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1 files changed, 16 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tdenetworkmanager/src/tdenetman-wireless_menuitem.cpp b/tdenetworkmanager/src/tdenetman-wireless_menuitem.cpp
index 2b02796..38021e0 100644
--- a/tdenetworkmanager/src/tdenetman-wireless_menuitem.cpp
+++ b/tdenetworkmanager/src/tdenetman-wireless_menuitem.cpp
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <tqpixmapcache.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>
+#include <tqimage.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ WirelessNetworkItem::paint (TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &/*cg*/, bool highl
int spacer = 0;
pbarStrength->setTotalSteps (100);
pbarStrength->setSizePolicy (TQSizePolicy ((TQSizePolicy::SizeType) 0, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType) 0, 0, 0, pbarStrength->sizePolicy ().hasHeightForWidth ()));
- pbarStrength->setFixedHeight (_height - 2);
+ pbarStrength->setFixedHeight (h - (_border*2));
pbarStrength->setProgress (_net.getStrength());
pbarStrength->setPercentageVisible (false);
@@ -125,13 +126,23 @@ WirelessNetworkItem::paint (TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &/*cg*/, bool highl
p->drawText (x, y, w, h, AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | DontClip | ShowPrefix, getDisplayText());
if (_net.isEncrypted()) {
- TQPixmap pmLock = SmallIcon ("lock", TQIconSet::Automatic);
+ TQPixmap pmLock = SmallIcon ("lock", h - (_border*2));
+ if (pmLock.size().height() != (h - (_border*2))) {
+ TQImage pmLockImg = pmLock.convertToImage();
+ pmLockImg = pmLockImg.smoothScale(65535, (h - (_border*2)), TQImage::ScaleMin);
+ pmLock.convertFromImage(pmLockImg);
+ }
p->drawPixmap (parent->sizeHint ().width () - pbarStrength->width () - _space - pmLock.size ().width () - 6, y + _border, pmLock);
spacer = pmLock.size ().width () + 4;
if (_adhoc) {
- TQPixmap pmAdHoc = SmallIcon ("system", TQIconSet::Automatic);
+ TQPixmap pmAdHoc = SmallIcon ("system", h - (_border*2));
+ if (pmAdHoc.size().height() != (h - (_border*2))) {
+ TQImage pmAdHocImg = pmAdHoc.convertToImage();
+ pmAdHocImg = pmAdHocImg.smoothScale(65535, (h - (_border*2)), TQImage::ScaleMin);
+ pmAdHoc.convertFromImage(pmAdHocImg);
+ }
p->drawPixmap (parent->sizeHint ().width () - pbarStrength->width () - _space - pmAdHoc.size ().width () - spacer - 6, y + _border, pmAdHoc);
@@ -166,8 +177,10 @@ WirelessNetworkItem::WirelessNetworkItem (TQWidget* p, TQString dev, WirelessNet
_widgetHeight = SmallIcon (NULL, TQIconSet::Automatic).height ();
// figure out the height of the text
_textHeight = kapp->fontMetrics ().size (AlignLeft | AlignVCenter | DontClip | ShowPrefix, _net.getDisplaySsid()).height ();
// the item is height of the text plus the default frame width
_height = _textHeight + kapp->style ().pixelMetric (TQStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth);
/* _height needs to be at least the height of a SmallIcon plus a border of one px (top & bottom)*/
if (_height < _widgetHeight) {
_height = _widgetHeight + 2;