/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Andrew Stanley-Jones <asj-kde@cban.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License. */ #include "dccManager.h" #include "dccNew.h" #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqsignal.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kpushbutton.h> #define COL_FILE 1 #define COL_WHO 0 #define COL_STAT 2 #define COL_SIZE 3 #define COL_CPS 4 #define COL_PER 5 dccItem::dccItem( TDEListView *parent, dccManager *manager, enum dccType type, const TQString &file, const TQString& who, enum dccStatus status, unsigned int size ) : TQObject(), TDEListViewItem(parent), m_who(who), m_file(file), m_type(type) { m_percent = 0; m_status = status; m_size = size; m_stime = 0; m_lasttime = 0; m_manager = manager; setText(COL_FILE, file); setText(COL_WHO, who); setText(COL_STAT, enumToStatus(status)); if(m_type == dccChat) setText(COL_SIZE, ""); else setText(COL_SIZE, TQString("%1").arg(size)); setText(COL_PER, ""); } dccItem::dccItem( TDEListViewItem *parent, dccManager *manager, enum dccType type, const TQString &file, const TQString& who, enum dccStatus status, unsigned int size ) : TQObject(), TDEListViewItem(parent), m_who(who), m_file(file), m_type(type) { m_percent = 0; m_status = status; m_size = size; m_stime = 0; m_manager = manager; setText(COL_FILE, file); setText(COL_WHO, who); setText(COL_STAT, enumToStatus(status)); if(type != dccChat) setText(COL_SIZE, TQString("%1").arg(size)); setText(COL_PER, ""); } dccItem::~dccItem() { } TQString dccItem::enumToStatus(enum dccStatus status) { TQString str; switch(status){ case dccRecving: str = i18n("Receiving"); break; case dccGotOffer: str = i18n("Got Offer"); break; case dccSentOffer: str = i18n("Sent Offer"); break; case dccWaitOnResume: str = i18n("Resume Requested"); break; case dccResumed: str = i18n("Did Resume"); break; case dccSending: str = i18n("Sending"); break; case dccOpen: str = i18n("dcc status", "Open"); break; case dccDone: str = i18n("Done"); break; case dccCancel: str = i18n("Canceled"); break; case dccError: str = i18n("Error"); break; default: str = i18n("Unknown State"); break; } return str; } void dccItem::setWhoPostfix(const TQString &post) { m_post = post; setText(COL_WHO, TQString("%1 %2").arg(m_who).arg(post)); } void dccItem::changeFilename(const TQString &file) { setText(COL_FILE, file); m_file = file; } void dccItem::changeWho(const TQString &who) { setText(COL_WHO, who); m_who = who; } void dccItem::changeStatus(enum dccStatus status) { m_manager->doChanged(); setText(COL_STAT, enumToStatus(status)); m_status = status; emit statusChanged(this); } void dccItem::setReceivedBytes(int bytes) { int per; time_t ctime = time(NULL); if(m_stime == 0) m_stime = ctime-1; if(m_size) per = (100*bytes)/m_size; else per = 100; if((per != (int)m_percent) || (ctime >= (m_lasttime + 2)) ){ m_lasttime = ctime; setText(COL_SIZE, TQString("%1/%2").arg(bytes).arg(m_size)); setText(COL_PER, TQString("%1%").arg(per)); m_percent = per; if(m_status == dccResumed) m_stime = 0; /* if we are got a resume request don't update CPS, reset it */ else setText(COL_CPS, TQString("%1").arg(1.0*bytes/(time(NULL) - m_stime), 2)); } } void dccItem::doRename() { if(type() == dccGet){ setRenameEnabled(COL_FILE, true); startRename(COL_FILE); } else if(type() == dccChat){ setText(COL_WHO, m_who); setRenameEnabled(COL_WHO, true); startRename(COL_WHO); } } void dccItem::okRename(int col) { TDEListViewItem::okRename(col); if(type() == dccGet){ TQString oldfile = m_file; changeFilename(text(COL_FILE)); emit itemRenamed(this, m_who, oldfile); setRenameEnabled(COL_FILE, false); } else if(type() == dccChat){ TQString oldwho = m_who; changeWho(text(COL_WHO)); emit itemRenamed(this, oldwho, m_file); setRenameEnabled(COL_WHO, false); setWhoPostfix(m_post); } } void dccItem::cancelRename(int col) { TDEListViewItem::cancelRename(col); if(type() == dccChat){ setWhoPostfix(m_post); } } dccManager::dccManager( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : dccManagerbase( parent, name) { dccNewDialog = 0x0; m_getit = new TDEListViewItem(klvBox, i18n("Get")); m_sendit = new TDEListViewItem(klvBox, i18n("Send")); m_chatit = new TDEListViewItem(klvBox, i18n("Chat")); m_getit->setOpen(true); m_sendit->setOpen(true); m_chatit->setOpen(true); m_getit->setSelectable(false); m_sendit->setSelectable(false); m_chatit->setSelectable(false); // connect(klvBox, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked(TQListViewItem *)), // this, TQT_SLOT(getSelChange(TQListViewItem *))); connect(klvBox, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQListViewItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(getSelChange(TQListViewItem *))); klvBox->setCurrentItem(m_chatit); getSelChange(klvBox->currentItem()); } dccManager::~dccManager() { } dccItem *dccManager::newSendItem(TQString file, TQString who, enum dccItem::dccStatus status, unsigned int size) { emit changed(false, i18n("dcc activity")); dccItem *it = new dccItem(m_sendit, this, dccItem::dccSend, file, who, status, size); connect(it, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(TQListViewItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(getSelChange(TQListViewItem *))); return it; } dccItem *dccManager::newGetItem(TQString file, TQString who, enum dccItem::dccStatus status, unsigned int size) { emit changed(false, i18n("dcc activity")); dccItem *it = new dccItem(m_getit, this, dccItem::dccGet, file, who, status, size); connect(it, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(TQListViewItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(getSelChange(TQListViewItem *))); return it; } dccItem *dccManager::newChatItem(TQString who, enum dccItem::dccStatus status) { emit changed(false, i18n("dcc activity")); dccItem *it = new dccItem(m_chatit, this, dccItem::dccChat, "", who, status, 0); connect(it, TQT_SIGNAL(statusChanged(TQListViewItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(getSelChange(TQListViewItem *))); return it; } void dccManager::kpbNew_clicked() { if(dccNewDialog){ dccNewDialog->show(); dccNewDialog->raise(); return; } dccNewDialog = new dccNew(); dccNewDialog->show(); connect(dccNewDialog, TQT_SIGNAL(accepted(int, TQString, TQString)), this, TQT_SLOT(dccNewAccepted(int, TQString, TQString))); } void dccManager::dccNewAccepted(int type, TQString nick, TQString file){ kdDebug(5008) << "Type: " << type << " nick: " << nick << " file: " << file << endl; if(type == dccNew::Chat){ TQCString cstr = TQCString("/dcc chat ") + nick.latin1() + "\n"; kdDebug(5008) << "Output: " << cstr << endl; emit outputLine(cstr); } else if(type == dccNew::Send){ TQCString cstr = TQCString("/dcc send ") + nick.latin1() + " " + file.latin1() + "\n"; emit outputLine(cstr); } delete dccNewDialog; dccNewDialog = 0x0; } void dccManager::kpbConnect_clicked() { dccItem *it = dynamic_cast<dccItem *>(klvBox->currentItem()); if(it){ emit dccConnectClicked(it); } } void dccManager::kpbResume_clicked() { dccItem *it = dynamic_cast<dccItem *>(klvBox->currentItem()); if(it){ emit dccResumeClicked(it); } } void dccManager::kpbRename_clicked() { dccItem *it = dynamic_cast<dccItem *>(klvBox->currentItem()); if(it){ emit dccRenameClicked(it); } } void dccManager::kpbAbort_clicked() { dccItem *it = dynamic_cast<dccItem *>(klvBox->currentItem()); if(it){ emit dccAbortClicked(it); } } void dccManager::getSelChange(TQListViewItem *_i) { kpbAbort->setEnabled(false); kpbResume->setEnabled(false); kpbRename->setEnabled(false); kpbConnect->setEnabled(false); if(_i == 0) return; dccItem *it = dynamic_cast<dccItem *>(_i); if(!it) return; /* * Everything is off by default * We need to turn on what we want */ switch(it->type()){ case dccItem::dccChat: kdDebug(5008) << "is a chat" << endl; kpbAbort->setEnabled(true); switch(it->status()){ case dccItem::dccGotOffer: kpbConnect->setEnabled(true); break; case dccItem::dccOpen: kpbRename->setEnabled(true); break; default: break; } break; case dccItem::dccGet: kdDebug(5008) << "is a get" << endl; kpbAbort->setEnabled(true); switch(it->status()){ case dccItem::dccGotOffer: case dccItem::dccWaitOnResume: case dccItem::dccResumed: kpbResume->setEnabled(true); kpbConnect->setEnabled(true); kpbRename->setEnabled(true); break; default: break; } break; case dccItem::dccSend: kdDebug(5008) << "is a send" << endl; kpbAbort->setEnabled(true); break; default: break; } } void dccManager::sendSelChange(TQListViewItem *) { /* if(_i == 0) return; dccItem *it = static_cast<dccItem *>(_i); kdDebug(5008) << "got: " << it->who() << " file: " << it->file() << endl; switch(it->status()){ case dccItem::dccSending: case dccItem::dccRecving: kpbSendStop->setText(i18n("Abort")); break; case dccItem::dccOffer: kpbSendStop->setText(i18n("Forget")); break; case dccItem::dccDone: kpbSendStop->setText(i18n("Clear")); break; } */ } #include "dccManager.moc"