/* * Interface to register SLP services. * Copyright (C) 2002 Tim Jansen <tim@tjansen.de> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * TODO: see below.. */ #include "config.h" #include "kserviceregistry.h" #include <kdebug.h> #ifdef HAVE_SLP #include <slp.h> class KServiceRegistryPrivate { public: KServiceRegistryPrivate(const QString &lang) : m_opened(false), m_lang(lang) { } bool ensureOpen(); bool m_opened; QString m_lang; SLPHandle m_handle; friend void KServiceRegistryRegReport(SLPHandle slp, SLPError errcode, void* cookie); bool m_cbSuccess; }; void KServiceRegistryRegReport(SLPHandle, SLPError errcode, void* cookie) { KServiceRegistryPrivate *s = (KServiceRegistryPrivate*) cookie; s->m_cbSuccess = (errcode == SLP_OK); if (errcode < 0) kdDebug() << "KServiceRegistry: error in callback:" << errcode <<endl; } KServiceRegistry::KServiceRegistry(const QString &lang) { d = new KServiceRegistryPrivate(lang); } KServiceRegistry::~KServiceRegistry() { if (d->m_opened) SLPClose(d->m_handle); delete d; } bool KServiceRegistryPrivate::ensureOpen() { SLPError e; if (m_opened) return true; e = SLPOpen(m_lang.latin1(), SLP_FALSE, &m_handle); if (e != SLP_OK) { kdDebug() << "KServiceRegistry: error while opening:" << e <<endl; return false; } m_opened = true; return true; } bool KServiceRegistry::available() { return d->ensureOpen(); } bool KServiceRegistry::registerService(const QString &serviceURL, QString attributes, unsigned short lifetime) { if (!d->ensureOpen()) return false; d->m_cbSuccess = true; SLPError e = SLPReg(d->m_handle, serviceURL.latin1(), lifetime > 0 ? lifetime : SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM, 0, attributes.isNull() ? "" : attributes.latin1(), SLP_TRUE, KServiceRegistryRegReport, d); if (e != SLP_OK) { kdDebug() << "KServiceRegistry: error in registerService:" << e <<endl; return false; } return d->m_cbSuccess; } bool KServiceRegistry::registerService(const QString &serviceURL, QMap<QString,QString> attributes, unsigned short lifetime) { if (!d->ensureOpen()) return false; // TODO: encode strings in map? QString s; QMap<QString,QString>::iterator it = attributes.begin(); while (it != attributes.end()) { if (!s.isEmpty()) s += ","; s += QString("(%1=%2)").arg(it.key()).arg(it.data()); it++; } return registerService(serviceURL, s, lifetime); } void KServiceRegistry::unregisterService(const QString &serviceURL) { if (!d->m_opened) return; SLPDereg(d->m_handle, serviceURL.latin1(), KServiceRegistryRegReport, d); } QString KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(const QString &value) { char *n; if (SLPEscape(value.latin1(), &n, SLP_TRUE) == SLP_OK) { QString r(n); SLPFree(n); return r; } return QString::null; } #else KServiceRegistry::KServiceRegistry(const QString &lang) : d(0) { } KServiceRegistry::~KServiceRegistry() { } bool KServiceRegistry::available() { return false; } bool KServiceRegistry::registerService(const QString &, QString, unsigned short ) { return false; } bool KServiceRegistry::registerService(const QString &, QMap<QString,QString>, unsigned short) { return false; } void KServiceRegistry::unregisterService(const QString &) { } QString KServiceRegistry::encodeAttributeValue(const QString &value) { return value; } #endif QString KServiceRegistry::createCommaList(const QStringList &values) { return values.join(","); }