#include "serverFileParser.h" #include "serverDataType.h" #include <tqfile.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kdebug.h> extern TQPtrList<Server> Groups; // Opens, reads and parses server information from a server file, // sets the information in the global variable and returns 1 if // sucessful, takes a filename as an argument. int serverFileParser::readDatafile( const char *fileName ) { Groups.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); Groups.clear(); TQFile serverFile( fileName ); if ( !serverFile.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return -1; TQTextStream fileStream(&serverFile); // the file is layed out as follows: // service:servername:serveraddress:ports:script: // so we parse it this way while( !fileStream.eof() ) { TQString str = fileStream.readLine(); const char *strC = str.ascii(); char *token; char groupC[1024], servernameC[1024], serveraddressC[1024], portsC[1024]; int pos = 0; TQString group; TQString servername; TQString serveraddress; TQPtrList<port> ports; TQString script; TQString buf; TQString portbuff; pos = sscanf(strC, "%1023[^:]:%1024[^:]:%1023[^:]:%1023[^:]:", groupC, servernameC, serveraddressC, portsC); if(pos != 4){ kdWarning() << "Failed to parse servers.txt on line: " << strC << ". Invalid format" << endl; return 0; } group = groupC; servername = servernameC; serveraddress = serveraddressC; token = strtok(portsC, ","); while(token != NULL){ ports.inSort(new port(token)); token = strtok(NULL, ","); } /* for( uint loc = 0; loc <= str.length(); loc++ ) { if ( str[loc] == ':' || loc == str.length()) { switch(pos) { case 0: // service group = buf.copy(); break; case 1: // server name servername = buf.copy(); break; case 2: // server address serveraddress = buf.copy(); break; case 3: // port listing for ( uint portloc = 0; portloc <= buf.length(); portloc++ ) { if (buf[portloc] == ',' || portloc == buf.length()) { if (!portbuff.isEmpty()) ports.inSort( new port(portbuff)); portbuff.truncate( 0 ); } else { portbuff += buf[portloc]; } } break; default: // script script = buf.copy(); } pos++; buf.truncate( 0 ); portbuff.truncate( 0 ); } else { buf += str[loc]; } } // for loop */ Groups.inSort( new Server(group, serveraddress, ports, servername, script) ); } // while loop serverFile.close(); return 1; } // Writes the data stored in the global variable to the server file, // returns 1 if sucessful, takes a filename as an argument, uhh NOT. // we want to write it ~/.trinity/share/apps/ksirc/servers.txt // int writeDataFile() { TQString filename(KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("appdata")+"servers.txt"); return 1; }