/* This file is part of Akregator. Copyright (C) 2004 Sashmit Bhaduri <smt@vfemail.net> 2005 Frank Osterfeld <frank.osterfeld at kdemail.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution. */ #include "akregatorconfig.h" #include "akregator_run.h" #include "feediconmanager.h" #include "pageviewer.h" #include "viewer.h" #include <kaction.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include <kbookmark.h> #include <kbookmarkmanager.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kglobalsettings.h> #include <khtml_settings.h> #include <khtmlview.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kpopupmenu.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kstdaccel.h> #include <kparts/browserinterface.h> #include <tqclipboard.h> #include <tqcstring.h> #include <tqdatastream.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqmetaobject.h> #include <tqscrollview.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqucomextra_p.h> #include <cstdlib> using std::abs; namespace Akregator { // taken from KDevelop class PageViewer::HistoryEntry { public: KURL url; TQString title; TQByteArray state; int id; HistoryEntry() {} HistoryEntry(const KURL& u, const TQString& t=TQString()): url(u), title(t) { id = abs( TQTime::currentTime().msecsTo( TQTime() ) ); // nasty, but should provide a reasonably unique number } }; class PageViewer::PageViewerPrivate { public: TQValueList<HistoryEntry> history; TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator current; KToolBarPopupAction* backAction; KToolBarPopupAction* forwardAction; KAction* reloadAction; KAction* stopAction; TQString caption; }; PageViewer::PageViewer(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : Viewer(parent, name), d(new PageViewerPrivate) { // this hack is necessary since the part looks for []HTML Settings] in // KGlobal::config() by default, which is wrong when running in Kontact KHTMLSettings* s = const_cast<KHTMLSettings*> (settings()); s->init(Settings::self()->config()); setXMLFile(locate("data", "akregator/pageviewer.rc"), true); TQPair< KGuiItem, KGuiItem > backForward = KStdGuiItem::backAndForward(); d->backAction = new KToolBarPopupAction(backForward.first, KStdAccel::shortcut(KStdAccel::Back), this, TQT_SLOT(slotBack()), actionCollection(), "pageviewer_back"); connect(d->backAction->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotBackAboutToShow())); connect(d->backAction->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPopupActivated(int))); d->forwardAction = new KToolBarPopupAction(backForward.second, KStdAccel::shortcut(KStdAccel::Forward),this, TQT_SLOT(slotForward()), actionCollection(), "pageviewer_forward"); connect(d->forwardAction->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotForwardAboutToShow())); connect(d->forwardAction->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPopupActivated(int))); d->reloadAction = new KAction(i18n("Reload"), "reload", 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotReload()), actionCollection(), "pageviewer_reload"); d->stopAction = new KAction(KStdGuiItem::guiItem(KStdGuiItem::Stop), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotStop()), actionCollection(), "pageviewer_stop"); //connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(popupMenu(const TQString &, const TQPoint &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotPopupMenu(const TQString &, const TQPoint &))); d->backAction->setEnabled(false); d->forwardAction->setEnabled(false); d->stopAction->setEnabled(false); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(setWindowCaption (const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSetCaption (const TQString &)) ); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(started(KIO::Job *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStarted(KIO::Job* ))); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(completed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCompleted())); connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(canceled(const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotCancelled(const TQString &))); d->current = d->history.end(); // uncomment this to load konq plugins (doesn't work properly and clutters the GUI) //loadPlugins( partObject(), this, instance() ); } PageViewer::~PageViewer() { delete d; d = 0; } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::slotBack() { if ( d->current != d->history.begin() ) { TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator tmp = d->current; --tmp; restoreHistoryEntry(tmp); } } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::slotForward() { if ( d->current != d->history.fromLast() && d->current != d->history.end() ) { TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator tmp = d->current; ++tmp; restoreHistoryEntry(tmp); } } void PageViewer::slotBackAboutToShow() { KPopupMenu *popup = d->backAction->popupMenu(); popup->clear(); if ( d->current == d->history.begin() ) return; TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator it = d->current; --it; int i = 0; while( i < 10 ) { if ( it == d->history.begin() ) { popup->insertItem( (*it).title, (*it).id ); return; } popup->insertItem( (*it).title, (*it).id ); ++i; --it; } } void PageViewer::slotForwardAboutToShow() { KPopupMenu *popup = d->forwardAction->popupMenu(); popup->clear(); if ( d->current == d->history.fromLast() ) return; TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator it = d->current; ++it; int i = 0; while( i < 10 ) { if ( it == d->history.fromLast() ) { popup->insertItem( (*it).title, (*it).id ); return; } popup->insertItem( (*it).title, (*it).id ); ++i; ++it; } } void PageViewer::slotReload() { openURL( url() ); } void PageViewer::slotStop() { closeURL(); } bool PageViewer::openURL(const KURL& url) { updateHistoryEntry(); // update old history entry before switching to the new one emit started(0); bool val = KHTMLPart::openURL(url); addHistoryEntry(url); // add new URL to history d->backAction->setEnabled( d->current != d->history.begin() ); d->forwardAction->setEnabled( d->current != d->history.fromLast() ); TQString favicon = FeedIconManager::self()->iconLocation(url); if (!favicon.isEmpty()) emit setTabIcon(TQPixmap(KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("cache", favicon+".png"))); else emit setTabIcon(SmallIcon("html")); return val; } void PageViewer::slotOpenURLRequest(const KURL& url, const KParts::URLArgs& args) { updateHistoryEntry(); if (args.doPost()) { browserExtension()->setURLArgs(args); openURL(url); } } void PageViewer::slotPopupActivated( int id ) { TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator it = d->history.begin(); while( it != d->history.end() ) { if ( (*it).id == id ) { restoreHistoryEntry(it); return; } ++it; } } void PageViewer::updateHistoryEntry() { (*d->current).title = d->caption; (*d->current).state = TQByteArray(); // Start with empty buffer. TQDataStream stream( (*d->current).state, IO_WriteOnly); browserExtension()->saveState(stream); } void PageViewer::restoreHistoryEntry(const TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator& entry) { updateHistoryEntry(); TQDataStream stream( (*entry).state, IO_ReadOnly ); browserExtension()->restoreState( stream ); d->current = entry; d->backAction->setEnabled( d->current != d->history.begin() ); d->forwardAction->setEnabled( d->current != d->history.fromLast() ); //openURL( entry.url ); // TODO read state } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::addHistoryEntry(const KURL& url) { TQValueList<HistoryEntry>::Iterator it = d->current; // if We're not already the last entry, we truncate the list here before adding an entry if ( it != d->history.end() && it != d->history.fromLast() ) { d->history.erase( ++it, d->history.end() ); } HistoryEntry newEntry( url, url.url() ); // Only save the new entry if it is different from the last if ( newEntry.url != (*d->current).url ) { d->history.append( newEntry ); d->current = d->history.fromLast(); } updateHistoryEntry(); } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::slotStarted( KIO::Job * ) { d->stopAction->setEnabled(true); } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::slotCompleted( ) { d->stopAction->setEnabled(false); } // Taken from KDevelop (lib/widgets/kdevhtmlpart.cpp) void PageViewer::slotCancelled( const TQString & /*errMsg*/ ) { d->stopAction->setEnabled(false); } void PageViewer::urlSelected(const TQString &url, int button, int state, const TQString &_target, KParts::URLArgs args) { if (url.tqstartsWith(TQString::tqfromLatin1( "javascript:" ), /*case-sensitive=*/false) ) { KHTMLPart::urlSelected(url,button,state,_target,args); } else { if (button == Qt::LeftButton) { m_url = completeURL(url); browserExtension()->setURLArgs(args); slotOpenLinkInThisTab(); } else { Viewer::urlSelected(url,button,state,_target,args); } } } void PageViewer::slotSetCaption(const TQString& cap) { d->caption = cap; (*d->current).title = cap; } void PageViewer::slotPaletteOrFontChanged() { kdDebug() << "PageViewer::slotPaletteOrFontChanged()" << endl; // taken from KonqView (kdebase/konqueror/konq_view.cc) TQObject *obj = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject(this); if ( !obj ) // not all views have a browser extension ! return; int id = obj->tqmetaObject()->findSlot("reparseConfiguration()"); if (id == -1) return; TQUObject o[1]; obj->qt_invoke(id, o); // this hack is necessary since the part looks for []HTML Settings] in // KGlobal::config() by default, which is wrong when running in Kontact // NOTE: when running in Kontact, immediate updating doesn't work KHTMLSettings* s = const_cast<KHTMLSettings*> (settings()); s->init(Settings::self()->config()); } void PageViewer::slotGlobalBookmarkArticle() { KBookmarkManager *mgr = KBookmarkManager::userBookmarksManager(); KBookmarkGroup grp = mgr->root(); grp.addBookmark(mgr, d->caption, toplevelURL()); mgr->emitChanged(grp); mgr->save(); } void PageViewer::slotPopupMenu(KXMLGUIClient*, const TQPoint& p, const KURL& kurl, const KParts::URLArgs&, KParts::BrowserExtension::PopupFlags kpf, mode_t) { m_url = kurl; TQString url = kurl.url(); // maximal url confusion const bool showReload = (kpf & KParts::BrowserExtension::ShowReload) != 0; const bool showNavigationItems = (kpf & KParts::BrowserExtension::ShowNavigationItems) != 0; const bool isLink = (kpf & (KParts::BrowserExtension::ShowNavigationItems | KParts::BrowserExtension::ShowTextSelectionItems)) == 0; const bool isSelection = (kpf & KParts::BrowserExtension::ShowTextSelectionItems) != 0; KPopupMenu popup(this->widget()); int idNewWindow = -2; if (isLink) { idNewWindow = popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("tab_new"),i18n("Open Link in New &Tab"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenLinkInForegroundTab())); popup.tqsetWhatsThis(idNewWindow, i18n("<b>Open Link in New Tab</b><p>Opens current link in a new tab.")); popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("window_new"), i18n("Open Link in External &Browser"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenLinkInBrowser())); popup.insertSeparator(); action("savelinkas")->plug(&popup); KAction* copylinkaddress = action("copylinkaddress"); if (copylinkaddress) { copylinkaddress->plug( &popup); //popup.insertSeparator(); } } else // we are not on a link { if (showNavigationItems) { d->backAction->plug( &popup ); d->forwardAction->plug( &popup ); } if (showReload) d->reloadAction->plug(&popup); d->stopAction->plug(&popup); popup.insertSeparator(); if (isSelection) { action("viewer_copy")->plug(&popup); popup.insertSeparator(); } KAction* incFontAction = this->action("incFontSizes"); KAction* decFontAction = this->action("decFontSizes"); if ( incFontAction && decFontAction ) { incFontAction->plug( &popup ); decFontAction->plug( &popup ); popup.insertSeparator(); } popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("window_new"), i18n("Open Page in External Browser"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenLinkInBrowser())); action("viewer_print")->plug(&popup); popup.insertSeparator(); KAction *ac = action("setEncoding"); if (ac) ac->plug(&popup); popup.insertItem(SmallIcon("bookmark_add"),i18n("Add to Konqueror Bookmarks"), this, TQT_SLOT(slotGlobalBookmarkArticle())); } int r = popup.exec(p); if (r == idNewWindow) { KURL kurl; if (!KURL(url).path().startsWith("/")) { kdDebug() << "processing relative url: " << url << endl; if (url.startsWith("#")) { kurl = KURL(PageViewer::url()); kurl.setRef(url.mid(1)); } else kurl = KURL(PageViewer::url().upURL().url(true)+url); } else kurl = KURL(url); // kurl.addPath(url); if (kurl.isValid()) { //slotOpenInNewWindow(kurl); } // ( kurl ); } } } // namespace Akregator #include "pageviewer.moc"