path: root/kalarm/prefdlg.cpp
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commit460c52653ab0dcca6f19a4f492ed2c5e4e963ab0 (patch)
tree67208f7c145782a7e90b123b982ca78d88cc2c87 /kalarm/prefdlg.cpp
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kalarm/prefdlg.cpp')
1 files changed, 1363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kalarm/prefdlg.cpp b/kalarm/prefdlg.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b07c4995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kalarm/prefdlg.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1363 @@
+ * prefdlg.cpp - program preferences dialog
+ * Program: kalarm
+ * Copyright © 2001-2008 by David Jarvie <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include "kalarm.h"
+#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qbuttongroup.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qradiobutton.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qtooltip.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <kglobal.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kshell.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kaboutdata.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <kcolorcombo.h>
+#include <kstdguiitem.h>
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+#include <kwin.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kalarmd/kalarmd.h>
+#include "alarmcalendar.h"
+#include "alarmtimewidget.h"
+#include "daemon.h"
+#include "editdlg.h"
+#include "fontcolour.h"
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "kalarmapp.h"
+#include "kamail.h"
+#include "label.h"
+#include "latecancel.h"
+#include "mainwindow.h"
+#include "preferences.h"
+#include "radiobutton.h"
+#include "recurrenceedit.h"
+#include "sounddlg.h"
+#include "soundpicker.h"
+#include "specialactions.h"
+#include "timeedit.h"
+#include "timespinbox.h"
+#include "traywindow.h"
+#include "prefdlg.moc"
+// Command strings for executing commands in different types of terminal windows.
+// %t = window title parameter
+// %c = command to execute in terminal
+// %w = command to execute in terminal, with 'sleep 86400' appended
+// %C = temporary command file to execute in terminal
+// %W = temporary command file to execute in terminal, with 'sleep 86400' appended
+static QString xtermCommands[] = {
+ QString::fromLatin1("xterm -sb -hold -title %t -e %c"),
+ QString::fromLatin1("konsole --noclose -T %t -e ${SHELL:-sh} -c %c"),
+ QString::fromLatin1("gnome-terminal -t %t -e %W"),
+ QString::fromLatin1("eterm --pause -T %t -e %C"), // some systems use eterm...
+ QString::fromLatin1("Eterm --pause -T %t -e %C"), // while some use Eterm
+ QString::fromLatin1("rxvt -title %t -e ${SHELL:-sh} -c %w"),
+ QString::null // end of list indicator - don't change!
+= Class KAlarmPrefDlg
+KAlarmPrefDlg* KAlarmPrefDlg::mInstance = 0;
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::display()
+ if (!mInstance)
+ {
+ mInstance = new KAlarmPrefDlg;
+ mInstance->show();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+ KWin::WindowInfo info = KWin::windowInfo(mInstance->winId(), static_cast<unsigned long>(NET::WMGeometry | NET::WMDesktop));
+ KWin::setCurrentDesktop(info.desktop());
+ mInstance->showNormal(); // un-minimise it if necessary
+ mInstance->raise();
+ mInstance->setActiveWindow();
+ }
+ : KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Preferences"), Help | Default | Ok | Apply | Cancel, Ok, 0, "PrefDlg", false, true)
+ setWFlags(Qt::WDestructiveClose);
+ setIconListAllVisible(true);
+ QVBox* frame = addVBoxPage(i18n("General"), i18n("General"), DesktopIcon("misc"));
+ mMiscPage = new MiscPrefTab(frame);
+ frame = addVBoxPage(i18n("Email"), i18n("Email Alarm Settings"), DesktopIcon("mail_generic"));
+ mEmailPage = new EmailPrefTab(frame);
+ frame = addVBoxPage(i18n("View"), i18n("View Settings"), DesktopIcon("view_choose"));
+ mViewPage = new ViewPrefTab(frame);
+ frame = addVBoxPage(i18n("Font & Color"), i18n("Default Font and Color"), DesktopIcon("colorize"));
+ mFontColourPage = new FontColourPrefTab(frame);
+ frame = addVBoxPage(i18n("Edit"), i18n("Default Alarm Edit Settings"), DesktopIcon("edit"));
+ mEditPage = new EditPrefTab(frame);
+ restore();
+ adjustSize();
+ mInstance = 0;
+// Restore all defaults in the options...
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::slotDefault()
+ kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmPrefDlg::slotDefault()" << endl;
+ mFontColourPage->setDefaults();
+ mEmailPage->setDefaults();
+ mViewPage->setDefaults();
+ mEditPage->setDefaults();
+ mMiscPage->setDefaults();
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::slotHelp()
+ kapp->invokeHelp("preferences");
+// Apply the preferences that are currently selected
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::slotApply()
+ kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmPrefDlg::slotApply()" << endl;
+ QString errmsg = mEmailPage->validate();
+ if (!errmsg.isEmpty())
+ {
+ showPage(pageIndex(mEmailPage->parentWidget()));
+ if (KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this, errmsg) != KMessageBox::Yes)
+ {
+ mValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ errmsg = mEditPage->validate();
+ if (!errmsg.isEmpty())
+ {
+ showPage(pageIndex(mEditPage->parentWidget()));
+ KMessageBox::sorry(this, errmsg);
+ mValid = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ mValid = true;
+ mFontColourPage->apply(false);
+ mEmailPage->apply(false);
+ mViewPage->apply(false);
+ mEditPage->apply(false);
+ mMiscPage->apply(false);
+ Preferences::syncToDisc();
+// Apply the preferences that are currently selected
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::slotOk()
+ kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmPrefDlg::slotOk()" << endl;
+ mValid = true;
+ slotApply();
+ if (mValid)
+ KDialogBase::slotOk();
+// Discard the current preferences and close the dialogue
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::slotCancel()
+ kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmPrefDlg::slotCancel()" << endl;
+ restore();
+ KDialogBase::slotCancel();
+// Discard the current preferences and use the present ones
+void KAlarmPrefDlg::restore()
+ kdDebug(5950) << "KAlarmPrefDlg::restore()" << endl;
+ mFontColourPage->restore();
+ mEmailPage->restore();
+ mViewPage->restore();
+ mEditPage->restore();
+ mMiscPage->restore();
+= Class PrefsTabBase
+int PrefsTabBase::mIndentWidth = 0;
+PrefsTabBase::PrefsTabBase(QVBox* frame)
+ : QWidget(frame),
+ mPage(frame)
+ if (!mIndentWidth)
+ mIndentWidth = style().subRect(QStyle::SR_RadioButtonIndicator, this).width();
+void PrefsTabBase::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ Preferences::save(syncToDisc);
+= Class MiscPrefTab
+MiscPrefTab::MiscPrefTab(QVBox* frame)
+ : PrefsTabBase(frame)
+ // Get alignment to use in QGridLayout (AlignAuto doesn't work correctly there)
+ int alignment = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
+ QGroupBox* group = new QButtonGroup(i18n("Run Mode"), mPage, "modeGroup");
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(group, 6, 2, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ grid->setColStretch(2, 1);
+ grid->addColSpacing(0, indentWidth());
+ grid->addColSpacing(1, indentWidth());
+ grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2);
+ // Run-on-demand radio button
+ mRunOnDemand = new QRadioButton(i18n("&Run only on demand"), group, "runDemand");
+ mRunOnDemand->setFixedSize(mRunOnDemand->sizeHint());
+ connect(mRunOnDemand, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotRunModeToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mRunOnDemand,
+ i18n("Check to run KAlarm only when required.\n\n"
+ "Notes:\n"
+ "1. Alarms are displayed even when KAlarm is not running, since alarm monitoring is done by the alarm daemon.\n"
+ "2. With this option selected, the system tray icon can be displayed or hidden independently of KAlarm."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mRunOnDemand, 1, 1, 0, 2, alignment);
+ // Run-in-system-tray radio button
+ mRunInSystemTray = new QRadioButton(i18n("Run continuously in system &tray"), group, "runTray");
+ mRunInSystemTray->setFixedSize(mRunInSystemTray->sizeHint());
+ connect(mRunInSystemTray, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotRunModeToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mRunInSystemTray,
+ i18n("Check to run KAlarm continuously in the KDE system tray.\n\n"
+ "Notes:\n"
+ "1. With this option selected, closing the system tray icon will quit KAlarm.\n"
+ "2. You do not need to select this option in order for alarms to be displayed, since alarm monitoring is done by the alarm daemon."
+ " Running in the system tray simply provides easy access and a status indication."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mRunInSystemTray, 2, 2, 0, 2, alignment);
+ // Run continuously options
+ mDisableAlarmsIfStopped = new QCheckBox(i18n("Disa&ble alarms while not running"), group, "disableAl");
+ mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->setFixedSize(mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->sizeHint());
+ connect(mDisableAlarmsIfStopped, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotDisableIfStoppedToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mDisableAlarmsIfStopped,
+ i18n("Check to disable alarms whenever KAlarm is not running. Alarms will only appear while the system tray icon is visible."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mDisableAlarmsIfStopped, 3, 3, 1, 2, alignment);
+ mQuitWarn = new QCheckBox(i18n("Warn before &quitting"), group, "disableAl");
+ mQuitWarn->setFixedSize(mQuitWarn->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mQuitWarn,
+ i18n("Check to display a warning prompt before quitting KAlarm."));
+ grid->addWidget(mQuitWarn, 4, 2, alignment);
+ mAutostartTrayIcon = new QCheckBox(i18n("Autostart at &login"), group, "autoTray");
+ connect(mAutostartTrayIcon, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotAutostartToggled(bool)));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mAutostartTrayIcon, 5, 5, 0, 2, alignment);
+ // Autostart alarm daemon
+ mAutostartDaemon = new QCheckBox(i18n("Start alarm monitoring at lo&gin"), group, "startDaemon");
+ mAutostartDaemon->setFixedSize(mAutostartDaemon->sizeHint());
+ connect(mAutostartDaemon, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotAutostartDaemonClicked()));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mAutostartDaemon,
+ i18n("Automatically start alarm monitoring whenever you start KDE, by running the alarm daemon (%1).\n\n"
+ "This option should always be checked unless you intend to discontinue use of KAlarm.")
+ .arg(QString::fromLatin1(DAEMON_APP_NAME)));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mAutostartDaemon, 6, 6, 0, 2, alignment);
+ group->setFixedHeight(group->sizeHint().height());
+ // Start-of-day time
+ QHBox* itemBox = new QHBox(mPage);
+ QHBox* box = new QHBox(itemBox); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("&Start of day for date-only alarms:"), box);
+ mStartOfDay = new TimeEdit(box);
+ mStartOfDay->setFixedSize(mStartOfDay->sizeHint());
+ label->setBuddy(mStartOfDay);
+ static const QString startOfDayText = i18n("The earliest time of day at which a date-only alarm (i.e. "
+ "an alarm with \"any time\" specified) will be triggered.");
+ QWhatsThis::add(box, QString("%1\n\n%2").arg(startOfDayText).arg(TimeSpinBox::shiftWhatsThis()));
+ itemBox->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(itemBox), 1); // left adjust the controls
+ itemBox->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ // Confirm alarm deletion?
+ itemBox = new QHBox(mPage); // this is to allow left adjustment
+ mConfirmAlarmDeletion = new QCheckBox(i18n("Con&firm alarm deletions"), itemBox, "confirmDeletion");
+ mConfirmAlarmDeletion->setMinimumSize(mConfirmAlarmDeletion->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mConfirmAlarmDeletion,
+ i18n("Check to be prompted for confirmation each time you delete an alarm."));
+ itemBox->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(itemBox), 1); // left adjust the controls
+ itemBox->setFixedHeight(itemBox->sizeHint().height());
+ // Expired alarms
+ group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Expired Alarms"), mPage);
+ grid = new QGridLayout(group, 2, 2, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ grid->setColStretch(1, 1);
+ grid->addColSpacing(0, indentWidth());
+ grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2);
+ mKeepExpired = new QCheckBox(i18n("Keep alarms after e&xpiry"), group, "keepExpired");
+ mKeepExpired->setFixedSize(mKeepExpired->sizeHint());
+ connect(mKeepExpired, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotExpiredToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mKeepExpired,
+ i18n("Check to store alarms after expiry or deletion (except deleted alarms which were never triggered)."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mKeepExpired, 1, 1, 0, 1, alignment);
+ box = new QHBox(group);
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mPurgeExpired = new QCheckBox(i18n("Discard ex&pired alarms after:"), box, "purgeExpired");
+ mPurgeExpired->setMinimumSize(mPurgeExpired->sizeHint());
+ connect(mPurgeExpired, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotExpiredToggled(bool)));
+ mPurgeAfter = new SpinBox(box);
+ mPurgeAfter->setMinValue(1);
+ mPurgeAfter->setLineShiftStep(10);
+ mPurgeAfter->setMinimumSize(mPurgeAfter->sizeHint());
+ mPurgeAfterLabel = new QLabel(i18n("da&ys"), box);
+ mPurgeAfterLabel->setMinimumSize(mPurgeAfterLabel->sizeHint());
+ mPurgeAfterLabel->setBuddy(mPurgeAfter);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Uncheck to store expired alarms indefinitely. Check to enter how long expired alarms should be stored."));
+ grid->addWidget(box, 2, 1, alignment);
+ mClearExpired = new QPushButton(i18n("Clear Expired Alar&ms"), group);
+ mClearExpired->setFixedSize(mClearExpired->sizeHint());
+ connect(mClearExpired, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotClearExpired()));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mClearExpired,
+ i18n("Delete all existing expired alarms."));
+ grid->addWidget(mClearExpired, 3, 1, alignment);
+ group->setFixedHeight(group->sizeHint().height());
+ // Terminal window to use for command alarms
+ group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Terminal for Command Alarms"), mPage);
+ QWhatsThis::add(group,
+ i18n("Choose which application to use when a command alarm is executed in a terminal window"));
+ grid = new QGridLayout(group, 1, 3, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2);
+ int row = 0;
+ mXtermType = new QButtonGroup(group);
+ mXtermType->hide();
+ QString whatsThis = i18n("The parameter is a command line, e.g. 'xterm -e'", "Check to execute command alarms in a terminal window by '%1'");
+ int index = 0;
+ mXtermFirst = -1;
+ for (mXtermCount = 0; !xtermCommands[mXtermCount].isNull(); ++mXtermCount)
+ {
+ QString cmd = xtermCommands[mXtermCount];
+ QStringList args = KShell::splitArgs(cmd);
+ if (args.isEmpty() || KStandardDirs::findExe(args[0]).isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ QRadioButton* radio = new QRadioButton(args[0], group);
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mXtermType->insert(radio, mXtermCount);
+ if (mXtermFirst < 0)
+ mXtermFirst = mXtermCount; // note the id of the first button
+ cmd.replace("%t", kapp->aboutData()->programName());
+ cmd.replace("%c", "<command>");
+ cmd.replace("%w", "<command; sleep>");
+ cmd.replace("%C", "[command]");
+ cmd.replace("%W", "[command; sleep]");
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio, whatsThis.arg(cmd));
+ grid->addWidget(radio, (row = index/3 + 1), index % 3, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ ++index;
+ }
+ box = new QHBox(group);
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(box, row + 1, row + 1, 0, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ QRadioButton* radio = new QRadioButton(i18n("Other:"), box);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ connect(radio, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotOtherTerminalToggled(bool)));
+ mXtermType->insert(radio, mXtermCount);
+ if (mXtermFirst < 0)
+ mXtermFirst = mXtermCount; // note the id of the first button
+ mXtermCommand = new QLineEdit(box);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Enter the full command line needed to execute a command in your chosen terminal window. "
+ "By default the alarm's command string will be appended to what you enter here. "
+ "See the KAlarm Handbook for details of special codes to tailor the command line."));
+ mPage->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(mPage), 1); // top adjust the widgets
+void MiscPrefTab::restore()
+ mAutostartDaemon->setChecked(Daemon::autoStart());
+ bool systray = Preferences::mRunInSystemTray;
+ mRunInSystemTray->setChecked(systray);
+ mRunOnDemand->setChecked(!systray);
+ mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->setChecked(Preferences::mDisableAlarmsIfStopped);
+ mQuitWarn->setChecked(Preferences::quitWarn());
+ mAutostartTrayIcon->setChecked(Preferences::mAutostartTrayIcon);
+ mConfirmAlarmDeletion->setChecked(Preferences::confirmAlarmDeletion());
+ mStartOfDay->setValue(Preferences::mStartOfDay);
+ setExpiredControls(Preferences::mExpiredKeepDays);
+ QString xtermCmd = Preferences::cmdXTermCommand();
+ int id = mXtermFirst;
+ if (!xtermCmd.isEmpty())
+ {
+ for ( ; id < mXtermCount; ++id)
+ {
+ if (mXtermType->find(id) && xtermCmd == xtermCommands[id])
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ mXtermType->setButton(id);
+ mXtermCommand->setEnabled(id == mXtermCount);
+ mXtermCommand->setText(id == mXtermCount ? xtermCmd : "");
+ slotDisableIfStoppedToggled(true);
+void MiscPrefTab::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ // First validate anything entered in Other X-terminal command
+ int xtermID = mXtermType->selectedId();
+ if (xtermID >= mXtermCount)
+ {
+ QString cmd = mXtermCommand->text();
+ if (cmd.isEmpty())
+ xtermID = -1; // 'Other' is only acceptable if it's non-blank
+ else
+ {
+ QStringList args = KShell::splitArgs(cmd);
+ cmd = args.isEmpty() ? QString::null : args[0];
+ if (KStandardDirs::findExe(cmd).isEmpty())
+ {
+ mXtermCommand->setFocus();
+ if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("Command to invoke terminal window not found:\n%1").arg(cmd))
+ != KMessageBox::Continue)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (xtermID < 0)
+ {
+ xtermID = mXtermFirst;
+ mXtermType->setButton(mXtermFirst);
+ }
+ bool systray = mRunInSystemTray->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mRunInSystemTray = systray;
+ Preferences::mDisableAlarmsIfStopped = mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->isChecked();
+ if (mQuitWarn->isEnabled())
+ Preferences::setQuitWarn(mQuitWarn->isChecked());
+ Preferences::mAutostartTrayIcon = mAutostartTrayIcon->isChecked();
+ bool newAutostartDaemon = mAutostartDaemon->isChecked() || Preferences::mAutostartTrayIcon;
+ bool newAutostartDaemon = mAutostartDaemon->isChecked();
+ if (newAutostartDaemon != Daemon::autoStart())
+ Daemon::enableAutoStart(newAutostartDaemon);
+ Preferences::setConfirmAlarmDeletion(mConfirmAlarmDeletion->isChecked());
+ int sod = mStartOfDay->value();
+ Preferences::mStartOfDay.setHMS(sod/60, sod%60, 0);
+ Preferences::mExpiredKeepDays = !mKeepExpired->isChecked() ? 0
+ : mPurgeExpired->isChecked() ? mPurgeAfter->value() : -1;
+ Preferences::mCmdXTermCommand = (xtermID < mXtermCount) ? xtermCommands[xtermID] : mXtermCommand->text();
+ PrefsTabBase::apply(syncToDisc);
+void MiscPrefTab::setDefaults()
+ mAutostartDaemon->setChecked(true);
+ bool systray = Preferences::default_runInSystemTray;
+ mRunInSystemTray->setChecked(systray);
+ mRunOnDemand->setChecked(!systray);
+ mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->setChecked(Preferences::default_disableAlarmsIfStopped);
+ mQuitWarn->setChecked(Preferences::default_quitWarn);
+ mAutostartTrayIcon->setChecked(Preferences::default_autostartTrayIcon);
+ mConfirmAlarmDeletion->setChecked(Preferences::default_confirmAlarmDeletion);
+ mStartOfDay->setValue(Preferences::default_startOfDay);
+ setExpiredControls(Preferences::default_expiredKeepDays);
+ mXtermType->setButton(mXtermFirst);
+ mXtermCommand->setEnabled(false);
+ slotDisableIfStoppedToggled(true);
+void MiscPrefTab::slotAutostartDaemonClicked()
+ if (!mAutostartDaemon->isChecked()
+ && KMessageBox::warningYesNo(this,
+ i18n("You should not uncheck this option unless you intend to discontinue use of KAlarm"),
+ QString::null, KStdGuiItem::cont(), KStdGuiItem::cancel()
+ ) != KMessageBox::Yes)
+ mAutostartDaemon->setChecked(true);
+void MiscPrefTab::slotRunModeToggled(bool)
+ bool systray = mRunInSystemTray->isOn();
+ mAutostartTrayIcon->setText(systray ? i18n("Autostart at &login") : i18n("Autostart system tray &icon at login"));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mAutostartTrayIcon, (systray ? i18n("Check to run KAlarm whenever you start KDE.")
+ : i18n("Check to display the system tray icon whenever you start KDE.")));
+ mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->setEnabled(systray);
+ slotDisableIfStoppedToggled(true);
+* If autostart at login is selected, the daemon must be autostarted so that it
+* can autostart KAlarm, in which case disable the daemon autostart option.
+void MiscPrefTab::slotAutostartToggled(bool)
+ mAutostartDaemon->setEnabled(!mAutostartTrayIcon->isChecked());
+void MiscPrefTab::slotDisableIfStoppedToggled(bool)
+ bool enable = mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->isEnabled() && mDisableAlarmsIfStopped->isChecked();
+ mQuitWarn->setEnabled(enable);
+void MiscPrefTab::setExpiredControls(int purgeDays)
+ mKeepExpired->setChecked(purgeDays);
+ mPurgeExpired->setChecked(purgeDays > 0);
+ mPurgeAfter->setValue(purgeDays > 0 ? purgeDays : 0);
+ slotExpiredToggled(true);
+void MiscPrefTab::slotExpiredToggled(bool)
+ bool keep = mKeepExpired->isChecked();
+ bool after = keep && mPurgeExpired->isChecked();
+ mPurgeExpired->setEnabled(keep);
+ mPurgeAfter->setEnabled(after);
+ mPurgeAfterLabel->setEnabled(keep);
+ mClearExpired->setEnabled(keep);
+void MiscPrefTab::slotClearExpired()
+ AlarmCalendar* cal = AlarmCalendar::expiredCalendarOpen();
+ if (cal)
+ cal->purgeAll();
+void MiscPrefTab::slotOtherTerminalToggled(bool on)
+ mXtermCommand->setEnabled(on);
+= Class EmailPrefTab
+EmailPrefTab::EmailPrefTab(QVBox* frame)
+ : PrefsTabBase(frame),
+ mAddressChanged(false),
+ mBccAddressChanged(false)
+ QHBox* box = new QHBox(mPage);
+ box->setSpacing(2*KDialog::spacingHint());
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Email client:"), box);
+ mEmailClient = new ButtonGroup(box);
+ mEmailClient->hide();
+ RadioButton* radio = new RadioButton(i18n("&KMail"), box, "kmail");
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mEmailClient->insert(radio, Preferences::KMAIL);
+ radio = new RadioButton(i18n("&Sendmail"), box, "sendmail");
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mEmailClient->insert(radio, Preferences::SENDMAIL);
+ connect(mEmailClient, SIGNAL(buttonSet(int)), SLOT(slotEmailClientChanged(int)));
+ box->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Choose how to send email when an email alarm is triggered.\n"
+ "KMail: The email is sent automatically via KMail. KMail is started first if necessary.\n"
+ "Sendmail: The email is sent automatically. This option will only work if "
+ "your system is configured to use sendmail or a sendmail compatible mail transport agent."));
+ box = new QHBox(mPage); // this is to allow left adjustment
+ mEmailCopyToKMail = new QCheckBox(i18n("Co&py sent emails into KMail's %1 folder").arg(KAMail::i18n_sent_mail()), box);
+ mEmailCopyToKMail->setFixedSize(mEmailCopyToKMail->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mEmailCopyToKMail,
+ i18n("After sending an email, store a copy in KMail's %1 folder").arg(KAMail::i18n_sent_mail()));
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1); // left adjust the controls
+ box->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ // Your Email Address group box
+ QGroupBox* group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Your Email Address"), mPage);
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(group, 6, 3, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2);
+ grid->setColStretch(1, 1);
+ // 'From' email address controls ...
+ label = new Label(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_f_EmailFrom(), group);
+ label->setFixedSize(label->sizeHint());
+ grid->addWidget(label, 1, 0);
+ mFromAddressGroup = new ButtonGroup(group);
+ mFromAddressGroup->hide();
+ connect(mFromAddressGroup, SIGNAL(buttonSet(int)), SLOT(slotFromAddrChanged(int)));
+ // Line edit to enter a 'From' email address
+ radio = new RadioButton(group);
+ mFromAddressGroup->insert(radio, Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ label->setBuddy(radio);
+ grid->addWidget(radio, 1, 1);
+ mEmailAddress = new QLineEdit(group);
+ connect(mEmailAddress, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), SLOT(slotAddressChanged()));
+ QString whatsThis = i18n("Your email address, used to identify you as the sender when sending email alarms.");
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio, whatsThis);
+ QWhatsThis::add(mEmailAddress, whatsThis);
+ radio->setFocusWidget(mEmailAddress);
+ grid->addWidget(mEmailAddress, 1, 2);
+ // 'From' email address to be taken from Control Centre
+ radio = new RadioButton(i18n("&Use address from Control Center"), group);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mFromAddressGroup->insert(radio, Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE);
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio,
+ i18n("Check to use the email address set in the KDE Control Center, to identify you as the sender when sending email alarms."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(radio, 2, 2, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ // 'From' email address to be picked from KMail's identities when the email alarm is configured
+ radio = new RadioButton(i18n("Use KMail &identities"), group);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mFromAddressGroup->insert(radio, Preferences::MAIL_FROM_KMAIL);
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio,
+ i18n("Check to use KMail's email identities to identify you as the sender when sending email alarms. "
+ "For existing email alarms, KMail's default identity will be used. "
+ "For new email alarms, you will be able to pick which of KMail's identities to use."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(radio, 3, 3, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ // 'Bcc' email address controls ...
+ grid->addRowSpacing(4, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ label = new Label(i18n("'Bcc' email address", "&Bcc:"), group);
+ label->setFixedSize(label->sizeHint());
+ grid->addWidget(label, 5, 0);
+ mBccAddressGroup = new ButtonGroup(group);
+ mBccAddressGroup->hide();
+ connect(mBccAddressGroup, SIGNAL(buttonSet(int)), SLOT(slotBccAddrChanged(int)));
+ // Line edit to enter a 'Bcc' email address
+ radio = new RadioButton(group);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mBccAddressGroup->insert(radio, Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR);
+ label->setBuddy(radio);
+ grid->addWidget(radio, 5, 1);
+ mEmailBccAddress = new QLineEdit(group);
+ whatsThis = i18n("Your email address, used for blind copying email alarms to yourself. "
+ "If you want blind copies to be sent to your account on the computer which KAlarm runs on, you can simply enter your user login name.");
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio, whatsThis);
+ QWhatsThis::add(mEmailBccAddress, whatsThis);
+ radio->setFocusWidget(mEmailBccAddress);
+ grid->addWidget(mEmailBccAddress, 5, 2);
+ // 'Bcc' email address to be taken from Control Centre
+ radio = new RadioButton(i18n("Us&e address from Control Center"), group);
+ radio->setFixedSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mBccAddressGroup->insert(radio, Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE);
+ QWhatsThis::add(radio,
+ i18n("Check to use the email address set in the KDE Control Center, for blind copying email alarms to yourself."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(radio, 6, 6, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ group->setFixedHeight(group->sizeHint().height());
+ box = new QHBox(mPage); // this is to allow left adjustment
+ mEmailQueuedNotify = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Notify when remote emails are queued"), box);
+ mEmailQueuedNotify->setFixedSize(mEmailQueuedNotify->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mEmailQueuedNotify,
+ i18n("Display a notification message whenever an email alarm has queued an email for sending to a remote system. "
+ "This could be useful if, for example, you have a dial-up connection, so that you can then ensure that the email is actually transmitted."));
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1); // left adjust the controls
+ box->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ mPage->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(mPage), 1); // top adjust the widgets
+void EmailPrefTab::restore()
+ mEmailClient->setButton(Preferences::mEmailClient);
+ mEmailCopyToKMail->setChecked(Preferences::emailCopyToKMail());
+ setEmailAddress(Preferences::mEmailFrom, Preferences::mEmailAddress);
+ setEmailBccAddress((Preferences::mEmailBccFrom == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE), Preferences::mEmailBccAddress);
+ mEmailQueuedNotify->setChecked(Preferences::emailQueuedNotify());
+ mAddressChanged = mBccAddressChanged = false;
+void EmailPrefTab::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ int client = mEmailClient->id(mEmailClient->selected());
+ Preferences::mEmailClient = (client >= 0) ? Preferences::MailClient(client) : Preferences::default_emailClient;
+ Preferences::mEmailCopyToKMail = mEmailCopyToKMail->isChecked();
+ Preferences::setEmailAddress(static_cast<Preferences::MailFrom>(mFromAddressGroup->selectedId()), mEmailAddress->text().stripWhiteSpace());
+ Preferences::setEmailBccAddress((mBccAddressGroup->selectedId() == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE), mEmailBccAddress->text().stripWhiteSpace());
+ Preferences::setEmailQueuedNotify(mEmailQueuedNotify->isChecked());
+ PrefsTabBase::apply(syncToDisc);
+void EmailPrefTab::setDefaults()
+ mEmailClient->setButton(Preferences::default_emailClient);
+ setEmailAddress(Preferences::default_emailFrom(), Preferences::default_emailAddress);
+ setEmailBccAddress((Preferences::default_emailBccFrom == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE), Preferences::default_emailBccAddress);
+ mEmailQueuedNotify->setChecked(Preferences::default_emailQueuedNotify);
+void EmailPrefTab::setEmailAddress(Preferences::MailFrom from, const QString& address)
+ mFromAddressGroup->setButton(from);
+ mEmailAddress->setText(from == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR ? address.stripWhiteSpace() : QString());
+void EmailPrefTab::setEmailBccAddress(bool useControlCentre, const QString& address)
+ mBccAddressGroup->setButton(useControlCentre ? Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE : Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR);
+ mEmailBccAddress->setText(useControlCentre ? QString() : address.stripWhiteSpace());
+void EmailPrefTab::slotEmailClientChanged(int id)
+ mEmailCopyToKMail->setEnabled(id == Preferences::SENDMAIL);
+void EmailPrefTab::slotFromAddrChanged(int id)
+ mEmailAddress->setEnabled(id == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR);
+ mAddressChanged = true;
+void EmailPrefTab::slotBccAddrChanged(int id)
+ mEmailBccAddress->setEnabled(id == Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR);
+ mBccAddressChanged = true;
+QString EmailPrefTab::validate()
+ if (mAddressChanged)
+ {
+ mAddressChanged = false;
+ QString errmsg = validateAddr(mFromAddressGroup, mEmailAddress, KAMail::i18n_NeedFromEmailAddress());
+ if (!errmsg.isEmpty())
+ return errmsg;
+ }
+ if (mBccAddressChanged)
+ {
+ mBccAddressChanged = false;
+ return validateAddr(mBccAddressGroup, mEmailBccAddress, i18n("No valid 'Bcc' email address is specified."));
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+QString EmailPrefTab::validateAddr(ButtonGroup* group, QLineEdit* addr, const QString& msg)
+ QString errmsg = i18n("%1\nAre you sure you want to save your changes?").arg(msg);
+ switch (group->selectedId())
+ {
+ case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_CONTROL_CENTRE:
+ if (!KAMail::controlCentreAddress().isEmpty())
+ return QString::null;
+ errmsg = i18n("No email address is currently set in the KDE Control Center. %1").arg(errmsg);
+ break;
+ case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_KMAIL:
+ if (KAMail::identitiesExist())
+ return QString::null;
+ errmsg = i18n("No KMail identities currently exist. %1").arg(errmsg);
+ break;
+ case Preferences::MAIL_FROM_ADDR:
+ if (!addr->text().stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty())
+ return QString::null;
+ break;
+ }
+ return errmsg;
+= Class FontColourPrefTab
+FontColourPrefTab::FontColourPrefTab(QVBox* frame)
+ : PrefsTabBase(frame)
+ mFontChooser = new FontColourChooser(mPage, 0, false, QStringList(), i18n("Message Font && Color"), true, false);
+ mPage->setStretchFactor(mFontChooser, 1);
+ QFrame* layoutBox = new QFrame(mPage);
+ QHBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(layoutBox);
+ QVBoxLayout* colourLayout = new QVBoxLayout(hlayout, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ hlayout->addStretch();
+ QHBox* box = new QHBox(layoutBox); // to group widgets for QWhatsThis text
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()/2);
+ colourLayout->addWidget(box);
+ QLabel* label1 = new QLabel(i18n("Di&sabled alarm color:"), box);
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1);
+ mDisabledColour = new KColorCombo(box);
+ label1->setBuddy(mDisabledColour);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Choose the text color in the alarm list for disabled alarms."));
+ box = new QHBox(layoutBox); // to group widgets for QWhatsThis text
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()/2);
+ colourLayout->addWidget(box);
+ QLabel* label2 = new QLabel(i18n("E&xpired alarm color:"), box);
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1);
+ mExpiredColour = new KColorCombo(box);
+ label2->setBuddy(mExpiredColour);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Choose the text color in the alarm list for expired alarms."));
+void FontColourPrefTab::restore()
+ mFontChooser->setBgColour(Preferences::mDefaultBgColour);
+ mFontChooser->setColours(Preferences::mMessageColours);
+ mFontChooser->setFont(Preferences::mMessageFont);
+ mDisabledColour->setColor(Preferences::mDisabledColour);
+ mExpiredColour->setColor(Preferences::mExpiredColour);
+void FontColourPrefTab::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ Preferences::mDefaultBgColour = mFontChooser->bgColour();
+ Preferences::mMessageColours = mFontChooser->colours();
+ Preferences::mMessageFont = mFontChooser->font();
+ Preferences::mDisabledColour = mDisabledColour->color();
+ Preferences::mExpiredColour = mExpiredColour->color();
+ PrefsTabBase::apply(syncToDisc);
+void FontColourPrefTab::setDefaults()
+ mFontChooser->setBgColour(Preferences::default_defaultBgColour);
+ mFontChooser->setColours(Preferences::default_messageColours);
+ mFontChooser->setFont(Preferences::default_messageFont());
+ mDisabledColour->setColor(Preferences::default_disabledColour);
+ mExpiredColour->setColor(Preferences::default_expiredColour);
+= Class EditPrefTab
+EditPrefTab::EditPrefTab(QVBox* frame)
+ : PrefsTabBase(frame)
+ // Get alignment to use in QLabel::setAlignment(alignment | Qt::WordBreak)
+ // (AlignAuto doesn't work correctly there)
+ int alignment = QApplication::reverseLayout() ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft;
+ int groupTopMargin = fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2;
+ QString defsetting = i18n("The default setting for \"%1\" in the alarm edit dialog.");
+ QString soundSetting = i18n("Check to select %1 as the default setting for \"%2\" in the alarm edit dialog.");
+ QGroupBox* group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Display Alarms"), mPage);
+ QBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout(group, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ layout->addSpacing(groupTopMargin);
+ mConfirmAck = new QCheckBox(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_k_ConfirmAck(), group, "defConfAck");
+ mConfirmAck->setMinimumSize(mConfirmAck->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mConfirmAck, defsetting.arg(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_ConfirmAck()));
+ layout->addWidget(mConfirmAck, 0, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ mAutoClose = new QCheckBox(LateCancelSelector::i18n_i_AutoCloseWinLC(), group, "defAutoClose");
+ mAutoClose->setMinimumSize(mAutoClose->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mAutoClose, defsetting.arg(LateCancelSelector::i18n_AutoCloseWin()));
+ layout->addWidget(mAutoClose, 0, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ QHBox* box = new QHBox(group);
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ layout->addWidget(box);
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("Reminder &units:"), box);
+ label->setFixedSize(label->sizeHint());
+ mReminderUnits = new QComboBox(box, "defWarnUnits");
+ mReminderUnits->insertItem(TimePeriod::i18n_Minutes(), TimePeriod::MINUTES);
+ mReminderUnits->insertItem(TimePeriod::i18n_Hours_Mins(), TimePeriod::HOURS_MINUTES);
+ mReminderUnits->insertItem(TimePeriod::i18n_Days(), TimePeriod::DAYS);
+ mReminderUnits->insertItem(TimePeriod::i18n_Weeks(), TimePeriod::WEEKS);
+ mReminderUnits->setFixedSize(mReminderUnits->sizeHint());
+ label->setBuddy(mReminderUnits);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("The default units for the reminder in the alarm edit dialog."));
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1); // left adjust the control
+ mSpecialActionsButton = new SpecialActionsButton(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_SpecialActions(), box);
+ mSpecialActionsButton->setFixedSize(mSpecialActionsButton->sizeHint());
+ // SOUND
+ QButtonGroup* bgroup = new QButtonGroup(SoundPicker::i18n_Sound(), mPage, "soundGroup");
+ layout = new QVBoxLayout(bgroup, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ layout->addSpacing(groupTopMargin);
+ QBoxLayout* hlayout = new QHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mSound = new QComboBox(false, bgroup, "defSound");
+ mSound->insertItem(SoundPicker::i18n_None()); // index 0
+ mSound->insertItem(SoundPicker::i18n_Beep()); // index 1
+ mSound->insertItem(SoundPicker::i18n_File()); // index 2
+ if (theApp()->speechEnabled())
+ mSound->insertItem(SoundPicker::i18n_Speak()); // index 3
+ mSound->setMinimumSize(mSound->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mSound, defsetting.arg(SoundPicker::i18n_Sound()));
+ hlayout->addWidget(mSound);
+ hlayout->addStretch(1);
+ mSoundRepeat = new QCheckBox(i18n("Repea&t sound file"), bgroup, "defRepeatSound");
+ mSoundRepeat->setMinimumSize(mSoundRepeat->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mSoundRepeat, i18n("sound file \"Repeat\" checkbox", "The default setting for sound file \"%1\" in the alarm edit dialog.").arg(SoundDlg::i18n_Repeat()));
+ hlayout->addWidget(mSoundRepeat);
+ box = new QHBox(bgroup); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mSoundFileLabel = new QLabel(i18n("Sound &file:"), box);
+ mSoundFileLabel->setFixedSize(mSoundFileLabel->sizeHint());
+ mSoundFile = new QLineEdit(box);
+ mSoundFileLabel->setBuddy(mSoundFile);
+ mSoundFileBrowse = new QPushButton(box);
+ mSoundFileBrowse->setPixmap(SmallIcon("fileopen"));
+ mSoundFileBrowse->setFixedSize(mSoundFileBrowse->sizeHint());
+ connect(mSoundFileBrowse, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotBrowseSoundFile()));
+ QToolTip::add(mSoundFileBrowse, i18n("Choose a sound file"));
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Enter the default sound file to use in the alarm edit dialog."));
+ box->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ layout->addWidget(box);
+ bgroup->setFixedHeight(bgroup->sizeHint().height());
+ group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Command Alarms"), mPage);
+ layout = new QVBoxLayout(group, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ layout->addSpacing(groupTopMargin);
+ layout = new QHBoxLayout(layout, KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mCmdScript = new QCheckBox(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_p_EnterScript(), group, "defCmdScript");
+ mCmdScript->setMinimumSize(mCmdScript->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mCmdScript, defsetting.arg(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_EnterScript()));
+ layout->addWidget(mCmdScript);
+ layout->addStretch();
+ mCmdXterm = new QCheckBox(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_w_ExecInTermWindow(), group, "defCmdXterm");
+ mCmdXterm->setMinimumSize(mCmdXterm->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mCmdXterm, defsetting.arg(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_ExecInTermWindow()));
+ layout->addWidget(mCmdXterm);
+ group = new QGroupBox(i18n("Email Alarms"), mPage);
+ layout = new QVBoxLayout(group, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ layout->addSpacing(groupTopMargin);
+ // BCC email to sender
+ mEmailBcc = new QCheckBox(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_e_CopyEmailToSelf(), group, "defEmailBcc");
+ mEmailBcc->setMinimumSize(mEmailBcc->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mEmailBcc, defsetting.arg(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_CopyEmailToSelf()));
+ layout->addWidget(mEmailBcc, 0, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ // Show in KOrganizer
+ mCopyToKOrganizer = new QCheckBox(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_g_ShowInKOrganizer(), mPage, "defShowKorg");
+ mCopyToKOrganizer->setMinimumSize(mCopyToKOrganizer->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mCopyToKOrganizer, defsetting.arg(EditAlarmDlg::i18n_ShowInKOrganizer()));
+ // Late cancellation
+ box = new QHBox(mPage);
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mLateCancel = new QCheckBox(LateCancelSelector::i18n_n_CancelIfLate(), box, "defCancelLate");
+ mLateCancel->setMinimumSize(mLateCancel->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mLateCancel, defsetting.arg(LateCancelSelector::i18n_CancelIfLate()));
+ box->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(box), 1); // left adjust the control
+ // Recurrence
+ QHBox* itemBox = new QHBox(box); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ itemBox->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("&Recurrence:"), itemBox);
+ label->setFixedSize(label->sizeHint());
+ mRecurPeriod = new QComboBox(itemBox, "defRecur");
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_NoRecur());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_AtLogin());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_HourlyMinutely());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_Daily());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_Weekly());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_Monthly());
+ mRecurPeriod->insertItem(RecurrenceEdit::i18n_Yearly());
+ mRecurPeriod->setFixedSize(mRecurPeriod->sizeHint());
+ label->setBuddy(mRecurPeriod);
+ QWhatsThis::add(itemBox,
+ i18n("The default setting for the recurrence rule in the alarm edit dialog."));
+ box->setFixedHeight(itemBox->sizeHint().height());
+ // How to handle February 29th in yearly recurrences
+ QVBox* vbox = new QVBox(mPage); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ vbox->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("In non-leap years, repeat yearly February 29th alarms on:"), vbox);
+ label->setAlignment(alignment | Qt::WordBreak);
+ itemBox = new QHBox(vbox);
+ itemBox->setSpacing(2*KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mFeb29 = new QButtonGroup(itemBox);
+ mFeb29->hide();
+ QWidget* widget = new QWidget(itemBox);
+ widget->setFixedWidth(3*KDialog::spacingHint());
+ QRadioButton* radio = new QRadioButton(i18n("February 2&8th"), itemBox);
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mFeb29->insert(radio, KARecurrence::FEB29_FEB28);
+ radio = new QRadioButton(i18n("March &1st"), itemBox);
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mFeb29->insert(radio, KARecurrence::FEB29_MAR1);
+ radio = new QRadioButton(i18n("Do &not repeat"), itemBox);
+ radio->setMinimumSize(radio->sizeHint());
+ mFeb29->insert(radio, KARecurrence::FEB29_FEB29);
+ itemBox->setFixedHeight(itemBox->sizeHint().height());
+ QWhatsThis::add(vbox,
+ i18n("For yearly recurrences, choose what date, if any, alarms due on February 29th should occur in non-leap years.\n"
+ "Note that the next scheduled occurrence of existing alarms is not re-evaluated when you change this setting."));
+ mPage->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(mPage), 1); // top adjust the widgets
+void EditPrefTab::restore()
+ mAutoClose->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultAutoClose);
+ mConfirmAck->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultConfirmAck);
+ mReminderUnits->setCurrentItem(Preferences::mDefaultReminderUnits);
+ mSpecialActionsButton->setActions(Preferences::mDefaultPreAction, Preferences::mDefaultPostAction);
+ mSound->setCurrentItem(soundIndex(Preferences::mDefaultSoundType));
+ mSoundFile->setText(Preferences::mDefaultSoundFile);
+ mSoundRepeat->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultSoundRepeat);
+ mCmdScript->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultCmdScript);
+ mCmdXterm->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultCmdLogType == EditAlarmDlg::EXEC_IN_TERMINAL);
+ mEmailBcc->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultEmailBcc);
+ mCopyToKOrganizer->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultCopyToKOrganizer);
+ mLateCancel->setChecked(Preferences::mDefaultLateCancel);
+ mRecurPeriod->setCurrentItem(recurIndex(Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod));
+ mFeb29->setButton(Preferences::mDefaultFeb29Type);
+void EditPrefTab::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ Preferences::mDefaultAutoClose = mAutoClose->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultConfirmAck = mConfirmAck->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultReminderUnits = static_cast<TimePeriod::Units>(mReminderUnits->currentItem());
+ Preferences::mDefaultPreAction = mSpecialActionsButton->preAction();
+ Preferences::mDefaultPostAction = mSpecialActionsButton->postAction();
+ switch (mSound->currentItem())
+ {
+ case 3: Preferences::mDefaultSoundType = SoundPicker::SPEAK; break;
+ case 2: Preferences::mDefaultSoundType = SoundPicker::PLAY_FILE; break;
+ case 1: Preferences::mDefaultSoundType = SoundPicker::BEEP; break;
+ case 0:
+ default: Preferences::mDefaultSoundType = SoundPicker::NONE; break;
+ }
+ Preferences::mDefaultSoundFile = mSoundFile->text();
+ Preferences::mDefaultSoundRepeat = mSoundRepeat->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultCmdScript = mCmdScript->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultCmdLogType = (mCmdXterm->isChecked() ? EditAlarmDlg::EXEC_IN_TERMINAL : EditAlarmDlg::DISCARD_OUTPUT);
+ Preferences::mDefaultEmailBcc = mEmailBcc->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultCopyToKOrganizer = mCopyToKOrganizer->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDefaultLateCancel = mLateCancel->isChecked() ? 1 : 0;
+ switch (mRecurPeriod->currentItem())
+ {
+ case 6: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::ANNUAL; break;
+ case 5: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::MONTHLY; break;
+ case 4: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::WEEKLY; break;
+ case 3: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::DAILY; break;
+ case 2: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::SUBDAILY; break;
+ case 1: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::AT_LOGIN; break;
+ case 0:
+ default: Preferences::mDefaultRecurPeriod = RecurrenceEdit::NO_RECUR; break;
+ }
+ int feb29 = mFeb29->selectedId();
+ Preferences::mDefaultFeb29Type = (feb29 >= 0) ? static_cast<KARecurrence::Feb29Type>(feb29) : Preferences::default_defaultFeb29Type;
+ PrefsTabBase::apply(syncToDisc);
+void EditPrefTab::setDefaults()
+ mAutoClose->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultAutoClose);
+ mConfirmAck->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultConfirmAck);
+ mReminderUnits->setCurrentItem(Preferences::default_defaultReminderUnits);
+ mSpecialActionsButton->setActions(Preferences::default_defaultPreAction, Preferences::default_defaultPostAction);
+ mSound->setCurrentItem(soundIndex(Preferences::default_defaultSoundType));
+ mSoundFile->setText(Preferences::default_defaultSoundFile);
+ mSoundRepeat->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultSoundRepeat);
+ mCmdScript->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultCmdScript);
+ mCmdXterm->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultCmdLogType == EditAlarmDlg::EXEC_IN_TERMINAL);
+ mEmailBcc->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultEmailBcc);
+ mCopyToKOrganizer->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultCopyToKOrganizer);
+ mLateCancel->setChecked(Preferences::default_defaultLateCancel);
+ mRecurPeriod->setCurrentItem(recurIndex(Preferences::default_defaultRecurPeriod));
+ mFeb29->setButton(Preferences::default_defaultFeb29Type);
+void EditPrefTab::slotBrowseSoundFile()
+ QString defaultDir;
+ QString url = SoundPicker::browseFile(defaultDir, mSoundFile->text());
+ if (!url.isEmpty())
+ mSoundFile->setText(url);
+int EditPrefTab::soundIndex(SoundPicker::Type type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case SoundPicker::SPEAK: return 3;
+ case SoundPicker::PLAY_FILE: return 2;
+ case SoundPicker::BEEP: return 1;
+ case SoundPicker::NONE:
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+int EditPrefTab::recurIndex(RecurrenceEdit::RepeatType type)
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case RecurrenceEdit::ANNUAL: return 6;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::MONTHLY: return 5;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::WEEKLY: return 4;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::DAILY: return 3;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::SUBDAILY: return 2;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::AT_LOGIN: return 1;
+ case RecurrenceEdit::NO_RECUR:
+ default: return 0;
+ }
+QString EditPrefTab::validate()
+ if (mSound->currentItem() == SoundPicker::PLAY_FILE && mSoundFile->text().isEmpty())
+ {
+ mSoundFile->setFocus();
+ return i18n("You must enter a sound file when %1 is selected as the default sound type").arg(SoundPicker::i18n_File());;
+ }
+ return QString::null;
+= Class ViewPrefTab
+ViewPrefTab::ViewPrefTab(QVBox* frame)
+ : PrefsTabBase(frame)
+ QGroupBox* group = new QGroupBox(i18n("System Tray Tooltip"), mPage);
+ QGridLayout* grid = new QGridLayout(group, 5, 3, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
+ grid->setColStretch(2, 1);
+ grid->addColSpacing(0, indentWidth());
+ grid->addColSpacing(1, indentWidth());
+ grid->addRowSpacing(0, fontMetrics().lineSpacing()/2);
+ mTooltipShowAlarms = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show next &24 hours' alarms"), group, "tooltipShow");
+ mTooltipShowAlarms->setMinimumSize(mTooltipShowAlarms->sizeHint());
+ connect(mTooltipShowAlarms, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotTooltipAlarmsToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mTooltipShowAlarms,
+ i18n("Specify whether to include in the system tray tooltip, a summary of alarms due in the next 24 hours"));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mTooltipShowAlarms, 1, 1, 0, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ QHBox* box = new QHBox(group);
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mTooltipMaxAlarms = new QCheckBox(i18n("Ma&ximum number of alarms to show:"), box, "tooltipMax");
+ mTooltipMaxAlarms->setMinimumSize(mTooltipMaxAlarms->sizeHint());
+ connect(mTooltipMaxAlarms, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotTooltipMaxToggled(bool)));
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount = new SpinBox(1, 99, 1, box);
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->setLineShiftStep(5);
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->setMinimumSize(mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Uncheck to display all of the next 24 hours' alarms in the system tray tooltip. "
+ "Check to enter an upper limit on the number to be displayed."));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(box, 2, 2, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ mTooltipShowTime = new QCheckBox(MainWindow::i18n_m_ShowAlarmTime(), group, "tooltipTime");
+ mTooltipShowTime->setMinimumSize(mTooltipShowTime->sizeHint());
+ connect(mTooltipShowTime, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotTooltipTimeToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mTooltipShowTime,
+ i18n("Specify whether to show in the system tray tooltip, the time at which each alarm is due"));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mTooltipShowTime, 3, 3, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo = new QCheckBox(MainWindow::i18n_l_ShowTimeToAlarm(), group, "tooltipTimeTo");
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->setMinimumSize(mTooltipShowTimeTo->sizeHint());
+ connect(mTooltipShowTimeTo, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotTooltipTimeToToggled(bool)));
+ QWhatsThis::add(mTooltipShowTimeTo,
+ i18n("Specify whether to show in the system tray tooltip, how long until each alarm is due"));
+ grid->addMultiCellWidget(mTooltipShowTimeTo, 4, 4, 1, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ box = new QHBox(group); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Prefix:"), box);
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel->setFixedSize(mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel->sizeHint());
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefix = new QLineEdit(box);
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel->setBuddy(mTooltipTimeToPrefix);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("Enter the text to be displayed in front of the time until the alarm, in the system tray tooltip"));
+ box->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ grid->addWidget(box, 5, 2, Qt::AlignAuto);
+ group->setMaximumHeight(group->sizeHint().height());
+ mModalMessages = new QCheckBox(i18n("Message &windows have a title bar and take keyboard focus"), mPage, "modalMsg");
+ mModalMessages->setMinimumSize(mModalMessages->sizeHint());
+ QWhatsThis::add(mModalMessages,
+ i18n("Specify the characteristics of alarm message windows:\n"
+ "- If checked, the window is a normal window with a title bar, which grabs keyboard input when it is displayed.\n"
+ "- If unchecked, the window does not interfere with your typing when "
+ "it is displayed, but it has no title bar and cannot be moved or resized."));
+ QHBox* itemBox = new QHBox(mPage); // this is to control the QWhatsThis text display area
+ box = new QHBox(itemBox);
+ box->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint());
+ QLabel* label = new QLabel(i18n("System tray icon &update interval:"), box);
+ mDaemonTrayCheckInterval = new SpinBox(1, 9999, 1, box, "daemonCheck");
+ mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->setLineShiftStep(10);
+ mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->setMinimumSize(mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->sizeHint());
+ label->setBuddy(mDaemonTrayCheckInterval);
+ label = new QLabel(i18n("seconds"), box);
+ QWhatsThis::add(box,
+ i18n("How often to update the system tray icon to indicate whether or not the Alarm Daemon is monitoring alarms."));
+ itemBox->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(itemBox), 1); // left adjust the controls
+ itemBox->setFixedHeight(box->sizeHint().height());
+ mPage->setStretchFactor(new QWidget(mPage), 1); // top adjust the widgets
+void ViewPrefTab::restore()
+ setTooltip(Preferences::mTooltipAlarmCount,
+ Preferences::mShowTooltipAlarmTime,
+ Preferences::mShowTooltipTimeToAlarm,
+ Preferences::mTooltipTimeToPrefix);
+ mModalMessages->setChecked(Preferences::mModalMessages);
+ mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->setValue(Preferences::mDaemonTrayCheckInterval);
+void ViewPrefTab::apply(bool syncToDisc)
+ int n = mTooltipShowAlarms->isChecked() ? -1 : 0;
+ if (n && mTooltipMaxAlarms->isChecked())
+ n = mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->value();
+ Preferences::mTooltipAlarmCount = n;
+ Preferences::mShowTooltipAlarmTime = mTooltipShowTime->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mShowTooltipTimeToAlarm = mTooltipShowTimeTo->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mTooltipTimeToPrefix = mTooltipTimeToPrefix->text();
+ Preferences::mModalMessages = mModalMessages->isChecked();
+ Preferences::mDaemonTrayCheckInterval = mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->value();
+ PrefsTabBase::apply(syncToDisc);
+void ViewPrefTab::setDefaults()
+ setTooltip(Preferences::default_tooltipAlarmCount,
+ Preferences::default_showTooltipAlarmTime,
+ Preferences::default_showTooltipTimeToAlarm,
+ Preferences::default_tooltipTimeToPrefix);
+ mModalMessages->setChecked(Preferences::default_modalMessages);
+ mDaemonTrayCheckInterval->setValue(Preferences::default_daemonTrayCheckInterval);
+void ViewPrefTab::setTooltip(int maxAlarms, bool time, bool timeTo, const QString& prefix)
+ if (!timeTo)
+ time = true; // ensure that at least one time option is ticked
+ // Set the states of the controls without calling signal
+ // handlers, since these could change the checkboxes' states.
+ mTooltipShowAlarms->blockSignals(true);
+ mTooltipShowTime->blockSignals(true);
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->blockSignals(true);
+ mTooltipShowAlarms->setChecked(maxAlarms);
+ mTooltipMaxAlarms->setChecked(maxAlarms > 0);
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->setValue(maxAlarms > 0 ? maxAlarms : 1);
+ mTooltipShowTime->setChecked(time);
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->setChecked(timeTo);
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefix->setText(prefix);
+ mTooltipShowAlarms->blockSignals(false);
+ mTooltipShowTime->blockSignals(false);
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->blockSignals(false);
+ // Enable/disable controls according to their states
+ slotTooltipTimeToToggled(timeTo);
+ slotTooltipAlarmsToggled(maxAlarms);
+void ViewPrefTab::slotTooltipAlarmsToggled(bool on)
+ mTooltipMaxAlarms->setEnabled(on);
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->setEnabled(on && mTooltipMaxAlarms->isChecked());
+ mTooltipShowTime->setEnabled(on);
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->setEnabled(on);
+ on = on && mTooltipShowTimeTo->isChecked();
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefix->setEnabled(on);
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel->setEnabled(on);
+void ViewPrefTab::slotTooltipMaxToggled(bool on)
+ mTooltipMaxAlarmCount->setEnabled(on && mTooltipMaxAlarms->isEnabled());
+void ViewPrefTab::slotTooltipTimeToggled(bool on)
+ if (!on && !mTooltipShowTimeTo->isChecked())
+ mTooltipShowTimeTo->setChecked(true);
+void ViewPrefTab::slotTooltipTimeToToggled(bool on)
+ if (!on && !mTooltipShowTime->isChecked())
+ mTooltipShowTime->setChecked(true);
+ on = on && mTooltipShowTimeTo->isEnabled();
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefix->setEnabled(on);
+ mTooltipTimeToPrefixLabel->setEnabled(on);