#include "displayMgrMDI.h" #include "toplevel.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <assert.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <twin.h> #include <tdeaccel.h> #include <tdeaction.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdemenubar.h> DisplayMgrMDI::DisplayMgrMDI() { } DisplayMgrMDI::~DisplayMgrMDI() { kdDebug(5008) << "~DisplayMgrMDI in" << endl; if ( m_topLevel ) delete static_cast<MDITopLevel *>( m_topLevel ); kdDebug(5008) << "~DisplayMgrMDI out" << endl; } #define DMM_MDI_ID 2351 #define DMM_DEATCH_ID 50 #define DMM_MOVEL_ID 51 #define DMM_MOVER_ID 52 void DisplayMgrMDI::newTopLevel( TQWidget *w, bool show ) { topLevel()->addWidget( w, show ); if(w->inherits("KSircTopLevel")){ KSircTopLevel *t = static_cast<KSircTopLevel *>(w); connect(m_topLevel->tabWidget(), TQ_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQWidget *)), t, TQ_SLOT(focusChange(TQWidget *))); } if(w->inherits("TDEMainWindow")){ TDEMainWindow *t = static_cast<TDEMainWindow *>(w); TQMenuBar *cmenu = t->menuBar(); if(cmenu){ TQPopupMenu *m = new TQPopupMenu(t, TQCString(t->name()) + "_popup_MDI"); m->setCheckable(true); m->insertItem(i18n("Detach Window"), this, TQ_SLOT(reparentReq()), 0, DMM_DEATCH_ID, 0); m->insertSeparator(0); m->insertItem(i18n("Move Tab Left"), this, TQ_SLOT(moveWindowLeft()), ALT+SHIFT+Key_Left, DMM_MOVEL_ID, 0); m->insertItem(i18n("Move Tab Right"), this, TQ_SLOT(moveWindowRight()), ALT+SHIFT+Key_Right, DMM_MOVER_ID, 0); /* * By using an posisiton of 4 this works for KSircTopLevel * and DCCTopLevel but will cause problems when we have * new top level windows with different menus. * BEWARE THIS IS BAD, we should have a better way of doing this */ cmenu->insertItem(i18n("&Window"), m, DMM_MDI_ID, 4); cmenu->setAccel(Key_M, DMM_MDI_ID); TQPopupMenu *sm = new TQPopupMenu(t, "settings" ); TDEToggleAction *showmenu = KStdAction::showMenubar( 0, 0, t->actionCollection() ); showmenu->plug( sm ); connect( showmenu, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), cmenu, TQ_SLOT(setShown(bool)) ); TDESelectAction *selectTabbar = new TDESelectAction(i18n("&Tab Bar"), 0, this, "tabbar" ); TQStringList tabbaritems; tabbaritems << i18n("&Top") << i18n("&Bottom"); selectTabbar->setItems(tabbaritems); selectTabbar->setCurrentItem(1); selectTabbar->plug( sm ); connect( selectTabbar, TQ_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQ_SLOT(setTabPosition(int)) ); TDEToggleAction *showfull = KStdAction::fullScreen( 0, 0, t->actionCollection(), t ); showfull->plug( sm ); connect( showfull, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(setFullScreen(bool)) ); cmenu->insertItem( i18n("&Settings"), sm, -1, 5 ); } } topLevel()->show(); } void DisplayMgrMDI::removeTopLevel(TQWidget *w ) { if ( !m_topLevel ) return; assert( w ); kdDebug(5008) << "DisplayMgrMDI: got removeToplevel" << endl; m_topLevel->removeWidget( w ); if ( m_topLevel->widgets().count() == 0 ) { kdDebug(5008) << "DisplayMgrMDI: count == 0 nuking all" << endl; if ( !m_topLevel->closing() ) { kdDebug(5008) << "DisplayMgrMDI: delete m_topLevel" << endl; delete static_cast<MDITopLevel *>( m_topLevel ); } m_topLevel = 0; } else if(m_topLevel->tabWidget()->count() == 0){ m_topLevel->hide(); } } void DisplayMgrMDI::show(TQWidget *w) { if ( !m_topLevel ) return; m_topLevel->showWidget(w); m_topLevel->show(); } void DisplayMgrMDI::hide(TQWidget *w) { if ( !m_topLevel ) return; m_topLevel->hideWidget(w); if(m_topLevel->tabWidget()->count() == 0){ m_topLevel->hide(); } } void DisplayMgrMDI::raise(TQWidget *w, bool takefocus) { assert( m_topLevel ); if(takefocus){ KWin::setCurrentDesktop(KWin::KWin::windowInfo(m_topLevel->winId()).desktop()); m_topLevel->show(); m_topLevel->raise(); m_topLevel->setActiveWindow(); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,1,92) KWin::activateWindow(m_topLevel->winId()); #else KWin::setActiveWindow(m_topLevel->winId()); #endif } m_topLevel->tabWidget()->showPage( w ); } void DisplayMgrMDI::setCaption(TQWidget *w, const TQString& cap) { assert( m_topLevel ); w->setCaption(cap); TQString esc = cap; esc.replace("&", "&&"); kdDebug(5008) << "Set caption: " << esc << endl; m_topLevel->tabWidget()->setTabLabel( w, esc ); } void DisplayMgrMDI::slotCycleTabsLeft() { assert( m_topLevel ); m_topLevel->previous(); } void DisplayMgrMDI::slotCycleTabsRight() { assert( m_topLevel ); m_topLevel->next(); } void DisplayMgrMDI::reparentReq() { kdDebug(5008) << "got reparent" << endl; TQWidget *o = tdeApp->focusWidget(); TQWidget *s; if(o == NULL){ kdDebug(5008) << "Kapp says no widget has focus!" << endl; o = tdeApp->activeWindow(); if(o->inherits("TDEMainWindow") == false) return; s = o; } else { kdDebug(5008) << "TQWidget is: " << o->className() << " name: " << o->name("none give") << endl; s = o; while(s->parentWidget()){ kdDebug(5008) << "Got a: " << s->className() << endl; s = s->parentWidget(); if(s->inherits("TDEMainWindow")) break; } } // TQWidget *s = m_topLevel->tabWidget()->currentPage(); can't do this since you can never reattach if(s){ TDEMainWindow *kst = static_cast<TDEMainWindow *>(s); kdDebug(5008) << "Top is: " << kst->name("none give") <<endl; TQMenuData *tmenu = kst->menuBar(); if(tmenu){ TQMenuItem *menui = tmenu->findItem(DMM_MDI_ID); if(menui){ TQMenuData *cmenu = menui->popup(); if(cmenu->findItem(DMM_DEATCH_ID) && cmenu->isItemChecked(DMM_DEATCH_ID)){ kst->reparent( topLevel()->tabWidget(), 0, TQPoint( 0, 0 ), true ); show(kst); cmenu->setItemChecked(DMM_DEATCH_ID, false); } else { hide(kst); kst->reparent( 0, TQPoint(0,0), true ); cmenu->setItemChecked(DMM_DEATCH_ID, true); } } } } } MDITopLevel *DisplayMgrMDI::topLevel() { if ( !m_topLevel ) { m_topLevel = new MDITopLevel(0x0, "MDITopLevel"); m_topLevel->show(); TDEAccel *a = new TDEAccel( m_topLevel ); a->insert( "cycle left", i18n("Cycle left"), TQString(), ALT+Key_Left, ALT+Key_Left, this, TQ_SLOT(slotCycleTabsLeft()) ); a->insert( "cycle right", i18n("Cycle right"), TQString(), ALT+Key_Right, ALT+Key_Right, this, TQ_SLOT(slotCycleTabsRight()) ); } return m_topLevel; } void DisplayMgrMDI::setTabPosition( int idx ) { switch ( idx ) { case 0: m_topLevel->tabWidget()->setTabPosition(TQTabWidget::Top); break; case 1: m_topLevel->tabWidget()->setTabPosition(TQTabWidget::Bottom); break; } } void DisplayMgrMDI::setFullScreen( bool full ) { if ( full ) m_topLevel->showFullScreen(); else m_topLevel->showNormal(); } void DisplayMgrMDI::moveWindowLeft() { moveWindow(-1); } void DisplayMgrMDI::moveWindowRight() { moveWindow(1); } void DisplayMgrMDI::moveWindow(int step) { if(m_topLevel->tabWidget()->count() == 0){ return; } TQWidget *w = m_topLevel->tabWidget()->currentPage(); if(w != 0x0){ int index = m_topLevel->tabWidget()->currentPageIndex(); index += step; if(index < 0) return; if(index >= m_topLevel->tabWidget()->count()) return; m_topLevel->setUpdatesEnabled(false); m_topLevel->hideWidget(w); int space = w->caption().find(" "); TQString esc = space < 1 ? w->caption():w->caption().left(space); esc.replace("&", "&&"); kdDebug(5008) << "Insert tab: " << esc << endl; m_topLevel->tabWidget()->insertTab( w, esc, index ); m_topLevel->tabWidget()->showPage( w ); m_topLevel->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } } #include "displayMgrMDI.moc"