path: root/kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 548 deletions
diff --git a/kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/ b/kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/
deleted file mode 100644
index 898bc7986..000000000
--- a/kpilot/conduits/vcalconduit/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-/* KPilot
-** Copyright (C) 2006 by Adriaan de Groot <[email protected]>
-** Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Reinhold Kainhofer
-** Copyright (C) 2001 by Dan Pilone
-** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-** (at your option) any later version.
-** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-** GNU General Public License for more details.
-** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
-** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
-** MA 02110-1301, USA.
-** Bug reports and questions can be sent to [email protected]
-#include "options.h"
-#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
-#include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h>
-#include <libkcal/recurrence.h>
-#include <libkcal/vcalformat.h>
-#include "pilot.h"
-#include "pilotDateEntry.h"
-#include "kcalRecord.h"
-#include "vcalRecord.h"
-static void setStartEndTimes(KCal::Event *e, const PilotDateEntry *de)
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << "# Start time on Palm: "
- << readTm(de->getEventStart()).toString() << endl;
- e->setDtStart(readTm(de->getEventStart()));
- e->setFloats(de->isEvent());
- if (de->isMultiDay())
- {
- e->setDtEnd(readTm(de->getRepeatEnd()));
- }
- else
- {
- e->setDtEnd(readTm(de->getEventEnd()));
- }
-static void setAlarms(KCal::Event *e, const PilotDateEntry *de)
- if (!e) return;
- // Delete all the alarms now and add them one by one later on.
- e->clearAlarms();
- if (!de->isAlarmEnabled()) return;
-// TQDateTime alarmDT = readTm(de->getEventStart());
- int advanceUnits = de->getAdvanceUnits();
- switch (advanceUnits)
- {
- case advMinutes:
- advanceUnits = 1;
- break;
- case advHours:
- advanceUnits = 60;
- break;
- case advDays:
- advanceUnits = 60*24;
- break;
- default:
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << ": Unknown advance units "
- << advanceUnits
- << endl;
- advanceUnits=1;
- }
- KCal::Duration adv(-60*advanceUnits*de->getAdvance());
- KCal::Alarm*alm=e->newAlarm();
- if (!alm) return;
- alm->setStartOffset(adv);
- alm->setEnabled(true);
-static void setRecurrence(KCal::Event *event,const PilotDateEntry *dateEntry)
- if ((dateEntry->getRepeatType() == repeatNone) || dateEntry->isMultiDay())
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT<<fname<<": no recurrence to set"<<endl;
- return;
- }
- KCal::Recurrence *recur = event->recurrence();
- int freq = dateEntry->getRepeatFrequency();
- bool repeatsForever = dateEntry->getRepeatForever();
- TQDate endDate, evt;
- if (!repeatsForever)
- {
- endDate = readTm(dateEntry->getRepeatEnd()).date();
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname << "-- end " << endDate.toString() << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname << "-- noend" << endl;
- }
- TQBitArray dayArray(7);
- switch(dateEntry->getRepeatType())
- {
- case repeatDaily:
- recur->setDaily(freq);
- break;
- case repeatWeekly:
- {
- const int *days = dateEntry->getRepeatDays();
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << ": Got repeat-weekly entry, by-days="
- << days[0] << " "<< days[1] << " "<< days[2] << " "
- << days[3] << " "
- << days[4] << " "<< days[5] << " "<< days[6] << " "
- << endl;
- // Rotate the days of the week, since day numbers on the Pilot and
- // in vCal / Events are different.
- //
- if (days[0]) dayArray.setBit(6);
- for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
- {
- if (days[i]) dayArray.setBit(i-1);
- }
- recur->setWeekly( freq, dayArray );
- }
- break;
- case repeatMonthlyByDay: {
- // Palm: Day=0(sun)-6(sat); week=0-4, 4=last week; pos=week*7+day
- // libkcal: day=bit0(mon)-bit6(sun); week=-5to-1(from end) and 1-5 (from beginning)
- // Palm->PC: w=pos/7
- // week: if w=4 -> week=-1, else week=w+1;
- // day: day=(pos-1)%7 (rotate by one day!)
- recur->setMonthly( freq );
- int day=dateEntry->getRepeatDay();
- int week=day/7;
- // week=4 means last, otherwise convert to 0-based
- if (week==4) week=-1; else week++;
- dayArray.setBit((day+6) % 7);
- recur->addMonthlyPos(week, dayArray);
- break;}
- case repeatMonthlyByDate:
- recur->setMonthly( freq );
- recur->addMonthlyDate( dateEntry->getEventStart().tm_mday );
- break;
- case repeatYearly:
- recur->setYearly( freq );
- evt=readTm(dateEntry->getEventStart()).date();
- recur->addYearlyMonth( evt.month() );
-// dayArray.setBit(( % 7);
-// recur->addYearlyMonthPos( ( ( / 7) + 1, dayArray );
- break;
- case repeatNone:
- default :
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << ": Can't handle repeat type "
- << dateEntry->getRepeatType()
- << endl;
- break;
- }
- if (!repeatsForever)
- {
- recur->setEndDate(endDate);
- }
-static void setExceptions(KCal::Event *vevent,const PilotDateEntry *dateEntry)
- // Start from an empty exception list, and if necessary, add exceptions.
- // At the end of the function, apply the (possibly empty) exception list.
- KCal::DateList dl;
- if ( !(dateEntry->isMultiDay() ) && dateEntry->getExceptionCount()>0 )
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < dateEntry->getExceptionCount(); i++)
- {
-// vevent->addExDate(readTm(dateEntry->getExceptions()[i]).date());
- dl.append(readTm(dateEntry->getExceptions()[i]).date());
- }
- }
- else
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- if (dateEntry->getExceptionCount()>0)
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << ": WARNING Exceptions ignored for multi-day event "
- << dateEntry->getDescription()
- << endl ;
- return;
- }
- vevent->recurrence()->setExDates(dl);
-static void setStartEndTimes(PilotDateEntry*de, const KCal::Event *e)
- struct tm ttm=writeTm(e->dtStart());
- de->setEventStart(ttm);
- de->setFloats( e->doesFloat() );
- if (e->hasEndDate() && e->dtEnd().isValid())
- {
- ttm=writeTm(e->dtEnd());
- }
- else
- {
- ttm=writeTm(e->dtStart());
- }
- de->setEventEnd(ttm);
-static void setAlarms(PilotDateEntry*de, const KCal::Event *e)
- if (!de || !e )
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": NULL entry given to setAlarms. "<<endl;
- return;
- }
- if ( !e->isAlarmEnabled() )
- {
- de->setAlarmEnabled( false );
- return;
- }
- // find the first enabled alarm
- KCal::Alarm::List alms=e->alarms();
- KCal::Alarm* alm=0;
- KCal::Alarm::List::ConstIterator it;
- for ( it = alms.begin(); it != alms.end(); ++it ) {
- if ((*it)->enabled()) alm=*it;
- }
- if (!alm )
- {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": no enabled alarm found (should exist!!!)"<<endl;
- de->setAlarmEnabled( false );
- return;
- }
- // palm and PC offsets have a different sign!!
- int aoffs=-alm->startOffset().asSeconds()/60;
- int offs=(aoffs>0)?aoffs:-aoffs;
- // find the best Advance Unit
- if (offs>=100 || offs==60)
- {
- offs/=60;
- if (offs>=48 || offs==24)
- {
- offs/=24;
- de->setAdvanceUnits(advDays);
- }
- else
- {
- de->setAdvanceUnits(advHours);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- de->setAdvanceUnits(advMinutes);
- }
- de->setAdvance((aoffs>0)?offs:-offs);
- de->setAlarmEnabled( true );
-static void setRecurrence(PilotDateEntry*dateEntry, const KCal::Event *event)
- bool isMultiDay=false;
- // first we have 'fake type of recurrence' when a multi-day event is passed to the pilot, it is converted to an event
- // which recurs daily a number of times. if the event itself recurs, this will be overridden, and
- // only the first day will be included in the event!!!!
- TQDateTime startDt(readTm(dateEntry->getEventStart())), endDt(readTm(dateEntry->getEventEnd()));
- if (startDt.daysTo(endDt))
- {
- isMultiDay=true;
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatDaily);
- dateEntry->setRepeatFrequency(1);
- dateEntry->setRepeatEnd(dateEntry->getEventEnd());
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname <<": Setting single-day recurrence (" << startDt.toString() << " - " << endDt.toString() << ")" <<endl;
- }
- KCal::Recurrence*r=event->recurrence();
- if (!r) return;
- ushort recType=r->recurrenceType();
- if ( recType==KCal::Recurrence::rNone )
- {
- if (!isMultiDay) dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatNone);
- return;
- }
- int freq=r->frequency();
- TQDate endDate=r->endDate();
- if ( r->duration() < 0 || !endDate.isValid() )
- {
- dateEntry->setRepeatForever();
- }
- else
- {
- dateEntry->setRepeatEnd(writeTm(endDate));
- }
- dateEntry->setRepeatFrequency(freq);
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT<<" Event: "<<event->summary()<<" ("<<event->description()<<")"<<endl;
- DEBUGKPILOT<< "duration: "<<r->duration() << ", endDate: "<<endDate.toString()<< ", ValidEndDate: "<<endDate.isValid()<<", NullEndDate: "<<endDate.isNull()<<endl;
- TQBitArray dayArray(7), dayArrayPalm(7);
- switch(recType)
- {
- case KCal::Recurrence::rDaily:
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatDaily);
- break;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rWeekly:
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatWeekly);
- dayArray=r->days();
- // rotate the bits by one
- for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
- {
- dayArrayPalm.setBit( (i+1)%7, dayArray[i]);
- }
- dateEntry->setRepeatDays(dayArrayPalm);
- break;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rMonthlyPos:
- // Palm: Day=0(sun)-6(sat); week=0-4, 4=last week; pos=week*7+day
- // libkcal: day=bit0(mon)-bit6(sun); week=-5to-1(from end) and 1-5 (from beginning)
- // PC->Palm: pos=week*7+day
- // week: if w=-1 -> week=4, else week=w-1
- // day: day=(daybit+1)%7 (rotate because of the different offset)
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatMonthlyByDay);
- if (r->monthPositions().count()>0)
- {
- // Only take the first monthly position, as the palm allows only one
- TQValueList<KCal::RecurrenceRule::WDayPos> mps=r->monthPositions();
- KCal::RecurrenceRule::WDayPos mp=mps.first();
- int week = mp.pos();
- int day = ( % 7; // rotate because of different offset
- // turn to 0-based and include starting from end of month
- // TODO: We don't handle counting from the end of the month yet!
- if (week==-1) week=4; else week--;
- dateEntry->setRepeatDay(static_cast<DayOfMonthType>(7*week + day));
- }
- break;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rMonthlyDay:
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatMonthlyByDate);
-//TODO: is this needed? dateEntry->setRepeatDay(static_cast<DayOfMonthType>(;
- break;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyDay:
- case KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyPos:
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << "! Unsupported yearly recurrence type." << endl;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rYearlyMonth:
- dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatYearly);
- break;
- case KCal::Recurrence::rNone:
- if (!isMultiDay) dateEntry->setRepeatType(repeatNone);
- break;
- default:
-#ifdef DEBUG
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname << ": Unknown recurrence type "<< recType << " with frequency "
- << freq << " and duration " << r->duration() << endl;
- break;
- }
-static void setExceptions(PilotDateEntry *dateEntry, const KCal::Event *vevent )
- struct tm *ex_List;
- if (!dateEntry || !vevent)
- {
- WARNINGKPILOT << "NULL dateEntry or NULL vevent given for exceptions. Skipping exceptions" << endl;
- return;
- }
- // first, we need to delete the old exceptions list, if it existed...
- // This is no longer needed, as I fixed PilotDateEntry::setExceptions to do this automatically
-/* ex_List=const_cast<structdateEntry->getExceptions();
- if (ex_List)
- KPILOT_DELETE(ex_List);*/
- KCal::DateList exDates = vevent->recurrence()->exDates();
- size_t excount = exDates.size();
- if (excount<1)
- {
- dateEntry->setExceptionCount(0);
- dateEntry->setExceptions(0);
- return;
- }
- // we have exceptions, so allocate mem and copy them there...
- ex_List=new struct tm[excount];
- if (!ex_List)
- {
- WARNINGKPILOT << "Couldn't allocate memory for the exceptions" << endl;
- dateEntry->setExceptionCount(0);
- dateEntry->setExceptions(0);
- return;
- }
- size_t n=0;
- KCal::DateList::ConstIterator dit;
- for (dit = exDates.begin(); dit != exDates.end(); ++dit ) {
- struct tm ttm=writeTm(*dit);
- ex_List[n++]=ttm;
- }
- dateEntry->setExceptionCount(excount);
- dateEntry->setExceptions(ex_List);
-bool KCalSync::setEvent(KCal::Event *e,
- const PilotDateEntry *de,
- const CategoryAppInfo &info)
- if (!e)
- {
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << "! NULL event given... Skipping it" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- if (!de)
- {
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << "! NULL date entry given... Skipping it" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- e->setSecrecy(de->isSecret() ?
- KCal::Event::SecrecyPrivate :
- KCal::Event::SecrecyPublic);
- e->setPilotId(de->id());
- setStartEndTimes(e,de);
- setAlarms(e,de);
- setRecurrence(e,de);
- setExceptions(e,de);
- e->setSummary(de->getDescription());
- e->setDescription(de->getNote());
- e->setLocation(de->getLocation());
- // used by e.g. Agendus and Datebk
- setCategory(e, de, info);
- // NOTE: This MUST be done last, since every other set* call
- // calls updated(), which will trigger an
- // setSyncStatus(SYNCMOD)!!!
- e->setSyncStatus(KCal::Incidence::SYNCNONE);
- return true;
-bool KCalSync::setDateEntry(PilotDateEntry *de,
- const KCal::Event *e,
- const CategoryAppInfo &info)
- if (!de || !e) {
- DEBUGKPILOT << fname
- << ": NULL event given... Skipping it" << endl;
- return false;
- }
- // set secrecy, start/end times, alarms, recurrence, exceptions, summary and description:
- if (e->secrecy()!=KCal::Event::SecrecyPublic)
- {
- de->setSecret( true );
- }
- setStartEndTimes(de, e);
- setAlarms(de, e);
- setRecurrence(de, e);
- setExceptions(de, e);
- de->setDescription(e->summary());
- de->setNote(e->description());
- de->setLocation(e->location());
- setCategory(de, e, info);
- return true;