path: root/kmail/kmtransport.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kmail/kmtransport.cpp')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/kmail/kmtransport.cpp b/kmail/kmtransport.cpp
index 764c17206..6012d756b 100644
--- a/kmail/kmtransport.cpp
+++ b/kmail/kmtransport.cpp
@@ -76,13 +76,28 @@ void KMTransportInfo::readConfig(int id)
user = config->readEntry("user");
mPasswd = KMAccount::decryptStr(config->readEntry("pass"));
precommand = config->readPathEntry("precommand");
- encryption = config->readEntry("encryption");
authType = config->readEntry("authtype");
auth = config->readBoolEntry("auth");
mStorePasswd = config->readBoolEntry("storepass");
specifyHostname = config->readBoolEntry("specifyHostname", false);
localHostname = config->readEntry("localHostname");
+ // COMPAT: Previous versions of KMail stored encryption as a string.
+ // TODO(mio): Write upgrade script to convert these to match KMTransportInfo::EncryptionMode.
+ TQString encryptionString = config->readEntry("encryption");
+ if (encryptionString == "TLS") // TLS => STARTTLS
+ {
+ encryption = STARTTLSEncryption;
+ }
+ else if (encryptionString == "SSL") // SSL => SSL/TLS
+ {
+ encryption = TLSEncryption;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ encryption = NoEncryption;
+ }
if ( !storePasswd() )
@@ -116,13 +131,27 @@ void KMTransportInfo::writeConfig(int id)
config->writeEntry("port", port);
config->writeEntry("user", user);
config->writePathEntry("precommand", precommand);
- config->writeEntry("encryption", encryption);
config->writeEntry("authtype", authType);
config->writeEntry("auth", auth);
config->writeEntry("storepass", storePasswd());
config->writeEntry("specifyHostname", specifyHostname);
config->writeEntry("localHostname", localHostname);
+ // COMPAT: Previous versions of KMail stored encryption as a string.
+ // TODO(mio): Write upgrade script and change this to write integer.
+ switch (encryption)
+ {
+ case TLSEncryption:
+ config->writeEntry("encryption", "SSL"); // SSL => SSL/TLS
+ break;
+ case STARTTLSEncryption:
+ config->writeEntry("encryption", "TLS"); // TLS => STARTTLS
+ break;
+ case NoEncryption:
+ config->writeEntry("encryption", "NONE");
+ break;
+ }
if ( storePasswd() ) {
// write password into the wallet if possible and necessary
bool passwdStored = false;
@@ -287,7 +316,7 @@ KMTransportDialog::KMTransportDialog( const TQString & caption,
: KDialogBase( parent, name, modal, caption, Ok|Cancel, Ok, true ),
mServerTest( 0 ),
mTransportInfo( transportInfo ),
- mAuthNone( AllAuth ), mAuthSSL( AllAuth ), mAuthTLS( AllAuth )
+ mAuthNone( AllAuth ), mAuthTLS( AllAuth ), mAuthSTARTTLS( AllAuth )
assert(transportInfo != 0);
@@ -498,14 +527,16 @@ void KMTransportDialog::makeSmtpPage()
TQWidget *page2 = new TQWidget( tabWidget );
tabWidget->addTab( page2, i18n("S&ecurity") );
TQVBoxLayout *vlay = new TQVBoxLayout( page2, spacingHint() );
+ // TODO(mio): RFC 8134 - Use TLS by default.
mSmtp.encryptionGroup = new TQButtonGroup( 1, TQt::Horizontal,
i18n("Encryption"), page2 );
mSmtp.encryptionNone =
new TQRadioButton( i18n("&None"), mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
- mSmtp.encryptionSSL =
- new TQRadioButton( i18n("&SSL"), mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
mSmtp.encryptionTLS =
- new TQRadioButton( i18n("&TLS"), mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
+ new TQRadioButton( i18n("SSL/&TLS"), mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
+ mSmtp.encryptionSTARTTLS =
+ new TQRadioButton( i18n("&STARTTLS"), mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
connect(mSmtp.encryptionGroup, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked(int)),
vlay->addWidget( mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
@@ -558,10 +589,10 @@ void KMTransportDialog::setupSettings()
- if (mTransportInfo->encryption == "TLS")
+ if (mTransportInfo->encryption == KMTransportInfo::STARTTLSEncryption)
+ mSmtp.encryptionSTARTTLS->setChecked(true);
+ else if (mTransportInfo->encryption == KMTransportInfo::TLSEncryption)
- else if (mTransportInfo->encryption == "SSL")
- mSmtp.encryptionSSL->setChecked(true);
else mSmtp.encryptionNone->setChecked(true);
if (mTransportInfo->authType == "LOGIN")
@@ -601,8 +632,18 @@ void KMTransportDialog::saveSettings()
mTransportInfo->specifyHostname = mSmtp.specifyHostnameCheck->isChecked();
mTransportInfo->localHostname = mSmtp.localHostnameEdit->text().stripWhiteSpace();
- mTransportInfo->encryption = (mSmtp.encryptionTLS->isChecked()) ? "TLS" :
- (mSmtp.encryptionSSL->isChecked()) ? "SSL" : "NONE";
+ if (mSmtp.encryptionSTARTTLS->isChecked())
+ {
+ mTransportInfo->encryption = KMTransportInfo::STARTTLSEncryption;
+ }
+ else if (mSmtp.encryptionTLS->isChecked())
+ {
+ mTransportInfo->encryption = KMTransportInfo::TLSEncryption;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mTransportInfo->encryption = KMTransportInfo::NoEncryption;
+ }
mTransportInfo->authType = (mSmtp.authLogin->isChecked()) ? "LOGIN" :
(mSmtp.authCramMd5->isChecked()) ? "CRAM-MD5" :
@@ -652,13 +693,22 @@ void KMTransportDialog::slotRequiresAuthClicked()
void KMTransportDialog::slotSmtpEncryptionChanged(int id)
kdDebug(5006) << "KMTransportDialog::slotSmtpEncryptionChanged( " << id << " )" << endl;
- // adjust SSL port:
- if (id == SSL || mSmtp.portEdit->text() == "465")
- mSmtp.portEdit->setText((id == SSL) ? "465" : "25");
+ switch (id)
+ {
+ case KMTransportInfo::TLSEncryption:
+ mSmtp.portEdit->setText("465"); // RFC8314 - 3.3
+ break;
+ case KMTransportInfo::STARTTLSEncryption:
+ mSmtp.portEdit->setText("587"); // RFC6409 - 3.1 / RFC 8314 - 3.3
+ break;
+ default:
+ mSmtp.portEdit->setText("25");
+ break;
+ }
// switch supported auth methods:
TQButton * old = mSmtp.authGroup->selected();
- int authMethods = id == TLS ? mAuthTLS : id == SSL ? mAuthSSL : mAuthNone ;
+ int authMethods = id == KMTransportInfo::STARTTLSEncryption ? mAuthSTARTTLS : id == KMTransportInfo::TLSEncryption ? mAuthTLS : mAuthNone ;
enableAuthMethods( authMethods );
if ( !old->isEnabled() )
checkHighest( mSmtp.authGroup );
@@ -746,34 +796,34 @@ void KMTransportDialog::checkHighest(TQButtonGroup *btnGroup)
void KMTransportDialog::slotSmtpCapabilities( const TQStringList & capaNormal,
- const TQStringList & capaSSL,
+ const TQStringList & capaTLS,
const TQString & authNone,
- const TQString & authSSL,
- const TQString & authTLS )
+ const TQString & authTLS,
+ const TQString & authSTARTTLS )
mSmtp.checkCapabilities->setEnabled( true );
kdDebug(5006) << "KMTransportDialog::slotSmtpCapabilities( ..., "
- << authNone << ", " << authSSL << ", " << authTLS << " )" << endl;
+ << authNone << ", " << authTLS << ", " << authSTARTTLS << " )" << endl;
mSmtp.encryptionNone->setEnabled( !capaNormal.isEmpty() );
- mSmtp.encryptionSSL->setEnabled( !capaSSL.isEmpty() );
- mSmtp.encryptionTLS->setEnabled( capaNormal.findIndex("STARTTLS") != -1 );
- if ( authNone.isEmpty() && authSSL.isEmpty() && authTLS.isEmpty() ) {
+ mSmtp.encryptionTLS->setEnabled( !capaTLS.isEmpty() );
+ mSmtp.encryptionSTARTTLS->setEnabled( capaNormal.findIndex("STARTTLS") != -1 );
+ if ( authNone.isEmpty() && authTLS.isEmpty() && authSTARTTLS.isEmpty() ) {
// slave doesn't seem to support "* AUTH METHODS" metadata (or server can't do AUTH)
mAuthNone = authMethodsFromStringList( capaNormal );
- if ( mSmtp.encryptionTLS->isEnabled() )
- mAuthTLS = mAuthNone;
+ if ( mSmtp.encryptionSTARTTLS->isEnabled() )
+ mAuthSTARTTLS = mAuthNone;
- mAuthTLS = 0;
- mAuthSSL = authMethodsFromStringList( capaSSL );
+ mAuthSTARTTLS = 0;
+ mAuthTLS = authMethodsFromStringList( capaTLS );
else {
mAuthNone = authMethodsFromString( authNone );
- mAuthSSL = authMethodsFromString( authSSL );
mAuthTLS = authMethodsFromString( authTLS );
+ mAuthSTARTTLS = authMethodsFromString( authSTARTTLS );
kdDebug(5006) << "mAuthNone = " << mAuthNone
- << "; mAuthSSL = " << mAuthSSL
- << "; mAuthTLS = " << mAuthTLS << endl;
+ << "; mAuthTLS = " << mAuthTLS
+ << "; mAuthSTARTTLS = " << mAuthSTARTTLS << endl;
checkHighest( mSmtp.encryptionGroup );
delete mServerTest;
mServerTest = 0;