/* * article.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Frerich Raabe <raabe@kde.org> * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For licensing and distribution details, check the * accompanying file 'COPYING'. */ #include "article.h" #include "tools_p.h" #include <krfcdate.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <kurllabel.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qdom.h> using namespace RSS; struct Article::Private : public Shared { QString title; KURL link; QString description; QDateTime pubDate; QString guid; bool guidIsPermaLink; }; Article::Article() : d(new Private) { } Article::Article(const Article &other) : d(0) { *this = other; } Article::Article(const QDomNode &node) : d(new Private) { QString elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("title"))).isNull()) d->title = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("link"))).isNull()) d->link = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("description"))).isNull()) d->description = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("pubDate"))).isNull()) { time_t _time = KRFCDate::parseDate(elemText); /* \bug This isn't really the right way since it will set the date to * Jan 1 1970, 1:00:00 if the passed date was invalid; this means that * we cannot distinguish between that date, and invalid values. :-/ */ d->pubDate.setTime_t(_time); } if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("dc:date"))).isNull()) { time_t _time = KRFCDate::parseDateISO8601(elemText); /* \bug This isn't really the right way since it will set the date to * Jan 1 1970, 1:00:00 if the passed date was invalid; this means that * we cannot distinguish between that date, and invalid values. :-/ */ d->pubDate.setTime_t(_time); } QDomNode n = node.namedItem(QString::fromLatin1("guid")); if (!n.isNull()) { d->guidIsPermaLink = true; if (n.toElement().attribute(QString::fromLatin1("isPermaLink"), "true") == "false") d->guidIsPermaLink = false; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, QString::fromLatin1("guid"))).isNull()) d->guid = elemText; } } Article::~Article() { if (d->deref()) delete d; } QString Article::title() const { return d->title; } const KURL &Article::link() const { return d->link; } QString Article::description() const { return d->description; } QString Article::guid() const { return d->guid; } bool Article::guidIsPermaLink() const { return d->guidIsPermaLink; } const QDateTime &Article::pubDate() const { return d->pubDate; } KURLLabel *Article::widget(QWidget *parent, const char *name) const { KURLLabel *label = new KURLLabel(d->link.url(), d->title, parent, name); label->setUseTips(true); if (!d->description.isNull()) label->setTipText(d->description); return label; } Article &Article::operator=(const Article &other) { if (this != &other) { other.d->ref(); if (d && d->deref()) delete d; d = other.d; } return *this; } bool Article::operator==(const Article &other) const { return d->title == other.title() && d->link == other.link() && d->description == other.description() && d->pubDate == other.pubDate() && d->guid == other.guid() && d->guidIsPermaLink == other.guidIsPermaLink(); } // vim:noet:ts=4