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-rw-r--r-- | doc/karm/index.docbook | 1238 | ||||
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diff --git a/doc/karm/Makefile.am b/doc/karm/Makefile.am new file mode 100644 index 000000000..085981d9b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/Makefile.am @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + +KDE_LANG = en +KDE_DOCS = AUTO + diff --git a/doc/karm/clipboard-history.png b/doc/karm/clipboard-history.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee0b04d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/clipboard-history.png diff --git a/doc/karm/copy-this-task.png b/doc/karm/copy-this-task.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5c89bea2 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/copy-this-task.png diff --git a/doc/karm/csvexport.png b/doc/karm/csvexport.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..7dc5f8e54 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/csvexport.png diff --git a/doc/karm/daterange.png b/doc/karm/daterange.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ad3a70f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/daterange.png diff --git a/doc/karm/idle-detect.png b/doc/karm/idle-detect.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..43bf71811 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/idle-detect.png diff --git a/doc/karm/index.docbook b/doc/karm/index.docbook new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be0faf1ee --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/index.docbook @@ -0,0 +1,1238 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" ?> +<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [ + <!ENTITY kappname "&karm;"> + <!ENTITY package "kdepim"> + <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE" > <!-- change language only here --> + <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE"> +]> + +<book lang="&language;"> + +<bookinfo> +<title>The &karm; Handbook</title> + +<authorgroup> +<author> +<firstname>Jonathan</firstname> +<surname>Singer</surname> +<affiliation> +<address><email>[email protected]</email></address> +</affiliation> +</author> + +<author> +<firstname>Mark</firstname> +<surname>Bucciarelli</surname> +<affiliation> +<address><email>[email protected]</email></address> +</affiliation> +</author> + +<author> +<firstname>Sirtaj</firstname> +<othername>Singh</othername> +<surname>Kang</surname> +<affiliation><address><email>[email protected]</email></address></affiliation> +</author> + +<othercredit role="reviewer"> +<firstname>Lauri</firstname> +<surname>Watts</surname> +<contrib>Reviewer</contrib> +<affiliation><address><email>[email protected]</email></address></affiliation> +</othercredit> +<!-- TRANS:ROLES_OF_TRANSLATORS --> +</authorgroup> + +<copyright> +<year>2000-2004</year> +<holder>Jonathan Singer</holder> +</copyright> + +<copyright> +<year>2004-2005</year> +<holder>Mark Bucciarelli</holder> +</copyright> + +<legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice> + +<date>2005-02-02</date> +<releaseinfo>1.5.0</releaseinfo> + +<abstract><para>&karm; tracks time spent on various tasks.</para></abstract> + +<keywordset> +<keyword>KDE</keyword> +<keyword>karm</keyword> +<keyword>kdeutils</keyword> +<keyword>time</keyword> +<keyword>tracker</keyword> +<keyword>project</keyword> +</keywordset> + +</bookinfo> + +<chapter id="introduction"> +<title>Introduction</title> + +<para>&karm; tracks time spent on various tasks. It is useful for tracking + billable hours and can report the hours logged by task and day.</para> + +<para>This time history can be exported to a comma-delimited text file for + import into other billing and/or project management tools.</para> + +<para>&karm; detects when your keyboard and mouse are idle and can associate + different tasks with different desktops, two tools that can help keep the + timer running on the correct task.</para> + +<para>&karm; was originally written by Sirtaj Singh Kang. The word +<quote>karm</quote> means <quote>work</quote> or <quote>deeds</quote> in the +author's native Punjabi and is the same word (but a better transliteration) +as <quote>karma</quote>.</para> + +</chapter> + + +<chapter id="using-Karm"> +<title>Using &karm;</title> + +<sect1 id="starting"> +<title>Starting &karm;</title> + +<para>Type <command>karm</command> at a command prompt or select +<guimenuitem>Personal Time Tracker</guimenuitem> from the +<guisubmenu>Utilities</guisubmenu> group in the <guimenu>KDE start +menu</guimenu>. The standard &Qt; and &kde; command options are +available, and can be listed by entering +<userinput><command>karm</command> <option>--help</option></userinput> +at the command line.</para> + +<para>&karm; provides an additional command option that allows you to enter +the name of the iCalendar file that is used to store your labor history. +You enter a remote iCalendar file by using http or ftp as part of the file +name; for example, http://www.mysite.com/mydata/mylabor.ics.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="general-use"> +<title>Tasks</title> + +<informalexample> +<para><emphasis>Problem:</emphasis> You are a free software consultant with +many clients. Some clients have multiple projects. During the course of a +day, you switch back and forth between different projects. You need to track +your time to generate monthly invoices.</para> +<para><emphasis>Solution:</emphasis> Create one top-level task for each client +and a subtask for each client project. For projects that require more +detailed tracking, create a list of project subtasks. Track time by +double-clicking on task you are currently working on.</para> +</informalexample> + +<para>&karm; provides great flexibility in tracking your time, allowing +unlimited tasks and task depth. Time may be logged to any task, and more than +one task can be active at any given time.</para> + +<para> +To create a top-level task, select +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> + +To create a subtask, pick the parent task and select + +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>New Subtask</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</para> + +<para>When &karm; exits, the task list is saved to the file specified in +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure KArm</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +When it next opens, it reloads the task list from the same file.</para> + +<para>&karm; can import and export tasks to minimize your work. See <link linkend="interfaces">Other Systems</link>.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="timers"><title>Timers</title> + +<informalexample> +<para><emphasis>Problem:</emphasis> To remain solvent, you must bill an +average of five hours a day. To stay on track, you watch your daily and +weekly totals.</para> +<para><emphasis>Solution:</emphasis> Reset the session timer at the +beginning of each work day and reset all timers at the beginning of each +week.</para> </informalexample> + +<para>&karm; makes tracking time simple. To start logging time against a +task, double-click on the task. To stop logging time, double-click +the task again. Active tasks display a small clock in the <guilabel>Session +Time</guilabel> column.</para> + +<para>Another visual clue of logging activity is the &karm; system tray icon. +When a task is active, the second hand in the icon moves. If you rest the +mouse pointer over this icon, the name of the active task will display in a +tooltip. If more than one task is active, the task names in the tooltip are +separated by commas.</para> + +<para>&karm; maintains two timers for each task: one for the session time +and one for the total time. In the default configuration, &karm; displays +two columns for each timer, resulting in a total of four columns for each task:</para> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Session Time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time spent on the task since the session +began.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Total Session Time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time spent on the task and all it's subtasks since the +session began.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> +<varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Time</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>The time +spent on the task since all times were reset.</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Total Time</guilabel></term> +<listitem><para>The time spent on the task and all it's subtasks since all +times were reset.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +<para>To start a new session, select +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Start New Session</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</para> + +<para>To reset all times, select +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Reset All Times</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</para> + +<sect2><title>Desktop Tracking</title> + +<informalexample> +<para><emphasis>Problem:</emphasis> You have two main projects that you +switch between each day. To help organize your work, you keep your project +1 files on Desktop 1 and your project 2 files on Desktop +2.</para> + +<para><emphasis>Solution:</emphasis> Associate project 1 task with Desktop 1 +and the project 2 task with Desktop 2. When you switch from Desktop 2 to +Desktop 1 active, &karm; automatically stops the project 2 task and starts +the project 1 task.</para> +</informalexample> + +<para>To associate a task with a one or more desktops, select +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. + +Turn on <guilabel>Auto tracking</guilabel> and select the desktop or desktops +to associate with this task. When any of the selected desktops becomes active, +after a short delay &karm; will be automatically start logging time against +that task.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2><title>Idle Detection</title> + +<informalexample> <para><emphasis>Problem:</emphasis> You leave work early on +Friday to run an errand and forget to stop the timer. When you return on +Monday, the timer is still running.</para> +<para><emphasis>Solution:</emphasis> Turn on idle detection.</para> +</informalexample> + +<para>&karm; can be configured to detect when the mouse and keyboard become + idle. If the mouse and keyboard are idle for longer than the specified + number of minutes, &karm; displays the following dialog:</para> + +<screenshot> + <screeninfo>&karm; Idle Detection</screeninfo> + <mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="idle-detect.png" format="PNG"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject> + <phrase>&karm; Idle Detection Dialog</phrase> + </textobject> + </mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry><term><guibutton>Revert & Stop</guibutton></term> +<listitem><para>Subtract the amount of idle time from all active timers and +stop them.</para><para>You were not working on the task(s) while you +computer was idle and you are still are +not.</para></listitem></varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> <term><guibutton>Revert & Continue</guibutton></term> +<listitem><para>Subtract the amount of idle time from all active timers but +keep them running.</para><para>You were not working on the task(s) while +your computer was idle but you are now. </para></listitem></varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> <term><guibutton>Continue Timing</guibutton></term> +<listitem><para>Apply the idle time to all active timers and keep them +running.</para><para>You were working on the task(s) while your computer +was idle and still are. </para></listitem></varlistentry> </variablelist> + +</sect2> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="reporting"><title>Reporting</title> + +<para>&karm; provides three ways to report on time you have logged. You can +send the session and time totals to the printer, copy the time totals to the +clipboard, or copy the time history to the clipboard.</para> + +<sect2><title>Print Totals</title> +<para>To generate the totals report for the printer, select +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +This generates a three-column report for the complete list of tasks. The +first column is the task name, the second column is the <guilabel>Total +Session Time</guilabel> and the third column is the <guilabel>Total +Time</guilabel>.</para> +</sect2> + +<sect2><title>Clip Totals</title> +<para>To generate the totals report to the clipboard, select +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Copy Totals to Clipboard</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +</para> + +<para>This report is generated for the currently selected task and all it's +subtasks. If the current task is a top-level task, &karm; asks you if you +want to generate the report for the current task and it's subtasks or for the +entire task list.</para> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>&karm; Copy This Task</screeninfo> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref="copy-this-task.png" format="PNG"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject> +<phrase>&karm; Copy This Task Dialog</phrase> +</textobject> +</mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<para>Once the report is generated, open KEdit or some other text editor and +paste the report data.</para> + +<literallayout> +<computeroutput> +Task Totals +2004-07-10 02:26 + + Time Task +---------------------------------------------- + 9:14 kde + 9:14 karm + 1:08 bugs + 0:00 checkin changes + 0:00 promo + 0:00 web stuff +---------------------------------------------- + 9:14 Total +</computeroutput> +</literallayout> + +<para>The first column is the <guilabel>Total Time</guilabel> and is indented +(like the task names) to indicate task/sub-task relationships. The reported times +include the sub-task times.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2><title>Clip History</title> + +<para>To generate the totals report to the clipboard, select +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Copy History to Clipboard</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice>. +</para> + +<important><para>You must turn on the <guilabel>Log History</guilabel> option in +<menuchoice> <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure +KArm</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. Otherwise, &karm; only keeps track of +totals and not the detailed task history.</para></important> + +<para>This report is generated for the currently selected task and all it's +subtasks. You also have the choice to generate it for all tasks.</para> + +<para>When you select the history report, &karm; first prompts you to enter the +date range for the report:</para> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>&karm; Enter Date Range</screeninfo> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref="daterange.png" format="PNG"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject> +<phrase>&karm; Enter Date Range</phrase> +</textobject> +</mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<para>After entering a date range, open KEdit or some other text editor and +paste the report data.</para> + +<literallayout> +<computeroutput> +Task History +From Thursday 01 July 2004 to Monday 12 July 2004 +Printed on: 2004-07-12 17:18 + + Week of Monday 05 July 2004 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 +------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 0:00 kde + 0:00 dc + !:22 1:46 3:14 1:44 8:06 karm + 0:00 3.2 feature plan + 1:08 1:08 bugs + 0:00 checkin changes + 0:00 promo + 0:00 web stuff +------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 2:30 1:46 3:14 1:44 9:14 Total +</computeroutput> +</literallayout> + +<para>The task history is totaled for each day and task, grouped by week. The +first seven columns are Monday through Sunday. The eighth column is the total +for the week and the ninth column is the task name. The task names are +indented to indicate the task/sub-task relationships.</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="interfaces"> +<title>Other Systems</title> +<sect2 id="korganizer"><title>KOrganizer</title> + +<para>&karm;, like KOrganizer and Apple's iCal, uses the industry standard +<ulink +url="http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/index.html">iCalendar</ulink> +format for its data. &karm; can read and write the to do lists created by +these two applications.</para> + +<warning><para>If both &karm; and KOrganizer have the same file open, if you +edit the file with KOrganizer, you risk losing data. To be safe, +only edit the file with one application or the other.</para></warning> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="planner"><title>Planner</title> + +<para>As a typical usecase, you might want to plan a project with the project +management tool Imendio Planner +(from <ulink url="http://planner.imendio.org">planner.imendio.org</ulink>) +and import its tasks to &karm;, to have them in the industry +standard <ulink +url="http://developer.kde.org/documentation/standards/index.html">iCalendar</ulink> +format. Having done so, you are able to schedule the tasks in KOrganizer, and account your time +to them in &karm;. That's one way to help ensure your project stays on time +and under budget.</para> + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="dcop"><title>&DCOP;</title> + +<para>&DCOP; is the mechanism KDE programs use to communicate with each +other. A KDE program provides a list of functions that other programs (a Bash +script, for example) can use.</para> + +<example><title>Bash script that echo's &karm;'s version</title> +<programlisting> + DCOPID=`dcop | grep karm` + if [ $DCOPID ] + then + VERS=`dcop $DCOPID KarmDCOPIface version` + echo "&karm; version is $VERS" + else + echo "&karm; not running" + fi +</programlisting> +</example> + +<para>&karm;'s current &DCOP; interface is currently used mainly for automated + testing, so it is very limited. For the full interface definition, see + <link linkend="dcopappendix">&DCOP; Interface Appendix</link>.</para> + +<para>To see the full &DCOP; interface of the &karm; version installed on your + system, run the following Bash script:</para> + +<example><title>List &karm;'s &DCOP; interface to console</title> +<programlisting> + DCOPID=`dcop | grep karm` + if [ $DCOPID ] + then + dcop $DCOPID KarmDCOPIface + else + echo "&karm; not running" + fi +</programlisting> +</example> +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="csv-export"><title>Export Totals to CSV</title> + +<para>&karm; can export both totals and history to a comma-delimited file +format. To export totals, select +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Export to CSV file...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> and &karm; displays the following export dialog:</para> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>&karm; CSV Export Dialog</screeninfo> +<mediaobject> +<imageobject> +<imagedata fileref="csvexport.png" format="PNG"/> +</imageobject> +<textobject> +<phrase>&karm; CSV Export Dialog</phrase> +</textobject> +</mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<para>Enter the file you would like to export the data to, and modify the +other dialog defaults if necessary. Note that the date range control is +disabled since you are exporting time totals, not the history data. Click +<guibutton>Export</guibutton> and &karm; exports the totals for all tasks to +the file you selected.</para> + +<para>Here is an example of the output format:</para> + +<literallayout> +<computeroutput> +"kde",,,,,0.00,0.00,6.88,9.83 +,"karm",,,,6.88,8.70,6.88,9.83 +,,"3.2 feature plan",,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +,,"bugs",,,0.00,1.13,0.00,1.13 +,,"checkin changes - translation strings",,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +,,"time card report",,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +,"kopete",,,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +,"promo",,,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +,"web stuff",,,,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00 +</computeroutput> +</literallayout> + +<para>Top-level tasks are output in the first column, sub-tasks in the second, +and so on. The time data is output after the maximum task depth (five in +this example). The first time column is <guilabel>Session Time</guilabel>, +the second is <guilabel>Time</guilabel>, the third is <guilabel>Total Session +Time</guilabel> and the fourth is the <guilabel>Total Time</guilabel>. +</para> + + +</sect2> + +<sect2 id="csv-export-history"><title>Export History to CSV</title> + +<para>To export task history, select +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Export History to CSV file...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> and &karm; displays the same export dialog as shown above.</para> + +<para>Enter the file you would like to export the data to, and select a date +range that you want the task history. Modify the other dialog defaults if +necessary. Click <guibutton>Export</guibutton> and &karm; exports the +task history for all tasks to the file you selected.</para> + +<para>Here is an example of the output format:</para> + +<literallayout> +<computeroutput> +Task History +From Tuesday 06 July 2004 to Tuesday 13 July 2004 +Printed on: 2004-07-13 18:10 +2004-07-06,2004-07-07,2004-07-08,2004-07-09,2004-07-10,2004-07-11,2004-07-12,2004-07-13, +,,,,,,,,0.00,"kde" +,,1.77,3.23,1.73,,1.37,0.82,8.95,,"karm" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,,"3.2 feature plan" +,1.13,,,,,,,1.13,,,"bugs" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,,"checkin changes - translation strings" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,,"time card report" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,"kopete" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,"promo" +,,,,,,,,0.00,,"web stuff" +</computeroutput> +</literallayout> + +<para>The three lines identify when the report was generated and for which +date range. The fourth row is a comma-delimited list of the dates in the +date range, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). All subsequent rows list the +time logged against each task. The last numeric column is the row total +across all days. The task name prints after the total column, and is indented +to indicate the task/sub-task relationship. Top level task names appear +in the first column after the total.</para> + +</sect2> +</sect1> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="interface"> +<title>The &karm; interface</title> + +<para>The main &karm; window has the following components: menubar, toolbar, +task/time window and status bar.</para> + +<screenshot> +<screeninfo>&karm; Screen</screeninfo> + <mediaobject> + <imageobject> + <imagedata fileref="karm.png" format="PNG"/> + </imageobject> + <textobject> + <phrase>&karm; Screen</phrase> + </textobject> + </mediaobject> +</screenshot> + +<sect1 id="main-window"> +<title>The Task/Time window</title> + +<para>The various tasks are displayed in this window, along with the +time accumulated for each in the current session and in total. Tasks +being timed have a small clock icon next to the session time.</para> + +<para>Subtasks can be created for each task. Clicking the plus sign and +minus sign in front of the main task toggles the view of its associated +subtasks. The total time accrued for a task includes the times for its +subtasks, as well as its own accumulated time.</para> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="menus"> +<title>The &karm; menubar</title> +<sect2> +<title>The <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu</title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice><shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>S</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Save</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Saves the current tasks and subtasks with their accumulated +times</action></para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>P</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem><para> +<action>Prints</action> the &karm; window</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Start New Session</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Resets </action>all session times to zero</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Reset All Times</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Resets </action>all times to zero</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Import Legacy Flat File...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Import </action>old style &karm; save files (&karm; +now uses iCalendar-style save files.)</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Import Tasks from Planner...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Import </action>an imendio planner project (see <ulink +url="http://planner.imendio.org">planner.imendio.org</ulink>). All tasks, subtasks and their "completed" flag will be imported from a .planner-file. You can import them as a subtask by creating a subtask, leaving it marked, and then importing. </para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Export to CSV file...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Export </action> +<guilabel>Total Session Time</guilabel>, +<guilabel>Session Time</guilabel>, <guilabel>Time</guilabel>, and +<guilabel>Total Time</guilabel> to a text file.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guisubmenu>Import/Export</guisubmenu> +<guimenuitem>Export History to CSV file...</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Export </action> task history to a text file. +</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Copy Totals to Clipboard</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Copies </action> the current total time for a +task or all tasks to the &kde; clipboard</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>C</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Copy History to Clipboard</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Copies </action> daily times for a +given period to the &kde; clipboard</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term><menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>Q</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Quit</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice></term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Closes</action> &karm;</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> + +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The <guimenu>Clock</guimenu> menu</title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut><keycap>S</keycap></shortcut> +<guimenu>Clock</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Start</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Starts</action> timing the selected task</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>Clock</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Stop</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Stops</action> timing the selected task</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut><keycap>&Esc;</keycap></shortcut> +<guimenu>Clock</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Stop All Timers</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem><para><action>Stops</action> timing all tasks</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The <guimenu>Task</guimenu> menu</title> + +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>New</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem><para><action>Add</action> a new task</para></listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;&Alt;<keycap>N</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>New Subtask</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Add</action> a new subtask to the selected task</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycap>Del</keycap> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Delete</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Delete</action> the selected task or subtask</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<shortcut> +<keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>E</keycap></keycombo> +</shortcut> +<guimenu>Task</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Edit</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem> +<para><action>Change the name or accumulated time</action> for the +current task</para><para>There are two options for changing the time: Edit +Absolute, in which the session and total times can be changed separately; +and Edit Relative, in which a certain change is added to or subtracted from +both the session and total times.</para><para>The Auto tracking option allows +timing to start and stop automatically when you switch to or from a particular +&kde; desktop.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu</title> +<variablelist> + + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure Shortcuts</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem><para><action>Opens</action> a dialog to allow the user to customize +the keyboard shortcuts</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> + +<varlistentry> +<term> +<menuchoice> +<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Configure KArm</guimenuitem> +</menuchoice> +</term> +<listitem><para><action>Opens</action> a dialog to allow the user to +configure &karm;</para> + +<para>The dialog has three tabbed panes: <guilabel>Behavior </guilabel>, which +allows you to specify an alert for no activity and a warning message when you +delete a task set, <guilabel>Display </guilabel>, which configures the fields +shown in the main window and <guilabel>Storage</guilabel>, +which configures the location of the save file, whether auto saving is +enabled and the auto save interval.</para> </listitem> +</varlistentry> + +</variablelist> +</sect2> + +<sect2> +<title>The <guimenu>Help</guimenu> menu</title> + +&help.menu.documentation; + +</sect2> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="tool-bar"> +<title>The Toolbar</title> +<para>The toolbar contains icons for the following commands:</para> + +<note><para>(All behave identically to the menu command.)</para></note> + +<itemizedlist> +<listitem><para><guiicon>Start</guiicon></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><guiicon>Stop</guiicon></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><guiicon>New</guiicon></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><guiicon>New Subtask</guiicon></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><guiicon>Delete</guiicon></para></listitem> +<listitem><para><guiicon>Edit</guiicon></para></listitem> +</itemizedlist> + +</sect1> + +<sect1 id="status-bar"> +<title>The Statusbar</title> + +<para>Reports the total elapsed time for the session.</para> +</sect1> + +</chapter> + +<chapter id="credits"> + +<title>Credits and License</title> + +<para> +&karm; +</para> + +<para> Program copyright: </para> + +<itemizedlist> + +<listitem><para>1997-2000 Sirtaj Singh Kang +<email>[email protected]</email>.</para> </listitem> + +<listitem><para>2001-2002 Tomas Pospisek +<email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> + +<listitem><para>2003-2004 Mark +Bucciarelli<email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> + +</itemizedlist> + +<para>Contributors (in alphabetical order)</para> +<itemizedlist> +<listitem><para>Allen Winter <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>David Faure <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Espen Sand <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Gioele Barabucci <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Jan Schaumann <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Jesper Pedersen <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Kalle Dalheimer <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB</para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Mark Bucciarelli <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Thorsten Stärk <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Tomas Pospisek <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +<listitem><para>Willi Richert <email>[email protected]</email></para></listitem> +</itemizedlist> + +<para>&karm; was inspired by Harald Tveit Alvestrand's very useful +utility called <application>titrax</application>, the only failing of +which is that it is based on the Xt toolkit.</para> + +<para>Documentation copyright 2000-2004 Jonathan Singer +<email>[email protected]</email> and Sirtaj Singh Kang +<email>[email protected]</email>.</para> + +&underFDL; +&underGPL; + +</chapter> + +<glossary id="glossary"> + +<glossentry id="gloss-active-task"> +<glossterm>active task</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>A task which has a timer running.</para></glossdef> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-dcop"> +<glossterm>&DCOP;</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>The interprocess communication protocol used in KDE. Short +for Desktop COmmunication Protocol.</para></glossdef> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-desktop"> +<glossterm>desktop</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and other systems that run X-Windows have +multiple desktops. You typically have four different desktops installed by +default. Each desktop can display it's own set of programs and files. When +KDE first starts up, the desktop you see is Desktop 1. If you press +<keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>, you will see +Desktop 2. Pressing <keycombo +action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F1</keycap></keycombo> will bring back Desktop +1. </para></glossdef> </glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-history"> +<glossterm>history</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>If &karm; is configured to log history, it will record ever +start/stop timer event. This history is never cleared when times are reset +cleared and remains on file until the task is deleted.</para></glossdef> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-session"> <glossterm>session</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>A user-defined starting point for the session timers. A new +session begins when you select <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu> +<guimenuitem>Start New Session</guimenuitem> </menuchoice>. +Session data is not saved when you create a new session. +</para></glossdef> </glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-system-time"> <glossterm><guilabel>Session +Time</guilabel></glossterm> <glossdef><para>The time spent on the task +since the session began.</para></glossdef> </glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-system-tray"> <glossterm>system tray</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>The system tray is in the bar that (by default) appears at +the bottom of the screen. In this system tray <inlinemediaobject> +<imageobject> <imagedata fileref="systray.png" +format="PNG"/></imageobject> </inlinemediaobject> the &karm; icon is on the far +right.</para></glossdef> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-top-level-task"> +<glossterm>top level task</glossterm> +<glossdef><para>A task with no parent tasks.</para></glossdef> +</glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-total-session-time"> <glossterm><guilabel>Total Session +Time</guilabel></glossterm> <glossdef><para>The time spent on the task and +all it's subtasks since the session began.</para></glossdef> </glossentry> +<glossentry> <glossterm><guilabel>Time</guilabel></glossterm> +<glossdef><para>The time spent on the task since all times were +reset.</para></glossdef> </glossentry> + +<glossentry id="gloss-total-time"> <glossterm><guilabel>Total Time</guilabel></glossterm> +<glossdef><para>The time spent on the task and all it's subtasks since all +times were reset.</para></glossdef> </glossentry> + +</glossary> + +<appendix id="installation"> +<title>Installation</title> + +<sect1 id="getting-karm"> +<title>How to obtain &karm;</title> + +&install.intro.documentation; +&install.compile.documentation; + +</sect1> + +</appendix> + +<appendix id="dcopappendix"><title>&DCOP; Interface</title> + +<refentry id="dcop-version"> +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>version</refentrytitle> +</refmeta> +<refnamediv> +<refname>version</refname> +<refpurpose>Return &karm;'s version.</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv> +<synopsis> +QString version() +</synopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> +<refsect1> +<title>Description</title> +<para><function>version()</function> is a &DCOP; call that returns &karm;'s +version number; for example 1.5.0. The version number is returned as a string +in the typical GNU format of major.minor.bugfix.</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +<refentry id="dcop-quit"> +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>quit</refentrytitle> +</refmeta> +<refnamediv> +<refname>quit</refname> +<refpurpose>Return &karm;'s quit.</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv> +<synopsis> +QString quit() +</synopsis> +</refsynopsisdiv> +<refsect1> +<title>Description</title> +<para><function>quit()</function> is a &DCOP; call that provides a way that an +external program can gracefully shutdown &karm;. +</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +<refentry id="dcop-hastodo"> +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>hastodo</refentrytitle> +</refmeta> +<refnamediv> +<refname>hastodo</refname> +<refpurpose>Check if top-level todo exists.</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv> +<synopsis> +QString hastodo(QString taskname) +</synopsis> +<refsect2> +<title>Parameters</title> +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><parameter>taskname</parameter></term> +<listitem> + <para>The name of the todo to look for.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> +</refsect2> +</refsynopsisdiv> +<refsect1> +<title>Description</title> +<para><function>hastodo(QString taskname)</function> is a &DCOP; call that + looks for a of the given name. If found, it returns the + iCalendar UID that identifies that todo. If not found, it returns an empty + string. +</para> +<para>The iCalendar file that &karm; currently has opened is the file that is +searched. All todo trees are searched, not just top-level todo's. If more +than one todo has a matching name, the first one found is returned.</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +<refentry id="dcop-addtodo"> +<refmeta> +<refentrytitle>addtodo</refentrytitle> +</refmeta> +<refnamediv> +<refname>addtodo</refname> +<refpurpose>Add new todo.</refpurpose> +</refnamediv> +<refsynopsisdiv> +<synopsis> +QString addtodo(QString todoname) +</synopsis> +<refsect2> +<title>Parameters</title> +<variablelist> +<varlistentry> +<term><parameter>todoname</parameter></term> +<listitem> + <para>The name of new todo.</para> +</listitem> +</varlistentry> +</variablelist> +</refsect2> +</refsynopsisdiv> + +<refsect1> +<title>Description</title> +<para><function>addtodo(QString todoname)</function> is a &DCOP; call that + adds a new top-level todo to the current storage. The UID of the new todo + is returned. +</para> +</refsect1> +</refentry> + +</appendix> + +&documentation.index; +</book> + +<!-- +Local Variables: +mode: sgml +sgml-minimize-attributes:nil +sgml-general-insert-case:lower +sgml-indent-step:0 +sgml-indent-data:nil +End: + +// vim:ts=2:sw=2:tw=78:noet +--> diff --git a/doc/karm/karm.png b/doc/karm/karm.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c4a0a3cc --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/karm.png diff --git a/doc/karm/systray.png b/doc/karm/systray.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b5459d2f --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/karm/systray.png |