/* * image.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Frerich Raabe <raabe@kde.org> * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For licensing and distribution details, check the * accompanying file 'COPYING'. */ #include "image.h" #include "tools_p.h" #include <tdeio/job.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <tqbuffer.h> #include <tqdom.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> using namespace RSS; struct Image::Private : public Shared { Private() : height(31), width(88), pixmapBuffer(NULL) { } TQString title; KURL url; KURL link; TQString description; unsigned int height; unsigned int width; TQBuffer *pixmapBuffer; }; Image::Image() : TQObject(), d(new Private) { } Image::Image(const Image &other) : TQObject(), d(0) { *this = other; } Image::Image(const TQDomNode &node) : TQObject(), d(new Private) { TQString elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("title"))).isNull()) d->title = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("url"))).isNull()) d->url = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("link"))).isNull()) d->link = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("description"))).isNull()) d->description = elemText; if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("height"))).isNull()) d->height = elemText.toUInt(); if (!(elemText = extractNode(node, TQString::fromLatin1("width"))).isNull()) d->width = elemText.toUInt(); } Image::~Image() { if (d->deref()) { delete d->pixmapBuffer; d->pixmapBuffer=0L; delete d; } } TQString Image::title() const { return d->title; } const KURL &Image::url() const { return d->url; } const KURL &Image::link() const { return d->link; } TQString Image::description() const { return d->description; } unsigned int Image::height() const { return d->height; } unsigned int Image::width() const { return d->width; } void Image::getPixmap() { // Ignore subsequent calls if we didn't finish the previous download. if (d->pixmapBuffer) return; d->pixmapBuffer = new TQBuffer; d->pixmapBuffer->open(IO_WriteOnly); TDEIO::Job *job = TDEIO::get(d->url, false, false); connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(data(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotData(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &))); connect(job, TQ_SIGNAL(result(TDEIO::Job *)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotResult(TDEIO::Job *))); } void Image::slotData(TDEIO::Job *, const TQByteArray &data) { d->pixmapBuffer->writeBlock(data.data(), data.size()); } void Image::slotResult(TDEIO::Job *job) { TQPixmap pixmap; if (!job->error()) pixmap = TQPixmap(d->pixmapBuffer->buffer()); emit gotPixmap(pixmap); delete d->pixmapBuffer; d->pixmapBuffer = NULL; } Image &Image::operator=(const Image &other) { if (this != &other) { other.d->ref(); if (d && d->deref()) delete d; d = other.d; } return *this; } bool Image::operator==(const Image &other) const { return d->title == other.title() && d->url == other.url() && d->description == other.description() && d->height == other.height() && d->width == other.width() && d->link == other.link(); } #include "image.moc"