singleShot(0, &disabler, SLOT(exec())); } } void RFBController::connectionAccepted(bool aRC) { if (state != RFB_CONNECTING) return; allowDesktopControl = aRC; emit desktopControlSettingChanged(aRC); initIdleTimer.stop(); idleTimer.start(IDLE_PAUSE); server->rfbClientHead->clientGoneHook = clientGoneHook; state = RFB_CONNECTED; if (!server->rfbAuthPasswdData) emit sessionEstablished(remoteIp); } void RFBController::acceptConnection(bool aRemoteControl) { KNotifyClient::event("UserAcceptsConnection", i18n("User accepts connection from %1") .arg(remoteIp)); if (state != RFB_CONNECTING) return; connectionAccepted(aRemoteControl); rfbStartOnHoldClient(server->rfbClientHead); } void RFBController::refuseConnection() { KNotifyClient::event("UserRefusesConnection", i18n("User refuses connection from %1") .arg(remoteIp)); if (state != RFB_CONNECTING) return; rfbRefuseOnHoldClient(server->rfbClientHead); state = RFB_WAITING; } // checks async events, returns true if client disconnected bool RFBController::checkAsyncEvents() { bool closed = false; bool backgroundActionRequired = false; asyncMutex.lock(); VNCEvent *e; for (e = asyncQueue.first(); e; e = asyncQueue.next()) e->exec(); asyncQueue.clear(); if (closePending) { connectionClosed(); closed = true; closePending = false; } if (disableBackgroundPending != disableBackgroundState) backgroundActionRequired = true; asyncMutex.unlock(); if (backgroundActionRequired && (!closed) && !configuration->disableBackground()) disableBackground(disableBackgroundPending); return closed; } void RFBController::disableBackground(bool state) { if (disableBackgroundState == state) return; disableBackgroundState = state; DCOPRef ref("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface"); ref.setDCOPClient(KApplication::dcopClient()); ref.send("setBackgroundEnabled(bool)", bool(!state)); } void RFBController::connectionClosed() { KNotifyClient::event("ConnectionClosed", i18n("Closed connection: %1.") .arg(remoteIp)); idleTimer.stop(); initIdleTimer.stop(); disableBackground(false); state = RFB_WAITING; if (forcedClose) emit quitApp(); else emit sessionFinished(); } void RFBController::closeConnection() { forcedClose = true; if (state == RFB_CONNECTED) { disableBackground(false); if (!checkAsyncEvents()) { asyncMutex.lock(); if (!closePending) rfbCloseClient(server->rfbClientHead); asyncMutex.unlock(); } } else if (state == RFB_CONNECTING) refuseConnection(); } void RFBController::enableDesktopControl(bool b) { if (b != allowDesktopControl) emit desktopControlSettingChanged(b); allowDesktopControl = b; } void RFBController::idleSlot() { if (state != RFB_CONNECTED) return; if (checkAsyncEvents() || forcedClose) return; rfbUndrawCursor(server); QPtrList v; v.setAutoDelete(true); QPoint p = QCursor::pos(); scanner->searchUpdates(v, p.y()); Hint *h; for (h = v.first(); h != 0; h = v.next()) rfbMarkRectAsModified(server, h->left(), h->top(), h->right(), h->bottom()); asyncMutex.lock(); if (!closePending) defaultPtrAddEvent(0, p.x(),p.y(), server->rfbClientHead); asyncMutex.unlock(); checkAsyncEvents(); // check 2nd time (see 3rd line) } void RFBController::dialogAccepted() { dialog.hide(); acceptConnection(dialog.allowRemoteControl()); } void RFBController::dialogRefused() { refuseConnection(); dialog.hide(); emit sessionRefused(); } bool checkPassword(const QString &p, unsigned char *ochallenge, const char *response, int len) { if ((len == 0) && (p.length() == 0)) return true; char passwd[MAXPWLEN]; unsigned char challenge[CHALLENGESIZE]; memcpy(challenge, ochallenge, CHALLENGESIZE); bzero(passwd, MAXPWLEN); if (!p.isNull()) strncpy(passwd, p.latin1(), (MAXPWLEN <= p.length()) ? MAXPWLEN : p.length()); vncEncryptBytes(challenge, passwd); return memcmp(challenge, response, len) == 0; } bool RFBController::handleCheckPassword(rfbClientPtr cl, const char *response, int len) { bool authd = false; if (configuration->allowUninvitedConnections()) authd = checkPassword(configuration->password(), cl->authChallenge, response, len); if (!authd) { QValueList::iterator it = configuration->invitations().begin(); while (it != configuration->invitations().end()) { if (checkPassword((*it).password(), cl->authChallenge, response, len) && (*it).isValid()) { authd = true; configuration->removeInvitation(it); break; } it++; } } if (!authd) { if (configuration->invitations().size() > 0) { sendKNotifyEvent("InvalidPasswordInvitations", i18n("Failed login attempt from %1: wrong password") .arg(remoteIp)); } else sendKNotifyEvent("InvalidPassword", i18n("Failed login attempt from %1: wrong password") .arg(remoteIp)); return FALSE; } asyncMutex.lock(); asyncQueue.append(new SessionEstablishedEvent(this)); asyncMutex.unlock(); return TRUE; } enum rfbNewClientAction RFBController::handleNewClient(rfbClientPtr cl) { int socket = cl->sock; cl->negotiationFinishedHook = negotiationFinishedHook; QString host, port; KSocketAddress *ksa = KExtendedSocket::peerAddress(socket); if (ksa) { hostent *he = 0; KInetSocketAddress *kisa = (KInetSocketAddress*) ksa; in_addr ia4 = kisa->hostV4(); he = gethostbyaddr((const char*)&ia4, sizeof(ia4), AF_INET); if (he && he->h_name) host = QString(he->h_name); else host = ksa->nodeName(); delete ksa; } if (state != RFB_WAITING) { sendKNotifyEvent("TooManyConnections", i18n("Connection refused from %1, already connected.") .arg(host)); return RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE; } remoteIp = host; state = RFB_CONNECTING; if ((!configuration->askOnConnect()) && (configuration->invitations().size() == 0)) { sendKNotifyEvent("NewConnectionAutoAccepted", i18n("Accepted uninvited connection from %1") .arg(remoteIp)); connectionAccepted(configuration->allowDesktopControl()); return RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT; } sendKNotifyEvent("NewConnectionOnHold", i18n("Received connection from %1, on hold (waiting for confirmation)") .arg(remoteIp)); dialog.setRemoteHost(remoteIp); dialog.setAllowRemoteControl( true ); dialog.setFixedSize(dialog.sizeHint()); dialog.show(); return RFB_CLIENT_ON_HOLD; } void RFBController::handleClientGone() { asyncMutex.lock(); closePending = true; asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::handleNegotiationFinished(rfbClientPtr cl) { asyncMutex.lock(); disableBackgroundPending = cl->disableBackground; asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::handleKeyEvent(bool down, KeySym keySym) { if (!allowDesktopControl) return; asyncMutex.lock(); asyncQueue.append(new KeyboardEvent(down, keySym)); asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::handlePointerEvent(int button_mask, int x, int y) { if (!allowDesktopControl) return; asyncMutex.lock(); asyncQueue.append(new PointerEvent(button_mask, x, y)); asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::clipboardToServer(const QString &ctext) { if (!allowDesktopControl) return; asyncMutex.lock(); asyncQueue.append(new ClipboardEvent(this, ctext)); asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::clipboardChanged() { if (state != RFB_CONNECTED) return; if (clipboard->ownsClipboard()) return; QString text = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Clipboard); // avoid ping-pong between client&server if ((lastClipboardDirection == LAST_SYNC_TO_SERVER) && (lastClipboardText == text)) return; if ((text.length() > MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH) || text.isNull()) return; lastClipboardDirection = LAST_SYNC_TO_CLIENT; lastClipboardText = text; QCString ctext = text.utf8(); rfbSendServerCutText(server, ctext.data(), ctext.length()); } void RFBController::selectionChanged() { if (state != RFB_CONNECTED) return; if (clipboard->ownsSelection()) return; QString text = clipboard->text(QClipboard::Selection); // avoid ping-pong between client&server if ((lastClipboardDirection == LAST_SYNC_TO_SERVER) && (lastClipboardText == text)) return; if ((text.length() > MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH) || text.isNull()) return; lastClipboardDirection = LAST_SYNC_TO_CLIENT; lastClipboardText = text; QCString ctext = text.utf8(); rfbSendServerCutText(server, ctext.data(), ctext.length()); } void RFBController::passwordChanged() { bool authRequired = (!configuration->allowUninvitedConnections()) || (configuration->password().length() != 0) || (configuration->invitations().count() > 0); server->rfbAuthPasswdData = (void*) (authRequired ? 1 : 0); } void RFBController::sendKNotifyEvent(const QString &n, const QString &d) { asyncMutex.lock(); asyncQueue.append(new KNotifyEvent(n, d)); asyncMutex.unlock(); } void RFBController::sendSessionEstablished() { if (configuration->disableBackground()) disableBackground(true); emit sessionEstablished(remoteIp); } #ifdef __osf__ extern "C" Bool XShmQueryExtension(Display*); #endif bool RFBController::checkX11Capabilities() { int bp1, bp2, majorv, minorv; Bool r = XTestQueryExtension(qt_xdisplay(), &bp1, &bp2, &majorv, &minorv); if ((!r) || (((majorv*1000)+minorv) < 2002)) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Your X11 Server does not support the required XTest extension version 2.2. Sharing your desktop is not possible."), i18n("Desktop Sharing Error")); return false; } return true; } XTestDisabler::XTestDisabler() : disable(false) { } void XTestDisabler::exec() { if (disable) XTestDiscard(qt_xdisplay()); } #include "rfbcontroller.moc"