// regress.cpp -- Regression test program, main code // $Id$ // This is part of Metakit, the homepage is http://www.equi4.com/metakit/ #include "regress.h" #if defined (macintosh) #include #ifdef DEBUG_NEW #include //#include "ZoneRanger.c" #if DEBUG_NEW >= 2 && !defined (q4_MAC_LEAK_CHECK) #define q4_MAC_LEAK_CHECK 1 #endif #endif #endif #if q4_NOTHROW const char* msg; #endif #if _WIN32_WCE #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include int remove(const char* fn_) { c4_Bytes buffer; int n = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, fn_, -1, NULL, 0); wchar_t* w = (wchar_t*) buffer.SetBufferClear((n+1) * sizeof (wchar_t)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, fn_, -1, w, n); return DeleteFile((wchar_t*) buffer.Contents()) ? 0 : -1; } #endif int #if _WIN32_WCE _cdecl #endif main() { // afxMemDF |= allocMemDF | checkAlwaysMemDF; // The M4STRING package sometimes keeps a spare empty string around. // By allocating it here, we avoid a few bogus memory leak reports. c4_String empty; #if q4_MAC_LEAK_CHECK DebugNewForgetLeaks(); #endif TestBasics1(); TestBasics2(); TestNotify(); TestCustom1(); TestCustom2(); TestResize(); TestStores1(); TestStores2(); TestStores3(); TestStores4(); TestStores5(); TestDiffer(); TestExtend(); TestFormat(); TestMapped(); TestLimits(); #if defined (_DEBUG) fputs("\nPress return... ", stderr); getchar(); #endif #if q4_MAC_LEAK_CHECK if (DebugNewReportLeaks()) fputs(" *** Memory leaks found ***\n", stderr); #endif #if defined (macintosh) SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = false; #endif fputs("Done.\n", stderr); return 0; } // Recursively display the entire view contents. The results shown do not // depend on file layout (free space, file positions, flat vs. on-demand). static void ViewDisplay(const c4_View& v_, FILE* fp, int l_ =0) { c4_String types; bool hasData = false, hasSubs = false; // display header info and collect all data types fprintf(fp, "%*s VIEW %5d rows =", l_, "", v_.GetSize()); for (int n = 0; n < v_.NumProperties(); ++n) { c4_Property prop = v_.NthProperty(n); char t = prop.Type(); fprintf(fp, " %s:%c", (const char*) prop.Name(), t); types += t; if (t == 'V') hasSubs = true; else hasData = true; } fprintf(fp, "\n"); for (int j = 0; j < v_.GetSize(); ++j) { if (hasData) // data properties are all shown on the same line { fprintf(fp, "%*s %4d:", l_, "", j); c4_RowRef r = v_[j]; for (int k = 0; k < types.GetLength(); ++k) { c4_Property p = v_.NthProperty(k); switch (types[k]) { case 'I': fprintf(fp, " %ld", (long) ((c4_IntProp&) p) (r)); break; #if !q4_TINY case 'F': fprintf(fp, " %g", (double) ((c4_FloatProp&) p) (r)); break; case 'D': fprintf(fp, " %.12g", (double) ((c4_DoubleProp&) p) (r)); break; #endif case 'S': fprintf(fp, " '%s'", (const char*) ((c4_StringProp&) p) (r)); break; case 'M': // backward compatibility case 'B': fprintf(fp, " (%db)", (p (r)).GetSize()); break; default: if (types[k] != 'V') fprintf(fp, " (%c?)", types[k]); } } fprintf(fp, "\n"); } if (hasSubs) // subviews are then shown, each as a separate block { for (int k = 0; k < types.GetLength(); ++k) { if (types[k] == 'V') { c4_Property prop = v_.NthProperty(k); fprintf(fp, "%*s %4d: subview '%s'\n", l_, "", j, (const char*) prop.Name()); c4_ViewProp& vp = (c4_ViewProp&) prop; ViewDisplay(vp (v_[j]), fp, l_ + 2); } } } } } void DumpFile(const char* in_, const char* out_) { FILE* fp = fopen(out_, TEXTOUT); A(fp); c4_Storage store (in_, 0); ViewDisplay(store, fp); fclose(fp); } void Fail(const char* msg) { #if q4_NOTHROW fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", msg); printf("*** %s ***\n", msg); #else throw msg; #endif } void FailExpr(const char* expr) { char buffer [100]; sprintf(buffer, "Failed: A(%s)", expr); Fail(buffer); } int StartTest(int mask_, const char* name_, const char* desc_) { if (mask_) { #if q4_MFC && defined(_DEBUG) TRACE("%s - %-40s *** DISABLED ***\n", name_, desc_); #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s - %-40s *** DISABLED ***\n", name_, desc_); return false; } #if q4_MFC && defined(_DEBUG) TRACE("%s - %s\n", name_, desc_); #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s - %s\n", name_, desc_); char buffer [50]; sprintf(buffer, "%s%s.txt", TESTDIR, name_); #if _WIN32_WCE fclose(stdout); fopen(buffer, TEXTOUT); #else freopen(buffer, TEXTOUT, stdout); #endif printf(">>> %s\n", desc_); return true; } void CatchMsg(const char* msg) { fprintf(stderr, "\t%s\n", msg); printf("*** %s ***\n", msg); } void CatchOther() { fputs("\tException!\n", stderr); printf("*** Exception ***\n"); }