
We use 4 spaces instead of tabs everywhere.

static void foo()
    if(bar()) // <-- 4 spaces
        baz() // <-- 8 spaces


Opening braces should always be on their own line.

class Foo
    // stuff

if (foo == bar)
    // stuff

while (foo == bar &&
       baz == quux &&
       flop == pop)
    // stuff

static void foo()
    // stuff

Exceptions include inline functions that are just returning or setting a
value.  However multiple statements should not ever be combined onto one line:

class Foo
        String value() const { return m_value; }

Also conditionals / loops that only contain one line in their body (but where
the conditional statement fits onto one line) should omit braces:

if (foo == bar)


if (baz == quux &&
    ralf == spot)


Spaces should be used between the conditional / loop type and the
conditional statement.  They should not be used after parenthesis.  However
the should be to mark of mathematical or comparative operators.

if ( foo == bar )
    ^          ^

The marked spaces should be ommitted to produce:

if (foo == bar)

Header Organization

Member variables should always be private or protected and prefixed with "m_".
Accessors may be inline in the headers. The organization of the members in a
class should be roughly as follows:

public typedefs:
public ctors:
public methods:
public slots:
protected methods:
protected slots:
protected fields:
private methods:
private slots:
private fields:
private ctors: // if you define ctors/dtor as private, put them at end

If there are no private slots there is no need for two private sections, however
private functions and private variables should be clearly separated.

The implementations files -- .cpp files -- should follow (when possible) the
same order of function declarations as the header files.

Virtual functions should always be marked as such even in derived classes where
it is not strictly necessary.


Whitespace should be used liberally.  When blocks of code are logically distinct
I tend to put a blank line between them.  This is difficult to explain
systematically but after looking a bit at the current code organization this
ideally will be somewhat clear.

Also I tend to separate comments by blank lines on both sides.

Pointer and Reference Operators

This one is pretty simple. Use "Foo *f" and "Foo &f" in function signatures
and declarations. And also in signal/slot names.

Pointer and Reference Operators

An example object here:


#include "localinclude.h"
#include "anotherlocalinclude.h"
#include <kdeinclude1.h>
#include <kdeinclude2.h>
#include <qtinclude1.h>
#include <qtinclude2.h>

class QSomething;

namespace Akregator {

class Test : public QObject

        typedef QValueList<Test> list;

        Test(QString someString);
        explicit Test(int i = 0);

        virtual ~Test();

        void someFunc();
        void someFunc2(QSomething *foo);

        static Test *instance() { return m_instance; }

    public slots:
        void receive(QSomething &);

        void send(QSomething &);

        void someProtectedFunc();

        static void someProtectedStaticFunc();

    protected slots:
        void protectedSlot();

        int m_protectedVar;

        int privateMethod();

        static int staticPrivateMethod();

    private slots:
        void privateSlotIndeed(int youWonder);

        int m_privateVar;
        QSomething *m_tastyThing;

        static Test *m_instance;

} // no ; after namespace (borks on gcc 3.4+)


#include "test.h"
#include "localinclude.h"
#include "anotherlocalinclude.h"
#include <kdeinclude1.h>
#include <kdeinclude2.h>
#include <qtinclude1.h>
#include <qtinclude2.h>
#include <qsomething.h>

namespace Akregator {

    : QObject()
    , m_protectedVar(0)
    , m_privateVar(0)
    , m_tastyThing(0)
    , m_instance(0)

Test::Test(QString someString)
    : QObject()
    , m_protectedVar(0)
    , m_privateVar(0)
    , m_tastyThing(someString)
    , m_instance(0)

Test::Test(int i);
    : QObject()
    , m_protectedVar(0)
    , m_privateVar(0)
    , m_tastyThing(i)
    , m_instance(0)
    if(i == 0)
        kdDebug() << "Zero initializer" << endl;

} // no ; after namespace (borks on gcc 3.4+)


Original document by
Scott Wheeler <wheeler@kde.org>

Amendments for Akregator needs by
Stanislav Karchebny <stanislav.karchebny@kdemail.net>